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Name : Melinda Lestari

Npm : 24023221150

Class : Non-Reguler (K)

E. read the following text carefully :

Revolusi Industri

Sampai beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu hanya ada sedikit industri nyata.
Kebanyakan orang tinggal di pedesaan dan bertani. Mereka bisa hidup dari makanan
yang mereka hasilkan sendiri. Mereka menanam gandum mereka sendiri, memanggang
roti mereka sendiri, dan membuat pakaian dan perabotan mereka sendiri. Beberapa
mesin yang ada, seperti roda pemintal, sederhana dan dikerjakan dengan tangan.

Kemudian, pada abad kedelapan belas, terjadi perubahan besar. Abraham

Darby menemukan cara melebur besi dengan menggunakan kokas. Lebih banyak zat
besi tersedia. Pemintal dan penenun menemukan mesin yang sangat meningkatkan
hasil. Salah satu penemu ini, Richard Arkwright, menempatkan beberapa mesinnya di
sebuah gedung besar dan mempekerjakan beberapa orang untuk mengerjakannya.
Demikianlah ia menemukan sistem kerja pabrik.

James Watt mengembangkan mesin uap praktis yang menyediakan 'sumber

tenaga untuk menggerakkan mesin-mesin baru di pabrik-pabrik. Orang-orang mulai
meninggalkan tanah dan bekerja di kota-kota besar dan kecil. Sebuah revolusi dalam
cara orang hidup dan bekerja telah dimulai. Ini adalah Revolusi Industri.

F. Answer the following questions, basing your answers on the text.

1. What was the reason that most people lived in the country side a few hundred
years ago ?
Answer : they could live on the food they produced themselves
2. How were the people of those days self-sufficient?
Answer : they grew their own wheat, baked their own bread, and made their
own clothes and furniture.
3. Did the people of those days already make use of machines?
Ansewer : already, the few machines that were, such as the spinning wheel
4. What great discovery took place in the eighteenth century?
Answer : abraham darby discovered how to smelt iron by using coke
5. How was output increased after this discovery?
Answer : more iron became available, spinners and weavers invented
machines that greatly increased output
6. How was the factory system of working introduced?
Answer : put several of his machines in a large building and employed a
number of people to work them
7. What was the new source of power used after james watt’s invention?
Answer : developed a practical steam angine that provide a source of power to
drive the new machines in the factories
8. What happened in the cities and the country side when the industrial revolution
took place?
Answer : people began to leave the land and work in cities and towns

G. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). If they are false say

1. Some few hundred years ago there was title manufacturing industry in the
world ( F ) because until a few hundread years ago there was little real
2. Some few hundred years ago people were already production most of the
things others needed ( F ) because they could live on the food they
produced themselves, they grew their own wheat, baked their own bread,
and made their own clothes and furniture.
3. Some few hundred years ago the tools people worked with were simple
instrumentals ( T )
4. In the middle ages abraham darby made a great discovery ( T )
5. Output increased by the use of machines ( T )
6. James watt inveted the factory system of working ( T )
7. James watt’s steam engine provide a new source of power ( T )
8. When the industrial revolution took place people began to live in the
country side ( F ) because a revolution in the way people lived and worked
had begun, people began to leave the land and work in cities and towns.

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