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Annals of Library Science and Documentation 1988,35(2),45.



New oau.u 0067

The library and information system of Hungary and special libraries. The principle that the
has been developed according to socio-political literature of basic importance of individual
and economic environment of the country. The branches of science and scholarship should be
S&T information system is part of the total collected somewhere in the country to avoid
library and information system. The recognition duplication, resulted in a fundamental library
of information as the basic input for socio- for each branch of science and scholarship. The
economic development resulted in the organiza- number and types of libraries were increased.
tion of S&T information network which is link- The demand of research, education, indus-
ed with other library and information networks trial and agricultural production necessitated
especially the public library network. The more uptodate methods of information dissemi-
Hungarian Academy of Sciences is the central nation. The demand for information required
node of basic sciences information system. increasing efforts to build up seperate informa-
Each industry has a network of library and in- tion institutions. The National Conference
formation system. OMIKK is at the apex of of Librarianship (1970) was significant as it
S&T (industry) information system. Discusses recognised librarianship and the information
the organization pattern and various functions field "as a uniform and integrated system of
of scientific and technological information institutions being interrelated and cornplemen-
system of Hungary. tary to each other" [5]. The main contribution
of the conference was the emphasis that it laid
INTRODUCfION on methodological, coordinating and servicing
activities. The second Library Act was a further
The organization of S&T information system development. It recognised the main library in
of any country is dependent upon its sociologi- each subject area as a nodal information centre
cal, political and economic environment. The in that area and entrusted it with the responsibi-
People's Republic of Hungary is located in lity to acquire, maintain, disseminate informa-
central Europe, covering 93,000 sq km with a tion and to coordinate the activities of libraries
population of about 11 million. The country's within the individual network.
national economy is an effective combination of
central economic planning and a decentralised LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SYSTEM
competitive market system, the supreme organ AN OVERVIEW
of the state power being the single chamber
National Assembly. The social needs of the country necessitated the
After World War II. the country had to be development ot libraries and library services in
rebuilt for the development of a new society. In the country. The role of libraries in the coun-
this transformation of society, in which lib- try's education, research and production activi-
rary is the base, the overall library system was ties has been recognised and very clearly defin-
also to be rebuilt. The Library Acts of 1956 ed. "Library policy of Hungary aims at making
and 1976 formed the basis of the Hungarian it possible for every citizen, every educational,
library system. Since then many changes have economic, research or administrative institution
taken place to keep pace with the changing to have easiest possible immediate access to'
needs of the society. The Acts were significant required documents" [5]. This is endeavoured
in the context of research and special libraries in t~rough reasonable level of cooperation. The
the sense that, these recognised the library hbrary network has become the organizational
network as a system and assigned the responsi- for~ of cooperation. The largest library in the
bility of documentation work to the research particular network serves as a nodal point,

Vol 35 No 2 June 1988 4.')


The activities of these nodal points are more on including social sciences constitute the Informa-
coordination than on administration of sub- tion System for Research. There are national in-
systems of the network. Three types of net- formation centres on S&T (OMIKK) and indivi-
works are functioning for overall library and dual industries, Medical and Public Health (Medi-
information systems of Hungary [5] . cal Information Centre, Agriculture and Food
(i) Network of libraries attached to public Sciences (Agroinform) and Sciences (Hungarian
administration activities such as public libraries Academy of Sciences). Each is having a network
of councils and trade unions. of library & information centres spread all over
the country.
(ii) Network of libraries serving identical
fields, such as medicine, agriculture and indus-
(iii) Network of libraries working with the
framework of institutions such as universities Developed from a small special library establish-
and academies. ed in 1883, the OMIKK the largest scientific and
technical information centre and library of the
The basic premise on which the library and country, caters to the need of applied science
information system has been built up is the reali- and industry through variety of services, like
zation that information is the basic input and publishing, disseminating information produced
most important power of the country. The in the country and providing on line access to
so-called information explosion has affected the foreign data bases. The services of OMIKK are
organization of information activities of the based on "more emphasis on cooperation"
country also. The realization that information For this they make use of the collection of
has greatest value for the country i.e, economic about 500 libraries of research institutions,
and capital value, has eventually resulted the factories, technical high schools, etc. The func-
organization of information systems of the tioning of OMIKK can be grouped in six broad
country so that it reaches all walks of life, areas (fig 1). The basic objective of OMIKK is
in every aspect of work particularly scientific to provide information mainly on what is done
and technological work. in Hungary and other socialist countries with
The detailed exposition of total library and certain restrictions to USA. This is achieved
information system is beyond the scope of the through collection, analysis, synthesis of the
paper. While the organization of S&T informa- literature and by making them available through
mation system and the activities of some of the various services like abstracting, digest, SDI,
nodal centres are described in this paper, the translation, publication and copying. The
S&T information system is closely linked with National Technical Library is the backbone of
the public, academic and school library system OMIKK, which is at the apex of S&T informa-
to form an integrated library and information tion system including information system of
system for the country. various industries.


The National Technical Library, founded 105
The rapid development ot science and techno- years ago is the backbone of all services and
logy during recent past resulted in a number of serves as a backup centre. The services are
organizations, each having its own special provided with a collection of 450,000 books
library/information centre. Some of them have (5000 annual additions), 100,000 science re-
developed themselves into large information ports (7000 annual additions), 300,000 volumes
agencies forming network in their individual of periodicals (annual subscription of 6000
areas. The S&Tinformation network covering, titles including 4000 foreign), 600,000 trans-
information network of various industries, medi- lations (10,000 annual additions). The library
cal and public health information network, has a membership of 16,000 and serves 75,000
agricultural and food sciences information net- readers annually. The reading room consulta-
work, information network for basic sciences tion is to the tune of 300,000 yearly.

46 Ann Lib Sci Docu


ii) Abstracts of Hungarian Scientific Lite-

rature containing abstracts of periodicals, trans-
lations and conference proceedings.

Publication Services
OMIKK is the largest publisher of secondary
periodicals in Hungary. About sixty regular
secondary publication series, brought out by

/>: OMIKK in various areas of technology are

prepared by scanning 6000 periodicals received
from all over the world. The unique feature of
these publications is that these are prepared by
IniOrmO\ outstanding experts of the country, who select,
tion ) analyse and prepare the document. OMIKK
only edits, compiles and prints these publica-
<:> tions.
Figure 1: OMIKK Services
The publications activities are organised in
Besides the routine operations, the library three different areas:
caters to its users through a variety of services
i) Department of Abstracting:
grouped under Readers' Service, Reprography &
(a) Abstract Journals in 21 subject series are
Micrographic Service, and Translation Service.
published mostly monthly covering an annual of
The Readers' Service includes reference, lending
250,000 abstracts of world literature.
& interlending and document delivery & photo-
copy. 0.5 million page copies are supplied
(b) KWIC Index (monthly) is publish-
every year.
ed in ~ series, viz Building industry, and Data
(a) Computerlsed Catalogues: processmg & Automatization, covering only
foreign literature. The titles are translated into
i) The Union Catalogue of Periodicals of Hungarian with expansion of contents.
500 technical libraries in Hungary has been
brought out. Every year a new edition is publish- ii) Department of Publishing in Digest
ed. Form:
The Digest information Service started
ii) Since 1982, it has cornputerised the in 1952 with the publication of Digests of
book collection. Plastics & Technological Materials. At present,
this service is brought out mainly in three groups
iii) At present, it has a COM catalogue of -- a) Digest Information on Technological
periodicals of OMIKK library holdings. Later Information, covering 17 technical fields (most-
on, it will cover the holdings of three other ly monthly), b) Digest on Technoeconomical
libraries attached to the Technical Universities Information, (5 series), mainly meant for
at Budapest, Vespern, Miskolc. middle level managers and decision makers, and
c) The other series, consisting of Technical and
iv) Union c~talogue of· technical reports Economic Information specially meant for
(R&D) of 14 libraries, mostly being NTIS higher management, and provides technoeco-
reports in microfiche. nomic information for managers.
Apart from the above, to support the
(b) Announcement Service: central R&D programmes, it brings out a mixed
series - viz., Biotech Info, Biotechnology of
The library publishes the following announce- Today, Economic Utilization of Materials
ment services: and Computerised Technical Planning.
i) Monthly Printed Catalogue of Books & These publications are prepared based on
Reports. foreign literature.

Vol 35 No 2 June 1988 47


iii) Department of irregular Publications: Compu terised Service

Within this area, irregular documents like
books and monographs on various topics such as Though the cornputerisation started in late
writing techniques and ergonomics are published 1960s, in 1977 only it could have it's own com-
in the form of reviews. puter. At present, there are R YAD 85, RYAD
36 and IBM 4341 computer systems. The main
Information Services function is processing of bibliographic informa-
Apart from routine literature search, OMIKK's tion, writing software and offering service for
main information service centres around online other institutions.
Bibliographic information processing in-
search, consolidation service and SOl services.
cludes editing of indexes & bibliographies, assist-
i) Online Service: Started in 1982, this ing in SOl service based on tapes from foreign
service operates as a commercial service. It databases, assisting library for its various activit-
accesses 200 databases on various subjects ies, viz, computerisation of union list of periodi-
through Dialog, Datastar, Infoline (Pergamon), cals, research reports catalogue, COM catalogue
Orbit & STN International. The search area and library catalogue.
includes patent and business information also. For other institutions the centre scans data-
Users are served by online and offline printing bases like CAB, Food Science & Technology Ab-
and electronic post (Dial Mail Service). The stracts, Packaging Science Abstracts, received by
online access is made through Hungarian PTT the individual institutions.
which has line switched Data Transmission Shared online cataloguing system, initially
Network (NADIX). This network has seven for 4 libraries -- OMIKK, University of Buda-
lines connected to the Radio Austria - an entry pest, Chemical Industry University and Heavy
point for several packet switched networks for Engineering Industry is in process for develop-
Austrian Datex P, through which all National ment.
Packet Switched Networks in Europe may be
connected. Radio Austria has connection with Translation Service
Tymnet, Telenet and Uniner, by which it is
The translation work is done by outside transla-
possible to access US Databases also (Appen-
dix 1). About fifty searches per month are tors mainly. Contents of various newspapers &
conducted. periodicals are translated and sent to industries.
Under Translation Register Law (1952),
ii) SDI Service: Basically a manual ser- translation of every item is maintained. The
vice, this service is based on the resources of National Translation Register Centre, located at
National Technical Library. A list of 2000 topics OMIKK, receives copies of translations from
covering all technical fields like energy, mining, branch libraries. The main office is at Budapest
electronics, agriculture is circulated to Hunga- and there are eight other branches in big cities of
rian industries for selection of -the topics, by Hungary. A computerised database consisting of
which users' profile is created. Enterprises may status of translation, and a list of translators
also suggest topics of interest. is maintained.
The experts who receive the documents for
abstracting and other consolidation work mark Education and Methodological Service
the topics, which is matched with the users'
profile and monthly information package with To make information effectively usable, OMIKK
short abstracts are supplied. organizes educational programs for library and
information personnel and users. The courses
iii) Consolidation Service: This important which it organizes are; 1) Courses for librarians'
service is in the form of (a) bibliographical education. About 80 to 100 students are trained
service, (b) summary from European Reviews each year with 200 course hours. 2) Special
(sold to industries), (c) state-of-the-art/trend courses for information experts in Hungary. The
reports, - (d) forecasts on various areas such as courses are on specific topics and generally of a
Trends in Microelectronics, Robotics, etc. week's duration. 3) Users education for second-
(e) speculatory service on the basis of facts and ary schools, universities, industries, etc. The
figures, and (f) reports on special subjects. organization makes direct contact with factories

48 Ann Lib Sei Docu


and conducts such courses. 4) Special courses on The network consists of

information specialities in foreign languages. Information Centre at Budapest (1)
The services of OMIKK are regularly publi- Country Bureaux (7)
cized through exhibitions at various places, Base Bureaux (43) (They do not
video, films and teletext services. belong toETK, but to several other institutions,
and provide service on contract basis).
INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS Besides maintaining document collection
AND SERVICES and. making them available in paper and micro-
forms, the centre renders following services.
Hungary has a very well-organised information
system for industries. Much emphasis is given on Information Services
dissemination of information in various forms
and packages to industries at national and local -- Processes and publishes abstracts, reviews
levels. Individual industry has their own infor- from domestic point of view, based on inland
mation network with ultimate link with OMIKK. and foreign literature.
Such networks are basically designed to cater to -- Provides survey reports according to spe-
the need of individual industries such as packag- cial fields about the developmental result, trends,
ing industry, dairy industry, building industry based on most important technical communica-
and others. They function under different Minis- tions.
tries to which they belong, particularly in res- --Provides information services to the mana-
pect of administration and finance. Nevertheless, gers of directing organs and top company mana-
they form part of total Scientific and Technolo- gers.
gical information system with OMIKK at apex. -Provides products information services
such as foreign and domestic products, equip-
The information system for building:. ments and structures.
The Housing and Public Construction Infor- --Operates a permanent building and exhibi-
mation System (ETK) is just one of many such tion.
networks in the overall industrial information --Produces audiovisual materials like films
scene of the country. The organization and acti- and videos on building and construction.
vities of the ETK discussed below will give an
idea of organization of industrial information
Publication Services
system of the country
About 40 publications on different aspects are
The Housing and Public Construction Informa- brought out by ETK. The objective is to publish
tion System those books which are easily understandable by
general public. Apart from magazines, it brings
The industry functions under the direction of out professional publications on various themes
concerned Ministry. being indirectly a state pro- such as Information on Building Policy, How to
perty. but directly it is not. The industries can make investment (collection of rules) and publi-
be grouped in three main categories. a)state- cations on architecture, etc. Outside specialists
owned, b) cooperative type and c) council type. prepare these publications but editing is done at
There are a few private building industries also, ETK. Every year it publishes a plan for publica-
mainly engaged in housing. About one third is tions (only books) which is sent to Ministry for
state-owned. approval. The publications are based on studies
The Information Centre for Building (ETK), undertaken for specific areas. Before undertak-
the focal point of the network and other cen- ing such studies, the topics are advertised to
tres in the network cater to the needs of its assess the consumer needs.
users comprising Hungarian industries/enterpris- There are about 1200 private designers in
es/research institutions/private persons. ETK the country, for whom it publishes Information
functions as professional institution for building, for Private Builders (4/12).
information and propaganda, and disseminates Every two months, it publishes Review of
information through its library comprising of Themes on several building technology such as
50,000 books, 100,000 research reports and engineering and heating systems. It also publish-
1000 serial titles. es Selective Theme Review (on demand). The

Vol 35 No 2 June 1988 49


link between these two are world labour studies, Library Services
based on materials from western countries and
socialist countries. The agricultural information services are render-
ed through National Agricultural Library (NAL)
Computerised Information Services at Budapest and a library network consisting of
141 libraries of different kinds such as agricultu-
The main objective of this service is to build up ral universities' libraries and libraries of large and
database for technical literature of the country
and provide SDI service and online search service small research institutions. There are nine agri-
to its users. cultural universities in the country. The NAL by
The database consists of 1) Special litera- virtue of Library Act of 16/1976 is designated as
ture (150,000 records), 2) Database on building special scientific library of national importance.
regulation (4,000 records), and 3) International The functions of university and college libraries
database on ongoing building research from are supervised by the Ministry of Culture. All
sixty countries. Every year it publishes a Catalo- centres are independent having their own budget
gue of this ongoing research database. and plan for acquisition. Some kind of coopera-
SDI service is based on the COMECON and tion exists in acquisition, particularly foreign
western databases. Computerised retrospective periodicals.
searches are made from ICONDA (German), Co- The Library services include computerised
mpendex and NTIS databases. information service, documentation services, and
methodological service apart from normal lib-
rary routines.
The documentation services mainly include ab-
AGROINFORM, the Information Centre for the stracting service, digest service, current aware-
Ministry of Agriculture and Food Science, estab- ness service which are disseminated through
lished in 1948 has undergone several changes various publications.
since its inception, the last one being in 1987,
involving changes both in structural and finan- a) Abstract [ournals
cial aspects. Now, the Centre is to manage its
fund for various information activities which re- *Hungarian Agricultural Bibliography, con-
sulted in the change in its structure also. Never- taining 8000 items per year
theless, it is the sole professional information
agency for Hungarian agricultural production, *Hungarian Agricultural Review, published
"Its main task is to collect, process and publish in English, Russian and German, containing
domestic and international research and develop- selected work of Hungarian agricultural science.
ment results and advanced practical experiences
serving for the development of agriculture, food *Abstracts from Foreign Literature (month-
industry, forestry and the primary wood work- ly), covering 30,000 items per year
ing industry" [1].
*Agricultural Review, on foreign agricul-
turalliterature covering about 36,000 per year.
*Review on Food Science and Food Indus-
The AGROINFORM functions in four main try, based on domestic and foreign literature
dimensions: covering 9000 items per year. It contains indivi-
dual studies, previews on progresses, a list of
a) Library Services translations and titles of articles published in
b) Publication Services Hungarian periodicals.
c) Organizational Services (organization
of meetings, exhibitions, etc) b) Digest Service
d) Agricultural & Food Industries R&D
work *Regular digest services in 48 areas such as

so Ann Lib Sci Doell


cattle breeding, and meat marketing are publish- the country in the field of medical sciences.
ed. It consists of two parts: the first part covers There are four medical universities and a number
Hungarian literature and the other provides re- of institutions concerned with medical sciences.
view of foreign literature. Medical libraries & information centres spread
throughout the country constitute the network.
c) Other Publications From this point of view the country is divided
into six regions, the centre of each having a lib-
* List of new acquisitions based on the rary. In addition to the National Institute for
information of the NAL and other libraries in Medical Information and Library (NIMIL) (in-
the network cluding Semmelweis Medical University), Buda-
pest, three universities at Pees, Debrecen, and
*Agricultural, Food Industry and Forestry Seged are the three regional centres. The other
Study Tour Reports, containing extracts from two centres are the county hospital libraries at
the reports of foreign tours of experts. Szembathely & Gyor and MiscoIc. Apart from
these, national research institutes in different
*Quick Release, containing new research branches are part of the network. The network
results, based on national R&D work. It also of libraries consists of five tiers with NIMIL at
covers quick information on agricultural the apex (Appendix 2).
markets, based on foreign literature.
Individual libraries in the network have 1st tier - National Institute for Medical
their own publications like dairy industry and Information and Library
meat industry. Various publications are produc-
ed specially for management. For example, for 2nd tier - Six library regions
dairy industry, Dairy Science A bstracts are used
for selecting, translating and processing the pub- 3rd tier - Libraries of the county hospitals
lications. and sub-centres
ii) Computerised Information Services 4th tier - Research libraries with national
Started in 1979, Agroinform offers selective
current awareness service from AGRIS, CAB, 5th tier - Member libraries/Libraries of
IFIS and Packaging Abstract tapes. Municipal hospitals
Online search facilities are also provided to
users. National Institute of Public Health at Buda-
pest is the depository of WHO publications. The
ill) Methodological Service National Institute for Medical Information Cen-
tre and Library (NIMIL) is the node of the net-
It covers all kinds of methodological work of lib- work. The country does not have a national
rary network, such as providing special advice medical library , but NIMIL provides services re-
and organising meetings workshops, etc. It pub- quired at national level, based on the resources
lishes Journal for Agricultural Librarians. of the Medical Institute Library at Budapest.
Agropropaganda Service National Institute for Medical Information Cen-
tre and Library (NIMIL)
The aim of this service is organization and pro-
pagation of information relating to technical From a small institution named Medical Docu-
development novelties, based on domestic &
mentation Centre of Hugarian Academy of
foreign literature and practice, which are suit- Sciences, established in 1949, the Institution
able for adoption in the country. This is done by grew and christened into the present name in
films, video tapes, exhibitions and consultations.
1980, consequent upon the order of Ministry of
Health regarding organizational status, tasks and
MEDICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM structure of the Institute (Appendix 3). In 1957,
the Institute was attached with the Ministry of
A considerable development has taken place in Health. On the basis of 1956 Libraries Act, the

Vol 35 No 2 June 1988 51


Institute began to develop as an organizing cen- a) Bibliographical Services

tre of medical libraries and took the shape of
Hungarian Medical Library and Documentation (i) Hungarian Medical Bibliography.
Centre. In 1957, it started Hungarian Medical Separate volumes for conference lectures are
Bibliography, in addition to publication of retro- published.
spective bibliographic series and four abstracting
journals. An important change in information (ii) Hungarian Medical Bibliography (in
services took place in 1965. On the basis of English), containing the abstracts of selected
users' need survey of the country, the abstract- publications of Hungarian special literature for
ing journals were discontinued and abstracting international circulation.
services called Signal Information Services on
various topics on fly sheets or cards were started. (iii) Pharmaceutical Spectra

(iv) Pharmaceutical Spectra (in English)

The main functions of NIMIL are
(v) Hungarian Medical Journal (summary
(1) to coordinate and organize the activit- in English)
ies of the libraries in the network.
(vi) Health Management Review
(2) to coordinate the acquisition of
foreign books and periodicals in the country. (vii) People's Health (deals mainly with
health p.olicyt
(3) to provide information services by
way of translation, abstracting, digesting, com- (viii) Quick Information Service for Health
piling, bibliographies and conducting online Managers
Apart from the services mentioned above,
(4) to provide publication services to NIMIL has other publications covering various
make the Hungarian research results inter- areas, such as, accession lists, union lists, jour-
nationally known. nals, etc.

(5) to maintain work contacts with simi- Online Search Service

lar institutions of socialist countries.
Online search service based on about thirty two
(6) to act as the national agency for databases like BlOSIS, MEDLINE, EXCERPT A
MEDINFORM of COMECON countries. MEDICA, etc is also provided. The Centre is
connected to DATASTAR (Berne) through
The centre maintains a union catalogue of Radio Austria. The database of COMECON
all books available in the network. It also has a countries (MEDINFORM), in Bulgaria contain-
computerised union catalogue of periodicals ing majority of literature in Russian is also sear-
covering about 2800 medical periodicals receiv- ched.
ed in the country.
Content Copying Service

Information Services The contents of foreign medical journals are pro-

vided to subscribers.
(1) Abstracts of Professional Medical
Journals in National Centre (in Hungarian), Retrospective Literature Search Service
meant for general practitioners published jointly
with the Hungarian Association of Medical This service, provided on request covers the
Societies. Hungarian and foreign literature.

(2) Signal Information Card Services on Translation Service

seventy different topics. There should be at least
ten requests for inclusion as a topic. This service is provided for translation from

52 Ann Lib Sci Docu


foreign language to Hungarian and vice versa. system was also defined by the orders of 1958
The list of translations made from foreign lan- and 1968 by the Ministry of Education. The lib-
guages are published in "Our Drugs", for subse- rary also reorganised itself to meet the responsi-
quent ordering. bility imposed on it. The Library Act of 1956
made the library, the centre of research library
SCIENCE INFORMATION SYSTEM network. It fulfills its task by "assisting in
matters of organising, building and investing, of
The science information system covers the basic gathering and conveying experiences and new
science disciplines of natural sciences, earth methods which are exploitable in institutional
sciences, engineering sciences, biomedical scien- research libraries, of taking charge of training
ces and social sciences including arts & humanit- and extension training of librarians, of giving --
ies. The system is organised on decentralised net- as a professional advisory body expert opinion
work of libraries attached to 150 research insti- about the basic problem of institutional libraries
tutions covering various topics. The Hungarian to the Academy's scientific department, of re-
Academy of Sciences plays a major role in the cording and analysing trends and new demands
scientific research policy of the country and ob- which emerge in library activities" [7, p.28]. It
viously the library of the Academy is at the apex gives support to the institutes by sending the'
of the science information system. publications received on exchange basis and
through various services.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences The information service is based on mani-
pulation of big databases. The main database it
The library of the Hungarian Academy of Scien- uses for the services is the SCI database in mag-
ces, one of the most important public collec- netic tape, by which it provides weekly current
tions in the country is 162 years old, established awareness service, providing nationwide quick
in 1826. Initiated with a collection of 30,000 information on offline mode. All services are in
volumes donated by Count Josef Telki from his English. It uses the concept of satellite database
family library, the library grew in size, disciplin- also, wherein it processes smaller databases viz,
es, services' and responsibilities over the long CA, EM, METADEX etc.
period of history and assumed the present posi- i) ASCATOPICS -- a minicard topical
tion of the apex centre of science information search, consisting of about 7000 topics. The list
system. is circulated and users select the topic.
The first forty years· of its existence is ii) ASCA Personalised, a special search
marked by mobilization of resources from on specific interest of users.
various sources and development of collection ill) Personalised Current Contents - Con-
by subscription, international exchange and tents of 4000 journals received in ISI (USA) are
donation by members of the academy. received in tape and the library rrovides the ser-
In the second phase till the liberation of vice on the basis of selection 0 titles by users..
the country, though the development effort con- 85% of the journals are accessible in Hungary.
tinued, the library had to suffer set-back, parti- iv) Monitoring the publication of specia-
cularly during the period of two world wars. The lists
most valuable collection including manuscripts Type I - Customer gives the details of spe-
were deposited in the shelters of the aca- cialists and subject areas. They are intimated the
demy's building, National Bank and in the Care- papers published by the scientist.
Cellars under the Castle Hill. Type II - Customers are intimated about
The third phase of development from the the citation received by a particular author.
time of country's liberation to' the present time For social sciences, and arts & humanities,
witnessed a series of development. The Govern- it uses SSCI (1968) and AHCI (1970-) respec-
mental support came in different ways. In pur- tively. It publishes R & D Digest for science
suance of Act XXVII of 1949, the Academy management, which is a translation from world
became the supreme scientific body of the coun- literature.
tfy, being responsible for top level management
of research work. Within the framework of the OVERALL PERSPECTIVE
Academy, a network of institutions were creat-
ed. The library's role in the nationwide library A look at the organization of library and infer-

Vol 35 No 2 June 1988


mation system of Hungary reveals that there is a marion can reach the grassroot level only
conceptually well-organised network of library through public library network. Though there is
and information system in the country. Two no clear cut demarcation among the systems,
realizations made great impact on the organiza- but all functions in an integrated way to form a
tion of the total system. Firstly, the realization total system. There are national information
that information is the basic resource for deve- centres such as S & T (Industry), Medical & Pub-
lopment has resulted in the organization of lib- lic Health, Agricultural & Food Sciences, Scien-
rary and information system such as Research ces, etc. Each serves at the apex of the individual
Information System (covering science and indus- network.
try) (Fig 2), Public Library System, School Lib- Second and most important fact that made
rary System and Academic Library System. tangible impact is the realization by the Govern-
Each of them is closely interrelated. Much atten- ment and the people that information has cost.
tion has been given to provide information ser- As a result, all the information services provided
vices to the industries and sciences including by various centres (excepting public libraries),
social sciences and arts & humanities. In this particularly to industries and intelligentia are
effort the help of public library system has been priced. Most of the information centres particu-
taken because of the realization that, the infer- larly the ones in the industrial sector generate


SYSTEM FOI+------=-_
RESEARCH ------------------

(Fig. 2)

OMIKK - National Technical Information Centre

& Library
ETK - Housing and PUblic Construction
Information System
NIMIL - National Institute for Medical Infor-
mation Centre and Library
HASC - Hungarian Academy of Sciences
AGROINFORM - Information Centre for the
Ministry of Agriculture and Food

54 Ann Lib Sci Docu


funds from the information services to support rian Scientific & Technological Information
their budget adequately, if not entirely. An System.
example will be proper at this place. The Nation-
al Technical Information Centre & Library
(OMIKK) had a budget of one million Forint in
1980, out of which 0.5 million was Government REFERENCES
grant. In 1987, the budget is three million
Forint,. Government grant remaining the same. In 1. Activity and services of AGROINFORM. Buda-
other words, more and more emphasis is given to pest, [n.d.] , [1-2p.]
the type of services and products really needed
and the institution has to generate sufficient 2. lnfonnation Centre of Building. Budapest, ETK,
funds to sustain the services. [n.d.] (handout)
The access to foreign literature/information
is considered as a basic necessity for proper 3. Benda, M. Comp.: The ,National Institute for
information support. A well-organised transla- Medical Information and Library. Budapest,
tion services from foreign languages t? Hunga- NIMIL, 1985. 30p.
rian are rendered within a very short time. To
achieve this, they make use of outside experts 4. Ghosh, S B: A study of information systems and
on part time basis. modern methods of information handling in
Though the full-fledged automated system Hungary: A report. New Delhi, INSDOC, 1987.
is not available (in most cases manual), adequate 28p. (unpublished)
provision has been made to develop communica-
tion link facilitating online search of foreign 5. Kiss, Jeno: Libraries in Hungary. Budapest,
databases and, most institutions provide this National Szechenyi Library, 1972.58+ [38] p.
6. National Technical Information Centre and Lib-
ACKNOWLEIX;EMENT rary. Budapest, OMIKK, 1984. [l4p].

I am thankful to the Scientist-in-Charge, 7. Rozsa, G. et at ed: Library of the Hungarian

INSOOC and Director General, CSIR for nomi- Academy of Sciences 1826-1976. Budapest,
nating me to visit Hungary to study the Hunga- MTKA, 1976. (ISBN 963 7301135).

Vol 35 No 2 June 1988 .,.)


Appendix I


\ printing

\ \_--...,

:~ .0"'. ~Q
offline /I online
informal ion
printing search
printing original

OMIKK online information service

(Ref 7, p.2.3)

Appendix 2.

I IDlIL •••
D.'WOrk oentre

80utA lIor\l>__ .t No•.tb G•••• t Soutb G••••t R.loDlll
~ •••uIl1all BuapriUl I\~arl •••
'h'aDManulll ••• B••••••••
l ••• o•••tre ot
•.•,loDlll Pla1n •.•• loa- Plaia
•.• 10a&l •• lItre. •••• 10a&l al o_tre, rea10Dal Bu4ap•• t aDd
Co.tral C_tral outre. OOUDty
outr •. oct •.o. C.ntral
Llbr&rJ Libr&rJ
8&0.batb.17 ot IIhkolo Libr&rJ 0: Po.t,
ot 8•• e4
Boopltal 1Ie41oal Hoqltal Dob"oollD 1Ie41oal IIDIIL
Ual••••.ttr. 1Ie41oal
"0. Ual••••.t\7 Ual•••.• Ur

lIe410al 1Ie41Dal
lIe410al lIe410al
llbrarl •• llbrarl •• ot
1111_ •• lib •.••.l •• l1brarl •• l111rarlo. 8_.lwet.
ot of of 0: of 1Ie4.Ual•• +
5 oo•• tl' • oOli1lt7 ) 00"'\7 l 00\lllt7 ) 00""\7 on. oapltal
110.,1 tal •• ••••
qUal., lIoqltal., ••••qltal •• boqltol., an400Ullt!I
•••••pl ,
ouIIOUltre. • ""._u- •• • ••IIo_t •.•• • \IIIo•••u-.o .\lbO.DU ••
wbocu- ••

I I I I 1 1
__ IIor
to.. Publl0
20 p••lIl1o
_•• b•••
l1brarl ••
l1l1rarl •• •• staal
--. U
-.11 ••.

boaltA 1aaUtut •••

.p14oa101•• 26
.toUo ••
(Ref3, p .20)

56 Ann Lib Sci Doeu


Appendix 3(a)


The organizational Wl1 ts of NIlIIL:

1/ Direotorate,
2/ Department of Network and Methodology,
3/ Libr&r7 Department,
4/ Department of Dooumentation and Information,
5/ Bibliographic Department,
6/ Department of Med1ntorm,
7/ Department of Reprography,
B/ P1nanoe Oftice
(Ref 3, p.7)

Appendix 3(b)

Profe8~ional Council
Profe ••lonal
I Director --- AdTi.or,rboar4 of the
DepUQ> Director
4irector of RIZ1L

Rat.ork and Xetbodological

Departlllent Socretariat. Deputy 4irector
Profe••ional auperTi.lon PiAanclal director
tra1n1n& and po.tgraduate Per.ollllelad.1n1.tratl0
Central oatalose ot book.
•... Central
and periodlcala Ma11ins Financial departlllent
Edition of ~ •• edloa1 11b- Ad.1JllUraUon
r&r1u- Sub.criptlon record.
Jlicroflcbe ayolce.

L1brarz De~t.ont
Local readins ~roz oopl••1 lI.dlntora
wndins Depart.ent of reprop'aplq
Record. 011 .01.atltl0 Coeputer1 ••d 1Ilf0reation
COPT of coat.nt.
I.Dtoraatlon on torelcD
- .edperiodlk b•••
atematlo ••1 re1atlo••

••elical boou

Depart ••nt of DocUlllentatlon Depart.ent of bibllographl

and iIi1'o
aUon Edltion of tbe Hunsar1an
Sunsarla Xedical Bibl10crapbT .odical Bibliograph7 !he .cbe.. of .IJaL
1En&1hb Y.rdonl ReTie. of Phareaceutlc. and
Ab.tractins .erTice
Retroapectly. literature
'- 4rua h,,,at••nt
Spectrum PharaaceatlcaJII
••arcb Carrent blblioarapbio 1Ilfor-
Iraa.latloe .erYlc. eaUOD
(Ref 3, p.8)

Vol 35 No 2 June 1988 57

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