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Subject: English Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.
2. Section A-READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per specific
instructions for each question.
3. Section B-WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C-LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking

I. Read the passage given below.
Over the past few decades, research has revealed a great deal of information about how readers
get meaning from what they read and about the kinds of instructional activities and procedures
that are most successful in helping students to become good readers. For many years, reading
instruction was based on a concept of reading as the application of a set of isolated skills such as
identifying words, finding main ideas, identifying cause and effect relationships, comparing and
contrasting and sequencing. Comprehension was viewed as the mastery of these skills.
One important classroom study conducted during the 1970s found that typical comprehension
instruction followed what the study called a mentioning, practicing, and assessing procedure.
That is, teachers mentioned a specific skill that students were to apply, had students practice the
skill by completing workbook pages, then assessed them to find out if they could use the skill
correctly. Such instruction did little to help students learn how or when to use the skills, nor was
it ever established that this particular set of skills enabled comprehension.
At about this time, a group of psychologists, linguists, and computer scientists began to focus
research attention on how the mind works — how people think and learn. A goal of this new
research movement, called cognitive science, was to produce an applied science of learning.
In the field of reading, a number of cognitive scientists focused their attention on how readers
construct meaning as they read. Specifically, they studied the mental activities that good readers
engage in to achieve comprehension. From these studies an entirely new concept emerged about
what reading is. According to the new concept, reading is a complex, active process of
constructing meaning — not skill application.
The act of constructing meaning is:
• Interactive — it involves not just the reader but also the text and the context in which reading
takes place.
• Strategic — readers have purposes for their reading and use a variety of strategies and skills as
they construct meaning.
• Adaptable — readers change the strategies they use as they read different kinds of text or as
they read for different purposes.
While cognitive science research was producing valuable information about comprehension
processes, reading education researchers were reporting important findings about what
comprehension instruction looks like in the most effective reading classrooms. The convergence
of these strands of research has provided a wealth of information about what good readers do as
they read, about how good and poor readers differ, and about the kind of instruction that is
needed to help students to become good readers.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions by
choosing the correct option.
1. Which of the following is NOT a procedure that followed a typical comprehension instruction
during the 1970s, as revealed after a classroom study done by researchers?
(i) practicing procedure (ii) mentioning procedure
(iii) memorisation procedure (iv) assessing procedure
2. A goal of a new research movement called cognitive science was:
(i) to promote a more practical sort of learning. (ii) to produce an applied science of
(iii)to introduce an element of learning through assessment. (iv) to reveal a better method of
3. A number of cognitive scientists, in the field of reading, focused their attention on :
(i) how much an average reader can read in a day.
(ii) learning why many people preferred learning through reading.
(iii)learning why readers had a much better knowledge of vocabulary than others.
(iv) how readers construct meaning as they read.
4. (d) According to the new concept of reading, reading is not .......... but a complex, active
process of constructing meaning.
(i) an insignificant expertise (ii) a comprehension skill
(iii) a skill application (iv) a preferred ability
5. The act of constructing meaning is :
I. Comprehensive II. Adaptable III. Strategic IV. Interactive
(i) I, II and III (ii) I, III and IV
(iii) II, III and IV (iv) I, II, III and IV
6. Many years ago the mastery of reading instruction skills was viewed as :
(i) comprehension. (ii) cognitive learning.
(iii) interactive learning. (iv) interpretation.
7. Which instruction gave no help to the students to learn how or when to use certain skills nor
was it ever established that this particular set of skills enabled comprehension?
(i) reading instruction (ii) typical comprehension
(iii) cognitive instruction (iv) adaptable comprehensive instruction
8.The readers change the strategies they use as they read different kinds of text or as they read
for different purposes. This is an .......... feature of the act of constructive meaning.
(i) adaptable (ii) strategic
(iii) cohesive (iv) interactive
9. Choose an option that lists a statement that is NOT TRUE.
(i) In the late 20th century a group of psychologists, linguists, and computer scientists began to
focus research attention on how the mind works i.e. how people think and learn.
(ii) The act of constructing meaning is interactive because it involves not just the reader but also
the text and the context in which reading takes place.
(iii) Research has revealed a great deal of information about the kinds of instructional activities
and procedures that are most successful in helping students to become good readers.
(iv) Reading instruction is even now based on a concept of the application of a set of skills like
identifying words. finding main ideas, identifying cause and effect relationships, comparing and
contrasting and sequencing.
10. The convergence of the strands of cognitive science research and reading education research
has provided a wealth of information about:
1. what methods are required to instill in students the habit of learning through reading.
2. the kind of instruction that is needed to help students to become good readers.
3. what good readers do as they read.
4. how good and poor readers differ.
(i) 1, 2 and 3 (ii) 1, 3 and 4
(iii) 2, 3 and 4 (iv) 1, 2, 3 and 4
II. Read the passage given below:
Business activities can be classified as under:

Statistical methods play a vital role in major business activities. Commerce and industry in the
modern age require a great deal of planning and forecasting of various kinds. Statistics comes to
the aid of the business planner in many ways.
1. The producer or the manufacturer has to estimate demand for his goods in the immediate as
well as distant future. This is done by market research for which all the steps of statistical
methods have to be followed. A cost accountant uses statistical tools to help the producer fix the
prices of various commodities.
2. Similarly, the trader—wholesaler or retailer—depends heavily on methods of statistical
analysis for finding out solutions to problems regarding buying and selling activities. For
profitable trade he must know what the customers want and also how long the demand would
last. This is very important for international trade. For this purpose, statistics of export-import for
various commodities and regions are collected and analysed for decision making
3. Statistics is equally important for subsidiaries of trade. The banker plays an important role in
commerce and industry. He provides finances to the producer and trader. Therefore, he has to
forecast when the demand would be high and accordingly decide what amount of reserves he
must have. Similarly, he must estimate what amounts would be required by his depositors,
otherwise his bank would fail. For this, detailed analysis of money transactions is required where
statistical tools are indispensable.
4. Insurance companies function on the basis of estimations of mortality rates, that is life
expectations and on this basis of calculated insurance premiums. Accordingly, they decide what
proportion of their capital can be invested and what proportion can be kept ready for payments of
matured policies.
5. Other public utility bodies, such as the Road transport Companies, the Railways, Advertising
concerns, Warehouses, etc., which contribute to commerce in a significant way, also make use of
statistical data for their efficient functioning. For instance, they have to determine the extent of
demand that would be made on their services and the rates they might fix for the same. In fact,
no modern organisation can survive and efficiently function without analysis of the complex
factors that influence commerce. For systematic business analysis statistical tools are absolutely
essential. Modern business management, therefore, is an activity that requires a great deal of
analysis or making proper decisions in the face of a large number of uncertainties.
Source: Statistics for Economics—M.N. Shah
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the questions.
11. Commerce and industry require:
(i) planning (ii) forecasting (iii) statistics (iv) (i) and (iii)
12. Prices of various commodities are fixed by:
(i) statistical tools (ii) wholesaler (iii) costing (iv) producers
13. To find solution to problems related to buying and selling, traders depend on:
(i) profit making (ii) statistical analysis
14. Based on your understanding of the passage choose the option that is NOT TRUE:

(i) Option 1 & 2 (ii) Option 3 & 4 (iii) Option 2 & 3 (iv) Option 1 & 3
15. The word in Para 5 which means the same as ‘endure’ is:
(i) analysis (ii) efficient (iii) contribute (iv) survive
16. A bank fails when:
(i) bankers cannot provide finances to traders. (ii) bankers cannot estimate the amounts of
deposits. (iii) bankers cannot forecast the amount of reserves required. (iv) All the above
17. Insurance companies calculate premiums on the basis of:
(i) mortality rates (ii) matured policies (iii) life expectations (iv) (i) and (ii)
18. On the basis of the chart trade Subsidiaries DO NOT include:
(i) warehousing (ii) import (iii) advertisement (iv) insurance
III. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for

Marie asked her brother Tony if he had seen her new umbrella and she wanted to know whether
it was a fine one. Tony agreed and asked his sister (a) ................. His sister replied in the
negative and added that (b) ................ Tony further said that (c) .................
19.(i) if he had bought it from the Mall (ii) did she buy it from the Mall (iii) if she had bought it
from the Mall (iv) that she had bought it from the Mall
20.(i) their father had bought it from her (ii) their father had bought it for him (iii) their father
had bought it for her (iv) their father had bought it from him
21. (i) he would ask father to buy him one also (ii) he will tell father to buy him one also (iii) she
will tell father to buy him one also (iv) I will tell father to buy me one also
22.The modern student .................. the importance of physical exercise.
(i) understand (ii) had understand (iii) understands (iv) understood
23. Dental hygiene .................... be inculcated in children.
(i) should (ii) could (iii) can (iv) might
24.There’s never _______ petrol left after Rahul uses the car.
(i) much (ii) little (iii) many (iv). a little
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Rohan Dev/ Rohini Kumari, an English Teacher who has been posted to the rural school
in a remote area of Gujarat. You are pained to see the appalling condition of school there.
Complete the complaint letter to the Education Officer, Sourashtra, Gujarat expressing your
25.Select the option with relevant aspects that Rohan/Rohini should select, for this letter.
(1) The Officials name (2) Attached proof of the newspaper subscription (3) Sender’s address (4)
Formal tone (5) Expected date of the letter’s receipt
(i). (1) and (5) (ii). (2), (3) and (4)
(iii). (3) and (5) (iv) (1), (3) and (4)

26.Select the appropriate subject for this letter.

(i). Drawing attention towards students
(ii). The rural are hygiene issues.
(iii). Rural areas are not convenient for the schools.
(iv). Complaint about the bad condition of the school

27. Which option should you select, to elaborate on the appalled condition of the school?
(i). The basic infrastructure of the school is in shambles, no separate restrooms for boys and
girls, broken benches and insufficient teachers
(ii). The fans and tube lights are either missing or doesn’t function
(iii). poor drinking water facilities,
(iv). none of these

28. Select the option that correctly justifies the choice of the concluding portion of this letter.

1. I expect the authorities to take corrective measures towards this issue.

2. I hope my request will be taken under consideration and corrective measures will be
taken in the same regard.

(i). Yes, to Option (1) because of the authoritative tone.

(ii). No, to Option (1) because of the informal tone.
(iii). Yes, to Option (2) because of the tone of polite expectation.
(iv). No, to Option (2) because of the certainty in the tone.

29.Select the option that completes the concluding line appropriately. I hope that my letter will
(i). help spread awareness about the issue.
(ii). lead to action against all authorities responsible, at Educational department.
(iii). improve circulation of the national daily.
(iv). result in positive reviews by the readers.

30.You decide to write the letter to the ______________________

(i) The Manager (ii) The Educational Minister (iii) The Editor (iv) The Minister


This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.

V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:

I was safe! I turned to look for my friend in the black aeroplane, but the sky was empty. There
was nothing there. The black aeroplane was gone. I could not see it anywhere. I landed and was
not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota near the control tower. I went and asked a woman in
the control centre where I was and who the other pilot was. I wanted to say ‘Thank you’. She
looked at me very strangely, and then laughed. “Another aeroplane? Up there in this storm? No
other aeroplanes were flying tonight. Yours was the only one I could see on the radar.” So, who
helped me…
31.Select the option that correctly tracks the progression of emotions experienced by the narrator
in the given extract.
A) excited – surprised – relieved – grateful – perplexed b) relieved – confused – curious –
dejected – panic-stricken c) optimistic – lonely – calm – elated – appreciative d) triumphant –
reassured– inquisitive – thankful – uncertain
32. Why do you think the woman in the control centre laughed?
a) She found the narrator funny. c) She thought he was teasing her. b) She thought his question
preposterous. d) She was relieved the narrator was safe.
33. Filled with questions, the narrator decides to place an advertisement in the local newspaper
to look for his “friend”. Read the advertisement given below and select the option that includes
the most appropriate solutions for the blanks:
Looking for a pilot of a black aeroplane who (i) _______ an old Dakota out of storm clouds late
last night, but (ii) _______ before the Dakota pilot could express his gratitude after landing.
Though control centre and radar did not (iii) _______ its presence, the Dakota pilot would really
appreciate if his friend reached out. Please contact the Dakota pilot at 5200100110. In deep
gratitude and eager (iv) ______,
a) (i) guided; (ii) disappeared; (iii) register; (iv) anticipation
b) (i) took; (ii) landed; (iii) acknowledge; (iv) appreciation
c) (i) brought; (ii) went away; (iii) confirm; (iv) expectation
d) (i) helped; (ii) vanish; (iii) make note; (iv) excitement

34. The narrator exclaimed that he was “safe”. Which of the following represented the most
immediate threat to the narrator’s safety?
a) The black mountain-like storm cloud b) The depletion of fuel in the last fuel tank c) Being lost
due to non-functioning equipment d) The old rattling Dakota aeroplane
35. Choose the option that correctly matches the idioms in Column A to the story’s events in
column B:
(a) 1-(iv); 2-(iii); 3-(ii); 4-(i) (b) 1-(iii); 2-(i); 3-(iv); 4-(ii) (c) 1-(i); 2-(ii); 3-(iii); 4-(iv) (d) 1-(ii);
2-(iv); 3-(i); 4-(iii)
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely
alone in the world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and a sixteen-year-old sister, and there are
about thirty people I can call friends. I have a family, loving aunts and a good home. No, on the
surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend. All I think about when I’m with
friends is having a good time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday
36. Why does Anne feel the following?
…no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in the world.
1) People knew she had a family. 2) People rejected the idea of loneliness. 3) She had several
friends. 4) She had a cheerful personality. 5) Her life was comfortable.
Choose the correct option from the following:
A. (1) and (5) B. (1), (3) and (4) C. (2) and (3) D. (2), (4) and (5)
37. Select the most appropriate option for (1) and (2).
(1) …on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend.
(2) Anne doesn’t truly connect with anyone.
A. (1) is true and (2) is false. B. (2) is the opposite of (1).
C. (1) furthers the meaning of (2). D. Both (1) and (2) cannot be inferred from the extract.
38. From the options given below, identify Anne’s tone in the extract.
A. restless B. dissatisfied C. scared D. hurt
39. Select the option which displays an example of ‘having a good time’.
40.What do we get to know about Anne when she says the following?
I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things
Choose one from the following to answer:
A. She is proud of her ways.
B. She is struggling to strike conversations.
C. She is unsure of her own thoughts.
D. She is unable to have a satisfying conversation.
VII. Read the extract given below and answer the following questions:
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him

41. The poet uses the word ‘ultimate’ to describe the boy’s reaction. Pick the meaning that
DOES NOT display what, ‘ultimate’ means in the context given.
a) consequent b) final c) conclusive d) fateful
42. The boy is very young in this poem. As a mature, balanced grown-up, he might look back
and think that his reaction of ‘ultimate shaking grief’ was
1) disproportionate to the loss. 2) pretension to procure a new toy. 3) according to his exposure
and experience then. 4) a reaction to the failure of retrieving the toy. 5) justified and similar to
what it would be currently.
a) 5 & 2 b) 1 & 3 c) 2 & 4 d) 3 & 5
43. Pick the option that lists the boy’s thoughts, matching with the line-As he stands rigid,
trembling, staring down.
a) Option 1 b) Option 2 c) Option 3 d) Option 4
44. Why does the speaker choose not to intrude?
This is so because the poet
a) knows that it would embarrass the boy in his moment of grief. b) feels that it’s important that
the boy learn an important life lesson, undisturbed. c) realises that he doesn’t have sufficient
funds to purchase a new ball for the boy. d) Experiences a sense of distress himself, by looking at
the boy’s condition.
45. Choose the option that lists the meaning of ‘harbour’ as used in the extract.
Noun: (1) a place on the coast where ships may moor in shelter.
(2) a place of refuge.
Verb: (3) keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly.
(4) shelter or hide (a criminal or wanted person).
a) Option 1 b) Option 2 c) Option 3 d) Option 4
VIII. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
The entire staff was roused and maids rushed in and out bringing his day bed, his night bed,
favourite cushions, toys and rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, supper bowl. Realising
that my car would never hold all the stuff, I started to drive away. As I moved off, Mrs
Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, threw an armful of the little coats through the window. I looked
in the mirror before I turned the corner of the drive; everybody was in tears. Out on the road, I
glanced down at the pathetic little animal gasping on the seat by my side. I patted the head and
Tricki made a brave effort to wag his tail. “Poor old lad,” I said. “You haven’t a kick in you but I
think I know a cure for you.”
46. What might the atmosphere of the household in the above extract signify?
(i) Mrs. Pumphrey’s status in society reflected in Tricki’s lifestyle. (ii) The staff’s love for
Tricki, which matched that of Mrs. Pumphrey. (iii) The grand life of comforts and luxuries that
Tricki enjoyed. (iv) Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and anxiety acted upon by the staff.
47. Given below are emotions reflecting various expressions and reactions. Choose the option
that correctly describes the narrator’s mindset in the given extract.
(i) Options (I) and (III) (ii) Options (II) and (IV) (iii) Options (III) and (V) (iv) Options
(II) and (V)
48. Given below are some well-known quotes shared by the staff to console Mrs. Pumphrey,
after Tricki’s departure. Choose the option that correctly identifies the quote that IS NOT
appropriate to the consolation offered.

(i) Options (I) (ii) Options (II) (iii) Options (III) (iv) Options (IV)
49. As the extract indicates, Mrs. Pumphrey indulged Tricki and bought him many things.
Choose the option that best describes the kinds of advertisement/s that seem likely to persuade
Mrs. Pumphrey to buy something for Tricki.
I. Statistics Appeal. Such advertisements use facts and data to convince consumers to buy
II. Scarcity Appeal. Such advertisements create a feeling of exclusivity and are often used to
convince people to take advantage of a sale or limited period offer
III. Personal Appeal. Such advertisements focus on evoking emotions to convince consumers and
often relate to family or other inter-personal interactions.
IV. Fear Appeal. Such advertisements focus on inspiring some kind of fear to convince
consumers to take action in order to avoid certain negative or undesirable consequences.
(i) Options (I), (II) and (IV) (ii) Options (III) and (IV) (iii) Options (I), (III) and (IV)
(iv) Options (II) Only
50. The narrator describes Tricki as a “pathetic little animal”. The use of the word ‘pathetic’
indicates that the narrator
(i) was very fond of Tricki (ii) thought Tricki was contemptible. (iii) pitied Tricki’s condition.
(iv) believed Tricki’s health was deteriorating
IX. Attempt the following.
51. Why was the boys surprised to see a barefooted man in London?
52. The boys felt that the footprints were:

53. Why did the postman laugh heartily on seeing Lencho’s letter?
(i) He did not know what to do with it (ii) The letter was without an address (iii) He had never
known that address (iv) He lacked that kind of faith in God
54. What is not the meaning of the word ‘convalescence’?
Choose the correct meaning from the given choices.
(i) to have fits (ii) Recuperate (iii) Rehabilitation (iv) To rest and get better (over a period of
55. Name the poetic device used in the line “And saved some part”.
(i) alliteration (ii) metaphor (iii) oxymoron (iv) simile
56. What is the emotion that the crow and the hemlock tree symbolize?
(i) celebration (ii) death (iii) sorrow (iv) happiness
57. who has erected the domain of racial discrimination in South Africa?
(i) The Blacks (ii) The Whites (iii) History (Iv) Society
58. Jane Petronski’s tone in writing the letter IS NOT:
(i) distressing (ii) spiteful (iii) hurt (iv) painful
59. The ‘hatred’- in the poem ‘Fire and Ice’ has the same adverse impact on us as:
(i) love (ii) jealous (iii) desire (iv) none of these
60. The ‘Tiger’ in Leslie’s poem is just able to :
(i) terrorize the visitors (ii) attach the visitors (iii) Stalks the Visitors (iv) love the visitors

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