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Level 2: ART 211

Make a Comic Book

Central Focus Make a comic book
Grade Level 8-10
Class Size 30
Time 1 hour each lesson
Class Demographics It is a after school program, for the students who interesting with comic book, and has some skill
of drawing.

National Visual Arts Standards Addressed

• HS Proficient VA:Cr1.1.Ia : Use multiple approaches to begin creative endeavors

• HS Proficient VA:Cr1.2.Ia : Shape an artistic investigation of an aspect of present-day life using a
contemporary practice of art or design.
• HS Proficient VA:Cr3.1.Ia : Apply relevant criteria from traditional and contemporary cultural contexts to
examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for works of art and design in progress.
• HS Proficient VA:Pr6.1.Ia: Analyze and describe the impact that an exhibition or collection has on
personal awareness of social, cultural, or political beliefs and understandings.
• HS Proficient VA:Cn11.1.Ia : Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may influence
personal responses to art.
• 8th VA:Cn10.1.8a Make art collaboratively to reflect on and reinforce positive aspects of group identity.
• 8th VA:Re8.1.8a: Interpret art by analyzing how the interaction of subject matter,
characteristics of form and structure, use of media, artmaking approaches, and relevant contextual
information contributes to understanding messages or ideas and mood conveyed.

Students will Learn basic skill and simple way to make your own comic book and be able to make up a short story.
Also know how to work as a group to create a comic book together
I want to let student be creative and knowing more about comic book, also be able to make their own comic book.

Forms 2D 3D 4D
Frames Cultural Subjective Structural Postmodern
Artwork Artist Audience World

Interdisciplinary Connections
• History, Computer


As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Know history and different culture of comic book
2. Make up a short story
3. Be able to tell different types of comic books
4. Draw different posture
5. Know face scale
6. Make short comic book
7. Sketching the background
8. Understand the information that comic book trying to tell

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

• Computer- • Practice • Paper • Paper – Bristol

Power worksheet • Pencils board is ideal for
Point • Pencils • Eraser comic work
• Lots of • Eraser • Straightedge –a • Pencils
Comic ruler, triangle
• Pens • Eraser
book or both!
• Posture Model • Straightedge –a
• Pens ruler, triangle or
• Pens
• Posture Model

• Their • Pencils • Paper • Paper – Bristol
Favorite • Eraser • Pencils board is ideal for
Comic books
• Pens • Eraser comic work
• Straightedge –a • Pencils
ruler, triangle • Eraser
or both! • Straightedge –a
• Pens ruler, triangle or
• Pens

Key Artists Kishimoto Masashi
Stan Lee
Toriyama Akira
Jack Kirby
Jamal Igle
Key Artworks “Naruto”- Kishimoto Masashi
“Spider man”-Stan Lee
Key Critical Questions 1.What did you see the different in Comic book between two main cultures? (Basically, East
side and West side)
2. What is the similar things between two different
3. How many Styles did you think that Comic book can be?


Vocabulary “Panel"
An individual frame, or single drawing, in the sequence of a comic strip or
comic book. It consists of a single drawing depicting a frozen moment.
The space between frames in a comic.
Boxes containing a variety of text elements, including scene-setting and
“Speech balloon”
a graphic used to show the dialogue of a particular character.

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

“External dialogue”
Speech between characters.
“Internal dialogue”
Thought enclosed by a balloon that has a series of dots or bubbles going to it.
Words that are also sounds, such as "bang" or "boom".
“Comic strip”
multiple frames arranged in a sequence, with text balloons and captions
"Comic book"
Pamphlet-style publication, usually published as a regular series with a
storyline that unfolds over many issues.
"Graphic novel"
a novel in comic-strip format;
an illustrated story that aims to be longer and more developed than a comic
the border or edge of a panel
words that appear in a box separated from the rest of the panel or page,
usually to give voice to a narrator
“Motion lines”
lines that are used to represent motion or movement in a drawing
“Thought balloon”
a graphic used to show the thoughts of a particular character
a single row of panels
the amount of space between text in a word balloon or caption and the edge of
the balloon or caption
a representation of a person or thing that is exaggerated or distorted for comic
using words that imitate the sound they denote
pictures or illustrations on a page
to describe or outline something with precision
arranged in order or in a series
a change from one activity, condition, or location to another
the part of an artwork depicted as nearest to the viewer
to represent something as better or worse than it really is
applying a permanent medium to create a professional look for your comic
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by

similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an
event takes place.
an individual with unique and distinctive personality and features
the main events of a comic, devised and presented by the writer as an
interrelated sequence.
the writing of a comic, including actions and dialogue
conversation between two or more people
Language Functions
Language Demands
Language Tasks and Students will have conversation in a group, and they will draw their
Activities conversation same as all different kind of the speech balloon in comic book,
and after that they can share with class, and tell us about what kind of
balloon they have used.
Language Supports


• Teacher will prepare PowerPoint and bring as much comic book as they can.


Adaptations and Accommodations
• Teacher can lead them to make their comic book in easier style, or help them to find which is better for them.
• If there were students that can’t really draw well or not that confident with, teacher can help them to draw some
and kind lead them to draw, but student still have to make story by themselves.
Enrichment and Extensions
• Learn more technology about making comic book in digital.
• Colored their comic book (it could be extra credit)
• Learn more technology about drawing character (ex. Drawing muscle)
Activity for Early Finishers
• They can make a cover for their comic book.
• Do research of their favorite comic book
• Learn information that how comic book story get made into anime.

• Read lots types comic book
• Draw faces with different emotions
• Use posture model to draw different posture
• Draw background
• Use story board to tell a story
• Know every type of speech balloon
• Make their own comic book

Comic book vocabulary
History of comic book and other detail
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

* Developed and written by (your name goes here), Art Education, Illinois State University, 2014 *
book culture and history”
Launch Instruction Methods
• The teacher asks student “Have you ever like to read any comic • teacher ask question
• After getting students answer, ask “Did you have any knowledge of
the different culture and history of comic book?”
Instruction Instruction Methods
• Teacher shares the power point with students and introduces • Teacher will talk about power
the different type of comic book, and their culture and history. point
• Share different between east side and west side. • Discuss with students
• Example:
-Asian: “Naruto”- Kishimoto Masashi
-American: “Spider man”-Stan Lee
• Talk though the different style of comic books
-Cute style comic book : “Doraemon” Fujiko.F.Fujio
-Black and white comic book: most of Japan comic book( ex: “
Dragon ball” Toriyama Akira)
-Colored comic book (ex: “captain America”Jack Kirby)
• Introduce lots of different way to create the comic book
-Create by multiple person (ex: Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
made Spider man together)
-Crate by digital (we will introduce this one, but because we
are not going to make in digital so teacher will not talk too
much about it.)
• Introduce a little bit about some famous anime and cartoon
are made from comic book. (ex: Pokemon)
• After sharing power point, teacher asks students” what is your
favorite comic book and why?”
• Students will rise their hands and share their favorite comic
• Teacher discusses with students about their favorite comic
book referencing the power point as often as possible.
• Talk about students favorite comic book about different style,
the background history and culture both inside and outside of
the story
• After discuss, teacher will ask student to pick up a comic book
that teacher bring.
• Students will pick one that they are not familiar with, and
spend 10 min to quick read the comic book
• After reading, teacher will ask student to kind share the
information that they got from the comic book so far.
• The information could be story background, the culture and
history related to this story or the comic book style….
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

Closure Instruction Methods

• Teacher will tell students if they have time, they can go home and • Teacher asks students, and
read a style of comic book that they never read before, and if they lend some comic book to
don’t really have any comic book at home, students can keep the students
one they are reading right now or they can also lend other different
comic book from teacher.


Comic book”
Launch Instruction Methods
• There will be an example of a same character in different drawing • Teacher discuss with students
style posted on the board.
• Teacher asks” what is your favorite drawing style of comic book
Instruction Instruction Methods
• There will be some activity for students to do today. • Teacher led students to do
• First activity some activity.
-Teacher will quickly show how to draw a face with two different • Teacher discuss with students
comic book character style (5min) about their work for activity.

-Teacher will pair the students to draw each other with the comic
book style that they like. Students will draw for 10 min,

-and after that take 5 min for those students who will rise their
hands and share the work with class, and everyone will quickly
discuss about his/her work.

• Second activity
-Teacher will pass out a worksheet, that has different emotions on
it, and students will practice how to draw the different emotion
expressed with a face.

-Students can rise hands and share their worksheet with class.

-Teacher will give them some feedback and tell them what they can
do much better.

• Third activity
-Teacher will introduce the different proportion of the
character. (3 heads, 5 heads, 7 heads, 9 heads)

-Teacher will demonstrate how to draw different proportion

of the character. (5 min)

-Teacher will pass out another worksheet

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

-Students Practice how to draw different proportion of

character at their worksheet.

-Students don’t have to share their work, but teacher will

walk around and check if the proportion was right.

• Forth activity
-Teacher will take out a posture model

-Students take out a blank paper and teacher uses a posture model
and asks students to draw down the different posture spending 1
min on each

• Fifth activity
-After drawing 5 different postures

-Teacher tell students “Pick one of the posture as your

favorite, and now trying to give it a background as much as
you can”

-Students pick one of them and draw in a background for it.

Closure Instruction Methods

• Teacher will ask students to kind talk though the posture and the • Teacher discusses with
background they just complete students
• Talk about why you put in this background with this posture, and
what is happening in the drawing (what situation was in this


of Comic book”
Launch Instruction Methods
• Teacher asks students “how did you think comic book can • Teacher asks question
be able to tell the story by the images?”
Instruction Instruction Methods
• Teacher mention to students the way comic book tell story basically • Teacher introduce how to
by storyboard and speech balloon. use storyboard and speech
• Teacher will show students different type of storyboard and also balloon
how to do the storyboard. • Teacher demonstration and
• Teacher will demonstrate on a piece of blank paper and shows on help student.
the screen.
• Use some ruler to draw the storyboard, also show different shape
of storyboard.
• Talk about plan how many storyboards in a single page.
• Depend on the situation in the story there will be lots of different
way you put your storyboards
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

• Learn how to put the storyboards and reader can still understand
what is going on, and what important things happen in story (learn
how to use storyboard to emphasize the important things happen in
• And Teacher mention that the speech balloon will also get affect by
the situation in the story.
• Then teacher quickly introduce the different type of speech balloon.
• Teacher will take out a box.
• Inside the box will have lots of different situation write on a piece of
• Students will randomly pick one of them from the box.
• Students go ahead and draw down the situation they pick from the
box in storyboard way.
• Also add speech balloon.
• At the end students will show their work and share with the class.
• Students can share how they plan with storyboards and how they
use speech balloon, also talk about how they plan on the pages.
• Teacher will give some feedback.
Closure Instruction Methods
• Teacher will tell students they have a little homework to do. • Teachers explain the
• Students must at least draw a situation that happen in their life, and homework
draw it down on comic way (storyboard)


Comic book”
Launch Instruction Methods
• Teacher will tell students that today we are going to make our own • Teacher introduce the activity
comic book with a short story. for today
• Teacher asks students "what kinds of story will you prefer if you
would have to make your comic book?”

Instruction Instruction Methods

• Teacher will introduce some other condition of the comic book that • Teacher will walk
students will make today, also some of the rule for this activity. around and see if any
• Condition (rule) students need help.
-Tell how many pages at least for today’s short story comic book. • Teacher will give
-Black and white is ok (means only use pencil is ok) some suggestion
-But If students have more time can color it as well when students are
-Most important things were telling the story completely working.
-At least have some background sketch on every single
storyboard (don’t have to be detail, just a sketch)
-Do not draw a stick man, since we learn how to draw different
proportion of character
-If students who was really feel not confident with their drawing
skill, they can either found teacher to help or work with other
students (one students drawing and one made most of the story)
EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12
Level 2: ART 211

-Maximum of two students as a group

-If work with group, at the end of the class, when we are having
discuss they will need to tell everyone how you two work together,
and share with us
-Tell how two of you work together, it is an additional part if you
work as a group. (Because some of the comic book was made by
multiple person, and this part can know how students will work as
a group and work together just like the comic book author and
artist work together.)
• After explaining all of the rule, student can start to make their
comic book, or finding partner
• Students will have 50 min to work on the comic book.
Closure Instruction Methods
• Students share the comic book they made, share about the idea • Teacher discuss with
come from and the story, also take look at discuss with students students, and give some
about how they use the skill that have being teach these few feedback.

EE = Early Elementary grades K-3 • LE = Late Elementary grades 4-6 • MS = Middle School grades 6-9
EHS = Early High School grades 10-11 • LHS = Late High School grade 12

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