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Basilio, Alyssa Bernadette A.

SEC-69 BK1: #ProfessionalTamaraw

Remember that as a third-year university student, you are an adult now. Just because you don’t
have to go to work for eight hours a day yet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t act like it. The closer we
get to graduation, the more professional we have to become to make a life for ourselves. What
are the practical things you do to develop professionalism as a university student? What are the
areas in your life that you need to continue building to become a ‘grown-up’ who acts and thinks

Professionalism is defined as someone's conduct, demeanor, and attitude in a job or

business setting. To exhibit the key abilities and characteristics of a professional, one does not
need to work in a certain field. Workplace success, a solid professional reputation, and a high
degree of work ethic and competence are all results of professionalism. One of the ways I do to
develop my professionalism towards other people is to keep being productive in work; focusing
on my job and responsibilities both as a student and as a professional employee in the future, and
to avoid distractions such as social media, surfing through the web and using phone while doing
my work. The second practical way I do to maintain my professionalism towards other people is
to develop my professional image. Projecting a professional image towards your peers and
coworkers and dressing appropriately in meetings is a good rule to start aspiring for the position
you want in the future. The next practical way I focus on developing my professionalism is to
take initiative; an example of this is to lead and aspire others to do their work at their best and
help them in the process, taking initiatives sometimes means that you must step in to guide them.
This practical habit is the one I have been focusing on doing to improve my professionalism, and
it is to maintain effective work habits. Maintaining effective work or study habits will help you
plan your tasks to-do, prioritize the work that needs to be done, and manage assignments and
projects on time. Managing my time efficiently is the one that I want to improve to become a
more professional individual not only in school but also in the work field as well. I have been
trying to improve my time management because there are times when I skip other tasks so that I
can finish the easier ones first.
I firmly believe that I still have areas to improve on myself for me to consider myself as a
“grown-up”; of these is time management and how I prioritize my tasks. One of the key
characteristics of a professional grownup is how they wisely manage their time, organize, and
prioritize their daily tasks, and how they converse with other people. For me, communication is
the key to a better version of yourself, if you know how to talk to other people with respect, then
they’ll do the same to you. It is vital to learn how to perform in the way that the position needs,
which is a process that is frequently understood via the example of others. You are not just
representing yourself, but you are also a representative of the organization. You are assisting in
the creation of an image for the organization, and you are a representation of that image. In
organizations, you will frequently interact with people of various personalities, backgrounds, and
degrees of expertise at various levels of position and hierarchy. You must be able to adhere to the
organization's principles and ethics, policies, and codes of behavior while at work, staying
impartial if they clash with your values. There may be moments when what you feel is correct
and what the organization believes is the proper thing to do clash; a skilled professional will be
able to handle this conflict.

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