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Class: X ENGLISH LANGUAGE&LITERATURE (184) Time: 11/2 hrs

10/10/21 Marks: 40

Section A: Reading
I. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow

Emma Raducanu had sprung from nowhere at Wimbledon, defeating a string of higher-ranked
players in a startling run that captivated the nation. Promoted to No 1 Court - and the front pages -
for a fourth-round match against AjlaTomljanovic of Australia, the 18-year-old suffered dizziness and
breathing difficulties, and retired. "I think the whole experience caught up with me," she said later.

Dr. Claire-Marie Roberts was watching with a pang of recognition. Roberts, 43, was a promising
teenage swimmer, who once qualified for the 100m breaststroke at the 1996 Olympics. But she had
done so despite almost crippling competitive anxiety.

"I'd be vomiting in the toilets before races with so many self-doubts and ridiculous scenarios playing
out in my mind," she says. "I'd worry about letting my dad and coach down, and think everyone was
much better than me. Sometimes I'd visualize myself with armbands on, struggling even to swim to
the end of the pool."

Happily, and unusually for the time, Roberts had a sports psychologist to turn to for help: "In the
early 90s nobody really even knew what a sports psychologist was." It was only then that she was
able to start managing her anxiety and qualify for Atlanta with Team/ Great Britain.

When a pre-Games injury snuffed out her Olympic dream, Roberts' experience inspired a job swap.
She is now a sports psychologist at the University of the West of England in Bristol, and learning and
development manager at the Premier League.

Dr Andrea Furst, a sports psychologist who works with England Rugby and the Australian sailing
team, says the discipline to focus on what needs to be improved is what separates elite athletes and
mortals. "Many of the things that are needed to be elite are not particularly complex, but it's the
requirement for them to be done day after day that makes supreme performers," she says. "One of
the best pieces of advice in everyday life would be to pick one thing to focus on to change and stick
at it."

"The performances we love the most are the ones where we can see huge hearts, deep character
and the mastery of skill at an inspiring level; where we can see 'humanness' - not robotic perfection
or emotionless 'execution'," psychologist Pippa Grange says. "There is something for all of us to take
from that”. When the recent England-Italy Euro final went to penalties, Dr GeirJordet, a sports
psychologist, grabbed a notepad. His analysis, covering more than 45 years of shootouts, has
revealed that when a team only needs one more successful penalty to win the match, the player
who takes it will score 92% of the time. When a team loses the match by missing the next penalty
(for example, Bukayo Saka's turn for England), the player taking that penalty scores only 62% of the
time. "In life, it's about considering the positive consequences of what you're doing rather than
dwelling on the negative consequences if you mess up," he says.
On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the
best option among the four choices given after each question:

1. 'Emma Raducanu had sprung from nowhere' means

a) A player like her could be found nowhere b) She was a famous player at that time

c) She was an aggressive player d) he was neither famous nor expected to win

2. Assertion: Emma dropped out of the 4th round match.

Reason: All of a sudden, she was severely injured.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation for A

c) A is correct, R is not correct

d) A is false, R is correct e) Both A and Rare false

3. Assertion: Dr Claire Roberts was surprised to see whatever happened to Emma.

Reason: She was able to overcome a similar situation in her youth.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation for A

c) A is correct, R is not correct

d) A is false, R is correct e) Both A and R are false

4.When Dr Roberts was a young swimmer, she was worried about

a) being injured in the match b) disappointing her father & her coach

c) facing much stronger opponents d) being disqualified for some violation

a) a and b b) b and c c) c and d d) a and d

5. Back in the 90s,

a) there were many sports psychologist

b) every Olympic team had a sports psychologist

c) sports were not highly competitive

d) one was lucky to find a sports psychologist

6. Assertion: Claire Roberts went on to become a sports psychologist Reason: She had won an
Olympic gold medal.

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation for A

c) A is correct, R is not correct d) A is false, R is correct

e) Both A and Rare false

7. To become a top sports person

a) one must possess many complex skills

b) one must have excellent equipment

c) one must focus on what needs to be developed

d) the efforts to improve must be consistent

a) a and b b) b and c c) c and d d) a and d

8. The most inspiring sports performances are achieved through

a) The spirit to crush the opponent b) force of character

c) Mechanical perfection d) large heartedness

a) a and b b) b and c c) c and d d) b and d

9. Match the words in the first column with those in the second column

A Crippling
B Elite
C Dwell on

1 To live at a specified place

a) A 4 B2 C1 b) 2 Causing a severe difficulty A2B3 C4

c) A3 B4 C3 3 Top class or highly superior d) A1B1 C2
4 To talk or think about something
10. Which of the following statements about
penalty shootouts and the lesson they teach.

1 Penalty shootouts are very common in international matches

2 The chances of winning are better when only goal is required to win
3 The chances of winning are comparatively lower when missing means a loss
4 Concentrate on positive results & do not worry about negative consequences

a) 1, 2 and 3 b) 1, 2 and 4 c) 1, 3 and 4 d) 2, 3 and 4

II. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow

1. Neha wipes her eyes with the back of her hand carefully. The strong odour of the dried, red
chillies is making her eyes water as she grinds them into a paste with onions, garlic, cumin and
coriander on a grinding stone that's almost equal to her weight. Later, she chops okra to fry in
oil along with the ground spice. The pan is bigger than her and she must keep a grip on the ladle
with both her hands to stir the curry. While it cooks, she measures out wheat flour in a large
bowl and pours water over it, her small hands struggling to tame the wheat flour into a dough.
Later she wakes up her younger siblings, and herds them to the bathroom. Her day started early
at 5 a.m., when she swept the yard, eyes heavy with sleep.
2. Neha is only 11 years old - and should be in school. In August 2009, when she was around one
year old, the Indian parliament had passed the landmark Right to Education Act that made
education free and compulsory for children between the ages 6 and 14. Neha's parents enrolled
her in school when she was six, but she dropped out four years later, before completing
elementary school. She had to help her mother with housework and look after her younger
3. School education in India has had its ups and down over the past few decades but one thing
which has remained almost constant is the lopsided ratio between male and female students.
Though the scene is not as dismal as it used to be, but we have a long way to go.
4. The All-India Survey of Higher Education published by the UGC last week shows the ratio of
boys is higher than girls at almost every level of education. In broader terms, the student
enrolment at the undergraduate level has 51 per cent boys and 49 per cent girls. The data
reveals diploma too has a skewed gender distribution, with 66.8 per cent boys and 33.2 per cent
girls. At the level of research streams also, male students outnumber females. In PhD courses
across the country, 80.18 per cent boys and 19.82 per cent girls.
5. One of the most alarming fact is that the number of dropouts at school level is much higher in
girls. In rural areas almost 50% of the girl students drop out after high school and almost 20%
complete their higher secondary education. The number of girls completing their college
education is merely 15% of the total female school going population, while female
postgraduates in a rural area are a meagre 2% of that. However, the dropout rate among the
girls is much lower in cities.
6. Literacy and level of education are basic indicators of the level of development achieved by a
society. Higher levels of female literacy lead to a greater awareness and contributes to the
improvement of economic and social conditions. It acts as a catalyst for social upliftment,
population control and better health standards.

11. Which of the following figures correctly represents student enrolment at different levels?
a) Number of dropouts at school level is much higher in girls
b) Girls do not go for higher education
c) Not enough schools are there in rural areas
d) Government does not provide any incentive for girl child education
12. When did Neha drop out from the school?
a) After high school level b) After higher secondary level
c) Before completing elementary education d) After completing elementary education

13. How does a better literacy level help a nation?

a) social upliftment, b) population control
c) better health standards. d) All of the above
14. The incident narrated at the beginning of the passage highlights the fact that girls do not
complete their education because of
a) Non-availability of school b) Lack of money
c) Having to help in the household chores d) Loving household chores

15. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

a) Number of girls enrolling for Ph D course is higher than boys
b) Only 10% of the total girls complete their post Graduate course in rural areas
c) In rural areas, only 50% of the girls go beyond high school education
d) None of the above

16. School education in India has had its ups and downs because of
1.The ratio of girls is higher at almost every level of education
2. The ratio of boys is higher at almost every level of education
3. Lopsided ratio between male and female students
4. The number of dropouts at school level is much higher in girls
a) 1 and 2 b) 1,3 and 4 c) 2,3 and 4 d) 3 and 4

17. The word 'landmark' used in para 2 means

a) Historic b) Geographical c) Controversial d) Popular
18. The most suitable antonym of the word 'lopsided' used in para 3 is
a) Difficult b) Balanced c) Unequal d) Alarming



III. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option
for each.

19 The hospital board clearly mentioned that you ________ smoke in the hospital as it is a
health hazard for all.

a. cannot b. must not c. need not d. might not

20 There’s never _______ petrol left after Rahul uses the car.

a. much b. little c. many d. a little

21 I am taking driving lessons now. Hopefully, I ___________my driving test by November.

a. will take b. would pass c. will have taken d. will be taking

22 Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?

Sunitha asked Venkat, “How much is the rent for your flat?”

a. Sunitha asked Venkat how much was his rent for flat.
b. Sunitha asked Venkat how much the rent for his flat was.
c. Sunita enquires from Venkat that how much rent he pays.
d. Sunita told Venkat how much the rent for his flat was.
23 Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?

She said, “I told Damanjit to send you an e-mail three days ago.”

a. She told that Damanjit had mailed you three days then.
b. She informed me that Damanjit has mailed me three days before.
c. She says that she has told Damanjit to send me an e-mail three days then.
d. She said that she had told Damanjit to send an e-mail to me three days before.

24 The dog ____________ under the chair before the children arrived.

a. has been hiding b. was hid c. have hid d. had hidden


IV. Answer any FIVE out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.

You are Rohan. You are concerned about the health hazards caused by the use of pesticides and
other harmful chemicals. Write a letter to the editor of 'The Indian Times' expressing your views on
the subject.

25. An editor will select a letter which has a

a) Public cause and well written b) Public cause but exposes writer's vested interest.

c) Public cause but is patronised. d) Public cause but authentic and personalized.

26.Why did the writer decide to write a letter to the editor?

a) To express his anger and frustration about pesticides and chemicals

b) To advocate and raise awareness about deteriorating public health.

c) To inform public about pesticides and chemicals.

d) To instigate people about pesticides and chemicals.

27. How is the opening sentence of the letter vital for the success of a writer's letter?

a) It should inform the readers what he is writing about

b) It should expect an immediate personal response.

c) It should be an argumentative one. d) It should be a caution to the readers.

28. As the letter is about harmful effects of pesticides and chemicals, it should discuss one of the

a) The pros and cons of their usage b) The adverse effects on the health of people

c) The concern about farmers' health. d) The advantage farmers will have about their yield.

29. What should be a complementary close in a letter to the editor?

a) Thank you b) Look forward to your immediate action.

c) Yours truly d) With high regards.

30. Rohan decided to conclude his letter with a tag line. Which one will be suitable to the issue he
raises here?

a) It is high time government should ban the use of such hazardous pesticides and chemicals.

b) It is high time laws should be made stringent to curb the manufacturing of such hazardous
chemicals by the industries concerned.

c) It is high time laws should be made stringent to stop the practice of usage of pesticides
and chemicals in the field of agriculture.

d)It is high time that some eco-friendly measures to be taken to benefit the farmers and also
improve the health of people.


This section has sub-sections V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in this section.
Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.

V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.

Tenth May dawned bright and clear. For the past few days I had been pleasantly besieged by
dignitaries and world leaders who were coming to pay their respects before the inauguration.
The inauguration would be the largest gathering ever of international leaders on South African
soil…….Today, all of us do, by our presence here...confer glory and hope to new born liberty. Out
of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a
society which all humanity will be proud of.

31. Why does the speaker say that is a ‘human disaster ‘?

He says this as they have:
a) Been prejudiced and considered outlaws in their own land
b) Experienced it for more than a decade.
c) They were not given equal job and career choices and opportunities.

32. The title that best suits this given extract is

a) Glory for all humans. b) Significance of humanity.
c) Realisation of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

33. Oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently two contradictory terms appear in
conjugation. Eg. Deafening silence.
Pick the option that showcases an example of oxymoron from the extract.
a) Human dignity b) Lasted long
c) Extraordinary human disaster

34. pick out the word which does not correspond to the word ―’besieged’

35. Pick out the expression similar to eminent

a) leaders b) dignitaries c) professionals d) guests

VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.

The moon was coming up in the east, behind me, and stars were shining in the clear sky above
me. There wasn’t ‘t a cloud in the sky. I was happy to be alone high up above the sleeping

36. Figure of speech used in the sleeping countryside is

a) Metonymy b) Metaphor c) Personification d) Assonance

37. Why did the pilot call the Paris Control room?

i) To know the weather forecast.

ii) To ask for the correct direction.
iii) To inform the airport authorities about his flight to England.
a) Only (i) is correct b) Only (ii) is correct
c) Both (i) and (ii) are correct d) Both (ii) and (iii) are correct

38. How would you describe the ‘risk ’the narrator took?
a) Unnecessary b) Imminent c) Impetuous d) Unavoidable

39. Based on the given extract, choose the meme which would be the most appropriate
response to ―’I ‘ll take risk’

40. Choose the option that correctly matches the idioms in Column A to the meanings in column

a) a- iv, b- ii, c- i, d- iii b) a- ii , b- i, c- iii d- iv

c) a- ii, b-iv, c- i, d- iii d) a- i, b- iii, c- ii, d- iv
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions follow.

As for the girls, she said, ―although just one or two sketches were submitted by most, one girl
—and Room Thirteen should be proud of her — this one girl actually drew one hundred designs
— all different and all beautiful. In the opinion of the judges, any one of the drawings is worthy
of winning the prize. I am very happy to say that Wanda Petronski is the winner of the girls‘

41.As for the girls, she said, ―although just one or two sketches were submitted by most, ..." by
saying so the teacher
a) expressed her disappointment that a majority of the girls were lacking in enthusiasm
b) wished to emphasize on the need for the girls to submit as many sketches as possible
c) wished to glorify a single girl's capacity to put in labour and denounce their laziness
d) actually, wished all to realize the fact that among them there was one who was an
amazingly proficient artist

42.In the opinion of the judges, any one of the drawings is worthy of winning the prize’ this
means that
a) Quantity coupled with quality reaps rich rewards
b) quality of a work pales in comparison to quantity
c) the judges were being unduly appreciative
d) quantity of a work does always count

43. When the teacher announced the name of Wanda as the winner all the students must have
a) been shocked at the unfairness of it all--the judges had been absolutely incompetent
b) realized that Peggy and they had been properly punished for their bad conduct
c) been astounded that somebody could be so hugely gifted as Wanda was
d) felt how wrong they had been in glorifying Peggy's talent

44. "I am very happy to say that Wanda Petronski is the winner of the girls‘medal." the teacher
a) The teacher was happy that henceforth her class would learn to treat Wanda with
respect for the extraordinary skills she possessed
b) The teacher without any doubt had a soft corner for Wanda
c) The teacher said so out of spite for she was displeased with her class for having
treated Wanda badly
d) The teacher believed in the adage-variety is spice of life and so a new winner was
always welcome

45. Had Wanda not been absent from school

a) for a change she would have received genuine admiration from her peers
b) she could have been derisive over the others for their own indifferent designs
c) she could have seen the humbled faced of her peers which would have delighted her
d) she could have crowed over others for her magnificent drawings

VIII. Read the given extract to answer the questions to follow.

There were nervous, excited cries of "Hold him!" But this was easier
said than done. Griffin had shaken himself free, and no one knew where
to lay hands on him

46. Who were making nervous cries?

a)The two boys b)The store assistants

c) Mr. & Mrs. Hall d) Startled people of Iping

47.They wanted to catch him because he was a ______.

a) Magician b) Scientist c) Criminal d) Wizard 179

48. Which of the following options does not conform the meaning of the phrase ‘ easier said than
a) It’s difficult to find a job in the city b) The exam was really hard
c) Designing a house is a complex process d) solving the Sudoko was a child’s play for him

49. No one knew where to lay hands on him because Griffin had --------------------
a) Left the lodge b) Left the village of Iping
c) Become invisible d) Gone to London
50. Antonym of invisible is
a) distinct b) obscure c) unseen d) hidden

IX. Attempt the following

51. Which of the following is true about the characteristic of Anne Frank?

a) She was an outspoken and introvert person

b) She was a reserved and introvert person
c) She shares everything with her friends d) She was a careless person.

52.Who is the author of the story ‘The Thief’s Story’?

a) James Herriot b) Ruskin Bond

c)Robert Arthur d) Victor Canning

53. The Crow and the Hemlock tree symbolise ………………

a) victory b) Happiness c) celebration d) sorrow

54.What type of conflict does the chapter ‘ A Letter to God” highlight?

(a) conflict between nature and humans (b) conflict among humans
(c) conflict among God and nature (d) both a and b

55.Why was writing in a diary a strange experience for Ann Frank?

I. She had never written anything before.

II. She was writing anything for the first time.
III. She doubted if anyone would read her story.
IV. No one would be interested in the musings of a 13-year-old schoolgirl.
Pick the option that lists these correctly
(a) Only I (b) Only I & IV (c) Only II & III (d) Only I & III
56. Name the poetic device used in the line "I hold with those who favour fire".

a) assonance b) alliteration c) none d) both (a) and (b)

57.Why is money called external?

a) We need to earn money through hard work.

b) We can replace the lost things with its help.
c) It is made in an artificial way. d) None of these

58.What was the reason that there was no ring-throwing lately?

a) Hodkin was not well b) The gardener was not coming

c) He has been down with lumbago d) All the above

59.Which literary device has been used in ‘A beam of moonlight stepped over the balcony and
fell on the bed‘
a) Alliteration b) Transferred epithet
c) Personification d) Simile

60. In the poem “Tiger in the zoo” what does the term the tiger’s ‘quiet rage’ indicate?
It indicates that the tiger’s anger is
a).forgotten b) provoked c) suppressed d) opposed

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