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ACPS Campaign Mock Survey

Start of Block: Default Question Block

Q1 What is your age?
Q2 What is you gender?
o Male (1)
o Female (2)
o Non-binary / third gender (3)
o Prefer not to say (4)
Q3 Are you a resident of Duval County?
o No (1)
o Yes (2)
Display This Question:
If Are you a resident of Duval County? = Yes
Q4 How long have you lived in Duval County?
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9
0 5 0
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
Years ()
Display This Question:
If Are you a resident of Duval County? = Yes
Q7 What is your zipcode?
Display This Question:
If Are you a resident of Duval County? = No
Q5 What county do you live in?
Q8 What us your highest level of education?
o Less than a high school diploma (1)
o High school diploma (2)
o Associates or 2 year degree (3)
o Bachelors degree (4)
o Masters Degree (5)
o PHD (6)
o Other (7)
Q9 Are you currently a pet owner?
o No (1)
o Yes (2)
Display This Question:
If Are you currently a pet owner? = Yes
Q10 What kind of pets do you own?
▢ Dog/dogs (1)
▢ Cat/cats (2)
▢ Hamsters or gerbils (3)
▢ Fish (4)
▢ Other (5)
Display This Question:
If What kind of pets do you own? = Dog/dogs
Or What kind of pets do you own? = Cat/cats
Q11 How many years have you owned the pet you've had the longest?
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Years ()
Display This Question:
If Are you currently a pet owner? = Yes
Q12 Where did you adopt or buy the pet you've had the longest from?
o Pet shop (1)
o Breeder (2)
o Shelter (3)
o Friend/family member (4)
o Online service (Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc) (5)
o Other (6)
Display This Question:
If Where did you adopt or buy the pet you've had the longest from? = Shelter
Q13 What shelter did you adopt the pet you've had the longest from?
o ACPS (1)
o Jacksonville Humane Society (2)
o Other (3)
Q14 Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)?
o Definitely not (1)
o Probably not (2)
o Might or might not (3)
o Probably yes (4)
o Definitely yes (5)
Display This Question:
If Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Probably yes
Or Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Definitely yes
Q15 Approximately how long have you known about ACPS?
0 5 10 15 20 25
Years ()
Display This Question:
If Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Probably yes
Or Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Definitely yes
Q16 How did you hear about ACPS?
o Word of mouth (1)
o Internet (2)
o Social media (3)
o News outlet (4)
o Other (5)
Display This Question:
If Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Probably yes
Or Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Definitely yes
Q16 What is your general impression of what ACPS does?
Display This Question:
If Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Definitely not
Or Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Probably not
Or Have you heard of Animal Care and Protective Services (ACPS)? = Might or might not
Q17 If you had to guess based off of the name, what do you think Animal Care and Protective
Services does?
Q18 Have you heard of the Jacksonville Humane Society?
o Definitely not (1)
o Probably not (2)
o Might or might not (3)
o Probably yes (4)
o Definitely yes (5)
Display This Question:
If Have you heard of the Jacksonville Humane Society? = Probably yes
Or Have you heard of the Jacksonville Humane Society? = Definitely yes
Q19 How long have you known about the Jacksonville Humane Society?
0 5 10 15 20 25
Years ()
Display This Question:
If Have you heard of the Jacksonville Humane Society? = Probably yes
Or Have you heard of the Jacksonville Humane Society? = Definitely yes
Q20 What is your general impression of what the Jacksonville Humane Society does?
Q21 Do you follow ACPS on any social media platforms?
o No (3)
o Not sure (5)
o Yes (6)
Display This Question:
If Do you follow ACPS on any social media platforms? = Yes
Q22 Which platforms do you follow ACPS on?
▢ Instagram (1)
▢ Facebook (2)
▢ Twitter (3)
▢ Other (4)
Q23 Do you follow the Jacksonville Humane Society on any social media platforms?
o No (1)
o Not sure (2)
o Yes (3)
Display This Question:
If Do you follow the Jacksonville Humane Society on any social media platforms? = Yes
Q24 Which platforms do you follow the Jacksonville Humane Society on?
▢ Instagram (1)
▢ Facebook (2)
▢ Twitter (3)
▢ Other (4)
Q25 Do you follow any pet or animal based accounts on social media?
o No (1)
o Not sure (2)
o Yes (3)
Display This Question:
If Do you follow any pet or animal based accounts on social media? = Yes
Q26 Which platforms do you follow pet or animal based accounts on?
▢ Instagram (1)
▢ Facebook (2)
▢ Twitter (3)
▢ Other (4)
End of Block: Default Question Block
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