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Basilio, Alyssa Bernadette A.

SEC-69 BK1: #FEUBlendedLearningEnvironment

What are the benefits of the blended learning environment being implemented by FEU? What are
The skills you developed as a university student as you went through this new type of learning
environment? How do you think this help prepare you for your future career?

Over the years, blended learning, which combines conventional face-to-face teaching
with technology, has grown in popularity in educational institutions. Faculty can use visuals and
online interactivity to engage students in this type of learning. In fact, 77 percent of academic
leaders believe that online education is on par with or better than face-to-face education and can
be delivered at a lower cost. How can blended learning affect faculty members and students in
Change may be tough, especially for professors who have been teaching for years using
old techniques. However, when blended learning becomes more widespread in educational
institutions, the benefits become more apparent, resulting in a higher adoption rate. One of the
benefits of blended learning to the faculty members of Far Eastern University is that it tracks and
improves engagement among students. Blended learning allows teachers to create a clear
roadmap for students, including what is expected of each student and what is required to achieve
the final goal — or grade. Teachers may view and track each student's development via
integrated learning. This method can make it simpler to spot indicators of a student's struggle or
educational strengths and take appropriate action. The second benefit of blended learning is that
it enhances communication. Today's youth are growing up with more technology than ever
before. Changes in communication habits have already been observed, beginning with
millennials. Observing a generation that has grown up immersed in the digital environment
might provide insight into how communication is changing. Online forums can link instructors
and students more successfully by catering to a student's chosen way of communication. The
third benefit of blended learning for faculty members in FEU is that it enables EdTech materials
such as Canvas, Cengage, and McGraw-Hill as course materials for faculty members and
students to use during the academic year. Students are enjoying a more inclusive learning
experience by mixing modern technologies like AR and VR with traditional teaching techniques.
Teaching online is becoming more effective and simpler because of the rise of EdTech. And
lastly, the benefit of blended learning for faculty members in FEU is that it enables the teachers
to personalize their specific classes. Large class numbers make it difficult to customize courses
or comprehend each student's unique requirements. This is something that blended learning can
help with. Individualizing learning modules based on competency is easier with student-centric,
blended learning. Within the same classroom, students can proceed at different speeds, allowing
teachers to more readily determine whether kids are more interested in a specific subject or want
more attention in that subject.
Now, we’ll talk about the benefits of blended learning for students. The first benefit of
blended learning for students is that it encourages support for their peers or classmates. Blended
learning is beneficial to more than just faculty members. Perhaps more significantly, pupils are
provided with a more holistic educational experience, which can help them retain information
and become more engaged. Making the Connection in a Mixed Learning Environment', they
discovered that online communication increased social elements of students in a blended learning
environment. They said that blended learning allowed students to connect with other students
and their learning institution even when they were not on campus. Open discourse is constantly
available through providing online debates in real-time or in an asynchronous manner, such as
discussion boards or chat rooms. The regularity of communication allows for a community-style
support structure that provides continuous peer assistance. The second benefit of blended
learning for students is the easy access and flexibility of the materials used for blended learning.
Students can access content without being constrained by schedule conflicts because resources
are available online. Smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers can access online resources,
which is the technology we currently use on a regular basis. One conclusion is that most students
who enroll in college but do not complete it are part-time students, implying that they are
balancing school with jobs and other obligations. Because blended learning platforms are
accessible at any time, it is ideal for students who are seeking to complete their education while
still working or raising a family. The third benefit of blended learning to students is that it
enhances retention. Blended learning may be more successful at teaching pupils than traditional
face-to-face instruction. According to other research, studying online can boost retention rates
from 25-60%, compared to only 8-10% for face-to-face learning. The fourth benefit of blended
learning for students is the increased satisfaction and effectiveness. Today's students like to study
in a few methods. Many young pupils are accustomed to and prefer an online environment as
digital natives. Aside from providing enjoyment and happiness to students, the various styles of
education may also be a more effective approach for pupils to learn. Blended learning fosters
self-learning by forcing students to seek material online on their own rather than depending on a
lecturer in a classroom environment. Blended learning is beneficial because, unlike traditional
lecture-based education, it allows for more active and meaningful activities in the classroom,
which can lead to increased efficacy. And lastly, blended learning allows students to boost their
soft skills. Soft skills, or abilities that are necessary for professional success in the workplace, are
organically cultivated in an online learning environment. In a mixed model, skills like
connecting effectively to people, time management, critical thinking, and teamwork are
cultivated. Blended learning offers instructors new opportunities to engage and interact with
students. With declining enrollments and the digital landscape placing strain on systems, faculty,
and curriculum, adopting blended learning might help tap into a new generation of students and
generate new income.
One of the skills I developed when I started the blended learning environment in FEU
was my time management skills; for me, it was hard to adjust to the new learning modality since
it was my first time experiencing it. But as months passed by, I tried my best to adapt to the new
learning modality and fix my time schedule so that I can finish all my assignments at quizzes at
home. Since I am learning at the comfort of my home, it was hard for me to do a lot of work
since I tend to be a bit lazy when I’m at home. Blended learning helped me to improve my time
management and my focus on a specific assignment I’m working on.
I firmly believe that blended learning can impact us on our future careers; this implies
work opportunities that require their employees to work from home. A lot of risks can be seen in
working from home, but it also has its own advantages. For me, blended learning helps us to be
more flexible on our work and it helps us to manage our time wisely. I am inclined to believe
that blended learning can shape our future as well.

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