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10/9/21, 6:49 PM CLASS XII ECONOMICS (IED 1-4)


Maximum Marks: 30

Time: 6:15-7:15 pm 

General Guidelines:

1) Answer all the questions as directed.

2) Marks are indicated against each question.

3) Read every question carefully before choosing the correct option.

Competency based questions

1. Write your full name *


2. To protect goods in India from imports, Government made use of: *

(1 Point)



Both a& b

Neither a nor b

3. In which year ,”National Food for Work Programme” was launched ? *

(1 Point)

2008… 1/12
10/9/21, 6:49 PM CLASS XII ECONOMICS (IED 1-4)




4. According to planning commission , the minimum Monthly Per

CapitaConsumption Expenditure (MPCE ) in 20211-12 WAS fixed as Rs. ______ per
person in rural area and Rs. _______ in urban area. *
(1 Point)

RS 800 per person in rural area & RS 900 in urban area

RS 816 per person in rural area & RS 1000 in urban area

RS 1000 per person in rural area & RS 816 in urban area

RS 860 per person in rural area & RS 950 in urban area

5. The programme initiated by the government to improve food and nutritional level
of poor was *
(1 Point)

Public distribution system

Integrated child development scheme

Midday Meal Scheme

All of these

6. Karve committee focused on the development of________ *

(1 Point)

Cottage industries

Small scale industries

Large scale industries… 2/12
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All of these

7. Which of the following is not an element of fiscal reforms? *

(1 Point)

Contraction of public sector

Disinvestment in public sector enterprises

Sale of Public sector’s shares

Purchase of industrial shares by the government

8. The earlier ‘ Food for work programme ‘ has now been converted into *
(1 Point)

Minimum needs programme

Integrated rural development Programme

Mahatma Gandhi National rural employment programme


9. Under MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee ACT-

2005 ) work is offered for a minimum period of _____ days. *

(1 Point)

150 days

100 days

200 days

50 days… 3/12
10/9/21, 6:49 PM CLASS XII ECONOMICS (IED 1-4)

10. In April 2015, which of these schemes was launched by the prime minister
Narendra Modi. *
(1 Point)

Make In India

Clean India Mission


Micro units development refinance agency bank (MUDRA BANK)

11. Approach followed by the government to reduce poverty in India *

(1 Point)

Growth oriented

Specific poverty alleviation programmes

meeting the minimum needs of the poor

all of these

12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ was the Indian Finance Minister in 1991, acknowledged for the

to steer away the economic crisis looming large on the erstwhile Indian Economy.
(1 Point)

Dr. Subhramanian Swamy

Dr Manmohan Singh

Pranab Mukherjee

Dr. Urjit Patel… 4/12
10/9/21, 6:49 PM CLASS XII ECONOMICS (IED 1-4)

13. Demonetisation is the _________ policy wherein the legal status of a currency unit is

cancelled and new one comes into circulation . *

(1 Point)





14. India announced the New Economic Policy after agreeing to the conditions of: *
(1 Point)

World Bank

International Monetary Fund

Reserve Bank of India

Both (a) and (b)

15. What was the one major proposal of new industrial policy (1991). *
(1 Point)

NRI’s will not be allowed for capital investment in India.

Facility of FDI up to 51 percent in high priority industries.

Import restrictions on technical knowhow for one year

Abolition of industrial licensing except for five industries.

16. Liberalisation of the economy under the new economic policy changed the role of
RBI in the

economy *
(1 Point)… 5/12
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From a ‘regulator’ to a ‘facilitator’ of the financial sector

from a ‘controller’ to a ‘manager’ of the government debt

both (a) and (b)

none of these

17. Which of the following is the strategy to promote globalization of the Indian
economy? *
(1 Point)

Partially convertibility

Reduction in tariffs

Increase in equity limit of foreign investment

All of these

18. Assertion (A): Every year government fixes a target for disinvestment of Public
Sector Enterprises ).

Reason ( R) : Disinvestment is an excellent tool for discarding the loss incurring

Public Sector Enterprises *
(1 Point)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).

Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R ) is false

Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R ) is true.… 6/12
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19. Assertion (A): GST consists of three components such as Central GST (CGST ) ,
State GST (SGST) and Integrated GST (IGST).

Reason ( R): Central GST (CGST) and State GST (SGST) will apply to all transactions
goods and services. *
(1 Point)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).

Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R ) is false

Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R ) is true.

20. Assertion (A): Privatisation process leads to a change in management with a

change in ownership.

Reason ( R): Change in management is not a necessary condition for the process
of privatization. *
(1 Point)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).

Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R ) is false

Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R ) is true.

21. Assertion (A): New Economic Policy (NEP), 1991 was focused on liberalization,
privatization and globalization.

Reason ( R): The policy was necessitated because of the crisis situation in the
economy in 1991 *
(1 Point)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A)… 7/12
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Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).

Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R ) is false

Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R ) is true.

22. Assertion (A): Under NEP, roe of RBI shifted from that of facilitator to a regulator.

Reason ( R): Now, market forces decide interest rate structure, volume and the
pattern of

investment. *
(1 Point)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).

Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R ) is false

Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R ) is true.

23. Who introduced the concept of “Jail cost of Living “ *

(1 Point)

Mahatma Gandhi

Dadabhai Naoroji


Amartya Sen

24. In pre-independent India , he was the first to discuss the concept of poverty line *
(1 Point)

Mahatma Gandhi

Dadabhai Naoroji… 8/12
10/9/21, 6:49 PM CLASS XII ECONOMICS (IED 1-4)


Amartya Sen

25. MPCE stands for *

(1 Point)

Minimum per capita expenditure

Maximum Per Capita Expenditure

Money Per Capita Expenditure

Monthly Per Capita Expenditure

Read the following passage and answer the  following questions

For overall economic development of the country government needs to focus on the development of
agriculture sector as 49% of the population is engaged in primary sector. Green revolution was one
such initiative taken by the government which has increased the production of food grains like wheat
and rice. Green revolution was possible due to the use of HYV seeds, irrigation facilities and fertilizers.
This made India not only self-reliant but also helped it to become an exporter of food grains.
But effects of Green Revolution were more prominent in few states like Punjab, Haryana and Tamil
Nadu. It was widened the gap between rich and poor in the ruler India.

26. Identify the element which is not related with green revolution
(1 Point)

Improved seeds


New strategy for agriculture

Increase in population… 9/12
10/9/21, 6:49 PM CLASS XII ECONOMICS (IED 1-4)

27. Assertion (A) The major policy initiatives like land reforms and green

revolution helped India to become self -reliant in food grains productions

Reason (R) The proportion of people depending on agriculture did not decline

as expected.
(1 Point)

Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is correct explanation of the Assertion. 

Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the

Assertion is true but Reason is false.

Assertion is false but reason is true.

28. Which of the following is NOT the reason for removal of subsidies ?
(1 Point)

Burden on government

Benefit to fertilizers industry and not farmers

Objective was to implement green revolution and so later on it was decided to remove

None of the above

Read the following passage and answer the  following questions

The reduction in poverty hasn’t been impressive has also been pointed out by an assessment released
in January 2020 by government think-tank NITI Aayog .Going by the states ‘ progress on poverty
reduction ,India is far behind the ‘zero poverty by 2030” States rather slipped in their efforts to reduce
poverty in 2019 in comparison in 2018. The lapsing back of people climbing above the poverty line is
the most important reason of chronic poverty. Poverty line is a cut -off point on the line of distribution,
which usually divides the population of the country as poor and non -poor.

29. THE above paragraph relates to. *

(1 Point)

Chronic poor… 10/12
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churning poor

occasionally poor

transient poor

30. The ratio measures the number of poor below poverty line is known as *
(1 Point)

Head count ratio

Population count ratio

Poverty count ratio

None of these

31. Assertion (A) : Poverty is closely related to unemployment

Reason (R) : Unemployment compels indebtedness and reinforces poverty. *

(1 Point)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is the correct explanation
of Assertion (A)

Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R ) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A).

Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R ) is false

Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R ) is true.

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