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Directions: Read the article written by Anna Mikaela Lapus. Then, write down the essential
statements of the introduction, major detail/points, minor details/points, and conclusion. Follow the
format below.


Some may argue that condominium living is not
an ideal way of living and the
people prefer something more quiet, peaceful.

MAJOR DETAILS/ POINTS The increase in condominiums around the area

also be a result of the density of people
Some may argue that condominium living is not
an ideal way of living and the
people prefer something more quiet, peaceful.

Taft Avenue is a very busy part of Metro Manila.

Because of the fast-paced living in
the area

“condominium living
is not always desirable for some people and the
noise level generated by living in close
proximity to others can influence some buyers

Some say that condominium living is

not ideal for growing families. Regarding health

the city is a most polluted area

MINOR DETAILS/ POINTS predominantly students, given that De La Salle
University, one of the country's top universities,
is located along Taft Avenue.
it is possible that condominium living has been
the trend for many due to the
convenience it provides to inhabitants in going
to business and education districts such as
Manila, Quezon City, and Makati.

several factors contributing to the

pollution: “noise pollution, tobacco smoke,
vehicle emissions, acid rain, industrial run-off
sewage disposal, domestic waste, herbicides,
and pesticides. Most of the time,
environmental studies in the city are horribly
low and health risk higher.
CONCLUSION It is probable that most of these students would
prefer condominium living rather
than traveling from home to school and vice
versa which, for the case of some, can be
costly. In addition, not only students but also
other individuals might consider it favorable
to live in an area where everything they could
possibly need is easily accessible. Opposing
parties might say that the establishments of
condominiums pose more disadvantages than

Directions: Study the sentences below. Identify if each statement correctly describes an

academic text structure. If not, revised each statement to make it correct. Write the word

CORRECT if the statement needs no revision.

1. One of the purposes of reading an academic text is to be entertained and to broaden one’s


One of the purposes of reading academic texts is to locate a main idea, to scan for information, to
identify gaps in existing studies, to connect new ideas to existing ones, to gain more pieces of
information, to support a particular writing assignment, and to deeply understand an existing idea.

2. An academic text makes use of complex jargons to promote a higher level of comprehension.
An academic text makes use common styles in writing, such as stating critical questions and issues,
providing facts and evidence from credible sources, using precise and accurate words while avoiding
jargon, taking an objective point of view, listing references, and using cautious language.

3. It uses words which tones up claims expressing certainty that is merely based on the writer’s



4. It helps fill existing gaps between information.


5. An academic text observes a format.


6. Reading academic texts help acquire new information.


7. An academic text needs less concentration and focus because the issues and questions are



8. It is in academic text that issues are stated to provoke information discussion.


9. A magazine is an example of an academic text.


10. The use of language is less considered in writing an academic text.

The use of language is considered in writing an academic text.

Road accidents are everywhere; we didn’t know when will an accident will
occur. It might happen anytime in our life. And because of that we must provide a
proper caution in driving vehicles, we must know the rules and regulations on the
roads for us to prevent road accidents. I agree on that the LTO requires the child
car seats because it can help to prevent death and injuries.
An article healthy children. Org powered by pediatricians. Trusted by
parents they stated that one of the most important job for the parents is to keep
their children safe at all times when riding in a vehicle. Each year thousands of
young children are killed or injured in car crashes. Proper use of car safety seats
helps keep children safe. Moreover, in another article named Kids Health from
Nemours stated that car seats are important to save lives of kids from danger and
you must choose the right car seat for your child and know the proper use of it to
even more prevention of injury or death.

Having these safety precautions and practices can save lives of people. Not
only kids but everyone must provide safety precautions as they ride vehicle. They
must be cautious in their environment to prevent road accidents. This regulations
of LTO can help us to save lives and prevent injuries and death for our love ones.
So how about you? Do you agree with these safety protocols regulated by the
LTO? Think about it, accidents are everywhere.

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