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Nama : Nur Wahyuni Arif

NIM : 22006038
Kelas C Non Regular


Your heart is made up of four chambers, two Chamber on the right side and two on the left.
The Walls of this chambers are made of special heart muscle. The small chambers at the top
of your heart are called Atria and the large Chambers below are Called ventricles. Each
Ventricle has one valve at its entrance and one at its exit to prevent blood from flowing
backwards through the heart.
Your Atria and ventricles work together by alternately contracting (systole or systolic phase),
push blood out of the heart, and relaxing (diastole or diastolic phase), to fill with blood. At
The start of each heart beat a tiny electrical signal near the top of the heart spreads through
your heart muscle making it contract. The Atria contract first, pushing blood through the
open valve into the muscle of the Ventricel. The electrical impulse then travels into the
muscle of the ventricle making it contract and push blood out of your heart to your lungs
and body. As the ventricles contract the Atria relax, allowing then to fill with blood and start
the next beat.
1. What is the main idea of the text?
Answer :
Main idea of the text is how the human heart works.

2. Mention the parts of human heart and the function?

Answer :
Atria and ventricles work together by alternately contracting (systole or systolic
phase), push blood out of the heart, and relaxing (diastole or diastolic phase), to fill
with blood.

3. How does human heart work

Answer :
The start of each heart beat a tiny electrical signal near the top of the heart spreads
through your heart muscle making it contract. The Atria contract first, pushing blood
through the open valve into the muscle of the Ventricel. The electrical impulse then
travels into the muscle of the ventricle making it contract and push blood out of your
heart to your lungs and body. As the ventricles contract the Atria relax, allowing then
to fill with blood and start the next beat.

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