Writing Task 1

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You must present the information and ideas in

a clear, logical manner using linking words and
paragraphs appropriately. Look at Graph 3 below.
Using the box to help decide what to include in your


Decide how many paragraphs you will need for

the key features, and what information to include in
each. Complete these ideas in your own words.
The graph shows how many kilojoules people
consume, on average between the (4)
___________ and compares the figures for men
and women.
The overall trend for males and females is (5)
___________. However, males consume (6)
_____________ throughout their lives, and at the
age of 15, they eat a grand total of (7)___________.
The intake of females is also (8) ___________ at
this age, although their (9) _________ of
consumption is much lower, being just under
Complete this paragraph which continues the
description of the graph. Choose appropriate linkers
from the box.

In the case of
After this
As far as…. Are

11____________________, most people eat

between six and seven thousand kilo joules in their
early years, and this figure rises quietly steeply.
12 _______________ they move into their teens.
13______, food in take tends to decline,
14_________ both age groups eating less as they
get older. The difference in the amounts eaten in
later years.
15_______ narrows to around three thousand
kilojoules. Thus, it is 16 ___________ clear that we
need more food when we are young and less when
we are old.

Another way to link ideas within a paragraph is

to use reference word that incorporates the
meaning of the original word, such as the, this,
these, neither, both, one, it, who, whom, etc.

Find a word or phrase to complete the gaps.

There may be more than pne possibility.
17. Though food intake increases as young women
get older, ____ falls after the age of 15.
18. At the age of two, young boys eat about 7000
kilojoules per day______ increases significantly up
to the age of 15.
19. Men and women eat a lot when they are under
20, but ___________ eat less after ____ age.
20. While men eat more than women, _______
groups follow a similar pattern of food intake.
21. Food consumption varies between men and
women, with difference occurring at the age of 15.
22. By the age of 50, females only consume 7000
kilojoules ___ is considerably less than men.
You need to show that you have arrange of
vocabulary suitable for the task and that you can
use these words appropriately and accurately in
your answer.

Look at the words in italics in the paragraph

below. Replace them with more suitable words to
improve the paragraph.
You also need to know which words collocate
or go together well.
8. Match the adjectives in box A with the nouns in
Box B to make collocations. There may be more
than one possibility.

Vast serious Trend number

small Majority minority

Download Consideration proportion

considerable reasonable amount

You should find different ways of expressing

similar ideas try to avoid repeating the same words
or using vague words.
Match words and phrases 9-16 to the words and
phrases with a similar meaning a-h.
9 few a the majority of
10 less than b a marked increase
11 a steep rice c the most significant
12 fell dramatically d a small number of
13 compares e provides a comparison of
14 most f overall
15 generally speaking g under
16 the biggest h dropped considerably

You need to pay attention to how you choose,

form and spell words. You will lose marks if you
make mistakes in these areas.
17. Correct the errors in spelling and word choice in
this short paragraph.
The table below shows the results of a survey to find out what
members of a city sports club think about the club’s activities,
facilitates and opening hours.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make any comparisons where relevant.
Write atleast 150 words. You can write your answers in a 1/2
sheet of paper (crosswise). 50 points.
Range of Very satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied
Female 35% 35% 30%
Male members 55% 40% 5%

Club facilities

Female 64% 22% 14%

Male members 63% 27% 10%

Opening hours

Female 72% 25% 3%

Male members 44% 19% 37%

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