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SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY Meeting the Challenges of Time Class Note Submitted to Farhana Ferdousi Lecturer of Southeast university Submitted by Md Shahajalal Rafin Td:2021110000012 Batch:58 Course title Principles Of Management Course code:111 BBA Section:1 Date of submission Date:09,12.2021 I YloG 11 LaeteOam coordinics and wpberenl gManagerth Somes alin tre work of 6 bem people oversee $ @ se tomar ongori eatin Sole con ‘be accemPp \vsned . Berea lt eae get of actibttis Manage meno’ ae Srected at O qpont2atns CP esaute e with the aim of ocniving S mn (s . Mg hgo-n zational gcse vn eet Pet ° Vaent ond effective manmer, 4 Mo nogewent ow sist OFS Ainpet> ftom 4€ nviron ment A oh TECH Fruman wes pesoulteee, 2. Fenan cial 3, Phyfcal Cesourecs. 4. En fore mation ye sourcecs - Qu Ete cktely- Rirocas, | CBP trocesa of nanigement poles | s 1. landing and gecision mnoking Rs Ong ant zing f 3, Lee aiwy 4s Con Fesling. s Levels of Memse ment pon wangger\_ Earyy ecient © D:Fipr- ne Monga ectess tat duels Whe Money ~e the wot of noA=MOANAy eria employe” G Cc. Medd le Manggetss? Individuels® Who mangy. Wie wo 6 of # ips Ane + mangg ct - Di Top Manage? tndivrduale Who Qtee BR aes | yesem Sekle Fore moihg Sryonf2ating — ! wite de ch5fGns And £5 toblis ning plans a) And Bor thar atfect Me entre orgaye or gen fzartien. a A Organtzerion - Ade lFoemote - arrangement \A Oe assembles Fe geo Ccomel\sh some OF people “ | gpeckFit) puTterse emote tnd erst |S Srgo nznsina \. Wave e yyy tinct puters = \ Ro RE composed of pesele | 3. Wave g_aewberst? Stc ture - ob i xy Mongae goles Br Mie tnvolve du tien. Peeeelss Eyrampte! F vyure peods leo Ite arson \\ 2+ \y For nortore| roles s corer These roles 6 6 colle tlaipe rec eWNND ond Atssem Fnatty {volver in Fou m ation: ewome re? ment tatty AI7SEM Mat ot ps prePrg o 3 3B.Pecistoml ole, : makes, chatie! Eyamele! Entteep ee new iy ds turbance Bae | hondleiz, Kesar se alleca tory Nag etfats (c+ il i , 5 “anagement sur ile bz yot2 Be |. Tecnteat sui; knowledge and | fet h spat fre Feld, ind we mS Power, i ‘ Mest yequtaed ™ SS, eve of manag € ment- Ze wumon sKibes We ale lity to work wet with Glhett Peo ple RU txPe® 2 CF -mranag et, re gies Hix Skt. Be Conceyeeal skillet The abr lvez and conceptuctize Ghoxt abs tack dnd complex to th oi atone concetning the Orgoni2aein, mostly require 8 For Wg hze& leve} oft monggementt -: | . a me wea Tyapot band « e ly Meet een Lon all brre% ane gfeer of arganizatls, 2. ox al ov gertessfonal levels. Buh at SOvgonrzarfs nal arcs, all OV gO 204 Cag, rEgOr dlesscoF Location \WWGtW 104) 7 Ma puerpn =. } | | \, pitte wene % et ween \ea-dryt ond | | | MANO gt 9 {8 do simnlere type, ond Leode tem \ . Bul Wey arle pst “che | of ware . ' he tin ference bebween i games I] 3 bre two > Ve, BON \ co.d¢lety ho. ve people Who ‘following. beets Wile — no Nazetse are pesvle whe trnely Wom fare | yre \eodetem ri ern, OCS given below | | | The dv between bh | ne ‘BWfercence SEN — \ Mamagett ve Tsomeene wie pet corbin, VR \codert fa Someone and gvetts chime woreK GL |Who com See the bfy plete, | oem peovle Poe ond rally people bevoled a | opr nl Zobione ot | Vettew i's fon | con be accomplished i" Mana getex will fo caus |%s leodeca will focauz on se thy, measuring | Onwhat those gpadle 0 o z ond aching, QOl4 atte and mig vo. be . i o ; Ca § by CONUS. UONEn 4 re eos Vo peach ov erceed | Khem: nd Jeebtver. | Manag ele | lewdens (BZ. Monageres cewore K T3 Br “Leagetts ane z as ° re anim Wilifng to strive fore New. mobs even if | | 8 me cans they) -favtmserably | | | A\ thougnt there anes nang $ (ve rane bebween Managcir ong leaders, both ater | very eaqnne\ coy Yaomisatten,. Both | Polen Complement cock othar and help iy Pte company 5 etere Fotr Sucé cba, feb UN wis vi 2. De fle ven ces be bween manager and i entire ppeweWse. 1 $ . ’ |) Angwetts ee aes die Wnctt ong. Entee || .e rte tea » die Hnctton = AMVG- BRE hey, | te faction in i! ond enn Te the ltt fuctio Ww the | j e é | Eon Poy An entrep Tene? ja) Wie | | Gua were ee the busthena’ entie prise whetea 4g Morggere RK ime wowed | . he ‘otgantl pate Entacperneur Q& , daMgce Paleetay: theg tak, | ' i Econoynte Mee ae s Feu We Se: hee ttve o Tag tno. end prresefent and | | Fn tet pttse, The. enitee PEtheute fc i i | cpactolees = - 2. ‘| SP \n O-Chte vee pay ach Rement, | Omd eann ga , | Pete ete | some deeee Wemences ‘bebweey manager one entre pre wenzi- | Ent ce peeene he anal rane | Ay entceicenciite f2 On (1, Me -monagei fe the iman or Women Whe craks commu ntcattan Whe betwee, oO bitrond Nich Corayne cia! AQ EHrregren 47 Ond petesono} | entre prise, be arfing ynost pun Fyy Beneath Hem why a . LWontk tagntagemet 6 of me piss ond playMs yc cute ANTE AEC ond ynogt oF The rewotds. | x cen Sool, Ig. am ext eyreenewe ww ranged, QR “mandy. cz gr arabe, numer ows ape mendes Ag reen opehatin of |e quip men andsuppstt to jue tus Press ond plays Leerup & bus fuera etcreprtel dollg Spotets - Z-the: entre ptceneuca atte [F.Monageetzs yranyce te Twn svakors » Inventee* whe |-beam 2 suboad fates ke tucch “On Fhe frie & | bo, goth p&cdeteemPned : « § comm 2 OO entcttp mse | desine sf he emplayer Af cad vevfew fh ikerelbcl a SE | 2 ithe Shove. pethta., the Rey, ° Monageteg | a " nw N QgeNoy, so beg con not be Juctaposeds While mandsery, ore frvel¥ed with coeing with 6 vat lable bes apreen etl spacfolte {nr 3 petting and “te "LISA. " © clear (Wet entcepre neu Ws Pore eceepttmna) fa Wmon Ong | eee ° 2 pa sscee CORMAN -sefence, ov, ottny Posy Soo Manage ment, UY woth “att and sclence, Manas e-met, " qattotiier BPLbewy Wee eee cach | Seeks tsp [co Know hee ax | well os oak wor. Beh conscved Ax m-scince QAEFE Woe oa prepared bods | \ | gf HW how matton which con ta Chg | po gftive gene ral Fact. CMonelg te men IPRA Sl ich eae ; ~ x lf. setnee sefence because’ \ © ental, 5 ; ish S a cateby ite cept whith ma Q -sestemokte — pita’ mon ‘Ye Smplememesd’! We QU, contcal Conttisns. On the ome nang MONG semar% 2 aot / becese fe cludes” the i 6 wei HIGH i Peale tle Know ledge Ond telenee go F O crovocker Mm cacty & tomgerio\ Choetee . : och dag - oF OM age Sr aM 20% ve CG BTL E applica fen. 5.06. pravade © Und that Tzetton). aunertty gives @ 3. pextetine omg *Y es the organ ' gore A Seger CRe ople ond mater Fale sha ve im the plyht. place Ot th wig tc fme) < 5 Egulty Choragers “sould 4oe, ky subsoredtnates) Ond Foite ts the lic (A Indes tot Revo uty — Subs thet <} ynachthe pov ez (ae rumor (abot: —Crceonrted otge or gars ottin, iv nee) of management oa8 Py Pactples of nana ge MENTE Far nde mentet plex GF WON gement Ene could be, opplfed fh all j Srgant2o-tPonol/s ite atts ar bouars Ww schsola. Pe wax Frittenckee,, vay Nee Fossel. Sy © shay 6: Latta oF Common J CE Very enelog= 5 yecelve otzdet® Fram oly one supertep) % Unity of gerectfon (me organtzat Bn Pe i| have gesingte ‘plon “oF Qctlen 6 guvee smonegere Ore wow keg) Bi geonercl Liuecrest C the thtcwest+ OF \ ong O% emplsg ee of grup of eweltss = should wa © toke © ptte Céednce, - ovest the \mtewes ts ot me ovgart zotfon Or OB While, 9. Remuner atten CworkKe ie nis cbe PRD ao Fate wage fore brett sernte) CentmatentOnCints cerm veers to py lo: f i s | jegree Ub ewe h cutbpedvekes ane 4 ‘ has { volved fa de cis low . qeok ys} - \Ve sealare chain € the Une of QU tenis, Crom top y monigg.c MERE T to the. lowest ovoant fe the -¢cMlar cinj,. 4 i TQ gt attics € Management ehoulg Ports, ogxctly pStsaml personel Plann’ 2 and ensu tte teat pcplocement, Ss “. . arte avearloble bo FT wocancte.\ ~ tp Infefative ¢ Emplsy ee / allowed Eo onbthan One “corr gi aut: phx will eietet on : \ish levele of © Pict) Ak. pecomotthg: team gpirft¢ te w AL beetd hormsny and unfty wthtn the or gentearion) . Aso tokpoun o4opADd, U SEE USSR o\c™. Bure al’ cnuacy ° ~ \ at » a . N Max qucbicwebee’s Roum of onge Wezarbn abot, & alearty je Fikeg ge fatley yutes ond ragulst ty chacioct epiz and Rx peresovol ye fatten ghttp Be a> Jobs broke drwn ” } pir ston of labs ePneand well-defihey yn ke g mele 9 pou tasks, 2) ‘Author 2 o we evradig Ww Com@nond: 3) Formal cetectfire people Select Me un based on tet 3 gwealrr ieo-tfen pamot Ruler one Regulating | Sarstem Be) EON ules an gs to0 dare operat thy oF wrttt eM ew Cert c4 > s bogftous ovgdutz custome needs. gud Tenecct + ta" oA ponstvene*4 to (veness to Bi7SOch ! Me Use 6 tech fywer to finpees ve t pequihes; i \Taterse focus one vhe © eurrrlmerys | Y c Bug er) |g, Conttnuat Fm prays eey tg LOUTH manage g neve Sates keg \ qs eer d | 3. Pwocess C Tmpusve wot | ocesses ond goods and sete vice) wolvty of every thity i a ‘Lm prrovement® wn 4 cence af company) if cc oft seh sober \ ab: fpecurate me acute ments | cme asuve voy®obles Cn orspvizattons oeer® Pen ? ment oF employ eg l fmprevement perce Ss) Crbm pods people On the \Tre whem ery ApPEoOCK” Or-zint set Sora) gh gs benoviow, afrel) ofstudy that if “ | yesesches UNe gcttone & OF people Oe Wore Porth ighere pesductiiity | Ye cortbem pswor a ppenaches: a Sys kems appresch? aset of Sewell & eericlo® ede omg Intec gepengent picts WM ‘ u at Crete ee pore th awa ort ww aunts whole: 1 produ ce tra Frber act whey, Me Opera 369 ™ metre - envi ot men &: ‘WW oe i @, Closed system that 6 not themed | hth hele envion ment: \ % Cont¥n g MEF OLR GLOO-CN of Mons emen a@pprsce” > witch, Sogh cat or gontcabtn sone HFeyeN, foce OTe went situate, any vequtre We teens WOAS of manyi, 2 fo coy whee NE \O#L IR /3qy Cho pk ert, —3 et Aq Omnipstent v few’ of manage men*! the ew that monagets Otce jivetly pesponstble Fon on omSifaat, guceese ote PMU: tre view BROS nach gt OW atTQ ant zoxh success OF fa due %o ewtenal Fottc ek egeh convenes. WKe2™ socPseul tur Uy Fortlurce outs de me talobo), » - dalres ol and le 990! 5 Vechria Log tea\y Dermgrarh fobs En viyon am en E 8 Ecsnsmte fron me nvol conde t Gre aeererenol en 2 oF he yn 05% powers coe vOAM LS ws toce my che gn pac’ OF suen Am oe YS" md empley ment ~ th Vironyn entol” Un, denteints - | —_ > Mh, I The gegttee Of change one Cople wi kg Tr on organ? zarttheg jay Envirar mental Complen it, as | § Ir en vironment - i | | eu avert Socket and pelt bicol Rctfn betes 4c) CO" angerPest- Ksso¢ OrFons. by veade on OS Q? bw en nen CA - | Ly medi: | cs) Supplrete> | | | jie? Comment tes: | fo) shorrehl det 1 AL) Unfena ee | RR aes Th CAE? Mie thane, Values teh Rplery trea dl Pow, b, Ond way 4 of domy, ins « thot | Fatwente we WAY |, Ott go HF zat fina) | mmembera act Evetey comping i ho» on arg ert zorfs no culture, [ela polgees Ledte about cuties defined ox oll the Vg. (Pe, crc bty betteta, u lat @n AN Cwlturee con be, | behaytouts, whe \ an 4 Fag tt tartlon* oH EP BP Mot ore posed down Fic DENEV Otfn to: gene patton-cvoluchts yleualsy Cal rol nevada’ even Within. a company) =a hwo? Ap Dewensions of © Srgan! Zo0kPe Wl cult, pe tof” beg teee te which Le attrentton 5 cted to enhrbi, ee pe e maple on € analyets ond abention to te cision, yess coll, ov Fey kacton © deg cet £6 which tt oes on) pesults ov son on haw wweh | monng 2” ment t heces tend coe inte Sees uns ae effcets on peore fn ee omy Sratlni Le) Tea ° - detentoston > Degt?* co which Wey Gres eas B poset Cran iV) or gore? 1 Rggtves ene 5 yDegace: towh&n : emplogess ore goyeee sive Shsconptty Ye | atket | Than egupe rat ve | as seabtitg PORT seo Wich ae Joctsts Oran ntzotFore! ectsvoms ond } act Pons en Plos eze ‘mot taming mea stot 1q,LO- +8 wntth SMPlog CHE AME ENCoitry, 5 GS "werk Zmove-ttie ond toiake rsh oy caw Innove-tee culutze t Q@tve the | emobye enougn Lee edor g bras» Jot he oe B 6 un decfcton— Yn ang, etc: Hevomeles of 5 ¢; x le crate 197 and fnvolvem att. ox Rapp Frve edo ° 3. Vrur and epanmer4, hee \ger tine Be Bley euler’ | Wrurndt iG Len FiVEe peglut&y ah Ve La tee ee. RES EONS utter : oO (Lede organizer! culture, fn’ which bre key volLes ate thtensely held ond, widels > hare - fucress Org nizatCona} elt | weak oT to apltees Po whfen the KE7 valves at e ptdelg—sroited___. o fntensely eld ond eosker to, choy? Ztoty cul tutes ¥y Seon) com port ro) tok about whats Tmpdetent, mes09F* antell. storie. a) Most emplagcss ¢ Wistetcy or hctoe, About» com pony 3) Employees $ Etongly (dent fn, cultuce- | i | ! b) culeure Convey equsigt cnt } wi te i bey sreony | x ‘shared volves Ond belthlop, pm be bwees | ®) Volu e% , Wmited “bolle few peoples | U saolly bop! mahdge men’ + bo) Cul rurer siend4,; zon treadte toty Massayerobeut wal fmpetcirr, x2) Emm plo gees ove \Pblle Kowledgeof Company hfstty or nerect. 3) Empboyeca: * nove lertle fden HFiation with culture: . 5 DrUikle ceWe esnnect| va Vine Ane KO hO VIF + Ean between shuced oy Emo ge 8 > Veaten cultugy By» H\. betstevfere. Noweattven of % ahh i events © € peaple, €9: Srgp.nieo (Fou Vsundett hg rule brreo. king preoctttn to post mis takes ete: a. Mibwals Sequence ot oc tiwtes chor eupeces ang pcan torce the firpocet ont yelues Od gaolte of the so otg® mtzetton : Q? Motcrio! hyrP-focts end 9. nels *- Convey COT wa Tae thax of e empect) 2 ums Of be havior Go km “ e3' ato wonkinga parttcfen (Teh pti teri, ° Ler “longuog & Licks oO © co mn ot clenartratiy Trot bende membet4 ~ iie?3 “ger BL. pectston RYfec t ot by cal Cuter aM, ; Fe tsk ‘ thont plore AS The gegtee Sg “Should Con Eth . Wheathelt elit s rould be duetep

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