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Basilio, Alyssa Bernadette A.

SEC-69 BK5: #PaskongPiyu

What is your most memorable Paskong Piyu experience? What is Christmas activity in FEU do
you look forward to every year?

I firmly believe that the Christmas season has traditionally been the most anticipated
time of the year, particularly in the Philippines, which boasts the world's longest Yuletide season
celebration. During this season, many customs have been observed and passed down from
generation to generation. This is frequently acknowledged in the workplace, at family gatherings,
and in colleges and schools. Christmas joy is in the air, as seen by the lighting of massive
Christmas trees, lively band performances, gift-giving, bright decorations, and spectacular
fireworks. Here are some of the Christmas traditions that have been passed down over the years
in various parts of Manila's universities and colleges: Far Eastern University's "Pasko sa Piyu" is
an annual Tamaraw event that attempts to exhibit the university's students' abilities. The lighting
of FEU's iconic Christmas tree is also part of the celebrations.
One of my most memorable experiences in Paskong Piyu was way back in 2018 when I
first attended FEU in my college year. I was with my boyfriend that time and we were waiting
for the Christmas tree to light up. It was one of my joyous nights to enjoy before the Covid-19
pandemic started. Christmas activities in FEU always entices me to stay up late for a good cause
because these are some of the rare times that I can enjoy with the person I love and with the
people I want to spend it with before we get back to our homes and families. A lot of students in
FEU would flock onto the booths lined near the Science building that will make them happy by
buying the stuff they earned for in a long time or even keep themselves stuffed due to the variety
of foods displayed in every booth. And let’s not forget the concert that FEU holds every
Christmas for students to enjoy partying with their friends.
One of the Christmas activities that I look forward to in FEU every year was the booths
all lined up near the Science building of FEU and my boyfriend and I will take a look at one of
the stalls whether we’ll buy clothes, souvenirs, or even food. I would most likely go after food
stalls since it is one of my most awaited stalls that FEU holds on specific occasions such as
Christmas or Intrams. I would surely miss the food trips that I had with my boyfriend during the
ber months; we would always enjoy eating in Hepa Lane, stuffing our mouths with food such as
burgers, mango graham ice creams, or even calamares and bopis. One of the foods I will surely
miss eating in ber months near FEU would be the bibingka and puto bumbong; those foods are
perfect on chilly nights if you’re walking along the streets near FEU. The memories I miss the
most are the lights on campus which have improved my attitude to the point that I've realized a
lot of things and am grateful for everything, including the friends I've made when I studied at
FEU. They make every obstacle they face throughout their college years enjoyable and
worthwhile. I hope I can see the Christmas tree again in FEU before I graduate.

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