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I am from kids toys from barbie and Bratz dolls

I am from the brick townhouse I grew up in, dull, boring.

It feels like nostalgia
I am from the honeysuckle bushes outside of the playground,
The great oak tree outside my house I used to climb.
I’m from the cinnamon rolls thanksgiving morning and the bad eyesight
From Jocelyn and Omar and Janice
I’m from the tardiness at thanksgiving and the tendency to be dramatic

From ‘a closed mouth don’t get fed’ and ‘make an effort’

I’m from going t church but not all the time
I’m from Chicago Illinois and Mississippi on my dad’s side
Mac and cheese and collard greens
From my cousin who likes to grab earlobes
The great cooking and crazy stories
The tall photos on the mantle
And not feeling like enough.

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