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1. Start the Excel.

2. Open the HouseSales.xls file.

3. Create a new blank workbook if you do not have one already available.
4. With the blank workbook visible, click Insert->Pivot table. The screen below would appear.

5. Then, select the “OK” button.

Add fields to the layout

6. In the Pivot Table Field list dialog box, select the State field and move it to the “Report Filter” area.

7. Select the Season and Month fields and move it to Row Label area. Your screen would be similar to
the screen below:

8. Select Salesperson from the field list and move it to the Column Label Area.
9. Select transactions from the field list and move it to the Value Area.
10. Your screen would be similar to the screen below:

Report Area – State
Outer Row Field ->Season
Inner Row Field -> Month
Column Area -> Salesperson
Values ->Transactions

Moving a Field to a Different Drop Area
1. Go to the Row Label and select Season field and move it to the Report Filter area.
2. Select the inverted arrow on the Season field and select “Winter”. The pivot screen would
display only data related to winter only.
3. Select the inverted arrow adjacent to the Salesperson field. Uncheck the “Select All” option
then select Johnson and Lundgren options only. Your screen would be similar to the screen

Note: With just a few clicks, you can zoom in on the data you’re interested in.

How to Create a Calculated Field
Next, create a calculated field that displays salesperson’transactions commissions of 3.5% and display
only commission data in the PivotTable. Before doing so, move the Season field back to the Row Label
Area, as described in steps 1 through 4:

1. In the PivotTable Field List, select the Season and move it to the Row Label Area. (or drag the
Season field found in the Report Filter area to the Row Label Area.) Your screen would be
similar to the screen below:

2. Right click the Season field, and select Move->Move “Season” to Left as shown below:

To Create the Calculated Field by following these steps:
3. In the PivotTable, select the Season field then go to Option->Field, Items, & Sets->Calculated

4. In the Name box, type Commission.

5. Clear the content of the formula bar. Then, the on Fields portion of the screen, select
Transactions. Then, select the Insert Button.
6. In the Formula box, append the following “*.035” as shown below:

7. Then, select the OK button.

Notice: The Calculated field is added to the PivotTable Data Area and in the PivotTable Field

Next, let’s show only data for the Sum of Commissions.

8. Go to the Values Area, select the inverted triangle beside the “Sum of Transactions”, left click
the mouse and select “Remove Field” option as shown below:

9. Your screen would be similar to the screen below showing only transactions related to

Create a Calculated Field
Add a calculated item that estimates what next year’s Winter transactions would add at an estimated
3% transactions increase.

1. In the PivotTable, select the Season field button. Then, select the Season field then go to
Option-->Field, Items, & Sets-->Calculated Items.
2. In the Name Box, type Next Winter.
3. Clear the content of the Formula box. Then, on the Field list, make sure that Season is selected.
4. In the Item List, select Winter, and then select the Insert Item button as shown below:

5. Select the OK button. The Next Winter calculated field is added to the PivotTable as shown

In this exercise, you will use the drag-and-drop features of PivotTable Field List dialog box to re-create
the PivotTable you created in the previous exercises.

1. Using the PivotTable from the previous exercise, clear the existing fields from the PivotTable. To
do so, right select each field button and select the Remove command on the context menu that
would appear.

2. Drag and drop the following:

Fields Location
State Report Label
Season Row Labels
Month Row Labels (as an inner row – after the Season field)
Salesperson Column Labels
Transactions Values

Note: By default, the Sum summary function is selected for numeric data, thus, the Sum of
Salesperson field is added to the PivotTable’s value area.

To hide the Next Winter calculated item from the PivotTable, select the arrow in the Season
field button in the PivotTable and uncheck the Next Winter check box, and then select the OK

Next, let’s get familiar working with the PivotTable toolbar to change the PivotTable overall visual
format, among other tasks.

Add Color to the PivotTable

Go to Design ->PivotTable Styles

Simply select the desired format you wish to implement.

Hide and Show Detail

To temporarily hide the detail for the Month field in the PivotTable and then show the detail again.
1. In the PivotTable, select the Month button.
2. Right the mouse and select “Remove Month“ . (Notice the Month field details are hidden.) or
simple drag the Month field back to the PivotTable Field list.
3. To display again the Month filed back to the PivotTable, simple drag and drop the Month Field
to the Row Label next to the Season field.

Show all Salespersons in Order of Transactions

1. Select the inverted triangle beside the Salesperson field button, then check the Select All option
to display all the Salespersons.

2. Select Sort Ato Z (or Sort Z to A) to sort the Transactions data in Ascending (or Decending order).

3. To remove the subtotal per Season, select any of the Subtotal (e.g., Autumn Subtotal, Spring
Subtotal, etc), right click the mouse and select the Field Setting option. The screen below would

4. Select the “None” option found under the Subtotals and Filters Tab then select the OK button.
(This would eliminate all Subtotals per session)

5. Select the inverted triangel beside the Month field, then select the option Value Filter->Top 10
as shown below:

6. The screen below would appear:

7. Change the “10” found on the second textbox to “1” and select “Sum of Transactions” as shown
above then press the OK button. The screen below would appear:

Note: The top month for each season in terms of Transactions would appear.


To Show the Monthly Running Total for Transaction
Show a running total from month to month in the top month of each season showing how each
salesperson contributed to the total transactions:

8. Place your cursor on cell A4 “Sum of Transactions” then go to Option->Show Values as->Running
Total in.. as shown below:

9. The screen below would appear :

10. When at the Base Field, select the “Salesperson” option then press the OK button.

Note: The PivotTable would show the running total from month to month in the top month of each
season showing how each salesperson contributed to the total transactions.

Format Transactions Data
11. Select the Sum of Transactions button (cell A4).
12. Right select the mouse and select “Value Field Setting” option.
13. Go to Show Value as->Number Format. Then, in the Category list, select Number.
14. In the Decimal Places box, type or select the number 0 in the place of the default number.
15. Select the use of 1000 separator check box, then click the OK button then OK again. The
transactions are formatted to show thousand separators as shown below:



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