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NTS - MAT Booklet c Roll No. :|2|2/2/0 | | | SI. No. : 319548 Time : 120 Minutes aa «=: e9 0 Fie. Full Mark 100 STM - 2019-20 Qdasnl :e00 No. of Items: 100 PAPER - 1 AIA : Roo No. of Pages: 32 . gaan 219 (including rough work) SET-D INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES aatsielie aici Fecareet Read the following instructions carefully before you open the Question Booklet : 1. A separate OMR Answer Sheet is supplied for writing the answers. Write down your Application Form No. & 11 digit Roll Number on it as per your Admission Card and darken the appropriate circles on the answer sheet. 2. Check that Set Code (A, B, C or D) is printed on the Booklet and indicate your set code by blackening the appropriate circle in the OMR Answer Sheet. 3. Donot write anything in this Booklet except the 11 digit Roll No. However you can use the blank pages provided for the rough work at the end of this Booklet. 4, Start answering when you are told to do so. Do not turn the pages before that. 5. Answer all the questions. Each question has, four probable answers of which one is correct. You have to choose the correct one and blacken your choice in the OMR Answer Sheet by a black/blue ball point pen. Use of pencil is not allowed. If your choice is second response then answer like this. ®@0©O 6. For wrong answer, there is no deduction of marks, One mark shall be awarded for each correct response. 7. No mark will be awarded for a question if a candidate darkens more than one choice, 8. Return the Answer Sheet only to the invigilator as soon as the final bell rings. 9. English version of the Question Paper will be considered as final if any dispute arises in the translated version. dq QSal Some! ASQ Acdeiomg sHegsa AP! R. BAA GAGE! AIG aS LAs] OMR aaa aise Galas! casa qrm aIEFaR, eigen Gace! oaaId ae AA We" YEE Ae FH GAIA MAA GAS WE" AAA TIA GAYS SACRA, GH! GE! 9. GF Ag Gaaisa Gas Gag (A, B, C Gal D) GRE 28 @ mit aE AAA . What is the original 6 fraction ? 1 2 A > ® 5 5 4 OF © 5 Which of the following statement is true ? (A) LCM of two natural numbers is divisible by their HCF. (8) HCF+LCM of two numbers is equal to the product of two numbers. (©) Two prime numbers are co-prime numbers if their LCM is 1. (D) HCE of two numbers is the smallest common divisor of both numbers. 2G G6 Aelia Qras geere 249 6 3 Ge aieule 6a asaeig aris 1 AS eiqaiet 160 Qaes ale weg cela adaeig aieid 1 sE6e Garice Qdcace wag caia asAeig Ace ? (A) @igaian 7 (B) eiqaier 8 (E eigaie 12 (D) @Wgaier 13 AG cAI agdiesa ada aq aaise 240% @@lAN 6 e@ald aaIgee 50%, GAIAM, ca6e BAAIEG 27 Gee! cose qe agaies cece ? 1 2 O | ® 3 5 4 O 7 Oy 7 Gq adaug cede ae 2 (A) @26 giege arauca GAAIPHER G.2l.q.a2 Saie4 | @) gad aaa 6 a.g1.q.a GAIITH, QAS arayia qdee ag aa 1 (C) 98 Qa cede aaa a.a1.g. 194, sece aae «fle ara A9-cASearail 62e | (D) GOS erauia G.a1.q. ae area AVON Alia alee cee | STM-1-2019-20 7. Ina school every student is assigned a unique identification number. A student is a football player if and only if the identification number is divisible by 4, whereas a student is a cricketer if and only if the identification number is divisible by 6. If every number from 1 to 100 is assigned to a student, then how many of them play cricket as well as football ? (A) 4 @) 8 (©) 10 (D) 12 8. How many squares are there in the following figure ? (A) 12 (B) 13 © (D) 15 9. When seen through a mirror, a watch shows 5:15. The correct time is : (A) 6:15 ®B) 7:15 © 6:45 (D) 7:45 10. If a cube of 12 cm side is divided into smaller cubes of 3 cm side, then find the total number of smaller cubes. (A) 16 (B) 64 (©) 128 (PD) 32 STM-I-2019-20 10. GAIN SoHIEMER Jeole gIgg GaIE UPeY AAea are! Guiceias | ad adea aang 4 Qlal AIG Bx Ga6e IgE AeeR cEImI@! Ne’ AACA AGF 6 Gia! GIG EEN BIaS ceo cagiel use | aS 1 q 100 adie gsore ara caigs aigg Salam, cece GAMING MQ CREE PA Fees 6 Aoea Seed 7 (A) 4 (®) 8 © 10 (Dy: 12 q Sgca cecels ocicag aa 7 (A) 12 () 13 (© 14 (D) 15 cals edeca cifem agisa aria 5:15 sea | SQ anas cece ? (A) 6:15 8) (© 6:45 (D) 7:45 7:15 alg Ae1 Ae IS algal calc aca Gaia Cala, cece caicdegeea aan 6a6e 622 7? (A) 16 () 64 © 128 (D) 32 D-5 11. 12. 13. Suppose you have sufficient amount of rupee currency in 3 denominations : € 1, %10 and & 50, In how many different ways can you pay a bill of & 107 ? (A) 16 (8) 17 © 18 (D) 19 A printer numbers the pages of a book starting with 1 and uses 3089 digits in all. How many pages does the book have ? 1040 1049 (A) 1048 © (B) (D) 1050 Number 136 is added to 5B7 and the sum obtained is 7A3, where A and B are integers. It is given that 7A3 is exactly divisible by 3. The only possible values of a (A) 2 ©) 7 @) 5 () 8 Direction for question number (14 to 16) : Which alternative will replace the question mark 14, un. 12. 13. scree Qf aidca %1,% 10 6 750 Gena DEAS GS! UF | QE CREE JeIA eIGEa 7107 a Gaq soaaise 7 (A) 16 © 18 7 19 @) (D) GGIGN Qee cae o8a QaiIgge 1 019, AA GA Gears! Biaaesa ie" aqeia 3089 uSg GeeIA e6a! ea aqela cecoie que 7 (A) 1040 (©) 1049 (8) (0) 1048 1050 136 Q 5B7 6Q GAIA@ER EAIATE 7A3 GRE! AGB cad qdareul | 7A3 GQ 3 Gal IG GRIRAITE | B.A GAIA AaH 6e6o 7 (A) 2 © 7 ® 5 ©) 8 Qq Grail 14-16 aid Fecareet = IqSq (7) Giaca ced Seas ase 7 @? 14. c Pook Z Q T c POL Z Q T M N ? M N ? (A) Oo (@B) Cc (A) O @) Cc © s @) J © s (D) J STM-I-2019-20 s AAAAAA |» AAAAAZ 15 4 15 4 “Ws ® Ww Az ® w Ss . 4 4 © F @ xX OT @) xX 16. 16. LD | Ic LD | Ic 3 3 3 3 ZB | OE ZB | OE 213 2:43 (A) 3 (B) 16 (A) 3 (@) 16 © 5 (D) 13 © 5 (D) 13 Direction for question number (17 to 21) : Study the given Pie chart carefully and answer the questions. Percentage distribution of students in different courses. gq aul 17-21 aid Socaieat : Saiaiaaei ad aide aegeia a2 ag gqqsea aaa Sat Ga aloigaca cagrieca aeeq Gaier 18% - B.Ed. 7% -B.Tech. 13% - Pharmacy 26% - MBA 6% -MBBS 30% - BSc. 18% - BEd. 7% - B.Tech. 13% - Pharmacy| 26% - MBA 6% - MBBS 30% - BSc. Total number of students = 6500 17. What is the total number of students in B.Ed., Pharmacy and MBBS together ? (A) 2465 (B) 2565 (©) 2405 (D) 2504 STM-I-2019-20 aqe1a BIE ara! = 6500 17. B.Ed., Pharmacy 6 MBBS @ @A19 s1gea Gnig ara Gece 7 (A) 2465 (©) 2405 (8) 2565 (D) 2504 18. 19. 20. 21. What is the respective ratio between the number of the students in Pharmacy and the number of the students in B.Tech. ? (A) 11:13 (B) 13:6 (©) 23:7 (D) 6:13 Number of students in B.Sc. is approximately what percentage of the number of students in B.Ed. ? (A) 167% (B) 162% © 157% (D) 153% How much more percentage of students are in MBA as compared to students in BEd. ? (A) 49% (B) 53% (©) 41% (D) 44% What is the value of half of the difference between the number of students in MBA and MBBS ? (A) 800 (B) 1600 (©) 1300 (D) 650 18, 19. 20. 21. Pharmacy 6 B.Tech. sig@ al Aa6a agale cece ? (A) 11:13 (B) 13:6 () 13:7 (D) 6:13 BSc. SIQSR WHI BEd. slesa alaieor 6@60 AGRI GEE ? (A) 167% (B) 162% © 157% (D) 153% B.Ed. @1@¢ are! @aRIGR MBA BIge a°et 6a6e deag! JIE ? (A) 49% (B) 53% (©) 41% (D) 44% MBA 6 MBBS gIQAIPER FEA Bel HAUIER aul aH Gee ? (A) 800 (B) 1600 (©) 1300 (D) 650 STM-1-2019-20 22, ‘Two forms of a dice are given below. If number ‘4’ is placed on the top surface of this dice, then which number will come ‘on the bottom surface ? @ (A) 1 @) 2 © 5 (D) 6 23. What day was on 1 January, 2000 ? (A) Monday (B) Tuesday (C) Sunday (D) None of these 24. Two positions of a dice are given below : ® @) What is number of dots in the surface opposite the surface having two dots ? (A) 3 @) 5 qt (D) 6 25. 10 November, 1981 was Tuesday. What was the day on 11 November, 1581 ? (A) Tuesday (8) Wednesday (©) Friday (D) Saturday STM-I-2019-20 23. Gqea Qesaita gae geia ediaies | aS “4 POHIGE QgsaIGA AAA AIqsa asia, GO6e Gad Graig Gq aldca ade ? Tp ER 3 GN oO a (A) 1 @) 2 © 5 (D) 6 1 @gaiar, 2000 G ced e1a gal ? (A) (8) oO (D) cainaia APIA Sein cede get Qa8 qgcaiGa ads Sqsa Saicaies : Gace a0 Sq Se aja Saaiesa sacels Gq He age ase 7 (A) 3 © B) 5 ©) 6 10, @6QAA, 1981 ATEeIA AFAAI | 11 REAAA, 1581 Ge AIA GRO? @) (D) aéeia (A) aaecia © agen quale D-9 26. Which letter will be opposite to ‘T’ ? U P a) oO @ (A) Q @) U © s ©) P Direction for question number (27 to 30). A cub® of &dge 6 cm is divided into small cubes of edge 1 cm. Before the division, the cube was painted red in colour. Find the number of cubes whose : 27. Two surfaces are red. (A) 12 (B) 24 (© 48 (D) 64 28. No surface is red. (A) 48 (8) 64 © % (D) 216 29. More than three surfaces are red. (A) 24 (B) 48 (© 64 (D) 0 30. One surface is red. (A) 216 @) 64 (© 9% (D) 48 D-10 26. ‘T @ Saale area cad aaa ade ? uly PS RTS R 1 ® a) (a (A) Q @®) U © s (D) P Qq Qa! 27-30 ald Secale: : 6 cm Ue Ae! caIGW aPg 1cm Nia Bel ge ARR Adse eaIaal | Adee qeq aedg aa AaER Fe Gaia cessis ae q4 ceo algia : 27. 28. 29, 30, 906 ald a1@ ag ceisae 2 (A) 12 (B) 24 © 48 (D) 64 ead ald a god 2 (A) 48 © 96 () 64 (D) 216 Seale arg ae ea ag? (A) 24 ®) 48 (©) 64 (D) 0 GAIN Al a1 cee ? (A) 216 (8) 64 © 9% (D) 48 STM-1-2019-20 7 31. Which one of the following diagrams best | 31. #q Seqee M1uq, 6edd qaer-aqe 6 qa¥ depicts the relationship among Earth, Sea Flaca gel aceian aide Fga 6a 7 and Sun ? (A) QD @ |©o° (A) oD) @ |©o oo oo O|o ©) ©} ©) «32. How many faces are hidden in a cube? | 32. caida ana seceis qaaide arg aa 7 (A) 4 @) 1 (A) 4 @) 1 © 2 ©) 3 © 2 ©) 3 33. Preeti is mother of Arun. Rahulis brother | 33. gi@ agsa al! age gida aia i aie of Preeti. Neeta is mother of Seema. Neeta AIM All PIG! AER SAE! AQsIA aia is sister of Rahul. What is the relation of ae anid ea 7 ‘Arun with Seema ? (A) brother (A) ale (B) nephew (8) agai (©) cousin (brother) (©) anda aia (D) cousin (sister) (D) aAdia east 34, If X+Y means ‘X is mother of Y';X-Y | 34. de X+YQ 0d KY av, X-Y @ ad means ‘X is brother of Y’; X+Y means xX Ya aie’, X+Y a ad “X,Y a ea", “Xis father of Y’; X x Y means ‘X is sister of XxY @ 8d X,Y a aaa’, cece 4] Seq Y’; then which of the following means “A aug sedda ad “A,B a a” ? is uncle of BY ? (A) A-M+N+B (A) A-M+N+B (B) BEM+NxA (B) B+M+NxA (Q A+M-NxB (© A+M-NxB (D) A-MxN+B (D) A-MxN+B STM-I-2019-20 D- 35. 36. 37. 38. If the letters of English are numbered sequentially, then a meaningless word is hidden in the below given answers. Find that word, (A) 5,1,3,5, 20,8, 18 (8) 18,5,8,1,3,5,20 (C) 20,5,8,1,3,5,18 (D) 5, 18,5,1,3,5, 20 Replacement of which of the operations from the given options will balance the equation ? 12-24+3x4+4=14 (A) (Q - and + x and ~ (8) (D) — and + + and x A person covers a distance of first 120 metres at a speed of 4 m/sec, next 120 metres at 5 m/sec and final distance Of 120 metres at 6 m/sec, then during the complete journey, find his average speed in km/hour. 240 a 5 ® > 25 100 © 5 ©) A man is standing facing South. He turns 135° clockwise and then turns 225° anticlockwise. Find out in which direction is he facing ? (A) East (8) West (©) North (P) South D-12 35. 36. 37. 38. ag grace! asagse agen arauica SABIAN, 6E6E Gq] ARAGEE FUGA cag aeige 2 QREITE aIE6R ABE 1 Gad aceq BIBIA ER | (A) 5,1,3,5, 20,8, 18 (B) 18,5,8,1,3,5, 20 (C) 2,5,8,1,3,5, 18 (D) 5,18,5,1,3,5,20 Gulaiags! Seqqse aq ced agaigéeq AIRIGA AEA AMERAG Arie ERiRae ? 12-24+3x444=14 (A) x6 - (B) © -6+ (D) 6+ +6x 6aié caie gan 120 dea Qaeiq 4 m/sec 6206Q BSAA @6a, GA 120 Asa QOGIE 5 m/sec GAGA XE" GAA 120 Figa QAGIE 6 m/sec GEAGA BSAA e6A! cece AYA Aig! Ausa, Gia giaieiG cea km/hour 68 6260 629 ? 240 ) 2 o = © 2 o 3 9 6aIGM Gaie eBag qs eG Saiceiag 1 ca Asia agga qde Saca 135° celaca gaa N@ asia Saaie qde Gaga 225° gAal | 6a ced Gag qs eG Se1cgiang 7 (A) qe (8) ada (C) saa (D) ofa STM-1-2019-20 39. 40. 41. 42. Two clocks are set correctly at 10 am on Sunday. One clock loses 3 minutes in an hour while the other gains 2 minutes in an hour. By how many minutes do the two clocks differ at 4 pm on the same day ? (A) 25 min. @) (©) 35 min. 20 min. (D) 30 min. Which of the following expressions will be true, if the expression, R>O = A>ST (8) SO = A>ST ®) (© T>A (Dl) $=0 S © | ? © | > 55. (a) | <>. w ft 55. (ay | w ft _o << —_ << o> o o o ° ° ° ° © (D) © () 56. (A) 8) 56. (A) 8) © ©) | © ©) | C7 D-18 STM-1-2019-20 Direction for question number (57 to 59) : In each of the questions given below, there is a particular relationship between the first figure and the second figure of the question figure. This relation also exists between the third figure and one of the option figures (A), (B), (C), (D). Find this option figure. 57. Question figures : gq arawi 57-59 aid Gedeiee! : Aqsa aei geoe gq Sgea aol gan 6 Gera Seca ve 44 and Us «BF and a gora Sg @ Gee (A), (B), (©), (D) Sg Aug 6aIGN ae ae | XB Gee FeSq eigia GA! 57. aq Se: fo}: 1) Bo): Ge Answer figures : aaa Ge: @) ® JO @) » |O © () = © ) > 58. Question figures : 58. gq Ge: O|O}? |? [tb O|U): (7 jo Answer figures : aan Se: (A) @ ) © (A) ® () © © @ (D) © ©) © ©) © STM-I-2019-20 D-19 59. Question figures : 59. a4 ae: *{O +]? + 2 Answer figures : (A) © aaa 6g: ® |O (a) @) O A (D) © © A (D) © Direction for question number (60 to 62) : In each of the following question figures except one, all the figures have similar characteristics. The examinee has to find the figure which is Iq aa! 60 - 62 ald Sederoet + Bqea ae eee aq Seca calGw Se ousIo agi ans Sga aineay a83 1 aaiaiaig da SeGq cals aigia eAaig ase 1 different from the other figures. oo. a | © o | wo. ww |X o | Ct o| | o|) of} | © Lo. O77 eT OO” 1 _] 7A a 8b | I oh A i =] os =I a © lat 1. 7 © lau 1 4 D-20 “ STM-I-2019-20 62. (A) A 8) 62. (A) A ®) F © Z (D) E © Z (P) Direction for question number (63 to 65) : aq aati 63 - 65 aid Bedeieet: From the given options find which is the correct | Sa1diaae! SeagFe rug gqea Gulaigael water image of the word given in the question. | faa SQ ee GEERT aIgIa Ca | 63. DOCILE 63. DOCILE (A) DOCIFE (8) DOCITE (A) DocIre (8) DOCITE (©) pooira = (D) DOOITE (© pooiras (©) Dodire 64. WEAK 64. WEAK (A) MAVK (B=) W3AK (A) MaVK (®) waAK (© wavk (0) MEWK (© wavk (0) MEWK 65. ELUDE 65. ELUDE (A) ErNDE (BR) arnDeE (A) ErNDE (@®) arnDe © arnpa () 3ruDE (© arnp3 (0) aruDE STM-I-2019-20 D-2 Direction for question number (66 to 68) : In each of the questions given below, a figure is given whose some part is missing. From the given answer figures, which option will complete the pattern ? Aq ar°aH! 66 - 68 ald Sederoet : Gq6e Gaiaimae! geove gqca, caigw SQads wa aif | Gziaiaaei aaa Sgca ced Gee geqase ad ade 2 66. Question figure : 66. gq Se: oO fe) 2 2 iO IO. IO oO iO [eo A Oo OO Answer figures : aan Se: ; OF oO (A) @) (A) B) lo (A) lo a (8) q° 0 Oj Oo ©) D) © lo (D) A © lo (D) d 67. Question figure : 67. D-2 8) » BE] STM-1-2019-20 68. Question figure : 68. gq Se: 2 VY ? ve Answer figures : aaa Sg: a) Na ® | a (a) ae @.} a 4 TJ A VT oly Oly oOl7 O17 69. Radha remembers that her father’s | 69. idl GlaIGR egEe AIS AAR 16 aIGe ASA birthday is after 16" but before 21% of Gq 21 GIG Sq Ase cei AlUIA Feram! March, while her brother Mahesh GACEERE GIA GIR AEREA elaIe Ege remembers that his father’s birthday is AIS Plida 22 eIae QeQ Gq 19 elds aca before 22"4 but after 19 of March. On ASE cei AcrAM! | EAAIFSR eIAIGTR which date is the birthday of their father ? RQOR Cad GIAaca eGo 7 (A) 19% (A) 19 (B) 20th (B) 20 («© 21 © 2 (D) Cannot be determined (D) da 8 cae af 1 70. Inthe following question, only onenumber | 70. @q] Gq6e, 6G Aral QR USI 6aB QR ‘is wrong. Find out the wrong number. PaiSQ GIA eA! 895, 870, 821, 740, 619, 445, 225 895, 870, 821, 740, 619, 445, 225 (A) 870 (@®) 821 (A) 870 (8) 821 (© 740 (D) -445 (©) 740 (D) 445 STM-1-2019-20 D-23 71. How many prime factors does 30030 have ? (A) Four (B) Five ©) six (D) None of the above 72. Find the missing term in place of question mark (?) in the following series. CB__D_BABCCB —~-1243__2272 a_ab_c_b__ (A) 34,43 ®) 32,23 © 3113 (D) 14,41 73. The sum of first five prime number is : (A) 11 (8) 18 (© 2 (D) 28 74, Select the missing letters in the following question. mnonopqopqrs (A) mnopqr (B) oqrstu (© paqrstu (D) qrstup D-% 72. 73. 74, 30030 @ sealed criGe aaa? Ue 7 (A) oe @) aa © «a (D) e@aas get 1 €q Qnca Aq SFo (2) gieca @ agi aaiaiegee Fda ea | CB__D_BABCCB ~-1243__2277 a_ab_c_b____ (A) 34,43 @) 3,223 © 3113 () 14,41 gan 56 erlGe arauia caiaae seco 7 (a) 11 @) 18 (C) 26 (D) 28 Sq dqsa cual asagge ia | mnonopqopqrs (A) mnopqr (8) oqrstu (©) parstu (D) qrstup STM-I-2019-20 75. Choose the set from the given options which is similar to the given set. Given set : (4, 9, 18) (A) @, 14, 22) (B) (10, 15, 25) () © 12, 23) (P) (42, 17, 26) 76. In the following question, what will come in place of question mark (?) RAMO : SCPS : : VXMJ : ? (A) WPZN (8) WQZN (©) WOPN (D) WZPN 77. The distance between two towns is 800 km. A car starts from the first town with a speed of 30 km/hr. At the same time, another car starts from the second town with a speed of 50 km/hr. The distance in kilometre of the point where they meet from the first town is : (A) 200 (B) 300 (© 400 (D) 500 78. Ina code language, DEFENCE is written as CDEDMBD, then in the same language, NEED will be written as : (A) MDDC (B) ULDG (© MccD (D) McDc STM-I-2019-20 75. 76. 77. 78. Suiaieae Seegge rq ced cacé Suiaieaei saga agga cee ? Guiaigaei ac, : (4, 9, 18) (A) (8, 14, 22) (B) (10, 15, 25) © © 12,23) (D) (12, 17, 26) Gq dasa ? S¥e aieca @’a aide ? RAMO : SCPS : : VXMJ : ? (A) WPZN (8) WQZN (© worn (D) WZPN QaS APA TUGA EAE! 800 km GaIGW IA 30km/hr 62a6a Jan Aeag Iga! Gas AMAA AY Ae @IR.50 km/hr 62AGR Fora A2AqQ VPKal |! gain aeag cece 6.4. Qaca carIGR AAIAG GAgEe ? (A) 200 (B) 300 © 400 (D) 500 6aiG4 aic@G@ alsica ‘DEFENCE’ ‘CDEDMBD’ @I@6@ 6AGIDM, E62 6QE aaie aigica ‘NEED’ GaG cacidie ? (A) MDDC (B) ULDG (© MccD (D) McDc D-23 79. 80. If in a code language, word LATE is written as 38, then in the same language the word MAKE would be written as : (A) 25 ®) 2 (© 27 (D) 30 If ‘dust’ is ‘air’, ‘air’ is ‘white’, ‘white’ is ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’ is ‘water’ and ‘water’ is ‘red’, then where will the fish live ? (A) water (8) white (©) yellow (D) red Direction for question number (81 to 83) : Find the odd one out from the given word/ character / number. 81. (A) ROEHMT (8) FRTAEH (©) LROBUA (D) THOREBR 82, (A) Number (B) Design (©) Weight (D) Shape 83. (A) 63852 (B) 52638 (©) 28751 (D) 85362 84. How many times the hands of the clock meet in a day ? (A) 22 @) 21 © 2 (D) 24 D-26 79. GaIG4 aI6eSe alaica ‘LATE’ AG 38 asia, 6a6e GAB API alaIGe ‘MAKE’ Bad caaide ? (A) 25 ®) 26 (© .27 (D) 30 80. 9 ‘dust’ ‘air’ Gx, ‘air’ ‘white’ Q4, ‘white’ ‘yellow’ 9x, ‘yellow’ ‘water’ 41 “@° ‘water’ ‘red’ QM, 606@ fish 6@@OI6@: ace ? (A) water @) white (©) yellow (D) red aq GraMi 81 - 83 ald Sedaieet : Fagieae! ae/odg/aai aug date sec ea! 81. (A) ROEHMT (8) FRTAEH (©) LROBUA (D) THOREBR 82. (A) Number (B) Design (©) Weight (D) Shape 83. (A) 63852 (8) 52638 (©) 28751 (D) 85362 84. CaIeW Geca aga esigSe cece aa Ade 926 2 (A) 22 @) 21 © 2 (D) 24 STM-1-2019-20 85. At 9 hours 30 minutes, find the angle between the hour hand and the minute hand. (A) 105° (8) 255° (CQ) 125° (D) 105° and 255° 86... With the help of the options given below, find the suitable number which will come in place of the question mark (?). FED x3= 1629, BCDx4=492, BEF x1 (A) 451 B) 145 (© 514 (D) 415 87. In the following series of letters, which of the following options will come in place of question mark (2) ? BXE, DVI, FTL, HRO, ? (A) JOL (@) KPM (© KL (D) JPR 88. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the series ? 150, 152, 149, 153, 148, 154, ? (A) 155 (8) 152 © 47 (D) 149 STM-I-2019-20 86. 9 asi 30 AGe anaca, a6! ea! or AGG, 24 FUGA AQE GAIA AEA ca6e GEE 7 (A) 105° (8) 255° (©) 125° (D) 105° «a 255° Sq Seagse aigiaica, aq (7) S$e ainca Ge awuise eat FEDx3=1629, BCD x4=492, BEF 1=? (A) 451 () 145 (© 514 (D) 415 @q usa grisea, gq (7) S¥e aIR6a cad Gage aide 7 BXF, DVI, FTL, HRO, ? (A) JOL (8) KPM (©) KPL (D) JPR @q aanigeca gqee (7) aieca cede aide ? 150, 152, 149, 153, 148, 154, ? (A) 155 (B) 152 © 7 (D) 149 89. 90. 91. 92. 93, If in8 90321467 5, first digit is interchanged with sixth digit, second with the seventh and so on, then which digit will come seventh from right ? (A) 2 @) 6 © 7 (D) 8 ‘What will come in place of question mark (2) in the following series ? 56, 42,530, 20,26 4 (A) 15 @®) 12 © 18 (D) 14 In the following number series, only one term is wrong. Find the wrong term. 3.4711 2029 47 76 (A) 7 @) 11 © 20 (D) 47 A,B,C, Dand Eare five rivers. A is smaller than B but longer than E, C is the longest and D isa little smaller than B and a little longer than A. Find the smallest river, (A) A ®) B oc ©) & If 2is deducted from all the odd digits and 3 is added to alll the even digits in the number 3675 2.49, then how many digits will appear twice in the new number formed ? (A) None ® 1 (© 2 (D) 3 D-28 89. 90. 91. 92. 93, aS 8903214675 6a gan aenieg ag aati ae, Gera aause aga ae AP UOSCTP GRID, GOCE AF QrIER Ged Vas eigiaag aga ance Ulde 7 (A) 2 (B) 6 © 7 (D) 8 Bq aauigncsa gqege (7) aieca cade ade ? 56, 42, 30, 20, 2, 6 (A) 15 (B) 12 © 18 (D) 14 Fq GaN QrIEA, EAIGW AAIeI? Qa Us | Qa Qalaiasg eigia ea | 3.4711 20 29 47 76 (A) 7 @) 1 © 20 (D) 47 A,B,C, D N@* E 62a ala eet! A, BOQ Gale 6G E 01g BA, C PAI AQOIQ AAI WE? D, B Og aImIeY GaIg We" A 01g alETIBY AAU! YON GOS Ga 7 (A) A @®) B oc (D) E 2G 3675249 AG Masa AAS AQg aati qSoq 2 sag! AM “er gg ara] qGeca 3 6dIA GAIAM, GEEe QEr GSE arsIGA 6aCaIs ae qaza ade? (A) aaa gee (2 (B) 1 @) 3 STM-I-2019-20 94. If the water reflection shows time as 6 hours 10 minutes, then the actual time will be: (A) 6:50 (B) 12:40 (©) 12:20 (D) 6:10 95. Ifa clock rings one stroke at 1 O'clock, two, strokes at 2 O'clock, three strokes at 3 O'clock and so on, then how many strokes in all the clock will ring in one day ? (A) 144 strokes (B)_ 136 strokes (C) 156 strokes (D)_ 147 strokes 96. Study the given series carefully and find the option which is suitable in place of the omitted letters. —_be_ca_aba_c_ca (A) abcba (B) abbca (©) ababb (D) abcbb 97. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row facing east. C is between E and A. Bis next right to E, but left of D. Fis not on the right end. Who is on the left of A? (A) E @®) Cc «Dd (@) F STM-1-2019-20 94, 95. 96. 97. AS ee GSGaca ass 6 agi 10 ABE ana SOHN, GOES JQE ANA E@EO CPC ? (A) 6:50 (B) 12:40 ( 12:20 (D) 6:10 aE calGu aF 1 asl anaca aca aise, 2 G61 aaa6a goaa, 3 asi anase 3 2a @16e, 662 GAB grisea caIGet Seca Asie aqaia ceceaa Ge 7 (A) 144 aa (B) 136 aa (© 156 a8 (0) 147 ae Saiaiaae gage aedeia ae ag «er ge aie qGeca Se Gegeg oie | —bc_ca_aba_c_ca (A) abcba (B) abbca (©) ababb (D) abcbb BGA Ae A, B,C, D, Ee F cai wisea Qsq qseG eGas1 C, Ewe A musa 2G 1 BE a de ea acca C88 alee Da ain alg acc 1 F Gq @igia adea a1 A@ aie aea GW ad 7 (A) E @) Cc © D (@) F Direction for question number (98 to 100). In each of the following questions, one character is missing. Find the same on the basis of common given options. 98. | 3a | 5B ] 4c 45B| 2? | 28a 15B | 4a | 7¢ (A) 10c (8) 15B © 2c (D) 30A 99. If 12+10=1205, 11+8=885, then 16+15=? (A) 1025 (8) 130 (©) 2405 (D) 105 100. a15 2 [20] 29] 2 7 [5 [45] 6 2/3 (A) 2 (B) 3 © 4 ©) 5 -000- D-30 Qq Asi 98 - 100 ald Gscaiee : Gq dageeca caida oGe aiF 1 Szraigaer Seagqee nag sadSgq eigia ea | 9%. | 3a | 5B | 4c 458] ? [28a 15B | 4A | 7C (A) 10C (8) 15B (©) 20c (D) 30a 99. a@ 12+10=1205, 11+8=885, cece 16+15=? (A) 1025 (B) 130 (©) 2405 (D) 105 100. as 2 | 20] 29] 2 7 | 65] 45] 6 2/3 (A) 2 () 3 (c) 4 (DB) 5 -000- STM-1-2019-20 STM-1-2019-20 Space for Rough Work Space for Rough Work D-32 STM-1-2019-20

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