Dissociative Identity Disorder

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For humanity is important to have a personality, because this determine how you develop in
an environment or specific situation, so if you are an extroverted person maybe you would
have a lot of friends, but if you are an introverted person you, also, could be a calm person,
with this we can say how important the personality is.

On psychology has been important all studies about personality, specially if we talk about a
disorder like the dissociative identity disorder (DID acronym), this disorder is a complex
psychological condition, in this the personality is “fragmented”, this refers to have differents
personalities (the same person), you can say “split identities”,so the specialists have
affirmed that this disorder was caused from a combination of factors like sexual, emotional or
physical abuse, 90% of people who has this disorder said that they had some of the factors,
but in early childhood, this affects a correct development of personality, in some cases the
person has memory loss and confusion about unreal environment.
The personalities have their own age or sex, in this same way we can say that the identities
have their own gestures and different way of talking.
The person who has DID, tries to run away from reality and the subconscious creates a new
personality but this one with the purpose of supporting the abuse and It is a way for a person
to break the connection with the outside world. Dissociation can serve as a defense
mechanism against the physical and emotional pain of a traumatic or stressful experience.
The DID could produce aggressive actions, but just affects a percent of people with DID,
also we can see the 70% of people with DID have attempted suicide. The DID can’t be
treated with medicine just with therapy. These seek union in each personality, since several
of those affected say they are emotional burdens.

In conclusion, a trauma in early childhood can develop a psychological disorder like the DID
and this can affect in the interaction with the environment or differents situations, until now
this can be treated with therapy.
This is the response of the mind to environmental effects, creating a dissociation, there are
cases in which these personalities are created by the decision of the person, this creates
them according to their experiences.

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