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Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003


Getting around the cell: physical transport in the intracellular

31 March 2020
11 June 2020
Saurabh S Mogre , Aidan I Brown and Elena F Koslover 1
Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California 92093, United States of America
14 July 2020 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed
9 October 2020
Keywords: intracellular transport, organelle dynamics, cytoplasmic flow, diffusion, molecular motors, cellular biophysics

Original content from

this work may be used
under the terms of the Abstract
Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 licence. Eukaryotic cells face the challenging task of transporting a variety of particles through the complex
Any further distribution intracellular milieu in order to deliver, distribute, and mix the many components that support cell
of this work must
maintain attribution to function. In this review, we explore the biological objectives and physical mechanisms of
the author(s) and the intracellular transport. Our focus is on cytoplasmic and intra-organelle transport at the whole-cell
title of the work, journal
citation and DOI. scale. We outline several key biological functions that depend on physically transporting
components across the cell, including the delivery of secreted proteins, support of cell growth and
repair, propagation of intracellular signals, establishment of organelle contacts, and spatial
organization of metabolic gradients. We then review the three primary physical modes of transport
in eukaryotic cells: diffusive motion, motor-driven transport, and advection by cytoplasmic flow.
For each mechanism, we identify the main factors that determine speed and directionality. We also
highlight the efficiency of each transport mode in fulfilling various key objectives of transport, such
as particle mixing, directed delivery, and rapid target search. Taken together, the interplay of
diffusion, molecular motors, and flows supports the intracellular transport needs that underlie a
broad variety of biological phenomena.

1. Introduction of localized regions with high metabolic demand.

In addition, key functional roles are attributed to
The movement of intracellular components, rang- physical contacts between multiple organelles, and
ing from ions and small metabolites to proteins and the formation of these contacts, as well as delivery
micron-scale organelles, underlies the vast majority of macromolecules to the contact zones, requires the
of cellular functions. Cellular transport needs vary regulated transport of cellular components.
from the nanoscale mixing that supports biomolec- In order to accomplish this diverse array of trans-
ular reaction kinetics, to delivery and sorting of car- port tasks, eukaryotic cells utilize several distinct
gos across whole-cell scales that can reach up to a physical mechanisms of transport (figure 1). For
meter in length. Newly synthesized proteins or mes- short distances and small (nanoscale) components,
senger RNA (mRNA) molecules must be transported stochastic ‘Brownian’ motion allows for mixing and
from their site of synthesis in perinuclear regions to rapid particle encounters. For longer distances and
distant peripheral locations for secretion or inser- larger particles, the cell harnesses the directed motion
tion into the plasma membrane. Cellular growth and of molecular motors along cytoskeletal filaments to
injury response, in particular, require a robust flux deliver vesicular organelles and RNA–protein com-
of components toward the newly synthesized regions plexes. The active transport machinery is controlled
of the cell. Conversely, external signals received at by a broad variety of regulatory factors that allow
the cell membrane often require the transport of for controlled sorting and distribution of cellular
activated protein molecules toward the nucleus in components. In addition, many cell types utilize
order to initiate a transcriptional response. Cellular advective flows of cytosolic fluids to rapidly drive par-
metabolism necessitates the efficient distribution of ticles through the cytoplasm. Each of these transport
ATP and metabolites to all subcellular regions. In modes is embedded in a highly complex, crowded,
large cells such as neurons, the spatial organization of and actively fluctuating intracellular environment.
metabolism is key to supporting the energetic needs Consequently, understanding the movement of

© 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 1. Overview of common physical mechanisms for intracellular transport. (a) Diffusive motion. Bottom: diffusion of
membrane protein (Sec61) in peripheral tubular network of the ER, in COS7 cell (data from [1]) (b) motor-driven transport
along cytoskeletal highways. Bottom: lysosome trajectory (red) and microtubules (green) in monkey kidney cell (image from [2]).
(c) Advection in a flowing cytoplasm. Bottom: trajectories of acidified organelles in migrating HL60 cell (data from [3]).

cellular components requires expanding the classic There are several existing reviews in the literature on
models of physical transport processes to incorporate the molecular components and biochemical regula-
the unique milieu inside a living cell. In this sense, tion of motor-driven transport [18–20]. Our focus
cell biology can serve as a source of inspiration for here is on the quantitative exploration of transport
new fundamental questions in fields such as soft at the whole-cell scale, including diffusive, motor-
matter, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and driven, and advective motion. Given the broad diver-
stochastic processes. sity of tranport systems in different cell types, we
A number of studies have explored the con- focus on animal cells where possible, touching upon
nection between defects in intracellular transport other eukaryotic cell systems when needed to illus-
and human pathologies (reviewed in [4, 5]). Owing trate specific physical effects. Furthermore, we restrict
to their spatially extended structure, human neu- the discussion primarily to transport in the cytoplasm
rons are especially susceptible to diseases linked with and within cytoplasmic organelles. The movement
transport defects. Neurodegenerative disorders such of particles across semipermeable membranes and
as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, within the nucleus is not considered.
Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s, among oth- We begin with a brief overview of the general
ers, are attributed to disruption of axonal transport properties of transport, in section 2. We then address
by mutations or other abnormalities [6–9]. Primary the broad biological question: why do cells require
cilia in mammalian cells [10] provide a non-neuronal transport? In section 3 we summarize several key
example of cellular structures that rely on functional functional roles played by transport processes in
transport processes for their formation. Defects in the cell, noting the relevant length and time scales.
motor proteins result in abnormal ciliary structures In section 4 we proceed to discuss the fundamen-
which are linked to developmental defects, lung dis- tal mechanisms of intracellular transport: diffusion,
ease, and hearing loss [11]. A number of pathogenic motors, and advection. In each case, we outline key
viruses are also known to hijack the intracellular physical parameters that govern transport efficiency
transport machinery to deliver them to different cel- and organization, as well as identifying the cellu-
lular regions and aid in uncoating, replication, and lar mechanisms that modulate those parameters. In
packaging [12–14]. For example, calciviruses rely on section 5 we highlight some outstanding physical
acidification within the endocytic pathway for their questions regarding intracellular transport. The over-
replication, a process dependent on vesicular trans- arching aim of this review is to provide a broad
port [15]. The Ebola virus and some coronaviruses overview of the physics of transport in animal cells,
have also been shown to depend upon intracellular highlighting those aspects that support biological
trafficking to late endosomes and lysosomal vesicles function.
prior to release into the cytoplasm [16, 17]. A quan-
titative understanding of the limitations and con- 2. Fundamentals of transport
sequences of intracellular transport is thus critical
to unraveling the mechanistic basis for a variety of Physical mass transport (as distinct from heat or
human pathologies. information transfer), is defined by the move-
In this review, we explore the biological objectives ment of particles between different spatial regions.
and physical mechanisms of intracellular transport. Transport behavior is generally characterized by the

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

relationship between the length scale explored by undergoing diffusion superimposed on an underlying
the particles and the transport time. The nature of cytoplasmic flow [27–29].
this relationship is itself determined by the transport The relative contribution of directed versus effec-
mechanism (the forces that drive particle motion), as tively diffusive transport is characterized by the
well as the properties of the environment in which dimensionless Péclet number [30–32]:
transport occurs.
Intracellular transport, in particular, takes place Pe(L) = vL/D, (2)
within a dense aqueous medium where the motion This number gives the ratio of time required to tra-
of any particle necessitates flow or rearrangement of verse a region of length L by diffusion (t ∼ L2 /D) and
the surrounding fluid. Consequently, the response of by directed motion (t ∼ L/v). High values (Pe  1)
a particle to applied force is determined in part by the indicate that processive transport is dominant.
hydrodynamic properties of the cytoplasmic medium. Because diffusivity increases inversely with particle
The importance of viscous versus inertial forces in a size [23, 24, 33] while motor-driven and flow-driven
fluid is governed by the Reynolds number: transport tend to be size-independent [34], the
vLρ Péclet number is particularly high for large particles
Re = , (1) transported over long distances.
Even slower scaling of distance explored ver-
where v is the flow speed, L the characteristic linear sus time (γ < 0.5) arises when particles undergo
size scale of the object in motion, ρ the fluid den- so-called subdiffusive motion [35]. This form of
sity, and η the fluid viscosity [21, 22]. Within a typical transport (discussed further in section 4.1.2) is char-
animal cell, the relevant length scale is generally L < acterized by negative correlations in particle veloci-
100 μm and transport velocities are v < 100 μm s−1 . ties during consecutive time-steps [36]. Such an effect
Even assuming a density and viscosity of pure water, can arise, for example, for particles that must push
the intracellular world has Re < 0.01, and is thus through a viscoelastic medium such as a polymer
well in the regime of low Reynold’s number hydrody- gel [33, 37, 38]. The cytoplasmic transport of large
namics. Consequently, inertial forces inside a cell are protein complexes and organelle-sized particles is
negligible relative to viscous forces, and the instanta- generally observed to exhibit subdiffusive behavior
neous velocity rather than the acceleration of a par- [39–41].
ticle is determined by the applied force. For example, The relevant lengths and times for intracellular
if we consider a vesicle of size 1 μm moving at speed transport vary broadly depending on the cell size, the
1 μm s−1 in water, when the force pushing that particle type, and the functional role of the trans-
organelle is removed it will coast a distance of less than port process. The need to transport material between
10−4 nm before coming to a stop [22, 23]. the cell surface and the bulk has been suggested as
The relationship between length scale covered a fundamental physical limitation on cell shape and
and transport time can often be expressed as a size [32, 42–45]. At one extreme is the transport of
power-law L ∼ tγ . In the intracellular world, given the small metabolites (∼1 nm in size, D ≈ 200 μm2 s−1
dominance of viscous versus inertial forces, the scal- [46, 47]) between the cell periphery and metabolic
ing exponent is generally in the range of 0 < γ  1. organelles in globular cells such as fibroblasts, over
For directed motion, driven by a constant force, we length scales on the order of ∼ 2 μm. Diffusive trans-
have γ = 1 and the particle moves at a constant port is sufficient in this case to allow delivery in about
velocity (L = vt). This type of motion is seen 20 ms. At the other extreme is the transport of vesi-
for the transport of cellular particles attached to cles (∼ 100 nm in size, D ≈ 0.01 μm2 s−1 [26, 27,
active molecular motors (section 4.2) or for those 34]) over the meter-long length of neuronal axons in
driven by large-scale flows of the intracellular fluid the human peripheral nervous system. For this pur-
(section 4.3). The velocity v, of course, can be both pose, diffusive transport would require over a million
position- and time-dependent. However, so long as it years and is clearly impractical. Even motor-driven
has a finite average value, the long-time transport will transport (at a typical rate of 1 μm s−1 [48]) requires
obey this scaling behavior. about 10 days to deliver particles from the cell body
By contrast, a different scaling of length versus to the tips of these long cellular projections. Time-
time [L ∼ (Dt)0.5 ] is expected for particles whose scales that may be considered physiologically relevant
transport behavior resembles a random walk. This for a given transport process also vary by many orders
includes diffusive particles (with diffusivity D) in a of magnitude. A turnover time of a week to deliver
viscous fluid, whose steps are uncorrelated over all new mitochondria to distal regions of an axon seems
time-scales. It also includes the long-time behavior of to be sufficient to maintain a homeostatic population
particles that switch the direction of transport many of these energy-producing organelles [48]. On the
times, without retaining a memory of their previ- other hand, the most rapid intracellular enzymes can
ous motion [24]. Many cellular components engage catalyze reactions with microsecond turnover [49],
in multiple forms of transport, switching between necessitating the delivery of reactants over these very
diffusive and motor-driven states [19, 25, 26], or rapid time-scales.

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

The many functional roles of intracellular trans- compartments’ (ERGICs) [63]. In mammalian cells,
port (section 3) span across the broad range of rele- the ERGIC are thought to mediate transit to the Golgi
vant length and time scales. In addition, each comes by generating membrane-bound compartments of
with its own limitations in terms of the amount of varying size that are transported along microtubule
material that must be transported and the necessity highways [64–67]. Microtubules in mammalian cells
for precise control over where, when, and which intra- tend to be polarized with their minus ends anchored
cellular components are transported. Cells thus rely at a microtubule organizing center (MTOC) proximal
on several complementary physical transport mecha- to the Golgi, enabling rapid delivery of cargo-carrying
nisms (section 4) to address their functional transport compartments to the Golgi by minus-end directed
needs. dynein/dynactin motor complexes [65]. Mobile struc-
tures, generated from the ERGIC and carrying
3. Functional roles for transport ER-derived proteins, have been observed to move
processively on curvilinear trajectories toward the
A fundamental question underlies, explicitly or indi- centrally located Golgi, over distances of 6–20 μm
rectly, all studies of intracellular transport—what are [65, 67].
the functional objectives or consequences of any given During the early secretory pathway, transport
transport system? In this section, we outline several of membrane-bound vesicular organelles serves not
key categories of biological functions that rely on only to physically move proteins between compart-
intracellular transport processes. The broad diversity ments located in different areas of the cell, but also to
of these functions suggests a variety of metrics for the mediate quality control and protein sorting [55, 63,
utility of a transport process. While some transport 68, 69]. Packaging of proteins for ER exit relies on a
systems need to be optimized for rapid delivery of combination of factors, including specific binding of
components to a specific target within the cell, others secretion tags to ERES scaffolding proteins [70–72],
require efficient mixing and uniform distribution of bulk transport of small proteins captured within
particles throughout a cellular region. In some cases nascent vesicles [62, 73], and clustering of membrane
a stable transport infrastructure is sufficient to meet proteins with similar transmembrane domain lengths
cellular needs over long time periods, whereas other that are poorly matched to the thickness of the ER
systems require the ability to respond quickly to varia- membrane [74, 75]. Together, these factors combine
tions in the desired flux or target location of delivered to prevent many misfolded proteins or ER-resident
particles. proteins from being transported out of the ER. Once
at the Golgi, a recycling pathway relies on the motor-
3.1. Delivery of secreted and plasma membrane driven transport of vesicles coated with coat protein
proteins I (COPI) to shuttle transport receptors and leaked
One major functional role for intracellular transport ER-resident proteins back into the ER, maintaining
is to drive the secretory pathway (figure 2). Proteins proteostasis within the organelles [76].
destined for extracellular secretion or insertion into In the Golgi, proteins are further processed
the plasma membrane are manufactured by ribo- and decorated with post-translational modifications,
somes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum while passing from the perinuclear cis-Golgi region
(ER), generally located adjacent to the cell nucleus to the trans-Golgi side. The mechanism of transport
[53, 54]. Such proteins are inserted co-translationally within Golgi compartments remains under debate
into the ER lumen or membrane, wherein they are [77] and may include vesicular transport [78], pro-
folded and processed before moving into an ER exit gression and maturation of transient cisternae [79],
site (ERES) [55, 56], as illustrated in figure 2(a). While or rapid partitioning between phase-separated lipid
transport within the ER is generally assumed to be domains [80]. Recent theoretical work indicates that
diffusive in nature [57, 58], recent evidence from sin- multiple mechanisms can be encompassed by a
gle particle tracking studies implies the existence of kinetic model that relies on tuning of vesicle fusion
short-range processive movements that push proteins and budding rates to achieve optimal sorting [81].
rapidly from node to node within the tubular ER From the trans-Golgi cisternae, secretory proteins are
network [59]. Exit sites appear as distinct long-lived sorted into a network of membranous tubules that are
puncta [60] scattered throughout both the perinu- extruded by the action of kinesin motors pulling along
clear and peripheral ER network (figure 2(b)). There microtubule tracks [82]. The tubes are then cleaved
are on the order of 200 ERES [56, 61] in a typical- to create pleiomorphic membranous carriers that are
sized mammalian cell (40 μm in diameter), implying transported to the plasma membrane for secretion
that proteins must explore over a spatial distance of [83]. After fission from the trans-Golgi network, car-
roughly 3 μm to encounter a site for ER exit. riers are transported by kinesin motors across dis-
At the ERES, proteins are packaged into vesicles tances on the order of 10 μm in a typical mammalian
coated with coat protein II (COPII) [62], which bud cell [84].
from the ER, shed their coats, and fuse into vesicular- Measurements of secretory pathway kinetics, via
tubular clusters termed the ‘ER-Golgi intermediate a retention and synchronized release system [85],

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 2. Transport processes in the early secretory pathway. (a) Newly-synthesized proteins are inserted into the ER lumen or
membrane. After folding, these proteins are trafficked to the Golgi in vesicular bodies that form with the aid of COPII coat
proteins. Retrograde trafficking of COPI-coated vesicles from the Golgi to the ER allows for homeostasis of ER-resident proteins.
(b) Proteins must find punctate ERES to leave the ER and proceed along the secretory pathway. Green signal shows COPII
proteins at ERES, while red signal shows ER structure via an ER-resident luminal marker protein [50]. (c) Schematic of mRNA
transport and local translation in neuronal axons, involving motor-driven transport from the soma along the cytoskeleton to
provide mRNA for translation at axonal terminals (adapted from [51]). (d) Dendritic Golgi outposts in rat hippocampal neuron
indicate sites of local secretory processing (from [52], Copyright 2013, Society for Neuroscience).

indicate that newly released proteins are exported compartments, and processive transport of vesicles is
from the ER within 2–3 min, reach the Golgi within then required to enable sufficiently rapid delivery to
10 min, and are secreted at the plasma membrane the cell periphery.
within 20 min. Given a directed transport rate Highly extended cell types such as neurons face a
for motor-driven exocytic vesicles of approximately particularly challenging transport problem to deliver
1 μm s−1 , and a typical distance of 10 μm from the components manufactured near the nucleus to dis-
nucleus to the cell periphery, the transport of pro- tant secretion regions that can be up to a meter
teins across the cell does not appear to be rate-limiting away. Neuronal axons are capable of rapidly releas-
in the secretory pathway, at least in globular ani- ing large quantities of secreted neurotransmitter
mal cells. Notably, however, diffusion coefficients of proteins at the presynaptic terminals located on their
vesicular organelles in cytoplasm tend to be in the distal tips. Rapid variation in the complement of neu-
range of 0.002–0.08 μm2 s−1 [27, 34, 86], implying a rotransmitter receptors expressed on the dendritic
time-scale of several hours to traverse the cell by post-synaptic membrane plays an important role in
diffusion alone. Thus, motor-driven transport is a synaptic plasticity and adaptation [87]. The criti-
fundamental necessity for maintaining the complex cal need to control secreted and membrane protein
secretion processes of eukaryotic cells. Vesicular pack- availability at the distant tips of axons and dendrites
aging of proteins provides a functional benefit in raises the question of how the proteins themselves
allowing regulated protein sorting between different or the components needed for their manufacture are

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

transported across such long distances from the cell which consists of sporadic bidirectional motion with
nucleus. Many synaptic proteins are manufactured at average rates on the order of 0.05 μm s−1 [104]. The
the cell body via the canonical secretory pathway [88]. origin of this transport mechanism remains under
They are then sorted into post-Golgi vesicles bound debate [105], but it has been suggested to arise from
toward either axonal or dendritic compartments and transient interactions with molecular motors [106] or
delivered to their eventual destinations by long-range entrainment in cytoplasm dragged by passing motor-
motor-driven transport along microtubule highways driven organelles [107].
[87, 89]. Even with rapid unidirectional motor-driven Motor-driven transport of tubulin also plays an
motion, a delivery time on the order of 10 days is important role in the extension of cellular projec-
required to transport somatically synthesized proteins tions such as flagella and primary cilia [108, 109]. The
to the end of a meter-long axon. dynamics of the intraflagellar transport (IFT) trains
More efficient response to changing protein responsible for tubulin delivery are crucial to regulat-
requirements at axonal and dendritic terminals can be ing the length distribution of these organelles [110,
achieved by local protein translation (figure 2(c)). The 111].
existence of rough ER, ERGIC, and Golgi outposts at In addition to cytoskeletal components, an axonal
distal dendritic regions (figure 2(d)) allows secretory growth cone also requires the continuous incorpo-
protein synthesis and modification to proceed with- ration of new proteins and lipids. While a number
out the need for delivery to and from the cell body of proteins are locally translated at the growth cone
[90]. Emerging evidence indicates that local transla- [112], many others are delivered by Golgi-derived
tion at axonal terminals is prevalent, particularly in vesicles that also serve as a source of membrane upon
the context of development, regeneration, and repair eventual fusion with the growth cone tip [96]. Such
[51, 91–93]. Local translation bypasses the problem vesicles have been shown to accumulate at the plus
of long-range protein delivery but does require trans- ends of microtubules in newly formed growth cones
port of mRNA, which is usually bound by RNA- of regenerating axons [113]. In a growing axonal tip,
binding proteins that couple directly to molecular the accumulation of these vesicles can out-pace their
motors [94]. This transport system allows for a con- incorporation into the growth cone, leaving behind
stant, relatively slow, turnover of mRNA molecules organelle-filled varicosities (figure 3(a), right) that
at distal translation outposts, while enabling rapid then serve as nascent pre-synaptic structures [95].
variation in protein manufacture and secretion in The transport of protein-filled vesicles from the soma
response to local signals. to the axonal tip, balanced against the rate of deliv-
ery and incorporation of structural growth cone com-
3.2. Distribution of components for growth, ponents, thus plays an important role in both axon
injury repair, and cell division growth and the placement of pre-synaptic terminals.
Growing and regenerating cells require the delivery of In several cell types, rapid vesicle transport has
a broad array of structural components to supply the the additional function of plugging holes in the
necessary material for growth and repair in specific plasma membrane generated by cellular injury. A
regions. In addition, cell division and the separation severed axon seals its plasma membrane, over a time-
of a syncytium into distinct cellular regions (as in fun- scale of minutes to hours, with the aid of multi-
gal hyphae and animal embryonic development [98, vesicular structures derived from endocytosis along
99]) necessitates the maintenance of a controlled dis- the axon membrane followed by transport of the
tribution of proteins and organelles to ensure appro- resulting vesicles to the cut end [96, 114] (figure 3(b)).
priate partitioning into the newly formed cells. All of Certain fungi form extensive multi-cellular hyphae,
these processes require intracellular transport of com- where individual cells are separated by perforated
ponents, often along substantial cellular distances. septa that allow for free passage of cytoplasmic con-
Neurons again present an important example tents. In case of injury, peroxisome-derived organelles
where long-range transport is required for growth. called Woronin bodies are rapidly delivered, primar-
Axonal growth during development and regenera- ily through bulk cytoplasmic flow, to plug up septal
tion is mediated by a distal growth cone structure pores and prevent large scale loss of cytoplasm [115].
that contains both the cytoskeletal components that A further critical role for organelle transport in
drive growth and an abundance of regulatory factors growth and development is to maintain a spatially
that determine growth rate and direction [100]. Axon well-mixed distribution of organelles, allowing for
protrusion is dependent on the delivery of micro- equitable partitioning during cell division or cellular-
tubule components to the tip of the growth cone ization. In mammalian cells, motor-driven transport
[101, 102] (figure 3(a)) where their incorporation of mitochondria is required for maintaining their dis-
into the axonal shaft both directly drives extension tribution throughout the soma [116], and in yeast
and contributes to mechanical forces that stretch the cells an active transport mechanism is used to parti-
axonal axis [103]. Tubulin monomers are translated tion and sort mitochondria between the mother cell
in the cell body and delivered to the growth cone via and the bud [97] (figure 3(c)). Furthermore, motor-
the so-called ‘slow component’ of axonal transport, driven transport enhances the fission and fusion of

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 3. Transport processes in cell growth, division, and healing. (a) Delivery to axonal growth cone. Left: motor-driven
transport of tubulin, growth factors, and vesicles supports and directs growth cone protrusion. Right: varicosity in an advancing
growth cone due to accumulation of vesicles (image from [95]). (b) Role of cytoplasmic transport in axonal injury response. The
membrane at the injured end of an axon is sealed by accumulation of anterograde-moving motor-driven vesicles. Image adapted
from [96]. (c) Schematic of mitochondrial rearrangement during cell division in budding yeast. Image adapted from [97].

mitochondria [117], which can switch between glob- (figure 4(a)). A well-known example is the JAK/STAT
ular and extensively networked structures to facili- pathway, where an activated transmembrane
tate homogenization of mitochondrial contents [118, receptor JAK (Janus kinase) phosphorylates latent
119]. Other membrane-bound organelles such as transcription factors STATs (signal transducer and
peroxisomes also rely on microtubule-based trans- activator of transcription proteins) that reside in the
port mechanisms for controlling segregation between cytoplasm [124]. These factors diffuse throughout
dividing cells. In mammalian cells, peroxisomes con- the cell until they encounter the nucleus, where
gregate at spindle poles to ensure equitable parti- their phosphorylated nuclear localization sequence
tioning, in yeast they are delivered directly to the enables nuclear import, triggering subsequent
nascent bud, and in fungal hyphae they hitchhike cellular response through the regulation of gene
on other motile organelles to allow rapid equilibra- expression.
tion throughout the growing hypha [120]. An effi- A related approach is exemplified by several recep-
cient transport process to either deliver the organelles tor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways, including
to specific cellular regions or to maintain a uniform Notch and insulin signaling, where receptor acti-
distribution of organelles throughout the cell is thus vation at the plasma membrane triggers cleavage
necessary for homeostasis of organelle content in of a soluble intracellular domain that binds to a
growing and dividing cells. cytoplasmic transcription factor and escorts it dif-
fusively toward nuclear import sites [125]. A simi-
3.3. Intracellular signal propagation lar strategy is employed by a branch of the unfolded
Given the complex spatial organization of eukary- protein response pathway, in which accumulation of
otic cells, signals from the extracellular environment misfolded proteins in the ER triggers the transport
received at the cell periphery must be propagated over of the ATF6 (activating transcription factor 6) trans-
substantial distances to reach the nucleus or other membrane protein from the ER to the Golgi. In the
distant cellular regions. In certain specific cases, such Golgi, ATF6 is cleaved to release a cytoplasmic domain
as the action potential in neurons or mitotic signaling that diffuses to the nucleus and serves as a transcrip-
in oocytes, these signals can propagate very rapidly tion factor to upregulate the expression of chaperones
by a ‘trigger wave’ mechanism, that involves local promoting protein folding [126] (figure 4(b)).
diffusion of activating factors that trigger a switch- The speed and efficiency of signal propagation to
like self-propagating response [121–123]. Many the nucleus using these diffusive mechanisms is lim-
signaling pathways, however, rely on the physical ited by both the mobility of proteins in the cytoplasm
transport of specific proteins from the cell periphery and the timescale of deactivation and turnover of the
to the nucleus, where they can activate a response signaling proteins. The typical diffusivity of globu-
through transcriptional regulation. lar proteins in mammalian cytoplasm is in the range
A simple approach to transporting a signal of 3–30 μm2 s−1 [127–129], so that a signal from the
across relatively small cellular distances relies on plasma membrane would take on the order of 10 s to
the diffusion of an activated protein to the nucleus reach the nucleus in a modestly-sized cell of radius

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 4. Common pathways of signal propagation through physical transport of molecular components. (a) Signals activate
cytoplasmic transcription factors which diffuse toward the nucleus. Schematic of the JAK/STAT signaling pathway is shown.
(b) Signals result in translocation of receptor to another organelle and/or cleavage of activated region which diffuses to the
nucleus and serves as a transcription factor. The ATF6 branch of the unfolded protein response pathway uses both mechanisms.
(c) Activated receptors are encapsulated in vesicles and carried via motor-driven transport toward the nucleus or to contact other
organelles which trigger deactivation, degradation, or recycling. The EGFR pathway is an example of this propagation
mechanism. (d) IFT machinery controls receptor localization and turnover in primary cilia. Motor-driven motion along a central
microtubule bundle allows for anterograde transport of inactive receptors to cilia tips and retrograde transport of activated
receptors to the cell body.

15 μm. Given that dephosphorylation times for acti- membrane or to multivesicular bodies and late endo-
vated proteins tend to be on the order of 1 s, such somes [135]. Fusion of these organelles with lyso-
signals would be attenuated to non-detectable lev- somes carrying proteolytic enzymes eventually results
els before they ever reached the nucleus [130]. In in cargo degradation, leading to attenuation of the
small cells, the signal can be propagated over suffi- signal. Other pathways, such as EGFR (epidermal
cient distances by cascades of sequential phosphory- growth factor receptor) signaling, rely on phos-
lation of multiple cytoplasmic proteins, as occurs in phatases localized to the perinuclear ER to dephos-
the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) path- phorylate and shut off active receptors [137, 138].
way [131]. For larger animal cells, however, diffusive Thus, the transport processes that shuttle endosomes
transport of activated proteins is too slow to be of to different cellular regions and facilitate organelle
practical use in signaling. For example, an activated interactions play an important role in regulating the
peripheral protein would require several hours to dif- duration and time-course of signaling events [139,
fuse to the nucleus in a 1 mm frog egg, and several 140].
months to diffuse from the distal tip of a centimeter- An additional transport process crucial to intra-
long axon to the cell body. cellular signaling is the IFT that moves proteins within
Many signaling pathways intertwine with the primary cilia (figure 4(d)). Primary cilia are nar-
endocytic pathway, leveraging vesicular encapsula- row cellular projections, roughly 5–10 μm long and
tion and motor-driven transport to deliver activated 0.3 μm in width that serve as a signaling nexus in
components to regions near the nucleus. A canon- many mammalian cell types and play an important
ical example of signaling via retrograde transport role in development, vision, and olfaction [10, 141].
is the neurotrophic signaling pathway that regulates Signaling receptors are concentrated on the ciliary
neuronal survival, axon and dendrite growth, and membrane in a highly regulated manner that relies on
synapse formation [132]. Neurotrophin growth fac- their transport into, out of, and throughout the cil-
tors bind to receptors on the distal tips of axonal ium by coupling to trains of molecular motors that
projections, which are packaged into endosomes and move them along the central bundle of microtubules
carried to the cell body by dynein motors walking [142, 143]. A particularly well-characterized example
along microtubule highways [133, 134]. For a meter- is hedgehog signaling, which plays a key role in tissue
long axon, this process takes approximately 10 days, development and homeostasis. The hedgehog ligand
putting a substantial limit on the ability of the neuron receptor, patched, accumulates in primary cilia in the
to respond to distal growth signals. absence of signaling, and is exported from the cilium
In general, a broad variety of signaling cascades is upon activation, thereby allowing the ciliary entry
known to involve packaging and activation of compo- and accumulation of other receptors such as Smo and
nents within endosomes [135] (figure 4(c)). Motor- Gli proteins [144]. The latter, in turn, are activated
driven transport of the endosomes can rapidly deliver within the cilium, transported to the ciliary base,
activated signals to the nucleus, as in the case of Smad and from there relocate to the nucleus where they
proteins activated in the transforming growth fac- act as a transcription factor regulating gene expres-
tor beta signaling pathway [136]. Alternatively, early sion [145, 146]. Mutations in adaptor proteins that
endosome-encapsulated receptors can be trafficked form the complex connecting signaling receptors to
to a recycling compartment for return to the cell IFT motors result in failure of signaling receptors to

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 5. Interactions between various organelles. (a) Matrix representation of absolute number of contacts between lysosomes
(Lyso), the Golgi body, the ER, mitochondria (Mito), peroxisomes (Perox), and lipid droplets (LDs) within a single cell. Color
denotes number of contacts between each pair of organelles. (b) Network representation of interaction frequency. The length of
an edge represents the inverse number of contacts between organelles at each end. Figures adapted from [149].

localize to cilia and/or abnormal accumulation of In addition to lipid transfer and signal prop-
activated receptors within the cilium [147, 148]. IFT agation (discussed in the previous section),
is thus critical for regulating the spatial organiza- inter-organelle contacts can themselves facilitate the
tion of ciliary receptors as well as downstream signal transport and morphological dynamics of the par-
propagation. ticipating organelles. For example, peroxisomes and
lipid droplets have both been shown to hitchhike
on early endosomes [167, 168], allowing them to
3.4. Organelle interaction and exchange
move rapidly through the cell by attaching to mobile
Membrane-bound organelles are topologically dis-
carrier organelles. Contacts between ER tubules
tinct compartments within eukaryotic cells that serve
and mitochondria are known to be required for
to spatially organize a broad array of intracellu-
fission of mitochondrial networks into globular
lar reactions. Recent measurements have highlighted
structures, which can be redistributed by transport
the plethora of direct physical interactions between
processes throughout the cell [169]. Furthermore,
different organelle structures [149], and the biolog-
motor-driven transport along the cytoskeleton allows
ical role of these inter-organelle contacts is increas-
for the formation of mitochondrial networks through
ingly appreciated [150–152]. Lipid droplets (LDs),
fusion, allowing for the mixing of mitochondrial
mitochondria, peroxisomes, lysosomes, endosomes,
contents on a cellular scale [170].
the ER, and the Golgi complex all form an exten-
Experimental evidence suggests that disrupting
sive dynamic network of interacting organelles that
the cytoskeleton affects many features of the organelle
coordinate and colocalize with each other (figure 5).
interactome [149]. Transport processes thus play an
The establishment and turnover of contact sites relies
important role in modulating organelle interactions
on intracellular transport to place regions of different
that are crucial for cellular function.
organelles in spatial proximity.
One well-established role for organelle contacts
is lipid homeostasis and metabolism. Lipids are 3.5. Control of nutrient and metabolite gradients
synthesized in the ER, stored and transported in Several studies have pointed toward the existence
lipid droplets, metabolized in mitochondria and of substantial intracellular gradients in nutri-
peroxisomes, and recycled in lysosomes [153–157]. ents, metabolites, and ATP [174–176], prompting
Colocalization of lipid droplets with mitochon- increased interest in unraveling the spatial hetero-
dria and lysosomes, in particular, is essential for geneity of metabolism [177, 178]. Although small
fatty acid metabolism and starvation response [157, metabolites diffuse rapidly through the cytoplasm
158]. The organelles involved in lipid turnover are (with diffusivity of around 200 μm2 s−1 for glucose
generally distributed throughout the cell, allow- and ATP [46, 47]) such gradients can arise as a result
ing for frequent transient contacts that permit of locally enhanced metabolism in the vicinity of
signaling and delivery of components [159]. Main- mitochondria or rapid ATP consumption in localized
taining the relatively uniform distribution of per- cellular regions. An additional source of metabolite
oxisomes, lipid droplets, and ER tubules requires gradients is extracellular spatial heterogeneity in
bidirectional motor-driven transport along micro- nutrient levels [171], or spatial variation in the
tubule highways [25, 26, 160–162]. The vesicular density of transporter proteins allowing nutrient
nature of lipid droplets, in particular, makes them import into the cell [172, 179] (figures 6(a) and (b)).
well-suited for targeted transport of lipids to specific Intracellular transport and positioning of mitochon-
cellular regions with distinct metabolic requirements dria, glucose transporters, and a variety of metabolic
[163, 164]. Mitochondria and lysosomes also move in enzymes thus have a key role to play in maintaining
a regulated fashion along microtubules to enable the the spatial organization of metabolism, particularly
spatial organization of metabolism and lipid recycling in large cells such as oocytes, neurons, and plant
[165, 166]. cells. The mitigation and control of metabolite

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 6. Spatially heterogeneous distribution of metabolic components in neurons. (a) Glucose sensor distribution in rat
hippocampal neuron, from [171]. (b) Colocalization of presynaptic marker synaptophysin (green) and punctae of glucose
transporter GLUT3 (red), from [172]. (c) Localized mitochondrion (red) and ATP sensor (green) at presynaptic boutons in rat
hippocampal neuron, from [173]. (d) Mitochondria (blue) localized in region surrounding a node of Ranvier (membrane in
yellow), from [48]. (e) Mitochondria (blue) in a zebrafish sensory neuron (membrane in yellow), from [48].

gradients in plant cells has long been proposed to The task of mitochondrial localization poses a
rely on convective transport in a flowing cytoplasm number of challenges to the intracellular trans-
[180], while motor-driven towing of mitochondria is port machinery. It must be able to robustly con-
thought to contribute to metabolic organization in trol mitochondrial position in response to shallow
neurons [165]. gradients in long cellular projections [185]. Efficient
Neuronal cells tend to exhibit a high degree of spa- redistribution of mitochondria must be achieved in
tial and temporal heterogeneity in metabolic activ- response to growth, injury, or changing activity pat-
ity. Rapid ATP turnover is required for vesicle release terns [186–188]. In addition, because mitochondrial
in presynaptic boutons [181], with metabolic needs biogenesis and the synthesis of many mitochondrial
peaking during neuronal firing and activity [172, proteins is believed to occur largely (though not
179]. In myelinated neurons of the peripheral nervous entirely) in the soma [189], maintenance of localized
system, saltatory signal conduction relies on ion chan- mitochondrial health requires either periodic replace-
nels localized near narrow nodes of Ranvier, which ment by younger mitochondria or transient fusion
and protein exchange with a motile mitochondrial
can be separated by hundreds of micrometers. The
population [48].
energetic demands of ion pumping to restore resting
In very large cell types, active transport of small
potential are then spatially peaked in the vicinity of
nutrient molecules themselves may be of functional
these nodes [182, 183]. Neurons are known to reg-
benefit to the cell. An extreme example is the long-
ulate mitochondrial localization (figures 6(c)–(e)),
distance delivery of resources within the mycelial
concentrating them specifically in regions of high
networks of filamentous fungi, which can stretch
demand (including presynpatic boutons and areas
to many meters in extent, and whose multinucle-
near the nodes of Ranvier in electrically active neu- ated and septated structures blur the line between
rons) to enable rapid local generation of ATP [165]. cells and tissues [98]. Given the enormous size of
Such mitochondrial positioning is governed by a these syncytia in the uncontrolled environment of
number of mechanisms for halting motor-driven the forest floor, the extracellular nutrient levels can
transport in response to high calcium concentrations vary widely, necessitating long-range transport of
[183, 184] or high glucose [171]. These transport- resources through a combination of vesicle movement
regulation mechanisms enable mitochondria to accu- and flow of the cytoplasmic fluid [190, 191]. Several
mulate in regions with both high activity levels and studies have shown that the slime-mold Physarum
high fuel supply. It should be noted that mitochon- polycephalum reconfigures its own filamentous net-
dria also act as calcium buffers for the cytoplasm, work morphology to connect multiple food sources
and their controlled localization helps to regulate cal- in a manner reminiscent of man-made transporta-
cium gradients crucial to neuronal signaling as well as tion networks [192, 193], optimizing the transport of
gradients in ATP. nutrients and signaling molecules through peristaltic

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

‘shuttle-streaming’ flows [28, 194, 195]. In large mean squared displacement (MSD) in each dimen-
algal cells, which can grow up to a millimeter sion scales linearly with time according to
in width and several centimeters long, cytoplasmic
  kB T
streaming flows are responsible for the long-distance MSD = x2 = 2Dt, D= (3)
delivery of nutrients from regions of uptake to sites μ
of active growth [29, 196]. In each of these cases, where μ is the friction coefficient of the particle, kB
with their broadly different cell types and morpholo- is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is the temperature of
gies, the necessity for nutrient dispersion over long the medium. The friction coefficient μ depends on
length-scales requires the introduction of flow-based the size and shape of the particle [198, 199], as well
active transport mechanisms that vastly outpace as the viscosity of the medium [200]. For a sphere,
diffusion. μ = 6πηa, where η is the medium viscosity and a the
radius of the particle [23, 33].
4. Physical mechanisms of transport The simple Stokes–Einstein relation
(equation (3)) rests on several major assumptions:
In order to fulfill the varied functional objectives of the particle must be embedded in a continuous,
intracellular transport, eukaryotic cells rely on trans- purely viscous, three-dimensional (3D) fluid of
port mechanisms that can be categorized into three infinite extent, with no external sources of energy.
classes: (1) diffusion-like random motion of small Below we discuss how the breakdown of each of these
particles down their concentration gradient, driven assumptions affects intracellular particle diffusion.
by broadly distributed fluctuations in the intracel-
4.1.1. Lateral diffusion on membranes
lular medium; (2) processive movements associated
with the ATP hydrolysis-driven stepping of motor Many biologically important proteins are embed-
proteins along cytoskeletal highways; and (3) advec- ded in cellular lipid membranes, including both the
tive motion arising from fluid flows in the cytoplasmic plasma membrane surrounding the cell itself and
medium. the much more extensive membranes of eukaryotic
Each of these mechanisms has its advantages organelles [202]. Lateral diffusivities of membrane
and disadvantages for different cellular tasks. For proteins have ranges of 6–10 μm2 s−1 in plasma
instance, diffusion through the cytoplasm requires no membranes [203] and 0.2–0.5 μm2 s−1 in the ER
additional energy input beyond the ongoing active membrane [204]. Confinement of a particle to a two-
processes that drive cytoplasmic fluctuations. This dimensional fluid membrane fundamentally alters its
mechanism can be very efficient at spreading small diffusivity in a manner dependent on the thickness
molecules over relatively short distances (e.g.: pro- and curvature of the membrane. A critical feature of
teins require only a few seconds to diffuse across a a purely two-dimensional fluid is that hydrodynamic
typical 20 μm animal cell). correlations do not decay but rather extend over the
Motor-driven transport, with its typical processive entire domain, leading to the famous Stokes para-
rates of ∼1 μm s−1 , requires burning ATP for every dox [205]. As a consequence, the size of the domain
step taken by a motor, but can allow much more rapid can be an important length-scale for determining
delivery of cargo over long distances. This form of the diffusivity even of very small particles far from
active transport also has the advantage of enabling the boundary. The classic Saffman–Delbrück model
the cell to control which cargo gets delivered to which [206] derives the lateral diffusivity of a particle of
cellular region through selective packaging into vesi- radius a in a thin membrane of thickness h and vis-
cles, regulation of the motor complement attached to cosity μm , embedded within a bulk fluid with lower
each organelle, and modification of the cytoskeletal viscosity μs , as
kB T Rcorr
Advective flow can enable faster motions still (up DSD = ln −γ , (4)
4πμm h a
to 1 mm s−1 in the shuttle flows of Physarum [197]),
driving broad populations of intracellular particles, where γ  0.6 is the Euler constant and Rcorr gives an
but with less control over the precise delivery of spe- effective length-scale limiting planar hydrodynamic
cific components. Below, we review the main physical correlations. In contrast to free diffusion in a 3D sol-
factors that underlie each of these transport mecha- vent, this expression implies that lateral diffusivity
nisms, their inherent limitations, and their coupling on a membrane is only weakly dependent on par-
and control in cellular systems. ticle size and is inversely proportional to the mem-
brane thickness. The Saffman–Delbrück model is
4.1. Diffusive transport supported by in vitro experimental measurements
The canonical diffusion of particles in a fluid arises [207], but requires significant alterations when the
from Brownian motion—spatially and temporally membrane is near a solid substrate [208], or when the
uncorrelated movements due to thermally driven protein radius is comparable to the membrane thick-
fluctuations in the medium. Diffusing particles in ness [209]. The latter case, in particular, is relevant
a viscous medium execute random walks whose in the intracellular world, where typical membrane

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 7. Lateral diffusion of transmembrane proteins. (a) Schematic showing a membrane protein (green) diffusing in the plane
of the membrane, with relevant parameters determining its diffusivity (equation (4)) labeled. (b) A thickness mismatch between a
protein’s transmembrane region and the membrane itself results in local membrane deformation that can bias diffusion and lead
to interactions between neighboring proteins. (Image from [201]).

thicknesses (∼4 nm [210]) are comparable to protein preference can also attract proteins toward specific
dimensions. cellular regions. In particular, an energetic preference
The correlation length scale Rcorr is defined by for membrane thickness has been implicated as a pro-
an interplay of several physical effects. In the case tein sorting mechanism in the secretory pathway [216,
of a very large flat membrane domain, it is given by 221, 222], including capture at ERESs [55] and par-
the Saffman–Delbruck screening length [206]: LSD = titioning to secretion-bound lipid rafts in the Golgi
hμm /μs , beyond which planar hydrodynamics are [223, 224]. Similarly, curvature preference is believed
screened out by flows in the bulk fluid [208]. Alter- to facilitate protein sorting into membrane tubules
nately, it can be given by the overall extent of the [225], the necks of budding vesicles [226], and the
membrane domain itself (Rmem ; figure 7(a)), when curved regions of dividing bacterial cells [227].
this is smaller than the screening length [211]. The
domain size Rmem is not well-defined for many bio- 4.1.2. Medium rheology
logical systems. It may correspond to the size of mem- For particles diffusing within the bulk of the cell,
brane compartments with fixed boundaries defined a key assumption of the Stokes–Einstein relation
by interaction with cytoskeletal filaments [212, 213]. (equation (3)) is that the cytoplasmic environ-
In the specific case of particles diffusing laterally along ment behaves as a purely viscous medium. This
a tubule-shaped membrane, it can be approximated as assumption has been challenged by a variety of stud-
the radius of the tubule [214]. As a consequence, the ies that actively probe the rheological properties of
lateral diffusivity of particles is expected to decrease the cytoplasm [232, 233], or else leverage ‘passive
with decreasing tubule radius, accounting for the microrheology’—visualizing and tracking the appar-
experimentally observed slowing of diffusive spread ently passive trajectories of individual particles in live
on narrow reconstituted tubules [211]. cells [36, 39, 228, 231, 234]. These studies are sum-
Mechanical properties of the membrane can also marized in several excellent reviews on intracellular
have an important impact on the lateral diffusivity of rheology [200, 235].
embedded proteins. For example, important physical Passive particle-tracking microrheology enables
effects arise when there is a mismatch between the explicit calculation of the MSD as a function of time
preferred curvature of the embedded protein and the (figures 8(a)–(c)), for comparison with the expected
surrounding membrane curvature [215]. Alternately, diffusive behavior described by equation (3). In some
many proteins show a mismatch between the length cases, injected beads or endogenous vesicles exhibit
of the transmembrane region and the preferred thick- linear scaling of the MSD with time, as would be
ness of the membrane [216] (figure 7(b)). In both expected for a diffusing particle [26, 234, 236, 237].
cases, the mismatch engenders an elastic deformation More commonly, however, particle motion in cyto-
field in the surrounding membrane [217, 218]. When plasm is characterized as subdiffusive, with a sublin-
multiple proteins come sufficiently close together for ear scaling MSD ∼ tα , where α < 1 [39–41].
the deformation fields to overlap, they can experience Subdiffusive scaling is expected when motion
attractive or repulsive forces mediated by the mem- is driven by thermal fluctuations in a power-law
brane elasticity [219]. Such interactions have a range fluid—a material with complex rheology, whose vis-
of 1–2 nm for thickness deformations and 5–500 nm cous and elastic moduli vary as a characteristic power
for curvature deformations [218]. law of the probing frequency [235]. For example, sub-
As a result of these effects, membrane proteins diffusive motion with α ≈ 0.75 is both theoretically
diffuse across an effective potential energy landscape expected and observed for particles embedded in gels
that can guide and modulate their motion. On a of semielastic polymer filaments, such as F-actin [39,
thermally fluctuating membrane, protein curvature 238].
preference has been postulated to enhance lateral The usual physical model for passive particle
diffusion by up to a factor of two, due to the attrac- movement in a viscoelastic fluid is termed ‘fractional
tion of the protein toward transient regions of match- Brownian motion’ [37, 200, 239]. This model derives
ing curvature [220]. Both curvature and thickness from an overdamped generalized Langevin equation

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 8. Characterizing diffusive transport by analysis of single particle trajectories. (a)–(c) MSD. (a) Expected behavior is
shown for processive motion with speed 1 μm s−1 (dotted, purple), diffusion with D = 5 μm2 s−1 (dashed, cyan), and subdiffusion
with α = 0.6 (solid, orange). Inset shows example trajectories for each type of motion. (b) MSD for peroxisomes in COS-7 cells,
with black showing linear scaling for untreated cells, red showing subdiffusive scaling for ATP-depleted cells, from [26]. Blue and
green curves are for cells treated with nocodazole (Noc) and latrunculin A (LatA) to hinder polymerizaton of microtubules and
actin filaments, respectively. (c) Subdiffusive MSD for 100 nm nanoparticles in cytoplasm of 3T3 fibroblasts, adapted from [228].
Red line shows ensemble average. (d)–(f) Rescaled VACFs. (d) Expected VACF for a diffusing particle (dashed) and particle
undergoing fractional Brownian motion with α = 0.6 (solid). Inset shows local displacements on a sample trajectory used to
calculate the VACF at Δt = δ = 4. (e) VACF for RNA–protein particles in Escherichia coli cytoplasm, from [229]. (f) VACF for
quantum dots in HeLa cells, adapted from [230]. (g)–(i) Distribution of step sizes. (g) Predictions for a diffusing-diffusivity
model, with correlation time τ , showing transition from exponential scaling at short times (blue) to Gaussian scaling a long times
(red). Solid and dashed black lines show the t  τ and t  τ limits, respectively. (h) Displacement distribution for colloidal √
beads in F-actin suspensions, over different time intervals, with inset showing universal behavior when distance is rescaled by t,
from [231]. (i) Displacement distributions for RNA–protein particles in yeast cytoplasm, using rescaled distance, from [229].

[240] featuring a power-law memory kernel K(t) distributed interaction timescales [253] can all give
which is convolved with the past time-course of par- rise to MSDs with sublinear scaling. Other metrics
ticle velocities to give the drag force: have thus been developed to quantify the behavior of
 t particles undergoing subdiffusive motion. One com-
d r(t  ) (B)
μ dt  K(t − t  ) = F (t) mon metric is the velocity autocorrelation function
0 dt (VACF), which tracks how velocities (defined by steps
Fi(B) (t)Fj(B) (t  ) = μδij kB TK(t − t  ) over different timescales δ) are correlated across a
time-lag Δt. Namely, the velocity autocorrelation is
where F(B) is a Brownian force satisfying the fluc- given by
tuation–dissipation relation and hence exhibiting
the medium-dependent time correlations indicated Cvδ (Δt) = [ r(Δt + δ) − r(Δt)] · [ r(δ) − r(0)]
above [241–244]. When the memory kernel is (7)
replaced by a delta-function, corresponding to an Unlike classical diffusion, where velocities are fully
instantaneous relation between force and velocity as uncorrelated for all Δt > δ, fractional Brownian
in a purely viscous fluid, the model reduces to clas- motion gives rise to negative velocity correlations
sical Brownian motion. In a power-law fluid, the that are self-similar across time-scales (figure 8(d)).
memory kernel is K(t) ∼ t−α , effectively replacing the Because several microrheology studies have shown
medium viscosity η with a frequency-dependent vis- similar behavior for the velocity autocorrelation of
cosity η(ω) ∼ ωα−1 [200, 245]. Fractional Brown- intracellular particles (figures 8(e) and (f)) [36,
ian motion gives rise to a sublinear MSD of passive 229, 230, 246], the cytoplasm is often treated
particles [37]: as a power-law fluid whose viscoelastic proper-
 2 kB T sin(απ) ties lead to fractional Brownian motion of passive
x fBM = tα (6) components.
μ π(1 − α/2)(1 − α)α
This model has been used to explain the observed sub- 4.1.3. Active diffusion
diffusion of a variety of intracellular particles, includ- Brownian or fractional Brownian motion in a pas-
ing genomic loci [246, 247], mRNA molecules [248], sive medium is driven by equilibrium thermal fluctu-
and RNA–protein complexes [229, 247]. ations. Thermally generated fluctuating forces must
However, the MSD by itself cannot distin- have a specific time-dependent correlation func-
guish between several different models for subdif- tion determined by the rheology of the medium
fusive motion [249]. For example, localization error (equation (5)). The interior of a living cell, however, is
[250] in tracking particle positions, crowding [251], an environment that is manifestly outside the equilib-
confinement [252], or binding events with broadly rium regime, with fluctuations driven by a wide array

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

of active energy-consuming processes with different stochastic particle movements with negligible proces-
underlying temporal correlations. sivity as apparently diffusive in the remainder of this
A plethora of recent experimental evidence has manuscript.
shown that even apparently diffusive particle dynam-
ics rely on active cellular processes and are not 4.1.4. Crowding and heterogeneity
driven primarily by thermal fluctuations [254]. Active An assumption of the Stokes–Einstein relationship
microrheology measurements can be used to probe for diffusing particles (equation (3)) is that the par-
the force-response dynamics of the cytoplasm by ticles are embedded in a continuous medium. The
directly controlling the forces applied to beads caught interior of a eukaryotic cell is inherently very crowded,
in optical and magnetic traps. Such measurements with proteins constituting over 20% by mass of mam-
tend to indicate that the cytoplasm responds to force malian cell cytoplasm [264]. In addition, organelle
as a largely elastic material, in direct contrast with structures ranging from vesicles to reticulated tubules
the apparently diffusive motion of passive particles and cytoskeletal networks are interspersed through-
[232, 255]. Attenuation of active cellular processes out the cell, occupying 40%–50% of cell volume
(e.g.: by ATP depletion) results in severe reduction [210]. In most models of particle motion within the
in the mobility of cytoplasmic particles [26, 232, cytoplasm, these crowding agents are averaged out
256]. Furthermore, the temperature dependence of to yield an effective viscous or viscoelastic medium.
apparent particle diffusivity inside the cell is non- However, this approximation can lead to inaccurate
linear, in contrast to expected behavior for generalized predictions for transport behavior in the cytoplasm.
diffusive motion (equation (5)). Instead, the tempera- For instance, the dependence of the diffusion coeffi-
ture dependence is Arrhenius-like, with mobility scal- cient on particle size (D ∼ R in a continuum fluid)
ing according to D ∼ exp(−Ea /kB T) as expected for is highly non-linear, with nanoscale proteins typically
reaction rates of activated processes [257]. experiencing an effective viscosity that is orders of
A number of different active processes are believed magnitude lower than that measured with micron-
to play a role in the apparent particle diffusivity sized beads or vesicles [265]. Furthermore, protein
inside the cell. Myosin motor activity been shown complexes sized in the tens of nanometers tend to
to contribute substantially to overall particle mobil- exhibit purely diffusive motion [266], rather than
ity in mammalian cytoplasm [232, 256, 258, 259]. the subdiffusive behavior observed with vesicle-sized
Inhibition of directed motor-driven transport is also probes that are an order of magnitude larger [40, 41,
known to reduce active diffusivity of apparently pas- 228]. This strong dependence of medium properties
sive organelles [26]. Recent evidence indicates the dif- on probe size is generally found in gels, where par-
fusivity of individual active enzyme molecules can ticles much smaller than the pore size move freely
be significantly enhanced in the presence of their through the gel while larger particles rely on rare
substrates, through mechanisms that are currently jump events or large-scale rearrangements to move
unclear [260–262]. between pores [267, 268]. For proteins embedded
The behavior of particles driven by active fluctu- in the plasma membrane, the actin cortex has also
ations is determined by the spatiotemporal correla- been shown to form a meshwork of obstacles that
tions of forces acting on the particles [ F (a) ] and the reduces effective diffusivity, particularly for larger
memory kernel (K) describing medium  response.  If probes [269].
the active forces have correlation F (a) (t)F (a) (t  ) ∼ In addition to individual crowders of all shapes
|t − t  |−β and the memory kernel scales as K(t − t ) ∼ and sizes, broadly-distributed spatial heterogene-
|t − t |−α , then the MSD of the particle is given by ity has been shown to play an important role in
[263] governing Brownian motion of cytoplasmic compo-
MSD ∼ t 2α−β . (8) nents. Quantification of individual step size distri-
butions for RNA–protein particles [229], colloidal
For a particle pushed by a purely processive force tracers [249, 270], and membrane-bound receptors
β = 0, while forces with delta-function correlations [271] indicates that they do not follow a Gaussian
correspond to the limit β → 1. Linear scaling of the distribution as would be expected for thermally
MSD arises for particles undergoing thermal diffu- diffusing particles in a uniform viscous or a vis-
sion in a purely viscous medium (α = β = 1). Alter- coelastic medium (figures 8(g)–(i)). Instead, the step
nately, it can also arise for particles in a purely elastic sizes have a Laplace distribution, with probability
medium (α = 0) pushed by random processive forces density P(Δx) ∼ exp[−Δx/λ(t)]. This scaling is
that themselves accumulate as a random walk over indicative of a breakdown of spatiotemporal homo-
time (β = −1). The latter model has been proposed geneity in the particle motion, which would imply by
for movement driven by an accumulation of acto- the central limit theorem that each time-step should
myosin contraction events, over timescales shorter involve the sum of many uncorrelated displacements
than the processivity time of an individual myosin and should thus follow a Gaussian distribution. Simi-
motor [232]. In the interest of brevity, regardless lar long-tailed distributions of step-sizes are observed
of the underlying physical cause, we will refer to for the dynamics of tracers in a suspension of active

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

swimmers [272], in glassy systems [273], and in poly- Confinement within stable tubular geometries is
mer solutions (figure 8(h)) [231, 274]. found in mitochondrial [303], ER [290], and peroxi-
The origin of such distributions has been some [304, 305] networks, as well as bead-on-a-string
attributed to broadly distributed diffusivities of structures formed by nuclei in certain cell types such
individual particles caught in different regions of a as human leukocytes [306]. Transient tubules are also
heterogeneous environment [229, 275, 276], with observed during vesicle budding and organelle fis-
exponential distributions of the diffusion constant sion [307], ER-to-Golgi transport [63], and peroxi-
giving rise to the observed Laplace distribution some division [308, 309]. Tubule radii can range from
in stepping times. Indeed, diffusion coefficients ∼10 nm for dynamin-constricted regions [310] to
extracted from individual trajectories of intracellular ∼300 nm for mitochondrial network tubules [303].
particles generally exhibit very broad distributions For membrane proteins, models of diffusion on
that are not strongly peaked around a preferred value curved surfaces have shown that confinement to
[27, 247, 277]. In some cases, this observation has increasingly narrow tubules leads to slower spread-
been attributed directly to local variations in the ing over the surface even when the diffusion constant
density of obstacles formed by organelle structures and membrane surface area are kept constant [311].
such as the ER [278]. This purely geometric effect is thought to arise from
More sophisticated models of ‘diffusing- the local curvature and global topology of tubular
diffusivity’ incorporate time correlations as the membranes. Crowding of proteins on tubular mem-
particle moves through the heterogeneous environ- branes can lead to additional effects, including effec-
ment, with D(t) itself treated as a time-dependent tively anisotropic diffusion in the lateral versus cir-
random variable [276, 279, 280]. Beyond a charac- cumferential directions [312].
teristic correlation time, such a particle samples over For proteins in the lumen of a tubule, variation in
many diffusivities and its step-size distribution again tube radius can give rise to an entropic effect wherein
begins to look Gaussian (figure 8(g)), as has been locally narrower regions serve as effective diffusion
observed in some experimental measurements [231, barriers [313]. The local axial diffusivity in a tubule of
280]. heterogeneous radius R(x) is given by the Fick–Jacobs
Overall, the broad non-Gaussian distributions of equation:
step sizes over commonly measured time-scales high- D0
D(x) = , (9)
light the heterogeneity of the intracellular medium [1 + R (x)2 ]α
and the difficulty of making general conclusions based where D0 is the diffusivity in free space, α = 1/3 for
on ‘typical’ particle diffusivities. two dimensions and α = 1/2 for three dimensions
[313, 314]. An extreme case of entropic traps can
4.1.5. Confinement and geometry be seen in geometries with narrow-necked regions
In addition to macromolecular crowding, the dif- branching away from a main tubule, as in dendritic
fusion of many intracellular particles is limited by spines (figure 9(d)). These traps serve as effective
confinement in subcellular regions of complex geom- obstacles to diffusive motion along the tubule, result-
etry. Subcellular morphology is diverse, including ing in a reduced diffusivity at long times (when many
shapes resembling spheres, tubes, sheets, labyrinths, traps have been sampled) and anomalous diffusion at
beads on a string, and networks. Tubes and sheets intermediate times [243, 315].
are particularly common, and effectively confine Confinement within complex organelle geome-
diffusion to one or two dimensions, respectively. tries gives rise to a discrepancy between the actual
Here we outline the effect of these morphologies on domain explored by a particle and its apparent
the diffusive spreading of proteins confined within motion in the 3D space where the organelle is embed-
organelles. ded. For instance, particles on a curved membrane
The ER and mitochondria are ubiquitous intra- surface generally traverse longer lengths than the
cellular structures that exemplify several of these Euclidean distance between a start and end point
morphologies. Both of these organelles can form (figure 9(e)), leading to underestimation of diffusivity
extensive tubular networks (figures 9(a) and (b), left) when 3D spreading is analyzed [287]. Particles con-
[288–290] or dynamically break up into globular fined to a reticulated network of tubules are restricted
structures [291, 292] (restricted to certain stress or to move along one dimension between each neigh-
perturbative conditions in the case of the ER [293, boring node. This effect decreases long-range diffu-
294]). The ER also forms stacks of flat membranous sivity by a factor of 2 or 3 for a fully connected regular
sheets in the perinuclear region (figure 9(a), bottom planar or 3D lattice, respectively (figure 9(f)). Com-
right). The morphology of these organelles is altered parison of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
in different cell types [54, 295], growth conditions experiments with simulations on extracted ER struc-
[296, 297], cell cycle stages [298, 299], or states of tures suggests that diffusive recovery times in the ER
stress [300, 301]. The complex geometries of both ER are 1.8–4.2× longer than would be expected from
and mitochondria are believed to be linked to their local diffusivity measurements [316]. Furthermore,
functional roles in the cell [290, 302]. the convoluted geometry of this organelle seems to

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 9. Diffusive transport is modulated by confinement in intracellular structures of complex morphology. (a) Structure of
the mammalian ER. Left: peripheral ER network in COS7 cell, from [281]. Right, top: cross-section of individual ER tubules,
from [282]. Right, bottom: 3D reconstruction of helicoidal ramps connecting ER sheets in mouse salivary gland cell, from [283].
(b) Structure of mitochondrial network (left) in pancreatic β-cells, and the inner membrane cristae that form occlusions within a
mitochondrion (right), from [284]. (c) Schematic of murine rod photoreceptor cell (left) and 3D reconstruction of membranous
discs in the rod cell outer segment, adapted from [285]. (d) Dendritic spines that serve as diffusive traps in mouse pyramidal
neurons, from [286]. (e) Confinement to curved surfaces results in reduced apparent diffusivity when measured with 2D or 3D
Euclidean distance metrics (from [287]). Employing a geodesic distance over the surface corrects this effect. (f) Confinement
within planar networks. Blue curve shows MSD of simulated particles on a fully connected (complete) honeycomb network, with
effective diffusivity reduced by a factor of 2 compared to a free particle (black solid line). Red curve is for simulated particles on a
honeycomb network with 29% of edges removed while maintaining a single connected component (decimated network). Both
networks are confined in a circle of radius 20 μm, and particle diffusivity is set to D = 5 μm2 s−1 , to give relevant units for
proteins diffusing in an animal cell.

have a greater effect on membrane than on luminal example of sheet geometry in the form of stacks of
proteins. Simulations on realistic tubular ER geome- flat parallel cisternae bounded by membrane sheets
tries indicate that membrane proteins explore ER [290]. The cisternae are interconnected with ramp-
regions up to 4× slower than luminal ones, even when like spiral dislocations reminiscent of a parking garage
the diffusion coefficient is identical for both [317]. [283] (figure 9(a), bottom right). The morphology
The effect of complex confining geometry or of this structure is thought to directly modulate
occluding barriers on long-range particle diffusion diffusion, with the ramps substantially enhancing dif-
has been extensively explored in the context of trans- fusive transport between stacked cisternae when com-
port through porous media and over spatial networks pared to individual holes in the membrane [323]. In
[318]. These effects are often described via an emer- particular, the unique connection geometry allows
gent quantity called ‘tortuosity’—which is conceptu- diffusing particles to transition between sheets by spi-
ally defined as the ratio between the typical length raling around dislocations rather than searching for
traversed by a diffusing particle and the Euclidean dis- small holes serving as localized connections between
tance between its start and end points (figure 9(e)) flat sheets. Even in the presence of these spiral struc-
[319]. A common simplifying model for environ- tures, the limited connectivity of stacked ER sheets
ments with high tortuosity is that of percolation on results in an effective perpendicular diffusion that is
a lattice [320]. The medium is represented as a lat-
roughly 10-fold slower than local diffusivity [323].
tice network with randomly removed edges. Such sys-
An example of labyrinthine structures that limit
tems exhibit a phase transition when the fraction of
connectivity within organelle compartments are the
remaining edges reaches a critical value pc , below
mitochondrial cristae—convoluted folds of inner
which the network becomes disconnected and parti-
mitochondrial membrane that occlude much of the
cles can no longer penetrate throughout the domain.
mitochondrial matrix space (figure 9(b), right) [324].
Percolation systems exhibit a number of universal
There are about 6–8 cristae per μm of mitochon-
scaling behaviors, including a slow-down in effective
drial length, each of which serves as an impene-
diffusivity according to
trable barrier to the diffusion of molecular species
D ∼ (p − pc )μ (10) [325]. Early studies indicated that these protrusions
as the fraction of remaining edges approaches the crit- must stretch across nearly the entire mitochondrial
ical value [321]. The scaling exponent is μ = 1.3 for cross-section in order to have a substantial impact
two-dimensional and μ = 2.0 for 3D lattices [322]. on diffusivity [326]. Simulations of diffusive spread-
Within cellular organelles, the connectivity of ing in the presence of multiple such overlapping
the space available for diffusion is determined by barriers show that cristae are expected to slow long-
the overall organelle geometry, as well as the pres- range axial diffusion of matrix proteins by a factor of
ence of intra-organelle substructures that serve as 5–6 [325]. Effective axial diffusion of proteins embed-
obstacles for mobility. The perinuclear ER presents an ded in the inner mitochondrial membrane may also

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 10. Diffusive target search processes. (a) Illustration of non-compact (top) versus compact (bottom) search processes.
Left: effect of medium dimensionality, with simulated diffusion trajectory in 3D (top) and on a network of 1D edges (bottom);
color progression represents time. Right: transition from non-compact to compact search with increased compartmentalization
of the domain (figure from [330]). (b) Dependence of search rate (inverse of mean first-passage time) on density of targets in a
network structure extracted from fluorescent images of peripheral ER in COS7 cell, showing transition from an effectively 2D to
effectively 1D search process. Yellow region indicates physiologically relevant concentrations. (c) Sample geometries for
intracellular narrow escape processes: (i) transition from ER sheets to adjacent tubules (figure from [331]), (ii) protein
accumulation at ERESs, (iii) transport of cytoplasmic transcription factors into nucleus and mRNA out of nucleus through
nuclear pores [332], (iv) diffusion of ions and proteins into narrow-necked dendritic spines (figure from [286]).

be slowed by up to an order of magnitude by the their target search times strongly depend on their
convoluted morphology of these structures [327]. starting position [337]. By contrast, a non-compact
In the outer segment of mammalian photorecep- search sparsely samples subregions of the domain, will
tor cells, flat lammellar disc membranes form simi- generally reach the domain boundary before finding
lar occlusions, leading to a high tortuosity for axial the target, and has search times largely independent
transport (figure 9(c)) [328, 329]. Axial diffusivity of starting position.
in this compartment has been measured as roughly For random walks on self-similar (i.e. fractal)
50-fold slower than the nearby inner segment com- geometries, the behavior of the search process is deter-
partment, with a factor of 20–40× accounted for by mined by two key dimensions. The dimensionality
the increased tortuosity due to membrane occlusions of the random walk itself (dw ) can be defined by the
[329]. scaling of MSD with respect to time (in the absence
of confinement): MSD ∼ t 2/dw [318]. Equivalently,
4.1.6. Diffusive target search
dw describes the scaling between the time to exit a
In the preceding discussion we addressed the impact sphere and the sphere size R: texit ∼ Rdw [338]. The
of various physical factors on diffusive particle fractal dimension (df ) describes the dimensionality
motion. Here, we consider the interplay of diffu- of the medium within which the walk is embed-
sion and morphology in limiting the kinetics of ded, relating the number of sites (N) with the spa-
intracellular encounters and reactions. For freely tial extent of a region (R) according to N ∼ Rdf
diffusing particles in a 3D continuum, maximal [318]. Compact search corresponds to the regime
reaction rates are proportional to particle concentra- where dw > df , such as canonical diffusion (dw = 2)
tions. The steady-state current of particles to a per- on a one-dimensional line (df = 1). The opposite
fectly absorbing spherical target of radius a is given regime (dw < df ) is termed non-compact search and
by includes canonical diffusion in three dimensions
J = 4πDac0 , (11) (df = 3).
where D is the particle diffusivity, c0 the bulk parti- The mean time T
for a randomly moving parti-
cle concentration [333], and J represents the rate of cle to find a target site in the fractal medium is then
particles arriving at the target. However, this linear given by the following scaling laws with respect to the
relationship between concentration and reaction rate domain volume N and initial distance from the target
does not necessarily hold when particles are confined r [338]:

to complex geometries or embedded in domains of ⎪ d −d
⎪N(A − Br w f ), for dw < df (non-compact)

reduced dimensionality [318, 334].
∼ N(A + B ln r), for dw = df .
Target search processes involving randomly mov- ⎪

ing particles fall into two broad categories: compact N(A + Brdw −df ), for dw > df (compact)
and non-compact [318, 335, 336] (see figure 10(a)). (12)
In a compact search process, a particle will cover most In the case of non-compact search, the dependence
of the sites within each subregion it visits. Such par- on starting position disappears for sufficiently large
ticles generally find the target after comprehensively r, and the search time is simply proportional to the
exploring a finite subsection of their domain, and system volume, as expected for classical 3D kinet-

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

ics (equation (11)). The distribution of search times nuclear pores [343] (see figure 10(c)). It also includes
in this case exhibits an exponential drop-off with a reactions with a fixed target on the membrane of an
single characteristic time-scale corresponding to the organelle within which the searcher is confined. The
average search time [335]. By contrast, the compact mean first-passage time for a diffuser to reach a nar-
case results in ‘geometry-controlled’ kinetics, with a row target whose area covers a small fraction ( ) of the
search time that depends strongly on starting posi- boundary can be approximated as:
tion, even for initially distant particles. In this situ-

ation, the distribution of search times exhibits decay R2 1
over a range of different time-scales whose breadth τMFP  ln + O(1) , (2D)
depends on the dimensions df and dw [335]. The 
V 1
mean search time, averaged over all starting positions, τMFP  1+ ln + O( ) , (3D)
scales as T
∼ N dw /df , indicating that the slowing of 4 D π
kinetics with increased volume is super-linear [335].
for a circular or a spherical domain, respectively
It should be noted, however, that the broadly dis-
[344–346]. The case of a particle trapped in a short
tributed reaction times in compact systems are not
cylinder lies intermediate between the two regimes,
well-described by this single mean first-passage time
transitioning from two- to three-dimensional as the
[339]. For particles undergoing unhindered canon-
height of the cylinder increases [347]. This geometry
ical diffusion (dw = 2), the overall reaction rate for
can be particularly relevant for target search by parti-
a particle to find any stationary target (defined by
cles trapped between flat sheets, as in the ER cisternae
k := 1/ T
) is expected to scale as follows depending
or lamellar discs of photoreceptor cells.
on the dimensionality of the confining domain [337,
A common model for diffusion in the presence
⎧ of obstacles or in reticulated or porous structures
⎪ 2
⎪c , (1D) is to treat the process as a series of hops between

compartments that are themselves rapidly equili-
k ∼ c log c, (2D) , (13)

⎪ brated [330, 348]. Such geometries can result in a sub-

c, (3D) stantial reduction in long-range diffusivity without a
concomitant decrease in the reaction rate [330]. Inter-
where c is the target concentration (or the inverse of estingly, the connectivity of compartments can be
the volume per target). tuned in such a way that diffusive particles propagate
The impact of confinement geometry on tar- in a wave-like manner, with transient concentration
get search is particularly relevant for molecules peaks appearing in different containers [348].
that must find sparsely scattered binding partners The nature of a target-search process in compart-
within an organelle. This includes, for example, ment networks is determined by the dimensionless
newly-translated secretory proteins searching for an parameter x = DL/D0 a, where D0 is the diffusivity
exit site within the ER network [341], or mito- within a compartment, D the long-range effective dif-
chondrial matrix proteins searching for nucleoids fusivity, L the compartment size, and a the particle
[342]. While realistic cellular structures are not true reaction radius. The reaction rate exhibits one of two
fractals, similar considerations of compact versus possible behaviors [330]:
non-compact search processes can be applied to
understand the effect of organelle morphology on
k = 4π(1 − Pr )DL, x  1
kinetics. For example, calculation of diffusive first-  
passage times to find one of many point-like targets a aD (15)
k = 4πD0 a 1 − + , x  1,
on planar ER networks extracted from mammalian L LD0
cell images indicate that the search domain transi-
tions from effectively 2D to effective 1D with increas- where Pr is the probability of returning to an
ing concentrations of the target sites (figure 10(b)). already-sampled compartment. When x < 1, the pro-
Due to the compact nature of this process, the rate cess is compact and each compartment is fully
at which proteins find punctate exit sites in the explored as the particle moves through the medium
ER is expected to scale super-linearly with exit site (figure 10(a)). By contrast, for x > 1, the search pro-
density. cess is sparse and the particle typically encounters
One important class of target-search processes, the target only after multiple visits to the compart-
known as ‘narrow escape’ problems, consists of par- ment containing the target. In this regime, when the
ticles that must find their way to a very small region target size is much smaller than the compartment,
on the boundary of their confining domain. This class the long-range diffusivity may be greatly reduced
of problems encompasses molecules that need to exit (D  D0 ) without significantly changing kinetic
specific cellular regions, such as ER proteins moving rates. For enzyme diffusion in the cytoplasm, esti-
from cisternae to peripheral tubules [290] or reach- mated pore sizes are roughly 10 times bigger than the
ing an exit site for export [55], signaling factors leav- protein size [264, 349], implying that the sparse search
ing dendritic spines [286], or mRNA encountering regime is relevant for cytoplasmic kinetics.

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

The effect of macromolecular crowding on reac- sis as an energy source to walk in a directed manner
tion rates can be approximated in an analogous along cytoskeletal highways [354]. A variety of cargos
manner by treating reactants as moving between including vesicles [355–357], mitochondria [165],
crowder-free cavities [350]. It should be noted that ribonucleoprotein particles [358], protein complexes
non-specific binding to reactants, and finite local [359], and ER tubules [160], among others, navigate
reaction rate upon encounter can further slow the the cytoplasm using motor-based transport.
overall reactive flux in the presence of crowding A key advantage of this transport mechanism is
[350]. Once interacting molecules are coincident its ability to move cargo processively over very long
in space, they must also find the correct relative length scales (up to a meter in neuronal axons). The
rotational orientation for binding or activity [351]. relative efficiency of motor-driven versus diffusive
Molecules coming together will typically experience transport over a given length scale can be quantified
many ‘microcollisions’, allowing time for reorien- by the dimensionless Péclet number (equation (2)).
tation through random chance or intermolecular Typical velocities for motor-driven cargos in ani-
interactions that favor alignment [351]. Effective con- mal cells fall in the range of 0.3–2 μm s−1 [2, 48, 167,
finement from crowding cavities provides further 355], with individual vesicle velocities reported up to
opportunity for sites to align and a reaction or bind- 10 μm s−1 [355, 357]. Speeds of motor-driven cargo
ing event to occur. tend to be independent of particle size [34], allowing
For particles diffusing on a network, the connec- this transport mechanism to vastly outpace diffusion
tivity of compartments (or nodes) plays an important for long lengths and large cargos. For RNA–protein
role in regulating target search times, as well as large- complexes and vesicular organelles, with typical cyto-
scale diffusivity [352]. For reticulated structures sim- plasmic diffusivities of D ≈ 0.01–0.1 μm2 s−1 [26,
ilar to those of the peripheral ER or mitochondrial 27, 34, 360], motor-driven motion tends to dom-
networks, target search times were recently shown inate (i.e.: Pe > 1) on length scales above a few
to be determined largely by the total network edge microns.
length and the loop (or cyclomatic) number [281, An additional advantage to motor-driven motion
289]. Loop number is a global metric of connectivity, is the ability to regulate and control transport behav-
defined by Γ = Ne − Nn + 1 where Ne is the num- ior. The mechanochemical properties of individual
ber of edges and Nn is the number of nodes. The motors can be tuned to optimize their speed or pro-
parameter corresponds to the number of independent cessivity under varying loads [361, 362]. Selective
cycles in the network structure [353]. Increasing loop recruitment of different motor proteins and biochem-
number decreases search times, while increasing edge ical modification of key molecular components in the
length increases them, with a scaling relationship that transport machinery can also tune cargo distribution
can be derived from the slowed diffusivity on a per- and dynamics [20, 363]. Furthermore, the cellular-
colation lattice (equation (10)) [281]. A recent study scale organization of cytoskeletal transport highways
on yeast mitochondrial networks demonstrated that enables sorting of cargo to different destinations in
network connectivity can be altered by mutations in the cell [364]. The plethora of molecular components
specific proteins responsible for mitochondrial fusion involved in motor-driven transport thus allows for a
and fission [289]. Simulations of diffusive search over broad variety of control mechanisms to regulate cargo
these network structures indicate that the reduced delivery.
connectivity in mutant networks is expected to slow 4.2.1. Components of the motor transport
encounter times by almost two-fold for particles at machinery
low concentrations [289]. The basic components of motor-driven transport
Diffusive transport inside cells is modulated by include the cargo itself, the motor proteins, a vari-
the mechanics of intracellular media, by active non- ety of adaptor proteins and linkers that attach motors
thermal fluctuations, and by the presence of obstacles to the cargo, and the cytoskeletal filaments that serve
and complex subcellular geometries. These physical as a substrate for walking motors (figure 11). Both
factors control both the overall dispersion and the actin filaments and microtubules can serve as high-
rates of encounter between particles. Diffusive trans- ways for motor-driven transport. Both are polarized,
port thus provides a physical link between the mor- with distinct ‘+’ and ‘−’ ends, governing the direc-
phology and dynamics of cellular structures and the tion of motor movement. In plant cells, the motion
kinetics of biomolecular reactions that underlie cell of a variety of myosin motors along polarized actin
function. filaments is responsible for long-range cargo delivery,
4.2. Motor-driven transport as well as the establishment of persistent cytoplasmic
For transport tasks where diffusive motion is too flows [365]. In animal cells, the myosin-V motor has
poorly controlled or too slow, eukaryotic cells have been shown to contribute to local organelle position-
evolved an extensive system of motor-driven trans- ing in actin-dense cortical regions [366–368]. How-
port. This system relies on the attachment of cellular ever, long-distance transport in animal cells primarily
cargo to motor proteins, which employ ATP hydroly- occurs along microtubule highways.

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

of individual molecular motors has been extensively

explored at the single-molecule level in vitro [379,
380]. In a living cell, many motors can attach to each
cargo, and their cooperative behavior determines the
speed, processivity, and direction of cargo motion
[19, 381–383].
Specialized adaptor proteins control the comple-
ment of motor molecules recruited to a particular
cargo [20, 375]. These adaptors make it possible for
a wide range of cargos to be transported by a limited
variety of motor proteins, as well as controlling the
direction and processivity of motion [376, 384–386].
In general, adaptor proteins are bound directly by
receptors on the cargo surface, by both kinesin and
dynein motor complexes, and by a variety of signal-
ing proteins that serve to activate or repress transport
Figure 11. Schematic of components involved in [20].
motor-driven transport on microtubules. Kinesin and As an alternative to the direct recruitment of
dynein motors attach the cargo (in green) to the
microtubule (blue and white) via motor adaptors (dark motors via an adaptor protein, some cargos have
blue). A hitchhiking cargo (pink) can attach to a been found to engage transiently with other motile
motor-driven carrier via a linker protein (red). Microtubule organelles, moving by a non-canonical form of
associated proteins (MAPs) and post-translational
modifications to the microtubule help regulate motor-driven transport termed ‘hitchhiking’ [9, 26,
motor-driven transport. Figure is not to scale [332]. 167, 387–392]. In place of an adaptor protein, a linker
protein attaches the hitchhiking cargo to a carrier
organelle, which connects through an adaptor pro-
Microtubules (MTs) form long hollow tubes, con- tein to the motor. Specific linker proteins have been
sisting of 13 parallel protofilaments, with motor pro- identified for several hitchhiking cargos [9, 168, 392],
teins attaching to the outside of the tube. Interestingly, and the density, length, and stiffness of these linker
diffusive transport in the hollow interior of a micro- proteins can serve to modulate the efficiency of the
tubule has also been shown to play an important hitchhiking interaction [393]. Both linker proteins
role in the spread of several microtubule-modifying and adaptors share the common feature of enabling
proteins [369, 370]. Microtubules are quite stiff, with specific control of transport for a particular cargo,
effective in vivo persistence lengths on the order of without affecting the movement of other cellular
30 μm, enabling them to fluctuate around relatively components.
straight configurations on typical cellular scales [371].
In many animal cell types, they are organized with 4.2.2. Direction and processivity along a
their minus ends anchored near the nucleus and microtubule
their plus ends extending toward the cell periphery. The direction and processivity of transport along
Microtubules are highly dynamic, undergoing cycles a single microtubule can vary widely for different
of growth and depolymerization that allow for rapid cellular systems. Some cargos, such as post-Golgi
remodeling of the transport highway network [372], synaptic precursor vesicles in proximal regions of
as well as bending and sliding events that contribute neuronal axons, move primarily in the anterograde
to cargo motion [373]. direction toward the cell periphery [397–399]. Oth-
Two families of motor proteins execute trans- ers, such as endocytic vesicles carrying growth factor
port along microtubules. The kinesin superfamily signals [400] and neuronal autophagosomes [166],
[374] is generally responsible for anterograde trans- move primarily in the retrograde direction, toward
port: movement toward microtubule plus ends, which the cell nucleus. Many cargos are bidirectional,
often corresponds to the direction away from the exhibiting both types of motion with varying run-
nucleus. Dynein motors drive retrograde motion lengths prior to switching directions [19, 165, 401,
toward microtubule minus ends [375, 376]. Both 402]. At one extreme of highly processive bidirec-
types of motors form protein complexes with two tional motion lie mitochondria in neuronal axons,
ATP-burning motor domains that bind to the micro- which move for many tens of microns in either
tubule, linked to a long tail that attaches to cargo, anterograde or retrograde directions, undergoing
often via an adaptor complex [18]. The motors pauses of varying duration, but rarely reversing their
walk in a hand-over-hand fashion, with some (e.g.: direction after pausing (figure 12(a)) [394]. By way of
kinesin-1) following individual protofilaments while contrast, lipid droplets in Drosophila embryos [403],
others (including kinesin-2 and dynein) undergo lysosomes in neurons (figure 12(b)) [382], as well
frequent side-stepping to neighboring protofila- as endosomes and hitchhiking peroxisomes in fun-
ments [377, 378]. The mechanochemical behavior gal hyphae (figures 12(c) and (d)) [26, 392] all switch

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

directions frequently, with typical run-lengths of alternate mechanism relies on inactive motors enter-
about 0.3–10 μm. Cytosolic proteins engaged in slow ing a weakly-bound diffusive state wherein they func-
axonal transport have been observed to exhibit even tion as tethers that prevent cargo dissociation from
shorter processive runs of about 0.1 μm, thought to the microtubule and hence increase processive run-
arise from transient interactions with passing cargos lengths driven by the dominant active motor [19].
[106]. Such an effect may account for the increased proces-
The direction and run-length for a motor-driven sivity of kinesin-carried cargos along microtubules in
cargo moving along a single microtubule is thought the presence of myosin-V motors, and the reciprocal
to be determined by the complement of associated increase in myosin-V processivity on actin filaments
motors, as well as regulatory modifications to motors, in the presence of kinesin [418, 419].
adaptor proteins, and the microtubules themselves Cooperation between multiple motors pulling in
(figure 13). Cargos that exhibit bidirectional motion the same direction has also been proposed to enhance
are generally attached to both kinesin and dynein the speed and processivity of transport. In vitro
motors simultaneously [382, 404–406]. Even axonal measurements on reconstituted systems show that
mitochondria and autophagosomes, with their very the presence of multiple kinesin motors allows for
long processive run-lengths, have been shown to carry longer run lengths and larger stall forces [420, 421],
both kinesin and dynein motors regardless of whether with similar cooperative effects observed for multi-
they are stationary or moving in the anterograde or ple dyneins [422]. Furthermore, coupling of many
retrograde direction [166, 407, 408]. The question kinesins bound to a fluid lipid membrane has been
of how multiple motors coordinate to determine the shown to increase cargo transport velocity without
direction, speed, and processivity of cargo has been altering the behavior of individual motors [423]. The-
the topic of much theoretical and experimental work oretical studies of load-sharing between motors help
over the past two decades. clarify the importance of key mechanical parameters
in determining motor cooperativity, as well as high-
The classic model for opposing motor interac-
lighting the limitations of purely mechanical mod-
tions is a ‘tug-of-war’ between multiple motors that
els and the need to incorporate biochemical coupling
come on and off the microtubule stochastically and
effects [383, 424–426].
pull in their characteristic direction when engaged
In addition to interactions between the comple-
(figure 13(a)), with the overall direction of move-
ment of motors attached to a cargo, processive motion
ment dictated by the net generated force [381, 409].
along a microtubule can also be regulated by exter-
When coupled with experimental measurements of
nal signals targeting motors and adaptor proteins
the number of motors on a cargo and the force-
[427] (figure 13(b)). These signals often take the
response parameters of individual motors, the tug-of-
form of a biochemical modification through a sig-
war model can quantitatively recapitulate aspects of in
naling pathway that responds to the local intracellu-
vivo bidirectional motion for vesicles in mammalian
lar environment or the state of the cargo itself. For
neurons [382] and endosomes in Dictyostelium slime
example, calcium ion binding to the mitochondrial
molds [410], as well as multi-motor assemblies in adaptor complex consisting of Miro and Milton pro-
vitro [411]. teins results in transient halting by dissociation of
However, this simple model fails to account for kinesin motors from the microtubule [165, 407]. Sim-
a number of puzzling observations indicating coop- ilarly, a byproduct of glucose metabolism serves as a
erative rather than competitive behavior between substrate for modifying the Milton adaptor protein,
kinesin and dynein motors on the same cargo [19, inhibiting mitochondrial motility [171]. By coupling
383]. Qualitatively, the presence of both kinesin and transport behavior to the local biochemical environ-
dynein motors has been found to be necessary to ment, these pathways can result in targeted localiza-
activate motion in both anterograde and retrograde tion of mitochondria to regions with high metabolic
directions [412–414], raising the so-called ‘paradox demand [48, 184, 428] or high glucose supply [171,
of co-dependence’ [19]. Quantitatively, a thorough 185] within extended neuronal projections.
parameter scan for the tug-of-war model has shown A permanent cessation of mitochondrial trans-
that no variant of the model can simultaneously port can also be triggered through the PINK1/Parkin
reproduce the in vivo distribution of run-lengths pathway, which is activated when the mitochondrial
and pausing behavior of bidirectionally motile lipid membrane potential (a marker for mitochondrial
droplets [415, 416]. health) drops too low and results in the degradation
A number of mechanisms for positive cooperativ- of the Miro adaptor protein [165]. A cell can thus pre-
ity between opposing motors have been proposed as cisely control the positioning of its mitochondria in
an alternative to the antagonistic tug-of-war model response to local cytoplasmic conditions and mito-
[19]. One possibility is the existence of direct bio- chondrial health. Another example of organelle state
chemical and mechanical interactions wherein one modulating transport behavior can be seen in neu-
motor type serves to activate the other or to push ronal autophagosomes, whose biochemical matura-
it out of an auto-inhibited state [406, 414, 417]. An tion is coupled to their transition from bidirectional

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 12. Bidirectional processive motion of cargo with varying run-lengths. (a) Long-range transport of mitochondria in the
anterograde (top) and retrograde (bottom) direction (adapted from [394]). (b) Kymograph showing directional reversal of
LysoTracker-labeled vesicles in primary neurons (image from [382]). (c) Kymograph showing bidirectional motility of early
endosomes (green) in Ustilago maydis fungal hypha (image from [395]). (d) Kymograph of bidirectional processive transport for
a peroxisome in Aspergillus nidulans fungal hypha (from [396]).

Figure 13. Postulated mechanisms for pauses and reversals in microtubule-based transport. (a) ‘Tug-of-war’ between opposing
motors. Pauses are resolved when force by engaged motors in one direction dominates. (b) Biochemical regulation of motors and
adaptors. External signals can trigger pausing by dissociation of motors or cargo, or by tethering to the cytoskeleton. (c)
Roadblocks in the form of microtubule-associated proteins and post-translational tubulin modifications can result in motor
dissociation. (d) Cytoplasmic obstacles and intersections lead to pausing or directional changes. (e) Traffic jams of free motors
reduce speed and processivity.

motion near sites of synthesis at distal axonal tips Even in the case where a cargo follows a single
to robust retrograde motility toward the cell body microtubule or polarized bundle, its direction and
[166]. run-length are thus a complicated function of the
Microtubules themselves can serve as a substrate complement of attached motors, the decoration of the
for post-translational modifications and other signals microtubule track, and the spatial profile of signaling
molecules that inhibit transport.
that regulate transport processivity [427, 429, 430]
(figure 13(c)). MAPs bind to the external surface of
microtubules and differentially regulate motor pro- 4.2.3. Obstacles and traffic jams
tein behavior. For example, tau proteins tend to cause The processive motion of a motor-driven cargo
kinesin detachment at low concentrations with lit- along a microtubule is inherently limited by the
tle effect on dynein [431]. Gradients of tau proteins crowded environment within a living cell. Crowding
by filamentous macromolecules gives rise to a vis-
(which have been observed in neuronal axons [432]),
coelastic rheology of the cytoplasm (section 4.1.2)
can thus be used to tune the anterograde or retrograde
which results in size-dependent and time-dependent
bias, as well as processivity, of cargo transport [421,
drag forces experienced by the moving cargo. As a
433–435]. Other MAPs differentiate the microtubule- consequence, in vivo movements of cargo tend to
binding affinity of separate types of kinesin motors, be ‘bursty’, with speed fluctuations consistent with
allowing kinesin-3-bearing cargos to be sorted into a slow build-up and rapid release of mechanical
dendritic projections while those carrying kinesin-1 stresses [437, 438]. Models of motor-driven motion
are relegated to the axons [436]. which incorporate complex fluid rheology predict the

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

emergence of an anomalous transport regime with value [453]. Because traffic jams depend both on total
superdiffusive yet sub-ballistic scaling of the mean- motor density and accumulation at microtubule ends,
squared displacement (MSD ∼ tα with 1 < α < 2) the moderate processivity and high end detachment
[439, 440]. In reconstituted in vitro systems with a rates of kinesin have been hypothesized to be advan-
viscoelastic medium, increased densities of filamen- tageous for overall cellular transport [454]. Inter-
tous crowders have been shown to drastically reduce estingly, for cargo that can bind motors reversibly,
the transport velocity of cargos carried by teams of increased free motor density can actually give rise
kinesin motors [441]. to longer run-lengths [455], possibly due to the
In addition to altering the rheology of the cyto- cargo’s ability to associate with more motors to bypass
plasmic medium, crowded conditions within the cell localized traffic jams or effectively surf along densely
imply the ubiquitous presence of obstacles, both packed neighboring motors [442].
directly bound to the microtubule track and in The motion of a motor-driven cargo along a sin-
the cytoplasm at large [442]. Individual molecu- gle microtubule is determined by a complex inter-
lar motors vary in their ability to bypass MAPs action between the complement and regulation of
that serve as roadblocks along the transport high- motors attached to the cargo, the distribution of road-
way (figure 13(c)). Single kinesin-1 motors generally blocks and traffic jams along the microtubule, and the
dissociate when encountering a road-block, though presence of cytoplasmic obstacles encountered by the
teams of such motors can effectively bypass the obsta- cargo. We next proceed to consider how cargo dis-
cle [377]. Individual dynein motors, on the other tribution on a cellular scale is governed by a combi-
hand, are much more capable of side-stepping to nation of limited-processivity runs interspersed with
neighboring protofilaments, allowing them to suc- passive periods.
cessfully bypass microtubule-bound obstacles [377,
443]. The increased ability to maneuver around obsta-
cles afforded by the presence of different motor types 4.2.4. Run and pause: intermittent transport
has been proposed as a key evolutionary advantage to Cellular cargos engaged in long-range transport often
bidirectional motion [444]. undergo periods of processive runs interspersed with
When encountering large obstacles, such as other pauses of varying duration [19, 26, 382, 393–395].
vesicles attached to the same track or intersecting The pauses can be very long, as is the case for axonal
microtubules (figure 13(d)), 3D motion of the cargo mitochondria that have been observed to switch from
around its track is required for maneuvering around a motile to a long-lived stationary state [165]. They
the obstacle [445]. In vivo tracking of anisotropic par- can also be transient, associated with maneuvering
ticles indicates that 3D rotation of the cargo occurs around an obstacle [2, 446], tug-of-war between
during long pauses that result in directional rever- opposing molecular motors [382, 456], or dissocia-
sals on the same microtubule or a nearby parallel tion from the microtubule or hitchhiking carrier [26,
track [446]. These pauses were postulated to arise 457]. During such pauses the cargo can remain sta-
from obstacle encounters, with release and engage- tionary, tethered to the microtubule itself or to nearby
ment of alternate motors allowing the cargo to bypass filaments of the actin cytoskeleton [165, 458, 459].
the obstacle. When encountering a microtubule inter- Alternatively, the cargo can be free to diffuse within
section, cargo can also switch to the intersecting the cytoplasm until the next run of processive motion
microtubule, reverse, or pass by it, in a manner [26, 457].
dependent on the geometry of the intersection [447] A simple mathematical model for transport con-
and the complement of attached motors [356, 448]. sisting of interspersed periods of diffusive and proces-
The extent to which bypassing of an intersection in sive motion is the one-dimensional ‘halting creeper’
vivo involves side-stepping of individual motors ver- (figure 14, inset) [25]. This model comprises one-
sus switching or tug-of-war behavior between multi- dimensional particle motion, switching at fixed rate
ple motors remains largely unknown [445]. kstop from processive motion with velocity ±v to
An additional source of transport obstacles comes pauses with diffusivity D and vice versa with rate
from traffic jams formed by individual molecular kstart . Such a particle has a run length  = vkstop
motors bound to and moving along microtubules and is processive a fraction f = kstart /(kstart + kstop )
(figure 13(e)). These traffic jams can be described of its time. The 1D model is particularly relevant
by the classic physical model of a ‘totally asymmet- for particles within cellular regions that form highly
ric simple exclusion process’ [449], which consists of extended tubules, such as fungal hyphae and neuronal
non-intersecting particles moving along a line and axons.
predicts the onset of jamming as a phase transition The transport range (length of domain explored)
[450–452]. Such models are quantitatively consis- for a halting creeper particle transitions from a
tent with in vitro observations of the steep drop in diffusion-dominated regime at short times, to a ballis-
both velocity and run-length when the density of tic intermediate motion above a characteristic length
kinesin-1 motors on a microtubule reaches a critical scale x∗ which can be estimated by setting f Pe(x∗ ) > 1

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 14. Dispersion of particles via multimodal transport. Inset: schematic of the halting creeper model for a particle switching
between ballistic and diffusive motion. Plot shows range explored by a halting creeper versus time. Two transitions in behavior are
evident: at t∗ , x∗ processive motion begins to dominate; at t∗∗ , x∗∗ a sufficient number of reversals have occurred that particle
motion begins to look effectively diffusive. Parameters used apply to peroxisome transport in fungal hyphae
(D = 0.015 μm2 s−1 , v = 2 μm s−1 ,  = 6 μm, f = 0.05). Adapted from [25], copyrighted by the American Physical Society.

[25]. At much longer length and time scales, when the that both diffusion and active transport contribute
particle has had the opportunity to sample repeatedly substantially to target search processes [25].
between the different modes, it again exhibits effec- While the velocity v of processive motion is fairly
tively diffusive transport (figure 14). Similar transi- constant (of order 1 μm s−1 ), cells can regulate both
tions, albeit on different time-scales, are also observed the typical run length  and the pause time tpause =
for the MSD of a particle engaged in multi-modal 1/kstart for transported particles. The pause time, in
transport [409, 460]. particular, can be reduced by tethering the particle
The relative importance of diffusive versus pro- to the microtubule track and thereby increasing the
cessive motion thus depends on both the length scale rate at which it can re-engage with the machinery
of interest and the overall objective of transport. for motor-driven transport. Such tethering is partic-
For instance, the uniform dispersion of an initially ularly effective when the microtubules themselves are
concentrated bolus of particles is optimized at inter- sparsely distributed and diffusion toward a micro-
mediate values of the run length  and of the active tubule becomes rate-limiting for initiating transport
fraction f [25]. For particles that are only able to [25, 393]. Recent mechanical modeling of hitchhik-
carry out their function in the passive state (e.g.: pro- ing transport for fungal peroxisomes indicates that
teins that must be released from a vesicle), reaction tethering to microtubules could enhance the rate
kinetics are fastest at intermediate fractions of time in of starting a hitchhiking run by up to an order of
active motion [461]. Even for constantly active par- magnitude [393]. For directly motor-driven cargo,
ticles, when the domain is sufficiently long and f is tethering and preventing dissociation from the micro-
sufficiently high, the search time for a single particle tubule has been proposed as a cooperativity mech-
to hit a target is also optimized at intermediate run anism for motors with opposing polarity [19]. In
lengths, which preclude very long excursions in the terms of transport efficiency, the enhanced starting
wrong direction [462]. rate for active motion due to tethering is balanced by
When the transport objective comprises efficient reduced diffusive exploration during the paused state.
encounter of a target by the first in a uniform popu- For organelles that spend a small fraction of time
lation of particles, the relevant length scale becomes engaged in processive motion, tethering is beneficial
the inverse of the particle spatial density, which tends for transport only on length scales beyond Lcrit ≈
to be on the order of 0.1–10 μm. For densities higher x∗ /(1 − â2 )2 , where â is the ratio between the capture
than 1/x∗ , target search is dominated by diffusive radius around a microtubule and the characteristic
transport, whereas for lower densities motor-driven separation between parallel microtubules [25].
motion predominates. Interestingly, many organelles By tuning pause rates and durations, as well as the
capable of motor-driven transport have been found to mobility state of a particle while paused, cells can thus
spend only a small fraction of time actually engaged regulate overall particle dispersion through an inter-
in processive motion [26, 382, 392, 457]. These par- play of passive and processively moving transport
ticles can have sufficiently high values of x∗ such modes.

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 15. Patterns of cytoskeletal organization in animal cells. Sketches of microtubule organization show nuclei in gray,
microtubules in red, minus ends in cyan (adapted from [463]). (a) Polarized microtubules in a neuronal axon organize in
bundles. Right: confocal migrograph of growing neurons show microtubules in purple, actin in green, and nuclei in blue (from
[464]) (b) radially polarized microtubules in mouse fibroblast cell. Right: fluorescent image of actin (purple) and microtubules
(yellow) (from [465]). (c) and (c ) Microtubule organization in Drosophila oocytes changes depending on the stage of
development. Microtubules are visualized via immunofluoresence in early (c) and late (c ) stages of embryo development
(micrographs from [466]). (d) A reverse polarized organization is seen in mouse keratinocytes. Middle: apical confocal slice of
fixed primary cultured keratinocytes with fluorescently labeled microtubule binding protein (esconsin). Right: for the same cell
type, nucleus labeled in blue and microtubule-anchoring protein ninein shown in green. Micrographs from [467].
(e) Unidirectionally polarized microtubules in intestinal epithelial cells. Right: Super-resolution image showing minus-end
binding protein CAMSAP3 (red, inset) and microtubules (green). Micrograph from [468].

4.2.5. Organization of cytoskeletal tracks The two types of cytoskeletal filaments serving
The intracellular distribution of cargos and their as transport highways exhibit very different orga-
efficiency at reaching cellular regions can be con- nizations within the cell. Actin filaments tend to
trolled at several levels. As discussed in section 4.2.2, form branched networks of varying densities. In
biochemical modification or binding of signaling mammalian cells, dense actin networks are usually
restricted to a cortical layer (∼100 nm thick) beneath
molecules to motor-proteins, adaptors, linkers, and
the cell membrane [472]. Away from the leading edge
cytoskeletal tracks can regulate the processivity and
of migrating cells, these cortical actin filaments tend
directional bias of cargo moving along a single micro-
to be isotropic, without a defined polarity [473].
tubule. However, models of transport that rely on Consequently, transport within the actin network
uniform constant-rate processes at the single-cargo tends to appear characteristically diffusive, even when
level tend to be insufficient to reproduce the com- driven by motor proteins [366, 461]. The effective
plex behavior of motor-driven cargos in vivo [19, 415, diffusivity of particles moving within the actin net-
416]. Some of this complexity may be due to spa- work is thought to be regulated in different cellular
tially or temporally heterogeneous regulation, with states by altering the switching probability at each fil-
gradients in signaling molecules responsible for mod- ament intersection, thereby controlling the processive
ulating transport parameters in different regions of run-length of the cargo [366].
the cell [185, 188, 435]. However, an additional key By contrast, the microtubule cytoskeleton can
source of spatial heterogeneity is the organization of form a variety of structures with different degrees
of polarity and spatial organization. Microtubules
the cytoskeletal highways themselves. This organiza-
nucleate at discrete sites termed MTOCs, which
tion both determines and is set by cell shape and
anchor their minus ends while allowing plus ends
polarity, allowing for a close coupling between cel-
to grow outward. The best-studied MTOC in ani-
lular function, morphology, and transport logistics mal cells is the centrosome, which is located near
[364]. In some systems, incorporating the explicit dis- the nucleus, and nucleates an aster-like structure of
tribution of cytoskeletal filaments has been shown to microtubules extending their plus ends toward the
be sufficient to explain observed transport behavior cell periphery [463] (figure 15(b)). At the periph-
while maintainining spatially uniform cargo unbind- ery, microtubules can penetrate the cortical actin
ing rates [469–471]. network, allowing cargos to switch from long-range

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

transport on microtubules to short range motion the dendrite tip but more efficient establishment of
on actin filaments [474], in a manner dependent a uniform distribution of cargos within the dendrites
on the complement of attached motors [475]. A [486]. Modeling of early endosome transport in fun-
number of non-centrosomal microtubule-organizing gal hyphae demonstrated that spatially uniform rates
structures have also been identified, allowing for of motor switching and microtubule nucleation are
anchoring of minus ends in many different cellular sufficient to reproduce experimentally observed accu-
regions, and giving rise to microtubule networks with mulation of endosomes in different hyphal regions in
varying polarity and orientational alignment [463] response to dynein and kinesin-3 motor mutations
(figure 15). Some MTOCs are associated with the [469].
Golgi body and its outposts, allowing for direct deliv- Additional effects beyond a purely one-
ery of dynein-driven vesicles carrying secretory cargo dimensional system arise when considering the
from the ER to the Golgi [476]. radial spacing of microtubules within a cylin-
In certain cell types, including Drosophila [477] drical cellular projection. Because motor-driven
and Xenopus [478] oocytes as well as epithelial cells organelle transport can only be initiated when the
[479], microtubule nucleation is localized at the organelle passes close to a microtubule track, the
cell cortex (figures 15(c)–(e)). While fully polarized cross-sectional movement of organelles can play
epithelial cells can establish unidirectional micro- an important role in their dispersion. Modeling of
tubule structures (figure 15(e)), oocytes tend to 3D particle dynamics has shown, for instance, that
exhibit largely disordered cytoskeletal organization tethering of hitchhiking peroxisomes to microtubule
[477]. Nevertheless, a statistical bias in microtubule tracks is expected to greatly increase their overall
orientation can be sufficient to enable robust local- rate of transport, particularly when there are very
ization of cellular components [358, 470, 471, 480]. few parallel microtubules in the cellular region
For Drosophila oocytes in particular, a gradient of [393]. Cylindrical models with explicit microtubule
microtubule nucleation densities at the cell periphery
arrangements form a natural transition from one-
was shown to be sufficient to establish a structured
dimensional models to local regions of fully 3D
velocity field for motor-driven motion throughout
systems that are lacking in microtubule intersections.
the ooplasm, when averaged over many realizations
For example, the asymmetric densities of parallel
of a cytoskeleton that turns over on minute time-
microtubules observed in Drosophila cell spindles
scales [470]. The resulting orientational bias allows
can be incorporated into a 1D transport model
kinesin-driven mRNA molecules to accumulate at the
that explains the uneven distribution of endosomes
posterior pole despite executing many rapid runs in
between daughter cells [487]. Other modeling efforts
all directions [481]. Simulation studies incorporat-
have shown that random spacing of locally parallel
ing the biased orientation field accurately reproduce
microtubules leads to a higher long-range effective
both this posterior localization and the more complex
diffusivity of motor-driven particles than does purely
splitting behavior of dynein-driven mRNAs, whose
uniform spacing [471].
ultimate localization depends on the point of injec-
tion [470, 482]. In many animal cell types, microtubules form 3D
Elongated cellular regions, such as neuronal pro- networks with frequent intersections between indi-
jections or fungal hyphae, generally exhibit arrays of vidual filaments [2, 356]. These intersections serve
parallel microtubules, arranged into polarized bun- as both obstacles for cargo moving along a micro-
dles [483]. Microtubules in neuronal axons are uni- tubule (section 4.2.3) and as an opportunity to alter
formly oriented, with their plus ends pointing to the the direction of motion. The probability of switch-
distal end of the projection [484]. In dendrites, the ing tracks at a microtubule intersection is dependent
orientation can be uniform with minus end outwards on the 3D spacing and orientation of the intersecting
(in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans neurons) microtubules [2, 447], as well as the cargo size [445]
[484] or mixed with plus ends in both directions and complement of attached motors [448]. Live-cell
(in vertebrate neurons) [485]. The ability of cargos tracking studies indicate that most cargos tend to pre-
to be transported selectively to dendrites or axons is serve the anterograde or retrograde polarity of their
thought to rely on varying recruitment of motor sub- motion upon passing microtubule intersections [2],
types [486] together with post-translational modifi- an effect which may arise from the radially polarized
cations of the microtubule tracks [483]. organization of the microtubule network.
The parallel architecture of microtubules in these As with one-dimensional models, the motion of
cellular projections is conducive to modeling studies motor-driven particles over cytoskeletal networks is
that treat the system as essentially one-dimensional, generally assumed to consist of stochastic switching
representing the density of microtubules, cargos, and between processive runs along filaments and slow
motors as mean-field distributions along the axis of passive phases [461]. While the passive phases are
the projection. For example, a model of dynein-driven generally treated as diffusive, they may also involve
dendritic transport showed that microtubule arrays of tethering to stationary structures [19, 458, 459].
mixed polarity resulted in slower delivery of cargo to Recent work in which the passive mode is treated as

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

a continuous-time random walk with broadly dis- plethora of control parameters tuned for different car-
tributed step times indicates that such intermittent gos, cell types, and cellular states. The factors sub-
motion would give rise to a characteristic distribu- ject to cellular control include cytoskeletal organi-
tion of first passage times to the cell periphery [488]. zation, motor recruitment, processivity of individual
Namely, a peak of particles arriving at short times is motors, and cooperative interactions between motor
expected, followed by a sustained long tail of sporadic teams. However, motor transport is limited in its
particle arrivals—a biphasic pattern which has been maximum speed, has a high metabolic cost in ATP
observed for the exocytic release of insulin granules consumption, and requires additional complexity in
[489]. the packaging of molecular components into vesi-
The density, spatial distribution, and polarity of cles or motor-driven complexes. An alternate mode of
cytoskeletal filaments in a 2D or 3D cellular region directed intracellular transport, the movement of par-
plays an important role in determining the over- ticles by cytoplasmic flow, offers cells the opportunity
all transport of cargo. Denser networks of filaments to circumvent some of these challenges.
allow cargos to spend more time in the actively mov-
ing phase. However, more dense networks also imply 4.3. Advective transport: intracellular flows
more frequent filament intersections and thus shorter In addition to directed motor-driven motion along
processive runs. Simulations on randomly oriented cytoskeletal highways, active transport in the cell can
2D networks indicate that the mean first-passage time be achieved through advection, with particles car-
from a central nucleus to the cell periphery is largely ried along by the flow of intracellular fluids. This
determined by the total mass of cytoskeletal tracks, phenomenon was first discovered in plant cells [493,
with faster transport at higher total filament content 494], but has since been observed in a variety of pro-
[490]. For the same total network densities, struc- tist [194, 495, 496], fungal [26, 497], and animal [3,
tures with a few long filaments tended to exhibit 466, 498] cell types. In plant cells, particularly, cyto-
much greater variation in transit times than those plasmic flow has long been thought to play a crucial
with many short filaments, an effect arising from the role in distributing molecular components through-
presence of ‘traps’ where processively moving cargo is out the cell: replenishing depleted regions, control-
directed into a localized region of the network [490, ling delivery rates of metabolic reactants, and (with
491]. The polarity of randomly scattered filaments the aid of diffusion) smoothing intracellular gradients
plays an important role in determining transition [180, 499].
times across the network, and reversing the polarity The processivity, speed, and spatial correlations
of a single filament can alter the first-passage times for transport by fluid flow can vary widely among
several-fold [491]. different cellular systems. At one extreme are highly
Spatially inhomogeneous network structures can coordinated and extensive flows in macroscopic cells,
also help optimize transport of intermittently motor- such as cytoplasmic streaming in the internodal cells
driven cargos. Regions of randomly oriented short of characean algae (persistent spiral flows over cen-
filaments serve to locally enhance the effective par- timeter scales at speeds of 100 μm s−1 ) [29, 32] or
ticle diffusivity. Continuum models show that when peristaltic shuttle flows in the hyphae of the giant
such a region is placed closer to the center of a cir- slime mold P. polycephalum (reaching speeds up to
cular domain, the mean first-passage time of particles 1 mm s−1 ) [194, 197]. At the other extreme are short-
from the center to the domain boundary can be sig- range perturbations due to hydrodynamic entrain-
nificantly decreased [490]. By contrast, when the goal ment by passing motor-driven cargo, which have been
of a transport system involves locating a specific nar- hypothesized to contribute to ‘active diffusion’ of
row target on the periphery, then optimal search rates axonal vesicles [107] and fungal peroxisomes [26].
can be obtained by an ordered radial arrangement For simplicity, many studies of intracellular fluid
of polarized filaments in the cell bulk, coupled with flow represent the cytoplasm as a linearly viscous
a thin shell of random filaments near the periphery (i.e.: Newtonian) fluid, subject to various bound-
[474, 492]. In this case, cargo is delivered in a directed ary conditions and perturbed by stresses that can be
fashion to the peripheral layer, followed by effectively generated both at the cellular boundary and within
diffusive exploration of the boundary. Such a mor- the bulk [3, 28, 29, 107, 500, 501]. More complex
phology is indeed observed in many cell types which mechanical models have also been developed, treat-
maintain a radially polarized microtubule cytoskele- ing the cytoplasm as a poroelastic material consist-
ton originating at the centrosome near the nucleus ing of a fluid phase intercalated with and rubbing
and a thin largely disordered cortex of actin filaments against an elastic solid phase [502, 503]. Such poroe-
that may contribute to localized cargo transport in lastic models can more accurately reproduce the flow
peripheral or distal regions [368]. patterns arising in response to specific cellular forces
Motor-driven transport is a ubiquitous feature involved in blebbing, motility, and indentation [349,
of eukaryotic cells. Its unique advantage lies in its 496, 504], as well as propagating waves that arise
ability to deliver and disperse cargo in an efficient from mechanochemical coupling between cytoplas-
and regulated manner that can be modified via a mic activators and cytoskeletal contractions [505].

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Here, we focus primarily on the role of flow patterns Waves of actomyosin contraction are responsible for
in particle transport, and we restrict our discussion to the peristaltic shuttle flows in slime mold hyphae
models of the cytoplasm as a simple fluid. [197, 519], as well as flows that drive spindle posi-
tioning in mammalian oocytes [520] and nuclei dis-
4.3.1. Fundamentals of advective transport persion in Drosophila embryos [508]. Myosin-driven
As discussed in section 2, flows of intracellular flu- contraction at the cell rear also drives flow toward
ids generally lie in the regime of very low Reynold’s the leading edge in migrating keratocytes [521] and
numbers, where viscous forces dominate over iner- neutrophil cells [522]. These flows can be regulated
tia. In this ‘Stokes flow’ regime, fluid flows are lam- by gradients in the distribution of myosin motors
inar, particle velocities are proportional to applied or of signaling molecules that trigger myosin activa-
forces, and flow patterns are established nearly instan- tion. When the molecules regulating contraction are
taneously throughout the domain for any given pat- driven by the flow itself, precise patterning of flows
tern of applied stresses [21]. Such systems are subject and molecular distributions can be established across
to an effect which has been whimsically referred to the entire cell [28, 508, 523, 524]. Example flow pat-
as the ‘scallop theorem’, where time-reversing flows terns generated by actomyosin contraction are shown
result in no net movement of the advective particles in figures 16(a)–(c).
[22]. In essence, particles that are mixed by stirring Large-scale contraction of the actomyosin net-
in a low Reynold’s number fluid can be un-mixed by work is often associated with deformation of the
repeating the same stirring motions in reverse [499, cell shape during migration [496, 522, 525], division
510, 511]. As a result, simple oscillatory back-and- [526, 527], and development [498, 528]. In many
forth flows cannot, in and of themselves, result in cases, however, cell shape dynamics are driven pri-
particle transport. However, long-range transport can marily by leading edge extension through directed
be achieved by the establishment of steady, persis- polymerization of the actin cytoskeleton [529–531],
tent flow patterns (as for cytoplasmic streaming in as in the migrating neutrophil-like cell in figure 16(d).
plant cells [32, 512]) or by coordinated oscillations Growing cells, such as fungal hyphae, may also har-
that propel material via peristalsis (as in the shuttle ness gradients in osmotic or turgor pressure to drive
flows of slime molds [194, 197]). flow toward extending tips [497, 532] (figure 16(e)).
The spatiotemporal distribution c(x, t) of particles Regardless of its origin, deformation of the cell
subject to both diffusive motion and flow is described boundary gives rise to cytoplasmic flows that can con-
by the advection-diffusion-reaction equation [513]: tribute to intracellular mixing [3] or overall transla-
tion of the cytoplasm [514].
d c
· (D∇c)
−∇ · ( v c) + R(x, t), (16) An additional major source of flow is hydrody-
dt namic entrainment by motor-driven cargo. Long-
where D is the diffusivity, v the fluid flow field (which range, persistent flows are particularly prominent
can vary over space and time), and R is a reaction in plant cells (figures 16(f) and (g)), where myosin
term that describes sources or sinks that may arise motors carry a variety of organelles along bundled
from chemical reactions. This general equation can actin filaments organized around the cell periphery
be leveraged to describe pattern formation and signal [29, 499, 533, 534]. The motion of these organelles
propagation in a variety of cellular systems with cyto- entrains a thick layer of cytoplasmic fluid, result-
plasmic flow [28, 506]. The importance of flow versus ing in streaming flows that can reach 100 μm s−1
diffusion over a length scale L is characterized by the [534]. In animal cells, entrainment-driven flows tend
Péclet number Pe(L) [32], which is defined generally to be slower and more spatially heterogeneous. In
for directed transport processes (equation (2)). Drosophila oocytes, for instance, kinesin-bound car-
A large Péclet number (Pe  1) indicates gos are responsible for slow, apparently random
advection-dominated transport. For non-stationary flows (25 nm s−1 ) and rapid, coordinated stream-
flows, the length scale can be replaced by L = vτ , ing (300 nm s−1 ) during different stages of oogenesis
where τ is the persistence time of the flow pat- [466] (figures 16(h) and (i)). Seemingly random flow
tern. Cellular transport systems where advection patterns in the early oocyte tend to be spatially cor-
is believed to play an important biological role related on the few-micron scale (figure 16(h)), likely
have Péclet numbers in the range Pe ≈ 2–1000, as due to the underlying organization of the microtubule
summarized in table 1. cytoskeleton [86, 507, 538] (see figures 15(c) and
(c )).
4.3.2. Generating cytoplasmic flow patterns In other systems, where cellular-scale flows are
Several distinct mechanisms are capable of gener- not directly evident, the bidirectional motion of
ating intracellular flows. The first mechanism relies motor-driven cargos may nevertheless give rise to very
on the contraction of actin filament networks by short-range entrainment events for nearby tracer par-
myosin motors. Large-scale flow patterns have been ticles [107]. When the cargo motion is slightly biased
observed in reconstituted in vitro active gel systems toward one direction, an overall slow flow of pas-
with actin turnover and myosin activity [517, 518]. sive cytoplasmic contents will arise. For example, a

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Table 1. Péclet numbers for example cellular systems where flows have been shown
to play a role in cytoplasmic transport.

Particle Cell type Péclet number References

PAR proteins C. elegans zygote 3 [506]

Acidified vesicles Human neutrophil-like (HL-60) 11 [3]
mRNA Drosophila oocytes 10–100 [507]
Bicoid morphogens Drosophila embryos 80 [508, 509]
Small molecules Characean algae internodal cells 100–1000 [500]

Figure 16. Spatial patterns of cytoplasmic flow. (a) Peristaltic shuttle flow in P. polycephalum plasmodium fragment (from
[514]). (b) Elongational flow and unidirectional flow in contracting starfish oocytes (from [498]). (c) Bidirectional fountain flow
in Drosophila embryo, at cell cycle 6. Red arrows show cytoplasmic flow and blue arrows show nuclear trajectories (adapted from
[508]). (d) Flow in migrating neutrophil-like HL60 cell associated with deformation of cell boundary (pink arrows). Red arrows
show velocity of acidified organelles, green arrows show the computed flow pattern based on boundary deformation (adapted
from [3]). (e) Eddies formed near pore constriction for hyphal flow in Neurospora crassa fungi (adapted from [515]). (f) Reverse
fountain flow in lily pollen tube, with organelle velocities shown (from [516]). (g) Spiral streaming in characean algae, with
indifference zone marking boundary between axial flow directions (from [32]). (h) Disordered yet spatially correlated flows in
stage 9 Drosophila oocyte (from [507]). (i) Circulating flow in stage 11 Drosophila oocyte (from [466]).

bias toward anterograde cargo motion in growing teins [506, 535]. Directional advective transport also
fungal tips has been suggested to give rise to a very contributes to delivering cytoplasmic contents that
slow directed polar drift (0.5 nm s−1 ) that leads to drive cellular growth in a variety of systems, including
organelle accumulation when other active transport the developing axon [536], slime mold plasmodium
mechanisms are removed [26]. [194], fungal hypha [497], and elongated plant and
The variety of spatiotemporal flow patterns gen- algal cells [32, 512].
erated by different cellular mechanisms contributes The simplest model for localization and gradient-
to the distribution and dispersion of intracellular formation by advection consists of a one-dimensional
particles ranging from small nutrient molecules to domain of length L with reflecting boundary con-
proteins and organelles. Unlike diffusion, flows can ditions and a steady unidirectional flow of velocity
drive the motion of even very large particles. Unlike v. The steady-state distribution of a particle with
motor-driven active transport, they affect all particles diffusivity D is then given by solution of equation
passing a particular region, without the level of regu- (16) as
lation derived from specific adaptors coupling motors c Pe ePe·(x/L)
c(x) = (17)
to cargos. We proceed to consider the functional con- ePe − 1
sequences of various flow patterns on both directed
localization of cellular components and overall mix- where c is the average density and Pe is the Péclet
ing of cell contents. number over the domain. High Péclet numbers lead
to sharp accumulation of density at the domain
4.3.3. Directed transport and localization by flow boundary, while lower values result in a more uni-
Stable, persistent cytoplasmic flow provides a mech- form distribution (figure 17). Because diffusivity gen-
anism for directed transport of cellular components, erally scales with particle size, larger particles develop
allowing the establishment of intracellular gradients sharper gradients under a given flow—an effect that
and the localized positioning of organelles. In mam- has been used to estimate flow velocities in the leading
malian oocytes, cytoplasmic flow drives the place- edge of crawling keratocytes [521].
ment of the meiotic spindle near the cortical cap Gradients can be further enhanced by a polarized
[520]. In C. elegans zygotes, flows with Pe ≈ 3 con- distribution of molecules capable of binding the par-
tribute to the anterior accumulation of PAR pro- ticle of interest (figure 17). Weak binding, along with

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

through the pore leads to the formation of circular

eddies on the upstream side of the septum, which can
serve as a subcellular compartment. These compart-
ments locally entrap nuclei that proceed to differenti-
ate to a transcriptional program which differs from
other nuclei in the same cytoplasm [515]. Further-
more, the flow-driven accumulation of vesicles at the
septa has been hypothesized to contribute to hyphal
branch formation [191].
The entrainment of cytoplasm by motor-driven
cargo also raises the problem of fluid cycling when the
cargo approaches the end of a cellular region. Model-
ing studies indicate that the recirculatory flow engen-
dered by this entrainment may counteract directed
transport, washing unbound cargo and other passive
Figure 17. Particle localization through the interplay of particles out of the target zone [538]. The resultant
advection, diffusion, and binding. Solid lines show
steady-state profile of particles at average concentration c in coupling between motor-driven motion and advec-
a 1D domain under the influence of flow and diffusion tive flow implies that disordered, weakly directional
(equation (17)). Color corresponds to different Péclet
numbers. Dashed lines show the distribution profiles in the
cytoskeletal networks may in fact lead to more opti-
presence of binding sites at concentration 10c and mal local accumulation of particles [538].
dissociation constant KD = c, located within the last 10% Many cellular advective transport systems rely on
of the domain (green region). Inset illustrates example
particle distributions corresponding to these profiles. relatively stationary flow patterns that persist over suf-
ficient time periods to enable particle delivery across
the cell. However, important counterexamples exist,
directed flow, can combine to segregate a molecule where large-scale directed movement of cytoplas-
into a specific cellular region, while allowing for mic contents is achieved through coordinated time-
rapid equilibration within that region. An analogous varying flows. A particularly well-studied example is
mechanism has recently been shown to underlie the peristaltic shuttle flow observed in slime molds,
the accumulation of proteins in the outer seg- both in their migrating ameboid [496] and their
ment of mammalian photoreceptor cells [537]. It hyphal network [194] state. These flows are gener-
should be noted that the distributions described by ated by directionally propagating contraction fronts
equation (17) and its generalizations do not require that are thought to be self-organizing via a signal-
that v represent fluid flow specifically. Any kind of ing molecule that both amplifies contractions and is
directed transport process that moves all relevant advected by the flow itself [28]. In general, peristaltic
particles passing a particular point in space with flows require an organized spatial gradient of contrac-
the same velocity can supply the advective drift v. tion phases, allowing for overall directed transport of
This could include, for instance, the IFT trains that fluid contents [539]. In tubular network structures,
transport proteins into primary cilia [142, 143]. By advective transport is optimized when the wavelength
interacting only with certain specific proteins, such of the peristaltic wave is comparable to the network
forms of directed transport allow for more precise size, consistent with the observed phase correlation
control over the patterning and accumulation of patterns in P. polycephalum hyphae [194]. An alter-
intracellular particles. nate example of cytoplasmic transport by oscillatory
Conservation of mass implies that when advec- flows has recently been observed in multinucleate
tive flow delivers cytoplasmic contents to specific cel- Drosophila embryos, where vortex-like flow patterns
lular regions, the fluid itself must either recirculate (figure 16(c)) oscillate in coordination with the cell
or deform the cell contour. In growing or migrat- cycle. These flows are able to drive the separation
ing cells, expansion of protrusions provides a reser- of nuclei originally clustered near the embryo center
voir for newly arriving cytoplasm (figures 16(a) and to well-spaced positions along the anterior–posterior
(d)). Other transport systems rely on fountain flow axis [508].
patterns (figures 16(c) and (f)) that cycle the incom-
ing fluid with peripheral flow in the reverse direction
from flow along the central axis. In these flow pat- 4.3.4. Enhancing mixing through flow
terns, local binding or rapid removal via metabolism In addition to targeted delivery and patterning, cyto-
or exocytosis is needed to prevent newly delivered plasmic flows can also drive more efficient mixing
molecules from being flushed back by the recirculat- of cellular components. Mixing in the world of low
ing flow [516]. Yet another pattern of advective deliv- Reynold’s number fluids relies on two distinct phys-
ery is seen in some fungal hyphae, where flows pass ical effects: Taylor dispersion (the smearing out of
between cellular regions separated by septa with a nar- concentration gradients by diffusion) [541, 542] and
row central pore (figure 16(e)). The focusing of flow Lagrangian stirring (the chaotic motion of particles

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

Figure 18. Enhancement of mixing by cytoplasmic flow. (a) Taylor dispersion of simulated particles in a Poiseuille flow (red
arrows). Initial bolus of particles is shown spreading by flow only (Pe = inf), diffusion only (Pe = 0), and both processes
(Pe = 100). (b) Computed distribution of material in the cross-section of a cylindrical algal cell undergoing spiral streaming.
Flow generates steep asymmetric gradients, increasing flux of diffusive material into cell (from [29]). (c)–(e) Lagrangian stirring
by unsteady flows. (c) Stretching and folding of initial particle distribution due to flows in a 2D circular domain with boundary
dynamics representing deformation of migrating HL60 cell (adapted from [3]). (d) Simulated spreading of initially clustered
nuclei along the cell axis, based on measured fluid flows in Drosophila embryos during cell cycles 4–7 (from [508]). (e) Computed
trajectories of a tracer sphere entrained in the flow field generated by an active sphere moving processively along the central axis
of a no-slip cylinder. Spheres represent organelles of radius 100 nm; cylinder represents a hypha of radius 1 μm. Each trajectory
corresponds to a different starting position. Inset shows entrained sphere velocity at each position. Flow field computed as
described in [540].

driven by a spatially heterogeneous, unsteady, non- to increase flow speeds in a few large central tubules,
reversing flow) [543, 544]. Taylor dispersion arises increasing particle dispersion [195].
from spatially varying rates of flow, which give rise In addition to Taylor dispersion, Lagrangian stir-
to gradients in particle densities, resulting in an effec- ring resulting from unsteady fluid flow patterns also
tively higher diffusivity of particles across the stream- contributes to mixing in cellular systems, even for
lines (figure 18(a)). For steady Poiseuille flow in a tube particles whose diffusion is negligible. Stirring is
[545], the effective diffusivity along the cross-section often described by quantifying the extent to which
of the tube is given by a given region of fluid stretches and folds under
the flow (figure 18(c)), increasing the length of its
Deff = D(1 + Pe2 /48), (18) boundary with the surrounding fluid [544]. These
boundaries mark regions of high gradients, which
can then be smoothed by diffusion. Stirring thus
where Pe refers to the Péclet number (equation (2))
acts together with Taylor dispersion to mix the sys-
computed for the average velocity in the tube over
tem across different length scales. Lagrangian stirring
the length-scale of the tube radius. For the rapid
arises from the fact that even a relatively simple lami-
contractile flows in P. polycephalum (velocity ≈
nar flow pattern for a low Reynold’s number fluid can
0.1 mm s−1 , radius ≈ 50 μm, Pe ≈ 50), the effective
nevertheless lead to highly complex (chaotic) trajec-
dispersion of small molecules (defined as 1/Deff
−1 )
is increased by up to 7-fold [195]. tories of individual particles or fluid elements [543,
Several cellular systems with more complicated 546, 547]. Chaotic trajectories are characterized by
flow patterns have also been hypothesized to enhance positive Lyapunov exponents [544], which quantify
diffusive transport through the flow-induced for- the exponential divergence of paths for two initially
mation of steep gradients. In late-stage Drosophila close particles carried by the fluid. Although a steady
oocytes, streaming flows exhibit faster velocities flow field can yield such diverging trajectories in three
toward the cortex (figure 16(i)), leading to cytoplas- dimensions, time-varying flow patterns are needed
mic shear gradients that may contribute to mixing to generate chaotic stirring in 2D fluids [544, 547].
[466]. In the long cylindrical cells of characean algae, An example of diverging particle trajectories due to
high shear rates result from rapid spiral cytoplas- unsteady flow is seen in the spreading of nuclei along
mic streaming [29, 32, 500]. These flows are expected the anterior–posterior axis of Drosophila embryos
to give rise to radial concentration gradients that (figure 18(d)) [508].
augment diffusive entry of nutrients into the cell In practice, extensive and efficient stirring
(figure 18(b)). Interestingly, the geometry of flow pat- can be achieved by unsteady flows that are not
terns can be used to tune the gradient steepness and time-reversing. In such systems, the Péclet number
hence the rate of mixing or diffusive uptake. Intern- associated with instantaneous flow velocities does
odal cells of the algae Nitella axillaris alter the wave- not adequately describe the overall stirring behavior,
length of their spiral flows as the cell grows, with a since partial flow reversals tend to drive particles
maximum in both diffusive uptake and growth rate back toward their starting points. Instead, one can
arising at a specific cell length [29]. Foraging P. poly- characterize the effect of flow on mixing by defining
cephalum slime molds prune their network structure an ‘effective Péclet number’ on any given time-scale,

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

as the overall displacement of a tracer particle driven their importance in cellular transport is still lacking.
by flow alone versus the diffusive displacement over In a tubular system, each entrainment event from the
the same time period [3]. Starfish oocytes serve an passage of a single organelle should yield a finite short
example of a cellular system with rapid back and displacement () of a tracer particle of length com-
forth flows (figure 16(b)) but no significant overall parable to the organelle size [107] (figure 18(e)). If
displacement of large cytoplasmic particles [498]. organelles pass near the tracer at a frequency kpass ,
More complex dynamically evolving flow patterns the effective diffusion coefficient for the tracer is then
are observed in the cytoplasm of crawling cells given by
executing amoeboid-like deformations [3, 496, 548].
Deff = D + 2 kpass (19)
Numerical simulations indicate that the flows arising
from deformation of neutrophil-like migrating where D is the tracer diffusivity in the absence of
cells (figure 16(d)) are sufficient to substantially active motion. In fungal hyphae, knocking out an
enhance the mixing of lysosome-like organelles in endosomal motor adaptor results in a decrease in the
the cytoplasm (Peeff ≈ 11 over 30 s timescales) [3]. diffusivity of passive peroxisome organelles by ΔD ≈
In late-stage Drosophila oocytes, dynamic buck- 0.01 μm2 [26]. This effect is comparable to the pre-
ling of microtubule tracks due to drag forces on dicted contribution due to entrainment by passing
motor-driven cargo is thought to give rise to local endosomes, at a frequency of kpass ≈ 1/s [392], in
time-variation in the overall flow pattern [466, 549]. accordance with equation (19).
The resulting unsteady flows (figures 16(h) and (i)) Flow of cytoplasmic fluids thus constitutes a ver-
have been shown to homogenize the distribution satile mechanism for transport across a broad range of
of initially concentrated yolk granules within the length scales. Coordinated patterns of flow can result
cytoplasm [466, 550]. in the directed delivery of bulk cytoplasmic contents
Locally oscillating flows can efficiently drive dis- at speeds far higher than those reached by motor-
persion when the particles are confined in a domain driven transport. Furthermore, flows contribute to
of complex geometry and the overall spatial pat- mixing of cytoplasmic contents through the forma-
tern of flows is stochastic. A biologically relevant tion of gradients smoothed by Taylor dispersion,
example is the luminal flow generated by random through Lagrangian stirring, and potentially through
contractions in a tubular network, as in slime-mold the generation of effectively diffusive active motion
hyphae [195]. In order for such flows to contribute via stochastic local entrainment events.
substantially to mixing, they must be rapid enough
and persistent enough to enable individual particles 5. Perspectives
to transition between nodes before the contraction re-
opens, reversing the flow. Once a particle reaches a Over the past decades, many of the molecular compo-
network junction, flow splitting and small time delays nents driving transport within eukaryotic cells have
in flow reversal at adjacent edges ensure that the parti- been characterized in great detail. Studies of in vitro
cle does not get restored to its initial position, thereby systems have allowed for a quantitative understand-
promoting mixing through Lagrangian stirring [551]. ing of the mechanochemical behavior of molecular
On a smaller scale, flows arising from unco- motors, both individually [379, 380] and in cooper-
ordinated tubular contractions have recently been ating or competing groups [19, 383, 403, 423]. More
hypothesized to drive node-to-node transport of pro- recently a plethora of adaptors and regulatory fac-
teins in the mammalian ER network [59]. Processive tors modifying either the motor-cargo complex or
particle velocities on the order of 20 μm s−1 , over time the cytoskeletal tracks have been identified [20, 427,
scales of 30 ms, have been measured for individual 430]. In the context of non-directed transport, the
proteins tracked in ER tubules, which exhibit a lumi- effects of crowding [265], filamentous networks [267,
nal diffusivity in the nodes of about 0.5 μm2 s−1 [59]. 268], and actively contracting gels [517, 518] on par-
These estimates yield a Péclet number of Pe ≈ 20 and ticle motion have also been extensively explored in
allow for individual processive trajectories to cover a reconstituted systems. However, the behavior of this
distance comparable to the typical edge length in an formidable array of molecular players in the com-
ER network (∼ 1.5 μm). plex and dynamic intracellular environment remains
An additional role for stochastic intracellular in many ways mysterious. We summarize below some
flows in driving cytoplasmic mixing is through unco- of the main outstanding questions associated with
ordinated entrainment by motor-driven cargos. Such each of the physical transport modes employed by
entrainment events result in short-range runs, lead- eukaryotic cells.
ing to an enhanced ‘active diffusion’ driven by Perhaps one of the largest outstanding ques-
bidirectionally moving cargos. Localized entrain- tions pertaining to the stochastic ‘Brownian’ motion
ment has been hypothesized to account for the of intracellular particles is the nature of the non-
‘slow component’ of axonal transport [107] and the thermal active forces that drive their movements.
kinesin-dependent ‘active diffusion’ of peroxisomes How much of the apparently diffusive particle motion
in fungal hyphae [26], although direct evidence of can be attributed to active contraction of cytoskeletal

Phys. Biol. 17 (2020) 061003 Topical Review

networks [232, 259], to localized hydrodynamic ponents. The roles of confinement in complex mor-
entrainment [26, 107], or to non-specific microscopic phologies, as well as crowding and medium vis-
agitation of the medium associated with conforma- coelasticity, in modulating diffusion-limited reac-
tional changes of ATP-burning enzymes [260, 262]? tion rates have been explored theoretically [330, 335,
To what extent can decreased mobilities associated 338, 350]. However the importance of these effects
with ATP depletion or myosin inhibition be treated in specific intracellular reaction systems remains
as a rigidification of the medium [552, 553] or a unclear. Similarly, the interplay of motor trans-
reduction in the ‘effective temperature’ [554] within port, flow, and diffusion [474, 492, 538], as well
the cell? Recent studies have begun to tease apart the as the role of cytoskeletal track arrangements [30,
nature of these delocalized driving forces, separating 31] in particle delivery and sorting is still an area
them out from the continuum rheological proper- of active exploration. The contribution of transport
ties of the intracellular medium [232, 255]. However, limitations to the behavior of complex biochem-
the consequences of this breakdown in the fluctua- ical reaction networks in eukaryotic cells remains
tion–dissipation relationship on the overall cellular- poorly understood, although theoretical studies hint
scale transport of molecules and organelles remain at their qualitative as well as quantitative importance
unclear. [555, 556].
With regards to motor-driven transport, our Ultimately, unraveling the biological conse-
understanding of what controls processive run- quences of transport, its defects, and its regulation,
lengths, pausing, directionality, and track selection in will require synthesizing our understanding of
vivo remains incomplete. One of the key unanswered multiple physical transport mechanisms with newly
questions is the extent to which cargo sorting and emerging data on patterns of motion within living
distribution by motor-driven transport is locally self- cells.
organized [469] versus guided by external signals such
as pre-existing spatial heterogeneity in, e.g., adaptor-
binding signaling factors or microtubule-associated Acknowledgments
proteins [188, 435]. Recent live-cell measurements
have begun to identify the role of microtubule inter- We thank Matthias Weiss, Laura Westrate, Christo-
sections in pauses, reversals, and directional switches pher Obara, and Jenna Christensen for sharing data
of moving cargos [2, 445]. However, the contribu- prior to publication. This work was supported in
tion of other factors in regulating processivity in vivo part by funding from the NSF CAREER grant PHY-
remains unclear. Furthermore, the factors that control 1848057, the Hellman Fellows Fund, and the Alfred
the particular set of motors recruited to a given cargo, P Sloan Foundation, as well as a predoctoral fellow-
the interaction of those motors under in vivo condi- ship to SSM from the Visible Molecular Cell Consor-
tions, and the consequences of motor interactions on tium / Center for Trans-scale Structural Biology and
cellular-scale cargo delivery remain topics of ongoing Biophysics.
The role of fluid flows in driving intracellular ORCID iDs
transport and mixing is beginning to be appreciated
in a widening variety of cell types. While rapid, exten- Saurabh S Mogre
sive flows in plant cells, fungi, and slime molds have 3781-5161
been the target of extensive study, the contribution Aidan I Brown
of more modest flows in animal cells is now begin- 8289
ning to be unraveled. Cytoplasmic flows help drive Elena F Koslover
the segregation of subcellular components in devel- 4139-9209
opment [508], generate gradients that establish cell
polarity [506], and may enhance the mixing and dis-
persion of molecules and vesicular organelles [3, 107]. References
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