CW-7 Adjectives

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Class notes -7(2020-21)

LESSON: Adjectives
Date : 7.11.2021 Submission date-10.11.2021


1. Start in a new page. Mention as ‘Grammar 7’. ‘Adjectives’.

2. Use both the sides of the notebook.
3. Highlight the necessary words with colour pencil.

Grammar -7


A word that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun in the given sentence. It

gives more information about the noun.

Eg : The green apple

The tall boy
I. Circle the adjective and underline the nouns it describes :
1. Ram like the red ball.
2. The little tree is easy to climb.
3. Priya likes rides in fast car.
4. I have five pencils and seven erasers.
5. I ate salty food.

Adjectives – Degree of comparison

Comparative adjectives: Adjectives that are used to compare the differences
between the two nouns or objects.
Eg: The parrot is wise. The Owl is wiser than the parrot.

Superlative adjective: Adjectives that takes the comparison of nouns to the

highest degree.
Eg: The parrot is wise. The owl is wiser than the parrot. The crow is the wisest.
Note: Need not write. Only for reference.
Rule Adjective Comparitive Superlative
Small words Dark Darker Darkest
Words ending with e Simple Simpler Simplest
Words ending with ‘vowel’ Fat Fatter fattest
followed by consonant
Word ending with y Busy Busier Busiest
Bigger words Popular More popular Most popular
Irregular adjectives Good Better best
Much More Most
Little Less Least

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