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There was a large camp outside of the town. Will quickly counted off 75 tents.

"You did that quickly."

"I can do numbers in my head. Just not when written down." Kelly smiled to herself. He was a proud young man
when he wasn't afraid of his limitations. "Be ready. There are men ahead. With weapons."

They were approached by two men. Will noticed they were unarmed. A sign of peace, trust and knowing that they
were backed up by several others. The first man, maybe early 50s, graying hair, short beard, held up his hand.

"Welcome strangers. This is the Woodstock community. Inside the perimeter you'll find people, mostly younger
like yourselves, living in peace. They come from many places and have gathered here to avoid the current
hardships of our damaged world. You may enter, but your weapons stay out here. We," Here he indicated the
men and women behind him, "are the security forces. We have people all around the camp. We are armed. It is a
dangerous world as I'm sure you know. Any questions?" Will looked to Kelly. He was sure he didn't want to hand
over his rifle, but he needed to consider Kelly.

"Will, there are people, lots of people. We could learn what they've seen and heard. And it could be fun after so
much work. A break. Please?" Will looked back to the security man,

"What is your name and how do you come to be here?"

"OK. I'm Tom Fitzgerald. My daughter and I came in from western New York. She wanted to spend some time
with people of her age. I agreed to help out here."

"Can I make you responsible for my rifle?"

"If you'll trust me I will. Looks like a nice Weatherby."

"Yessir. Given to me by my father before he passed."

"Well you two younguns go on into camp. I'll be on my patrol up here." Will reluctantly handed over his rifle and
hand guns. Kelly's too. He followed Kelly down into the camp. What they soon noticed was a lot of young people.
And many of them were naked, or nearly so. Will hadn't seen so many tits in his life. Kelly giggled,

"Quite the show, huh?" Like a kid in a candy store Will replied,

"Yeah!" They were greeted by a young couple, maybe a little older than them. It was difficult to tell in the dark

"Hey there. You new?"

Kelly asked, "How could you tell?"

"Ha. You're clean and clothed. Those of us who have been here a few days get into the more free, open
atmosphere." He led them to a small fire by a tent and introduced them to his companions. "Join us. You can
keep your stuff on if you want. We don't mind. It usually takes a little time for newbies to be comfortable. Kelly
and Will sat on the ground. Their new friend Greg, along with Wendy, Phil, Josie and Cammy sat on blankets,
seemingly oblivious to the cold. Kelly recognized a familiar smell and a certain look in their eyes. As she
suspected, Phil offered a decently sized joint. Will held it out staring at it.

"I don't smoke."

Kelly took it from him, trying to whisper, "It's weed," No reaction, "marijuana?" Will understood, kind of.

"I've seen it growing. My Dad said it was poison."

"No. Not poison. It makes you high."

"I need to keep my senses." Kelly looked at it in her hand, then back to Will.

"I smoked some in school. It makes me hungry, silly, and very horny."
Will smiled. "Go ahead then. Do you feel safe here?"

"I think so." Kelly took a hit on the joint. She smiled. "It's a chance to have some fun. Relax. Laugh a bit."

"Ok, you stay here if you want. I'm going to check out the security." Kelly waited for it to come around her way
again. She gave Will a playful push.

"Always so serious. OK, if you don't mind, I'm going to hang out here with these fine people and you go check on
your rifle." She put her chin on his shoulder, looked up into his eyes, "But come back here cause I'm gonna need
some fucking." She giggled as the joint made its way back to her. Will stood and thanked Greg for his hospitality
as Kelly shrugged off her coat. To the sounds of laughter Will walked back out to the perimeter. He asked for
Tom and found him sitting on a rock outcrop high above the camp. Tom handed over Will's cashe of weapons.

"Not your thing, um, I don't think I got your name."

"William. People call me Will."

"Will it is then, have a seat."

"They were smoking, weed?"

"Pot, yeah. Been a long time since I smoked it. But my daughter seems to like it down there."

"You let your daughter go to the camp?"

"She's 25. Far beyond me telling her what to do. And besides, I can't blame the younguns for having fun. The
world sure isn't providing any. Why aren't you down there?"

"It's, not my thing."

"Your woman stayed?"

"She's not MY woman. She can do as she likes. We been traveling together."

"Just traveling?" Will looked at Tom, then caught his meaning. Now he offered a shy grin that betrayed his age.

"Maybe more than just traveling. I guess I kinda saved her from one of those bad groups." Tom was looking Will
over, taking in his story and wondering how much would be true.

"You can't be more than 18, 19?"

"17 sir."

"And you got her away from a group."


"You know how to use that rifle?"

"My Daddy taught me."

"And have you? Used it." Will looked down, unsure how much to admit. "It's ok son. Best people don't know
everything we have to do. I give more credence since you're not bragging."

"Thank you. I don't lie."

"You seem a good kid and how is..."

"Kelly, her name is Kelly. She's so very smart. She's teaching me a lot. I don't have much school."

"You seem like a good match, but you probably don't want her down there alone." Will started to move,
"Is it dangerous?" Tom put a hand on his arm.

"No, but they are uninhibited. Especially when they smoke. Sometimes one of those girls will come out here and
take pity on an old man."

"So much I don't understand about people."

"Tell you what. I'm a pretty good judge of people. Me and a couple of the other guys are looking to move west
and set up our own little town. We'll pick up more like minded people along the way. It won't be this hippie camp,
but a real town of honest people. We'll need smart people and strong men who don't lie. Would you and Kelly join

"I don't know? I'll talk to her. I think Kelly might like that." Tom was surveying the area with his binoculars.

"As I said, you might want to get down into camp." Will took the binoculars and focused them down to where they
had been sitting earlier. He saw Greg and Josie getting familiar. Then moving over to the side of the tent, Kelly,
naked, on her back with Phil kneeling between her legs. Will was moving before Tom could say, "No weapons in

Kelly was giggling and having fun. Phil was waving his fat cock at her and she was shakng her tits. Phil kept

"I'm gonna split ya with my club here. Split ya wide, haha."

"Go ahead, I can use some of that right now. First you got any more of that good stuff?"

"I got the good stuff right here." Now he leaned down and pressed his thick cock against Kelly. She gasped, he
paused, she said,

"Fuck me, gimme that club." Phil pushed, Kelly gasped as the thickest cock she could remember penetrated and
stretched her. She felt so full, but also so relaxed. Phil was deep and wide now giving her the club. Kelly was lost
in another world, he pussy stretched, her body relaxed but wanting more. She let herself go, the cries as she built
towards orgasm getting louder, Phil grunting as he worked himself in and out of his willing partner. Kelly shouted,
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAh!" Then she heard the click. Phil had stopped. She opened her eyes. Standing behind him
with a gun to Phil's head was Will.

"Get off her, now." His voice was low, but there wasn't any doubt in Phil's mind that he should comply. He had
been close, but all thoughts and feelings left him. He sat back, put his hands up as if to ward off the inevitable.

"Will NO!" Kelly was up now. "No Will, please. He wasn't hurting me." Will looked at Kelly.

"You wanted that?"

"I, I said it was ok." Will put down his gun as Tom and two others came running up, rifles at the ready. From
behind the group, Greg summed up,

"Uncool." Now Kelly was crying. Will picked up her coat and put it around her. Tom, while taking a good look at
Kelly, said to Will,

"Are we ok here?" Will nodded. "You'll have to leave the camp, but I have a fire going just up from where we were
sitting. You're welcome to join us if there's not going to be any shooting."

Will looked around at the gathering crowd. "I'm sorry to bother you. I'll be going." Then to Tom, "Thank you for
your hospitality. I'll join your camp for tonight. Kelly, now feeling embarrassed by her nudity asked Will,

"Can I go with you?"

"You're always free to go with me, or to stay with him, if you want." He looked over at Phil. Kelly also looked at

"Sorry Phil." He shrugged. They gathered Kelly's clothes and after she'd dressed she followed Will up the hill to
Tom's camp. They settled in, Kelly soon falling asleep. Will sat talking with Tom, and two other couples, Sam and
Fran, and Hal and Pauline who had a daughter sleeping in their tent. They took turns explaining how they had
come to be here. Tom explained what had happened in camp. Will was shy about being the center of the story
and apologized to Tom again for violating rules.

"You thought you were protecting your lady friend. You also cooled off immediately. That's some clear thinking. I
still think you'd be a valuable addition to our plans."

"I'll talk to Kelly in the morning. She's not like this regular, it was the weed I'm sure." Hal passed over a bottle.
Tom explained,

"We're off duty now, sometimes I like a little liquor to help sleep." Will waved him off.

"I don't drink." Tom informed the others,

"Not legal age yet, but I think those rules are in the past anyway."

"No sir, I don't like anything that might dull my senses." Hal asked,

"No vices kid?"

Will said, "I like to fuck." But then quickly realized he was with women and blushed and stammered an apology.
The older people around the fire laughed. Tom said,

"I might have gotten a glance at your friend there in the camp. You will not be blamed for that vice." Will had to
admit to himself that it was nice to have the company of others. He might just be up to this change in plans if
Kelly agreed.

Will was up early. He had the feeling Kelly would be sleeping a bit later. He was outside helping Tom get some
coffee going when he stopped and listened. He whispered to Tom,

"Could it be your patrols?"

"Up this far, unlikely. We all wear these orange vests. Be careful." Tom could see that Will already had his rifle
and was going out through the back of camp. He move stealthily up over the outcrop. Settling in to get a look at
the situation. He saw them. They were in camouflage. He also saw an orange vested man, lifeless on the ground.
He counted six, they were creating their own line around the one end of the camp. When they were in position
one shot was fired. Heads came out of tents. Under the cover of shotguns and rifles, people were coming out of
the tents, mostly naked and gathering together. One of the camouflaged men went among them and ***********ed
several young women. When a young man protested he was quickly silenced. Will turned at a sound behind him.
It was Tom. He was looking through his binoculars. "Oh fuck, they're taking Sharon, my daughter." They were
backing away. Another kid was shot as a show of force. "We have to do something. Hal is staying with the
women up here. Sam is coming with us."

"I can even the odds."

"Are you sure? From here?" Will looked Tom dead in the eye. Tom didn't doubt him. He nodded. "They have my
daughter. She's all I have."

Will was already choosing targets. Two were down before anyone reacted. Tom just said, "Holy fuck." Now the
men in comouflage were moving for cover. A third went down. Now a voice from down the hill,

"We are going to start executing people if you don't stop shooting. We will open fire on the camp."

Will was frustrated that the man talking was covered. Tom cautioned him. "Stop. We need another plan. They
may start shooting. Let me see if I can reason with them." Will made a face, then nodded. Tom started down the

"Stop, stop, I'm not shooting. You're still covered, but let's talk."

"No talking. We're taking these women with us. We're getting out of here and we will kill anyone in our way."
Tom, "This is already bad enough. These people are peaceful. Let them stay."

"These assholes are weak. We can fuck their women too." Tom was in the clear now, hands up, no threat. Will
was working his way around to the left trying for a better angle. He was focused on the man doing the talking.
The other two were nervously looking up towards where the shots had come from. His mistake was focusing all
his attention downhill. He heard a sound behind him. He turned,

"Sam?" It wasn't Sam. It was another camouflaged man holding a pistol on him.

"Did you think we'd all stay together? They wanted to, I decided to stay back and cover the area. And look what I
found. Drop the rifle and move."

Tom was caught off guard when Will came out of the woods near the remaining force under guard of a seventh
camouflaged man. Shit. Will was covered. There were four of them now. He had himself, Sam and maybe two
others up in the woods, if they were still alive. He kept trying to reason. His adversary was having none of it.

"Seems like we found one of yours. Are you the one who shot my men? I should end you now." Will glared at
him. He was trying to see how this could work out. The one covering him hadn't checked him thoroughly enough.
He had the knife taken off Hank's crew hidden. If he could get a distraction. That came when each of the original
three grabbed a hostage. One must have been Tom's daughter. He pleaded,

"Noooo." As the man on the right held a gun to the head of an attractive blond. His other hand was groping her
large breasts.

"Haha, so which one is yours old man? If we had time, we'd fuck them now and let you watch. But we have
places to go. Don't worry, we'll take good care of our little harem."

As they turned, Will saw Tom reach behind him. This probably wasn't the best idea, but something was going to
happen. Tom drew and took out the man holding his daughter. She screamed as blood splattered on her. Will
dropped and secured the knife, coming up and taking out his captor. One dropped his gun and put his hands up.
The leader shot the woman he held then pointed his gun at Will.

"Keep your sluts. He's coming with me. I'm going to take him apart piece by piece. You fucked up a perfectly
good plan kid." Will dropped his knife and raised his hand. The man walked to him and punched him in the face
buckling his knees. He hit Will again and was going for a third when a red blotch appeared on the side of his
head. He dropped onto Will who scrambled to get clear. Tom had secured the last man standing. His other
security personnel were now making themselves visible. Tom asked,

"Who shot him? Fine work." He was now hugging his daughter. The men looked around shaking their heads.
Tom called, "Who else is out there?" Finally from out of the far woods came Kelly. She was holding Will's rifle and
rubbing her shoulder. "Did you make that shot?"

Kelly crossed to Will. "Yes, he taught me. Night after night we practiced. Still the kick hurt." Tom, Will, Kelly and
the others gathered to survey the carnage. The mood of the camp had been changed for good. Some were
crying for the dead woman and security guard. Others for the lost innocence. Once again, the real world had
intervened. Tom gathered his people and returned to their camp, Will and Kelly following along. As they sat
around as the night before, now joined by Kelly, Sharon and Hal and Pauline's daughter Cheryl who was a cute
young woman about Kelly's age. They were filling in everyone on what had happened.

Tom, "You should have seen this kid. Pop, pop, two down like nothing. Haven't see shooting like that since my
army days. And this one over here," pointing at Kelly, "took down that last bastard with one shot."

Cheryl looked at Kelly with a bit of admiration, "Really? You shot one of them?" Kelly had shrunk into her coat a
bit. She was still embarrassed and unsure of her situation due to last night and now she'd killed a man. Shot him
like a tin can sitting on a log. She said quietly,

"He was going to hurt my man. If he still wants to be my man." Will looked at Kelly,

"Why wouldn't I...?" She put a hand on his leg.

"Later. In private." Will was confused. He owed his life now to Kelly. He would wait. Tom presented his ideas and
offer again. The others nodded at his suggestion that Kelly and Will join them. Will asked Kelly if that was what
she wanted.

"I have to think. Can Will and I have a few moments to talk?" They all agreed of course. Cheryl noted aloud that it
would be nice to have someone her age with them. Kelly smiled shyly at her, "I'm not sure I've been the kind of
person your parents would want for a friend."

Kelly and Will walked away from the campsite, finding themselves sitting on the outcrop. Will quickly got to the
topic, "I hadn't thought about joining a group, living in a town. But maybe you want to. And have women your age
for friends, and..."

"Will. Stop please."

"What's the matter?"

"First we need to deal with last night."

"I thought that was settled?"

"It was for last night. Now in the light of day. What I did was awful. Just awful. I'm so mad at myself. I know it was
the situation and the good smoke and all the naked people, but, I'm such an asshole."

"Oh, I thought you were still mad at me for almost shooting Phil." Kelly had tears in her eyes, she held Will's face
in her hands,

"You innocent loyal amazing man. I don't deserve you."

"You saved my life. I owe you."

"And you saved me."

"So we're even."

"Not even close. And I repaid you by fucking someone else. Don't you understand?"

"Things have changed. We're still together. You're not my possession."

"Not your possession. But Will, I AM yours. If you'll have me, I'll be yours forever."

"Like married?"

"YES! Yes, just like that. I promise never to do something like that again and to be only yours."

"Well I only want you. Looking at the other naked women was nice, but I only want you."

"But you've never experienced anyone else."

"Once, that lady gave me.."

"Oh forget that, you've never lain with anyone else, so maybe you shouldn't promise and limit yourself."

"No, no. I only want you." Now Kelly had gone to full tears. And hugging. She was hugging the breath from Will.
Through sniffles she said,

"I think I would like to be part of a small community. I could help teach any kids that join us and we can have a
small house and live like a regular husband and wife."

"What would I do?"

"They'll probably need people to protect them, like the old sheriffs and stuff."

"Tom should probably be in charge." Now Kelly giggled,

"You're so practical. OK you can be his deputy until he retires. And you can come home at night and we'll make
love in a big comfortable bed and not have rocks poking our asses."

"You're making this tough to argue against. I'm good with giving it a try." They took a few minutes to reconcile
with kisses and hugs, then walked back to camp. Kelly took a breath and addressed the group.

"Will and I would like to join your group to help find a place to live and build a community." The group applauded
the decision and welcomed them. "And one more thing." She looked down, slightly embarrassed. Everyone knew
what she'd been doing last night. "From this day forward we would like to be considered husband and wife. I
swear to be faithful and true from this day forever."

Will simply said, "Me too. From this day forever." The adults nodded in approval. Tom promised,

"Once we're set up and have laws and all we will make this official. For now if you'd like I will draw up a bit of
something and we will all witness it, if you like."

Kelly was beaming, "That would be perfect." She was holding Will's arm. He seemed unconcerned with the
formalities, but if it made Kelly happy.

The group had packed up and began moving west. The general plan was to find land in central Pennsylvania.
The group to this point was made up of people from the northeast. Moving further south might seem foreign to

"The weather might be nicer", Sam suggested.

"A lot further away, I'm not used to this constant travel by foot, his wife Fran countered. So west it was. Kelly told
WIll some stories and information on the old west.

"Almost 200 years ago. Regular people like us moved by wagon and horse and foot way out west. They set-up
towns along the way and made their own rules and defended themselves. It seems like it's going to be a lot like
that for awhile." Will listened, then offered his own summary,

"Sounds more like my kind of world."

"Yes, I think you're right. You'll thrive."

"Thrive? I don't know that one."

"Do great. Fit right in." Will nodded, satisfied.

Around the campfire at night they discussed needs. Tom, a natural leader, led the discussions,

"We need to find more people. Reliable people. So we'll need to take a few chances and make contact with other
groups. Family types like we see moving south." Kelly added,

"We need someone with some medical knowledge. A doctor, nurse, even a medical student."

"Good point", Tom replied, "We've been lucky so far."

"And a bath. I really need a bath." This was Cheryl. "Splashing in a cold stream doesn't really cut it." The other
ladies nodded.

Tom replied, "Duly noted. The weather's getting warmer. Spring is coming, but any water we find is likely to be
pretty cold."

And on they went. Kelly suggested a stop for books. Medical and others they could use for reference. There was
a limit to what they could carry. They turned to look at Will, who was usually quiet in these discussions.

"A wagon. We could carry more. Even better if we find a horse or something to pull it. Like in pie-a-neer days" He
looked over to Kelly to see if he'd gotten it right. Her smile gave him his answer. Hal playfully chided Will,

"You need to speak up more kid, you've got good ideas."

Onward they moved. Will would often track ahead, looking for trouble, or game. Late one afternoon he trudged
back into camp leading a mule he had found wandering in the woods.

"It ain't a horse but I think he'll do." The group, lately expanded by a family of four, applauded his efforts. They
took a day to scour the local area until able to harness a wagon to the mule. For the moment this would lighten
the load on everyone, making the walking easier and Will more stealthy as he kept watch ahead. Coming upon a
small lake they decided it was bath day. The water was no doubt cold but it was clear and clean. The men set up
a perimeter, while the ladies had first shot at the lake. They laughed when they heard the first shrieks as their
companions hit the freezing water.

Kelly looked around at the splashing women. She was near Cheryl who was dousing herself. Cheryl, though 19
like Kelly was slimmer and less developed looking. Cheryl looked at Kelly,

"I wish I was built like you and had a man to be with. My parents still treat me like a child."

"Not to sound like an old lady, but be thankful you have your parents. And they want to keep you safe in a
dangerous world. I've had some horrible experiences, until Will saved me."

"You're so lucky to have him. Do you mind me saying, he's handsome and strong, but kind?"

"It's ok, he's all of that, but you know, he's younger than us. He's a kid sometimes too. You'll find someone. I
know you will." Cheryl had already moved on to a new topic,

"What I wouldn't give for a haircut. This long hair is not meant for this kind of travel."

"Same here! Next time we stop somewhere we'll find proper scissors and do our best."

"Deal!" They finished their bath, washed some clothes and reluctantly turned over the lake to the men. Kelly
volunteered to stand guard. Sharon joined her. Tom, seeing the wisdom of Will's decision, had decided to train
his daughter with their guns. She had taken to them and now proudly offered to take a turn when needed. They
other women had tried, but were not comfortable. Hal and Pauline had not allowed Cheryl to try.

Kelly suggested to Sharon, "We should get Cheryl out here with us."

"Her parents won't let her."

"Yeah she told me. I'm going to speak to Hal. They need to let her grow up some. And she's ready for a man."

Sharon looked over at Kelly, "I could use one too. No offense but some nights, we can hear you. We love you,
but there's some jealousy."

Kelly reddened, "Oh shit, really?" Sharon nodded. "Sorry. Maybe we should set up our tent a little further away."

"Or find a few stray young men for the rest of us."

Kelly took what Sharon said kiddingly to heart. And besides, she had plans for that night. When they began to
make camp Will asked why they were setting up their tent away from the others.

"Something new tonight love. I might need more privacy." Now Will was interested. He was as eager to learn
knew things as the first time he and Kelly had been together. When they were in the tent, after target practice,
after dinner, Kelly told him,

"This is going to be new, so do your best and listen for my hints."

"OK." Will had a huge smile. Like it was Christmas morning. Kelly thought to herself that he was getting a present
to open.

"You know how sometimes I like to suck at your cock?"

"Uh huh, it's feels great."

"Well I was waiting until I was clean and fresh, cause it's a private thing, but men can do that kind of thing for their
woman." Will's eyes were open wide. "Use your tongue a lot. And your fingers some. All over down there and
exspecially some spots I'll show you." Kelly had already undressd for bed. Now she propped up their packs and
lay back, spreading her legs. Will looked with wonder at her reddish-brown hair, the puffy mound, the slim line
covering where his cock would go. Kelly used her fingers to separate her lips. Will saw some moisture, the
protruding bud, the thinner lips and the opening where his cock went. "Kiss me, all over here. I'm not sure about
the taste. You may need to get used to it, I hope. Just go ahead." Will had seen her naked many times, had seen
her pussy as he positioned his cock, had touched her some, but this would be a first. He lay down and got close,
inspecting, tentatively touching with his tongue. He tasted Kelly. Smiled and went for more. She let her head
relax backward. She knew how energetic and eager to please her husband was. She was sure he'd do this just
fine. Oh god how she hoped he would. Will settled in, kissing and licking and prodding. He pulled at her lips with
his, he let his tongue poke in where his cock went. He listened to Kelly moaning and sighing. When she said,
"mmmmmmm", he did the same on her clit, causing her to let out a breathy, "ooooooo." He was enjoying making
her feel good. She knew he would and encouraged him all the way. Her body kept giving him clues, she was wet
and flush. Her hips rose to meet him. When he began sucking at her clit, she put a hand on his head to hold him
in place. His tongue circled it, rubbing along the sides, licking at the tip. Kelly's moans were getting louder,
"eeeyuh, ooooooh" His fingers had found her opening, the middle finger going well in, touching her inside,
sending shivers through her body. When she let out a screech, he stopped cold wondering if he'd hurt her. "Don't
stop! More more!" That was all he needed. He redoubled his efforts as Kelly's voice hit new highs, both hands
now on Will's head, her body losing control, every nerve sensitive, her muscles tight. When the orgasm hit, she
had two handsful of his hair, her feet kicked at his back, she was muttering sounds until she could relax and beg
him to stop. Will sat up, licking his lips, his cock rigid, a smile on his face. He looked at Kelly, her body flush, her
breasts heaving as she gulped in breaths. She looked down at the man she loved, saw his condition.

"Will honey, that was amazing. Now fuck me good with that cock." Needing no more encouragement Will
mounted Kelly and fucked her with all the need he was feeling. When he had satisfied that need, coating her
insides with his cum, he fell alongside her panting. Kelly turned to look at him. She kissed his cheek. "That's
called cunnilingus. Or eating pussy. Some men don't like to do that."

"What? I'd do that everyday to see you like that."

"Easy now. I don't think I could handle that every day. But it has been a long time and I almost forgot how much I
liked it."

"You were so loud."

"That's why we moved away. Sharon says the ladies are jealous."

"I think the men are too." They lay together listening to the sounds of the night.

In the morning Kelly was quiet as they sat having coffee. She noticed Cheryl whispering to Sharon and giggling.
Kelly went to sit by them. "What are you two conspiring about?" Cheryl seemed embarrassed,

"Must have been a special night." Kelly looked around then flicked her tongue at them. Sharon laughed and
covered her mouth. Cheryl looked confused. Sharon whispered to her just loud enough for Kelly to hear,

"He licked her pussy." Then looking up towards Kelly, "And? How was it?" Kelly tried to be quiet,

"Oh my god, fucking awesome." Sharon grinned.

"Good for you! Really, I only hate you a little."

Cheryl was taking this in, "Guys, down there?" Sharon hugged her,

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, but are you, a virgin?" Cheryl looked down, nodded her head,

"Uh huh."

"OK, we'll look out for you. Don't just do the first guy who comes along. I'll do him, you get the first nice guy."
Cheryl laughed.

Kelly perked up, "That reminds me. Where are your parents, Cheryl?" She pointed out beyond the wagon.
"I'll be right back."

Kelly went to speak with Hal and Pauline. They were against her idea immediately, but listened.

"First, as much as she's your little daughter, she's almost grown up. Especially in these times. You may already
know this but she's very interested in men. And I can tell you from personal experience that the roads out here
are dangerous. As much as it would pain me to relive, I will tell you every detail of weeks of rape to get you to
understand. Let us teach your daughter how to defend herself."

Pauline was moved to tears. Hal asked, "I know you've said Will saved you, but you really were in one of THOSE

"Yes. Beyond your worst nightmares."

"He rescued you?"

"Shot four men dead. Freed me and three other women. Then he taught me how to shoot."

"I saw what you did, back at Woodstock."

"I couldn't have done that just a couple months earlier. We all need to defend our families out here."

Hal looked at Pauline. She nodded. He took Kelly's hand, "OK. You're right. She needs to be ready for the world."

"You'll always be her parents and always have her best interests in mind. Sharon and I will watch her like a

Kelly went back to where it seemed Sharon was explaining something graphic to Cheryl who wore a look of
amazement. She stood looking at the two conspirators with hands on hips.

"I just told Cheryl's parents how we'd look after her like sisters." Sharon shrugged,

"Sisters explain how a guy goes down on a girl." Kelly rolled her eyes.

"Cheryl, you're with us, starting tonight, for target practice." Cheryl clapped with glee. "Shooting lessons are
100% serious." Sharon nodded in agreement. Cheryl took a more serious expression. Then asked,

"Um, can I, hang out with you two during the day? I have lots of questions about stuff." Sharon and Kelly looked
at each other and nodded.

Sharon pulled them together in a hug. "We'll get you trained up and we'll be three badass women roaming the
new world."

Will watched the three from a distance. He was happy that Kelly was making friends with women of her age. As
much as he liked being with Kelly out here and especially in private, he still did have a bit of a loner streak and
didn't mind wandering off scouting by himself. The weather was springlike, the were coming down from the
northern hills. In the distance was rolling farmland. They had decided to create their own town rather than occupy
an existing place which some had decided would be "creepy". It was decided that they would take a day off and
relax. Couples wandered off to do what couples do. Their group had continued to grow with additional families
joining them. Kelly had suggested to Will that they have some time alone. Will looked at her in a certain way to
see if he understood correctly.

"Yes lover boy, I do mean that. Out in the woods like we used to. I want to look at the bright blue sky while you fill
me." Kelly was fairly certain Will had a hardon for the whole walk. They found a spot, spread out a blanket and
quickly stripped down. Kelly was reminded how much she liked looking at Will's lean body in the light of day. He
carried no extra fat, his muscles were firm, his legs strong, his ass a thing of beauty. And oh, that lovely cock.
Will too admired the woman who had taught him everything about love and sex. Her auburn hair was much
shorter now. The ladies had done some kind of job cutting theirs to above the shoulder. But nothing detracted
from what attracted and enticed Will. Her face was pretty, her body was sexy and tight, her breasts hung just so,
the hair below darker but still a little red. She had trimmed it shorter with the scissors, 'for him', as she put it. Will
leaned against a tree and held Kelly who sat in front of him. They were naked and free and together. He kissed
her neck and held her breasts, then one hand snaked between her legs, finding the bump that he now knew
could bring so much pleasure to Kelly if stimulated. Kelly felt Will's cock, hard, trapped between them. She asked

"Lift me." He picked her up with strong arms, she shifted back and used a hand to align him just so, then
instructed, "now lower me, easy." He did. And was rewarded with the feeling of his cock being absorbed into
Kelly's body. She shifted her legs out and Will used his arms to balance Kelly as she leaned back and bounced
on him. They were going long and slow enjoying the feeling of being one when Will whispered,

"We're being watched." Kelly paused. "No danger, it's Cheryl." Kelly went back to riding Will. She leaned her
head back.

"Don't say anything. Where?"

"Just off to the right a little. Mmm, you feel amazing."

"Don't stop. I'll talk to her later."

"I wasn't planning to." Kelly continued bouncing. Will's cock drove up into her again and again. Then with a grunt
he came. Kelly settled on to him, letting his cum escape around him. Will began rubbing her clit. Faster and
faster. Kelly who was already excited from feeling Will inside, began to moan, ragged low moans. Her body
shook and she came, then collapsed back onto her husband. Cheryl made an involuntary sound as she brought
herself to her own orgasm. Kelly called to her,

"You can come out now." A rustle in the bushes. "Don't run. We saw you Cheryl." A moment later Cheryl walked
out into the small clearing.

"I-I'm sorry, I was following along. I didn't think you'd and when you did. I know I shouldn't have. But it was so

Kelly laughed, "Well thank you for the compliment. But you really shouldn't be watching people in their private

"I never saw two people doing it."

"You never watched porn? Before?"

"Well yes, but not in person." Kelly was sitting on Will's lap. His soft cock between her legs.

"We heard you."

"I'm sorry. I've been so horny lately."

"I understand. We understand. So much is different. But there are normal rules to follow. No watching people
fuck if they don't know."

Cheryl nodded her head. "I won't do it again. It looked like fun."

"It is. When you find the right man." Kelly had put her hand back to stroke Will's face. She also noted that his
cock was growing. "Now you better get back, I think Will might not be done."

Cheryl looked down at the hard cock. "Oh, oh of course. Um, have fun." She ran off. Kelly leaned forward on her
hands and knees.

"Go ahead stud. Hard and fast, then we can go back." Will got up behind Kelly and inserted his cock. He held her
hips and thrust deep, hard and fast. Her tits shook from his efforts as she hung her head and closed her eyes,
letting Will let loose his animal needs. It was his second, so he went long, filling his Kelly again and again until
holding himself inside and adding another load. Kelly knelt and turned, kneeling face to face, kissing the man she
loved. Will held her to him, cupping her ass, not wanting the moment to end. They had been gone a long time.
Now when they returned to camp there was a new development. Tom called them over to introduce a potential
new addition.
"Will, Kelly, this is Bill Enders. Bill says he's a doctor."

Bill shook hands all around. "Yes. I'm a general practitioner. Tom here has been explaining your plans and says
you need a doctor."

Kelly seemed excited. "Yes! Because if someone got sick or injured they were going to have to rely on me
reading out of a medical text."

Bill nodded, "I'm sure they'd appreciate the effort, but maybe I could be of assistance." Kelly smiled. Bill
continued, "I saw your group here from a distance. It seemed to be mostly families so I thought I'd come down to
see. Have to say, you look like good company."

Tom thanked him, "You're certainly welcome to join."

"I have to add, I have two sons back in our camp. Ben's 17, Cam's 20. It's a package deal." Kelly looked at Will
briefly, then Tom.

"If they're not troublemakers, you're all welcome. We may have need for a couple of young unattached men
around here. And my husband Will here, he's 17 himself."

"You're 17? You carry yourself a bit older. My boys are still kids in comparison. But they're good boys. But you
know, they're boys. From what you say, I'm assuming there are younger unattached women?"

"Yes there are. And other families join regularly. Might be 6 or more."

"Well that'll make their day." Will spoke up,

"Long as they mind their manners." Bill looked as the young man and nodded.


When Dr. Bill walked off Kelly went to find Sharon and Cheryl. They were sitting mending clothes when Kelly
called them to her. As they got to her Cheryl said,

"I already told Sharon. I'm so embarrassed." Sharon eased her concerns,

"Wish I could've watched and rubbed one out." Kelly playfully slapped at her.

"I have news!"

"What." "What!" They said together.

"Well for one, looks like we found a doctor. But also of interest, he has two sons. Ben and Cam. 17 and 20."
Sharon wrinkled her nose,

"A little young. They're going to think I'm an old lady." Kelly laughed that off,

"You kidding? They're gonna be horny as hell. Will warned them to behave." Sharon scoffed,

"They can misbehave all they want on me. I wonder what they look like?"

"Doc Bill was nice enough looking for being middle age." Sharon did a little dance. Cheryl looked concerned,

"I won't know what to do." Sharon assured her,

"Take your time, make sure he's the right guy, then it'll all work."

Kelly needled her, "Looked easy enough today didn't it?"

Cheryl reddened. "It looked too big to fit." Sharon assured her,

"They all fit."

It was the next day when Bill Enders and his two boys walked into camp. Ben and Cam were soon the center of
attention for the younger crowd. Bill asked Tom about arrangements.

"Well Bill, we more or less carry our stuff and put extras on the wagon. We can sure make room for medical

"Fair enough. And I wanted to let you know, we spied a couple of loose horses a few miles from here. We had no
way to corral them but maybe we can work it together. Might let us add another wagon. My boys are hard
workers if you need them for anything. I try to mind my hands if I can. They're important to my work."

"Understood. And a fair trade. If you don't mind I can have them work with Will on hunting and shooting. For food
and defense."

Bill thought for a moment. "We never were gun people. I'm more the healer type, but we need to be practical.
Will's good with guns?"

"Best I've seen. He's not book smart, but he's something else in a pinch. I'm sure you'll hear the stories soon
enough. This group owes him and his gal Kelly."

"Not my business, but they're married I think she said."

"Yep, or at least as formal as we can make it in these times. We'll do more when we get settled."

"Sounds like you're off to a good start." Kelly had come running back,

"We need to find a guitar someplace. Cam says he plays and I haven't heard music in ages. It would be so great
for us to have music at night at the campfire." Bill confirmed,

"Yes, he's good enough I guess. I don't know the new songs, but he can play about anything. Unfortunately when
it came to carrying needs, the guitar had to go." Tom smiled,

"We will definitely add a guitar to the items of need. I think there's an old town not far ahead. We were going to
send a team in to forage. Cam can go with Will and a couple others to pick out what he likes. Then we can get to
looking for those horses."

"I like how you think Tom. Now let me go find a place to set up. Cam! Ben! come help me with our stuff."

The boys reluctantly broke away from their new friends. Many of them of the female persuasion. Kelly heard
them as they were walking away with their father,

"Can we stay with this group? There's a lot of hot girls!"

"Remember, behave. I'll tell you what's what." Kelly looked at Tom,

"Good additions I think." Tom smiled at her,

"Easy for you to say. You have your man. I think I'll be breaking up fights between the young ladies for a few

That night Bill was introduced to the larger group. There were many sighs of relief at having a doctor among
them. They also discussed possibly settling down at their present location. Tom, as usual, led discussions,

"We're sending a team into the next town tomorrow. It's a bit of a walk so they may be gone over night. If there
seems to be enough there to get us started and if our extended patrols continue to determine this is a peaceful
enough area we'll put it up to a vote. Any questions?"

There was further discussion on the site, questions about fresh water and also what form of government once
settled. Tom explained,

"For now our committee, consisting of me, Hal, Will, Kelly and Carl with Doctor Bill as medical adviser will make
on the spot decisions. We will come back to you for anything more permanent. Once settled we can sort out
various committees and vote on a local government. I'm not sure we're going to hear from anyone on high any
time soon. One more thing. Carl, who joined us a little while back, has a background in electronics", there were
murmurs and some laughter, "yes I know, Carl himself said that makes him the least valuable man here. But
we're going to see what we can do about power. Generators, setting up a radio to see if we can learn anything of
the outside world, etc. Anyone interested in helping, check in with Carl." There were a few nods. Ben leaned over
to his father who told him to go ahead. Kids always seemed to know more about this stuff anyway.

In the morning the travel team gathered. Bill walked out with Cam. As they came up to Will securing his pack and
checking his rifle he told his son,

"You stay with this guy." Will nodded to the Doctor,

"Thank you. I'm sure Cam will do just fine." Cam looked at the kid, as young as his brother, but seemingly years
older than him. His father had told him last night that if anything happened out there, stick by Will. 'I'm told he
knows how to use those guns.' Cam was looking forward to a little adventure. Since the old world ended their
small family group had shuttered in place watching people pass them by. His father had assured him that he'd
know when he saw the right group. Now he'd be on his own, with this quiet stranger and a few others. And he
was getting a guitar. The girls at camp seemed to like him already. Once he started singing to them, maybe he'd
have a girlfriend. Life wasn't looking so hopeless.

Back at camp Kelly was refereeing between Cheryl and Sharon. Though older and more experienced, Sharon
often seemed no more mature than Cheryl. At the moment she was pouting a bit because Cheryl had expressed
interest in Cam,

"He's handsome and he says he plays guitar and oh I want him to be my first."

"Oh come on, he's a year older than you. Ben would be good for you. You guys can learn together. I would SO
bang Cam today."

"Ben's cute, but those buck teeth and he's not much taller than me. Cam's more like a man, more like.." She
stopped and glanced at Kelly. Kelly had heard enough,

"Stop you two. You know, the guys have a say in this too? And there are some other's in the camp." Sharon
made a face,

"I NEED to get laid. Can I borrow Will? Just ONE night, please." Kelly laughed,

"THAT ain't happening. That boy is mine. And I'll already be missing him after tonight."

It was late afternoon when Will's team approached the town. As usual it seemed deserted. They fanned out,
though Will kept Cam at his side, and approached from different angles. When noone was seen they surveyed
the main street. It had been a busy town and was larger than they'd expected. They let themselves into a dry
goods store and found it still pretty well stocked. After filling their packs they looked around for other items.
Seeing a bookstore, Will took Cam inside and handed him a note from Kelly.

"See if you can find these, please." Cam looked at Will then shrugged. He quickly located the books she'd
requested and helped load them into Will's sack. As they walked along the street the came upon what looked like
the town hall. There was a signed nailed to the front door.

Will asked, "What's it say." Cam replied,

"Carsonville." Will furrowed his brow.

"I don't think that's the name of this place." He took out his map and showed it to Cam. "We should be here. That
don't say Carsonville?"

Cam noted the question in Will's voice. "No. It says Loyalsville."

"OK we better get moving soon." As Will called to the others he noticed a shop window with a guitar hanging in it.
He pointed and Cam said,

"Pawn shop." They walked across and Will pushed open the door as his remaining team joined them. They went
inside, one man watching at the door. Cam looked around, "Wow. Too bad we don't have electricity, there are
some awesome models here." Will hurried him along.

"Looks like someone cleared out the weapons and ammo. Don't take too long. We may have company. And Tom
did say to grab a couple of harmonicas if you see any. Might be some who can play."

Cam grabbed up two harmonicas from under the counter, then took down a beautiful acoustic. He strummed it
and declared,

"Sounds great. Just needs tuning. This would cost a fortune." Will looked at him unfazed.

"It's yours."

"Really?" That's when the first shots smashed the front window and sent Henry Wilson sprawling.

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