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[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21


Tejas V.Vairale, Nikita V.Wanare, Shrikant S.Ugile, Swati R.Lakare, Kanhaiya S.Jaiswal
Dept. Of Electrical Engineering
Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad
(Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University)


Pollution of the environment is currently a global concern. Toxic emission from internal
combustion engines is one of the primary air pollutants. In order to mitigate the effects of
fossil fuel emission and address environmental concerns (ECs), electric vehicles (EVs) are
being promoted aggressively all over the world. Various governments are encouraging people
to switch to EVs by incentivizing the transition. Previous studies indicate that the high cost of
the electric car, non-availability of charging infrastructure, time and range anxiety act as
impediments to consumer adoption. The Government of India has given a call for ‘only
Electric Vehicles’ on Road by 2030. This article is contemporary and examines the different
factors that affect a consumer’s adoption of an EV. The respondents of the study are existing
car owners in India. The data were analysed using Structured Equation Modelling (SEM).
Attitude (ATT) emerged as a strong mediator, influencing the adoption of electric cars.


The over-a-century-old automobile industry is gearing up for transformation. The fossil fuel
price spike and the impact of its emission on the environment have called for a change in
individual transportation habits. The sector, propelled by internal combustion engines, is
gravitating gradually towards electric vehicles (EVs).

Electric motors propel the EVs and the rechargeable battery or other portable energy storage
device maintains power supply. These vehicles are energy efficient, generating less
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reduced noise. The different categories of EVs are as

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

 HEV: Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are powered by fuel and electricity and have an
engine and an electric motor. Electricity generated by the braking system charges the

 PHEV: Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are like HEV except that they have a
small engine and larger batteries. The batteries recharging is either by the braking system
or by plugging into an external electric charging point.

 BEV: They have no engine and they use electric motors for propulsion with batteries as
the energy storage device. They depend on external power points for charging the battery.
These vehicles are also known as plug-in vehicles, EVs or the battery electric vehicles

The transportation sector contributes about a quarter of GHG emissions. Automobiles are the
primary source of GHG emission world over with China emitting 25.9 per cent, the USA
13.87 per cent followed by India 7.45 per cent.

The Eighth Clean Energy Ministerial in 2016, in its campaign, adopted the slogan
‘The EV30@30’. The member countries reaffirmed their commitment to EV adoption. The
aim was to attain a total market share of 30 per cent for EVs, with 10 per cent market share
for the respective categories, namely passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, buses and
trucks by 2030 (IEA, 2016).

India’s commitment to containing pollution and reducing carbon footprint is also increasing.
The country prepares to shift towards EVs by 2030. The government desires the car
manufacturers to migrate to EV production, which will curtail the oil bill by US$60 billion,
cut emissions by 37 per cent and reduce the dependence on the imports of fuel, thus acting as
a shield from vulnerability against crude prices and currency fluctuations.

The government is examining the battery swapping option model to overcome the challenges
in EV adoption. The swapping model was introduced in Israel and China met with partial
success. The challenges are the battery size and power. These may vary according to
manufacturer/models (e.g., Maruti Alto and Honda City). This complicated situation under
this model demands a similar vehicle design to accommodate the same battery, which is

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

difficult to achieve. Another alternative could be battery leasing that could reduce the
ownership cost. However, the easy availability of charging points across different places in a
city remains a significant challenge yet unresolved.

The shift towards EVs in India is imperative in the near future, though not imminent. Several
cities are victims of unplanned urbanization and high pollution. They suffer unqualified
degradation, with vehicular emission as the primary source.

Figure 1: indicates the projection for EVs for a few of the leading nations.

Source: Adopted from Bloomberg Opinion. (Colour Online)

The Government of India has announced that all cars need to be electric by 2030. Society of
Indian Automobile Manufacturer (SIAM, 2017) followed this with their white paper stating
that EVs would make up 40 per cent of new car sales by 2030 and 100 per cent by 2047. This
milestone date coincides with 100 years of the country’s independence.

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21


 To study the perceptions and expectations of potential, for alternative technologies in

automobiles, such as Electric/ hybrid vehicles.

 To know why electric vehicles couldn’t get enough consumer attraction.

 To study the willingness of buyers of considering in Electric/Hybrid vehicle as a practical

commuting optional and at when

 To study the maximum price consumer can afford for buying an Electric/Hybrid vehicles

 To study the other optional available for Range Anxious consumer with respect to
existing batteries used in Electric/Hybrid vehicles

 To study the government initiatives takes for promoting Electric/Hybrid vehicles and
subsidies provides on electric vehicle batteries.

 To study the current expectations of consumers with respect to Electric/Hybrid vehicles,

this will lead to its potential for future

 To study the current threats this is causing slow growth of Electric/Hybrid vehicles.


In India, EVs are scarce on the road and are not available readily in the market. Potential
adopters/users of EVs may have never even seen, driven or charged such vehicles. People
have limited familiarity with the characteristics of these vehicles.

The data collection was done through a structured questionnaire done on google. The
developed instrument contained information on constructs and their constituents. The desire
data collection has two part one is primary mode of data collection and secondary mode of
data collection & final execution.

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

Primary mode of data collection

In this lots of data are fetched from online survey and research done on electric vehicle (EV)
for this we read a few research papers were already published. We’ve done a several
alterations in existing data to match the current year scenarios. In which some data may vary
according to its survey year

Secondary mode of data collection

In this mode several data are collect by doing group discussion and by having debate on this
topic Electric vehicle (EV). In this we could able to find the few modifications that we should
do I existing electric vehicle models available in present scenario to make EV more efficient.

Final execution

Now as we have lots of data, finally we sort and align the data as per the given syntax and
with the help of team members, we rectified most of the data as per the recent scenario. So
that we can able to predict precisely the growth and demand in future for EV.

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

Working principle
(Working principle stated as per the Battery electric vehicle-BEV)

Figure 2: components of electric vehicle

All-electric vehicles (EVs) have an electric motor instead of an internal combustion engine. The
vehicle uses a large traction battery pack to power the electric motor and must be plugged into a
charging station or wall outlet to charge. Because it runs on electricity, the vehicle emits no
exhaust from a tailpipe and does not contain the typical liquid fuel components, such as a fuel
pump, fuel line, or fuel tank.

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

All-electric vehicles (EVs) use a battery pack to store the electrical energy that powers the motor.
EVs are sometimes referred to as battery electric vehicles (BEVs). EV batteries are charged by
plugging the vehicle into an electric power source. Although electricity production may
contribute to air pollution, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency categorizes all-electric
vehicles as zero-emission vehicles because they produce no direct exhaust or emissions.

Challenges in India for EV Industry
 The average on-road price of electric vehicles in India is not attractive enough for
 Inadequate charging infrastructure.
 Reliance on battery imports.
 Range anxiety among consumers.
 Inadequate electricity supply in parts of India.
 Lack of quality maintenance and repair options.
 Changing the mindset of consumers, i.e., adopting to a new technology

What India needs to focus on to boost EV Industry

• India must develop strong Research and Development (R&D) capacity leading to
commercialization in Electric vehicle ecosystems keeping in mind ‘Make in India’ goal.
• Rolling out incentives to the consumers for purchasing EVs as well as to the
manufacturers/traders in the form of tax benefit/tax discount.
• The charging infrastructure should be rapidly developed. Installation of chargers should be
allowed on street parking, parking lots and any public charging space.
• A model that brings together IITs, young and talented #startups, private manufacturing and
CSR could be put in place.
• India needs to ensure that electric buses, cars and taxi fleets used by the government
departments become viable.
• Steps to be taken to gradually phase-out ICE vehicles.
• CSR funding to be arranged through corporate companies/PSUs to boost the #startups
involved in EV industry.
• #Startups will play a pivotal role in the evolving electric mobility space around the world

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

In India 76% of total population surveyed would expect an electric vehicle to travel up
to 320 km per charge before they would consider purchasing one this indicates a gap in
Expectations vs. current EV Range capabilities India
While fuel price increase may not be only factor that drives customers to buy EV's it is a
fact that they have mental benchmark of 130%- 150% of the current fuel prices that will make
them reconsider EV's.
This are the several results about the batteries used in electric cars and its typical technical


Table 1: General parameters of electric car battery

Source (C Iclodean1, B Varga, N Burnete, D Cimerdean, B Jurchiș
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
Muncii Bd. 103 – 105)


[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

Table 2: Electric Car battery and its simulation capacity result

Source: (AVL Cruise simulations results.)

 They are better for the environment
 Highly efficient
 Reduce gas emissions
 Very responsive and have a very good torque
 EV motors are quiet and smooth
 Are more digitally connected than conventional vehicle
 Simplified power train
 Electricity can be a renewable resource, gasoline cannot
 They require less expensive and less frequent maintenance.
 They are quieter than gas vehicles
 There are tax credits available for owners of electric cars
 There are special highway lanes in some places for electric cars
 Can be charged overnight on low-cost electricity produces any type of power station,
including renewables

 Electric cars have a shorter range than gas-powered cars
 Recharging the battery takes time
 They are usually more expensive than gas-powered cars
 It can sometimes be difficult to find a charging station
 There aren't as many model options
 Electricity storage is still expensive
 Range anxiety
 Sufficient public charging station is still lacking
 Lack the power to accelerate and climb quickly

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21


The perception of people towards EVs is still unsatisfactory as a major section of our society is a
still unaware of various alternative technologies used in automobiles.
The current EVs don't meet the consumers’ expectations to larger extent.
The government initiatives were taken for the promotion of EVs still in developing stage and is
up to papers through various agencies have been form and various plans have been brought by
them but still its implementation is not yet done.
The consumers will prefer EVS only if they are comparable with current vehicle on roads so a
change in consumer behaviour in important they should gradually become more confused about
use a cleaner technologies.
Through many consumers will not prefer the current electric hybrid vehicles but still there are
lots of options available which is built to meet consumer expectations such as revolve kit.
Marketing of such product will really play an important role as a stepping foot towards green
Various companies should take initiatives to promote electric vehicles as a part of their corporate
social responsibility.
Finally, the future of electric hybrid vehicle is a green.

[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21


[1.] Electric Cars: Effect on the Environment. (1998) Retrieved January 31, 2010 from
[2.] Bellis, M. History of Electric Vehicles. Retrieved January 31, 2010 from
[3.] Brain, M. (2002). How Electric Cars Work. Retrieved January 29, 2010 from
[4.] How Hybrids Work. (2009) Retrieved February 20, 2010 from
[5.] Electric Vehicles (EVs). (2009) Retrieved January 31, 2010 from
[6.] Dunn, P. (2006). Hybrid Cars – Pros and Cons. Retrieved F: February 20, 2010 from

[7.] Sparling, B. (2001). Ozone Layer. Retrieved February 1, 2010 from
[8.] Future Electric Cars. (2007) Retrieved January 29, 2010 from


Google. Recharge IT Driving Experiment. 2008 [cited 2008 1142008] ; Available


[Electric Vehicle] | Techno Mind 2k21

[10.] Remarks of President Barack Obama at Southern California Edison Electric Vehicle
Technical Centre. 2009 March 19 2009 [cited 2009 April 29] ; Available from:


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