Module 2 (Horizontal Route Alignment 1)

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Republic of the Philippines

Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City

Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818



CSU Vision
The center lines of highways and railroads consists of a series of straight lines, or tangents, connected
Transforming lives by by curves. Curves for streets and highways are normally circular, although spiral curves may be used to provide
Educating for the
BEST. gradual transitions to or from the circular curves on a high-speed roadways such as interstates.
The horizontal alignment is the route of the road, defined geometrically as a series of horizontal
tangents (straight roadway sections), circular curves, and spiral transitions. It shows the proposed roadway
location in relation to the existing terrain and adjacent land conditions.
CSU Mission
Geometric design is the assembly of the fundamental three-dimensional features of the highway that are
CSU is committed to
related to its operational quality and safety by providing a smoothflowing, crash-free facility.
transform the lives of Geometric roadway design consists of three main parts:
people and communities
through high quality horizontal alignment (tangents and curves); vertical alignment (grades and vertical curves); and cross section
instruction and innovative
research, development, (lanes and shoulders, curbs, medians, roadside slopes and ditches, sidewalks). Together, these elements provide
production and extension.
a three-dimensional layout for a roadway.
In today’s work environment, applying design standards and criteria to ‘solve’ a problem is not enough.
Designers must understand how all elements of the roadway contribute to its safety and operation.
The fundamental objective of good geometric design will remain as it has always been –to produce a roadway
that is safe, efficient, reasonably economic and sensitive to conflicting concerns.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the session, learners of this program are expected to:

a. Identify the different elements of a simple curve.

b. Solve the different elements of a simple curve.

Lesson Proper/ Discussion

Selecting a roadway’s design speed is a critical decision that should be executed at the beginning of the
planning and design process. This speed should balance safety, mobility, and efficiency with potential
environmental quality, economics, aesthetics, social and political impacts. Roadway design features, such as
curve radii, superelevation, and sight distance are directly affected by the design speed. Plus, other
characteristics not directly related to design speed may also be impacted. Therefore, any changes to design
speed may affect many elements of the roadway design.

Rural Design Speeds

The design speed for rural roads should be as high as practicable to supply an optimal degree of safety
and operational efficiency for the design speed for rural roads. Research studies have shown that drivers operate
quite comfortably at speeds that are higher than typical design speeds.

Urban Design Speeds

Lower speed designs may be appropriate for certain locations (residential streets, school zones, etc.).
Traffic calming techniques have proven to be a viable option for traffic operations at residential locations. For
urban arterials, designers should evaluate high speed compatibility with safety (pedestrians, driveways, parking,

Any geometric roadway design for horizontal alignments should consider curve location; curve
sharpness; tangent lengths; and their relationship to the vertical profile. Horizontal curve design is based on
laws of physics and driver reaction to lateral acceleration.

1|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


Kinds of Horizontal Curves

CSU Vision

Transforming lives by Simple Curve

Educating for the

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

Elements of a Simple Curve

1. V (vertex)- the Point of Intersection (PI) of two intersecting curves.

2. PC (Point of Curvature)- the point of tangency where the curve leaves the tangent.
3. PT (Point of Tangency) the point of tangency where the curve meets the other tangent.
4. T (Tangent Distance)- the distance from the vertex to the PC (back tangent) or from the vertex to
the PT (forward tangent)
5. I (Angle of Intersection)- either the deflection angle of the forward tangent or the central angle
subtending the simple curve.
6. R -the radius of the curve
7. E (external distance) the distance from the vertex to the midpoint of the circular curve.
8. C (Chord distance)- the chord distance drawn from the PC to the PT.
9. M (middle ordinate)- the distance from the midpoint of the chord distance to the midpoint of the
circular curve.
10. D (Degree of Curve)
a. By Arc basis-the central angle subtending a standard arc (a) of 20 meters.
b. By Chord basis- the central angle subtending a standard chord of 20 meters.

2|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
Educating for the

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

11. Sub-Angle:
a. Arc basis-(d1)- the central angle subtending an arc (a1) less than 20 meters.
b. Chord basis- (d1) the central angle subtending a chord (c1) less than 20 meters.
12. LC (Length of Curve)- the length of circular curve from the PC to the PT.


Specific Formula

A. By Arc basis (usually used in highways)

By Ratio and Proportion: (For a standard arc of 20 meters)

20 m
= 2 πR

DR 2 π = 20m(3600)


RD = 1,145.916
3|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello
Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


CSU Vision
Transforming lives by D
Educating for the
20 I
CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of B. By Chord basis (usually used in railways)
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative 10
research, development, R=
production and extension.
sin D/2


General Formula

T = R tan (I/2)

M = R (1 – cos I/2)

E = R (sec I/2 – 1)

C = 2R (sin I/2)

Sta. PC = Sta. V – T

Sta. PT = Sta. PC + LC

Enrichment Activities.

1. It is required to lay a simple curve along the stretch of a proposed road construction. An Engineer’s
transit was set at Sta. V and an azimuth from south sighted at Sta. PC which reads 57 0 35’. Another
sight was taken at Sta PT with a reading of 275 0 30’. If the distance from PC to Sta V is 126.50 meters,
a. Intersection Angle (I)
b. Radius of the curve (R)
c. External Distance (E)
d. Middle Ordinate (M)
e. Length of the Curve (LC)
f. Sta.of PC if Sta V is at 10 + 525

4|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


CSU Vision

Transforming lives by
Educating for the

CSU Mission

CSU is committed to
transform the lives of
people and communities
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

Azimuth from V to PC = 570 35’
Azimuth from V to PT = 2750 30’
Tangent Distance from PC to V = 126.50

a. Solve for Intersection Angle (I):

I = 2750 30’ – (1800 + 570 35’)

I = 37055’

b. Solving for the Radius of the Curve:

T = R tan (I/2)
126.50 = R tan (370 55’/2)

R = 368.25 m.

c. Solving for External Distance ( E ):

E = R ( sec I/2 – 1)
E = 368.25 ( sec 180 57’ 30” – 1)

E = 21.12 m.

d. Solving for the Middle Ordinate ( M ):

M = R ( 1 – cos I/2)
M = 368.25 – (368.25*cos 18057’30”)

M = 19.98 m.

e. Solving for the Length of the Curve (LC):

5|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering
Republic of the Philippines
Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City
Cagayan State University
Tel. No. (078) 304 - 0818


1st solution:

CSU Vision

Transforming lives by 1145.916

Educating for the 368.25=

D = 3.1117881870
CSU Mission

20 I
CSU is committed to
transform the lives of LC=
people and communities D
through high quality
instruction and innovative
research, development,
production and extension.

LC = 20 (37055’) / 3.1117881870
LC = 243.70 m

2nd solution :


LC = (3.141592654)(368.25)(37055’) / 1800
LC = 243.70 m.

f. Sta. of PC if Sta V is at 10 + 525.00

Sta. PC = Sta. V – T
Sta. PC = (10 + 525.00) – 126.50
Sta. PC = 10 + 398.50

1. Elementary Surveying 3rd edition by Juny Pilapil La Putt
2. Surveying by Jack McCormac Et. Al.
3. Surveying Theory and Practice By R.E Davis, F. S. Foote
4. The principles and Practice of Surveying by C. B. Breed; G.L. Hosmer and A. J. Bone

6|Page Prepared By: Engr. Natalio G. Pelovello

Faculty, College of Engineering

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