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Councillors Present : Shirley Smart (Chairman), Tony Coburn, Debbie Dixcey, Steve Falla,
Terry Goldstone and Peter Whiteman.
Also in attendance Julie Jones-Evans
Public: IWC Cllr. Dawn Cousins and Mr.S.Przysocki (Staplers resident)
Clerk: Chris Hougham


At the Chairman’s discretion, prior to the matter being considered, Mr.Przysocki asked
questions relative to the licensing application for the Isle of Wight Festival.


Mary Craven and Lois Prior.


Cllrs. Peter Whiteman and Terry Goldstone declared a general personal interest on the
basis that they are employed in the building industry.
Cllr. Peter Whiteman declared a specific personal interest in Agenda Item 7 (Nos. 1, 4
and 15)
Cllr. Terry Goldstone declared a specific personal interest in Agenda Item 7 (no. 4)


The minutes of the last meeting held on 31st March 2011 were agreed and signed as a
correct record. The Assistant Clerk updated Members on the latest position on certain
related matters, primarily responses from IWC on Newport Football Club, Newport
Conservative Club, Cooperative Stores and Vectis Field (playing fields opposite Christ
the King College)


Ref:77758. License application by Solo Promotions for Isle of Wight Festival at

Seaclose Park on the weekend of Thursday 9th to Sunday 12th June 2011 and thereafter
annually at the same time of year.

Members had before them a detailed report prepared by the Assistant Clerk following

lengthy consultations with the Licensing Officer. The IWC Ward Member (Cllr. Dawn
Cousins), in attendance by invitation from the Chairman of the Council, outlined her
knowledge of the application and her own personal views based on experience and
consultations with local residents in the Fairlee area as well as Medina Yacht Harbour
and Whippingham.
After due deliberations Members decided not to object to the application per se but
made a number of observations and requests in terms of possible amendments,
controls, conditions and monitoring of the event both inside and outside the site. The
detailed observations submitted to the Licensing Officer by the Assistant Clerk are
attached to these minutes.

Ref:70348. License Application at North Fairlee Farm, off Fairlee Road.

Members considered this application having been advised that this was not in
connection with the Isle of Wight Festival but a separate event planned for two days
over a weekend in mid-July. Following careful consideration Members decided to raise
no objection to the application providing the numbers were kept below 5,000 and it was
properly controlled including noise restrictions and appropriate monitoring.

Ref:80575. License Application at Newclose County Cricket Ground, Blackwater Road.

Members decided to raise no objection to this application.


Recently Lodged Appeal. P/01088/10. Partial demolition of existing building, retaining

principal façade; outline for residential development of 14 townhouses with associated
access, parking and amenity space, former AB Cooke (Warehouse), Little London.

Members considered a brief report prepared by the Assistant Clerk that explained that,
although the Parish Council had objected to the application, the IWC Planning had
refused permission for additional reasons relating to access, overdevelopment and
inappropriate area for residential development. With the knowledge that their detailed
observations on the application would go forward to the Planning Inspectorate,
Members decided that it was not necessary to make any further observations.


P/00399/11… part OS Parcel 0033, off Noke Common, Parkhurst

Members were fully briefed on the background to this application and are aware of how
contentious renewable energy projects of this nature have been elsewhere on the
Island. Members were keen to adopt a realistic standpoint on this particular project and
as it is in a reasonably inaccessible position, screened from most public vantage points
and for a temporary period merely to collect information Members could see NO
OBJECTION to the application.

P/00351/11…land to the south east of Newport between and including part of

Staplers Road and St. Georges Way

Members found this application a little irksome and one of a succession of submissions
amending and adapting a previously approved scheme in terms of layout, conditions
etc. Members are comfortable with the number, location and delivery time for the
affordable units, as approved, and do not believe that this should be changed on a
piecemeal basis to suit the programme of works set by the developer and difficulties
relating to the positioning and building of the show homes at the ‘top’ of the site. On this

basis Members wish to OBJECT to the application and ask Planning Services to
support the view that the developer should continue with the layout and distribution of
affordable units as per the original approval and make amendments to their programme
of works to ensure that the affordable units are delivered on time in the agreed locations
in an appropriate manner that avoids isolated and sporadic pockets of development.

P/00413/11…former Dairy Crest site, 23 Mill Street

Both the Parish Council and Planning Officers had no objection to the previous scheme
that was refused permission. Members consistently supported the redevelopment of the
site in this form and were surprised by the decision to withhold permission. It is not
considered that revising a scheme simply to try to overcome concerns expressed by the
Planning Committee is usually a good idea and this case is not an exception to that
rule. Members do not consider that this revised proposal is quite up to the standard of
the earlier scheme but are still prepared to SUPPORT the application as it is quite
clearly an appropriate development on a brownfield site in a very sustainable location
and, if approved and developed, it will significantly enhance the character and
appearance of the area.

P/00339/11…Isle of Wight Council, County Hall, Newport

Although this application has created a good deal of interest for non-planning related
reasons Members appreciated that there was no sustainable objection to the external
alterations to the building as part of the refurbishment. On this basis Members have NO
OBJECTION to the application although they would like to point out that, in their view,
there is a missed opportunity here in terms of, as part of the project, upgrading the
external appearance of the dominant 1960’s extension (especially the aspects onto the
High Street and Coppins Bridge), which, although typical of the period, is singularly
unattractive in this location on the edge of an historic town and clearly could benefit
from some reasonably inexpensive cosmetic changes, possibly in terms of
materials/colour to improve it’s appearance.

P/00299/11… land between 5 & 7 Nodgham Lane

Members thought that this was a particularly disappointing attempt to overcome a

decision to refuse an earlier application. The Parish Council objected to that application
and part of our comment said. Members do not believe that the amendments made to
the initial proposal, that appear to centre around a hipped roof as opposed to gable
fronting onto Nodgham Lane, overcome these reservations or the reasons for refusal
put forward by the Council. Members wish to maintain the above view and consequently
OBJECT to the application on same grounds as before.

P/00375/11… 20 Castle Hill

Members Have NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the use of quality

matching materials.

P/00391/11…Lloyds Bank, St.Thomas Square

Members have NO OBJECTION to this application.

P/00404/11… St. Marys Hospital, Parkhurst Road

Members have NO OBJECTION to this application.


P/00472/11…27 Parkhurst Road

Members adopted a pragmatic approach to this application. They were opposed to

previous scheme but permission was granted and as this revised proposal is not
significantly different the only appropriate response appears to be NO COMMENT.

P/00446/11…11 Prior Crescent

Members gave this revised application very careful consideration and noted that the
principle amendment to the previously submitted scheme was to move the entrance
door to the side elevation so that, in the street scene, the addition had the appearance
of a sizeable side extension rather than an additional dwelling. Members feel that these
concerns have not been overcome by some rather rudimentary alterations to the
submitted scheme and therefore wish to continue to OBJECT to this latest application.

P/00434/11…137 Medina Avenue

Members have NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the use of quality

matching materials.

P/00447/11…9 Mulberry Close

Members have NO OBJECTION to this application.

P/00090/11… Kings Seat, Forest Road

Members were advised that some, if not all, of these advertisement signs are in
position, this is disappointing. Members also appreciate the franchise requirements of
individual manufacturers. However, it has to be taken into account that, although this is
an established site where there is already at least one other franchise, this is an
isolated location in the countryside where modern internally illuminated signs of this
nature are patently inappropriate as they detract from the rural character of the area;
something that is exacerbated by other similar signs elsewhere on the site. Members,
however, do not wish to undermine an employment opportunity and after due
consideration it was decided NOT TO RAISE AN OBJECTION subject to a proviso, that
can possibly be dealt with by condition, that the signs are only illuminated when the
premises is open during hours of darkness in the winter months and not at all during
normal daylight hours or within one hour of the closure of the premises to the public.

P/00170/11…10 Mill Street

Notwithstanding the constraints imposed by the size of the site Members are happy to
raise NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the imposition of appropriate
conditions in terms of use of materials/colour/finish.

P/00364/11… Site of old pavilion, Seaclose Park

Notwithstanding the current difficult economic circumstances Members regarded this

application as a particularly disappointing resolution to a long standing problem and
overall a missed opportunity. The pavilion (and public toilets) were constructed when
Seaclose Park was established prior to the Second World War at the same time as the
former swimming pool and the lodge in Fairlee Road. All three buildings/enclosures
were designed to complement each other in a style/design typical of the period. The
Parish Council had hoped to see the building repaired and restored to it’s former
condition or removed and replaced with a purpose designed permanent structure. Even
though this is supposed to be just a temporary solution Members wish to OBJECT to
the application as it is quite clearly out of context in this location. Members firmly believe

that was a case that there was an overriding need for a more innovative approach on
the part of the Council in terms of funding a restoration or a permanent replacement
building, possibly looking at grant assistance, sponsorship etc. That said, Members
recognise that there is a need for changing facilities particularly as this side of the park
has reverted back to football so, in the likely event of a temporary permission been
granted, the Parish Council strongly recommend that this is restricted to two years (30th
June 2013) as that should be adequate time to develop and finance a more suitable
(permanent) building on, or adjacent to, the site.

P/00425/11, P/00426/11 and P/00427/11…14 Pyle Street and Fire Service storage
building (no.15), Pyle Street

Members are prepared to SUPPORT these applications on the basis that this is a highly
sustainable location for new residential units; that the external alterations to the listed
building (in terms of the main façade) have been kept to a bare minimum; and the
alterations to the store building appear to be appropriate and in keeping with the
character of the area.

P/00418/11…land at Lake Farm, Gatcombe

Members have NO OBJECTION to this application subject to the imposition of an

appropriate condition for landscaping/planting on the exposed sides of the sand school.


The Committee noted that no recent decisions had been received.




SF asked if Members were aware that the safety railings outside the Parish Centre had
been replaced and thanked the Assistant Clerk for his assistance in the matter.
TC enquired as to whether there had been any progress in respect of an enquiry about
the installation of uPVC windows in a property on the corner at the junction of
Carisbrooke High Street and Castle Street.
TC asked for further clarification on the matter of public access to Vectis Field.
Members attention was drawn to the recent demolition of the former Shoulder of Mutton
(PH) and the Assistant Clerk was asked to find out if building work was about to
PW raised an issue about the possible unauthorised removal of a hedgerow at
Mountjoy (Whitcombe Road and asked the Assistant Clerk to investigate the matter


The next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 28th April 2011 at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at 8.35pm.


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