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DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.


(ENGLISH 1st Year)

Unit – 1 Button, Button
 Answer the given questions.
1. Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?
Ans: Mr. Steward had already informed Norma about his arrival. When he arrived, Norma posed
herself to be busy. She told him that she had no spare time to listen to him but he insisted on talking
to her. Probably, he was hurt by this attitude. So, his tone became a bit harsh.

2. Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?

Ans: He was a thorough gentleman. He disagreed with his wife because he considered it immoral
to kill someone only for the sake of money. He considered it a murder. He tried his best to prevent
Norma from pushing the button.

3. Why did Norma try to persuade her husband to agree with her?
Ans: Norma was discontented with her life style. She tried her level best to persuade her husband
to agree with her because she wanted to get $ 50,000 to improve her life style. Moreover, she
wanted to get money to fulfil her wishes. She thought that this offer was a golden opportunity to
realize her dreams.

4. What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer?

Ans: Norma argued that it might be some psychological research or a game by some eccentric
millionaire. She told her husband that after getting money, they would be able to realize their
dreams about buying a well-furnished apartment, nicer furniture, nicer clothes, a car and having a
trip to Europe. She said that it could enable them to improve their life style.

5. Why did Mr. Steward continue persuading Norma?

Ans: Mr. Steward was a very clever person and an agent of a company. He continued persuading
Norma to push the button because he noticed that she had been intrigued by the offer as she
belonged to a poor family. He wanted to exploit the situation. Finally, he succeeded in it.
6. What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?
Ans: After pushing the button, Norma received a call from Lenox Hill Hospital. Someone told her
that her husband was pushed in front of the train by a shoving crowd. He was killed in the subway
accident. On hearing this message, she was not in her senses. She lost control over herself.
By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]

7. What is the significance of Arthur’s life-insurance policy?

Ans: Arthur’s life was insured for $ 25,000 and it was to be doubled in case of such an accident. As
he died in an accident, his wife was to receive $ 50,000. She unintentionally killed her husband to
get money.
8. Did Norma remain normal on hearing the news of the accident of her husband?
Ans: Norma did not remain normal on hearing the news of the accident of her husband. She was
deeply shocked and lost her senses. A wave of chill went through her. She struggled to stand on
her feet. She was utterly grieved and lost control over herself.
 Words to know:
Package Embarrassed Elevator Peasant Furor
Fastened Liberty Restrain Native Contemptuous
Inquire Thrust Authentic Appalled Shove
Offensive Curious Scoffing Interrupt Indemnity
Frown Intrigue Proposition Dismay Shriek
Gadget Shrug Glare Stack Split
Stare Eccentric Incredulous Abruptly Whirl
Genuine Impulsively Astounded Ridiculous Stumble
- --------------------

Unit – 2 Clearing In The Sky

 Answer the given questions.
1. Why didn’t the old man follow the advice of the doctors?
Ans: The old man did not follow the advice of the doctors because he thought that if he left hard
work and stayed at home, he would die sooner. He was a man of strong will power and
determination. Once he made his decision, he stuck to it even if he had to crawl. Moreover, he had
to support his family financially.
2. What had the doctors told the old man?
Ans: The old man was a man of strong determination and will-power. The doctors had told him to
stop work and enjoy the remaining few days of his life with his family. They also told him that if
he continued to work hard, he would die soon. They also stopped him from walking on foot but he
proved them wrong and cheated death many times.

3. Where did the old man take his son?

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
Ans: The old man took his son to the top of the mountain where he had planted his secret garden.
He had grown different vegetables like potatoes, yams and tomatoes there. The son was amazed to
see this secret garden. He was much impressed with the hard work of his father.
4. Had the son ever been there before?
Ans: The son had been to the top of the mountain many times, except the last three years. He used
to come there with his parents in his childhood. He spent his childhood and youth days at that
place. He had many unforgettable memories of this land.
5. What were the names of the vegetables the old man grew on his farm?
Ans: The old man grew potatoes, yams and tomatoes on his new farm. The taste of these
vegetables was matchless. He had tried every kind of land but this new land was unique and
fertile. The vegetables grown in this land had a better flavour.
6. Why did the old man take the steep path?
Ans: The old man took the steep path to check his physical fitness and health. It was one way of
knowing that he was getting better with the passage of time. He did not hesitate to do hard work.
He also wanted to show his son that he was still energetic and healthy at the age of seventy.
7. Why did the son at the age of six cry?
Ans: The son, at the age of six, cried because he had lost his wooden plough in a furrow.
However, his father made another plough for him. But his son did not love it as much as he had
loved the first one.
8. What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?
Ans: The old man felt that he had enjoyed the days of his life. He was still confident, full of
energy and courageous at the age of seventy. He wanted to visit those places which he had seen
and loved. He was cheerful. He could still cover long distances on foot and climb the mountain
9. Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
Ans: The old man had planted his secret garden because he wanted to refresh his bygone
memories and his family would not allow him to do hard work. He thought that potatoes, yams
and tomatoes grown in this new land had a better taste. Moreover, he wanted to give his son a

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]

 Words to know:
Cane Meadow Bough Curiosity Whispered Shock
Wipe Bragged Fondling Wilderness Weed Mess
Stream Worn-out Rugged Stray Stump Furrow
Sweat Ripe Species Curtly Rim Matted
Stinging Frosts Gradually Loam Stalwart Sift
Raise Rustled Sapling Whiffed Bandanna Wound
Protest Bluff Braced Interrupted Barrel


By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]

Unit – 3 Dark they were, and Golden-Eyed

 Answer the given questions.
1. Why did Harry want to go back to the Earth?
Ans: Harry wanted to go back to the earth because he faced unsuitable living conditions on
Mars. The atmosphere of Mars was quite harsh and unfit for them. Everything began to change
due to the severe climate. He thought if he stayed at the Mars, he would lose his identity.
2. Why did he (Harry) want to stay?
Ans:Harry wanted to stay on the Mars because all the space rockets were destroyed and there was
no way to go back to the Earth again. He had no other choice than to stay on Mars. Moreover, the
Earth was also facing war and destruction.
3. What climate did they face?
Ans: They faced very harsh and severe climate on Mars. The air was too hot and there was fog at
night. Strong wind blew all the time. They all became dark and golden-eyed. The Martian virus
changed their identities and food items. All the canals had been dried.
4. What was the condition of the Biterring family on hearing the news of the war on the
Ans: On hearing the news of the war on the Earth, the condition of the Bittering family was very
bad. All the space rockets were destroyed. They felt stranded permanently on Mars. Laura began
to weep. The mother held onto her husband and daughter. Harry was fearful. They were in deep
mental shock and became upset.
5. What did they (the Bittering family) want to grow (on Mars)?
Ans: The food items found on Mars were not suitable for them. They wanted to grow earthly
vegetables and fruit like peach trees and onions on the Mars. But the atmosphere of Mars had
changed the peaches and onions. Knowing that, they might not go back to the Earth, the Bittering
family wanted to grow crops and bring up children there.
6. What was the condition of their house?

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
Ans: The Martian climate had badly affected the house. The wind had done something to it. The
air had burned it. Its boards had gone out of shape because of fog at night. Its paint had peeled off.
It did not look like an Earthman’s house anymore.

7. What was the advice Harry gave to the (Martian) people?

Ans: Harry advised the people to build a rocket and go back to the earth. He told them that the
Martian air was dangerous and it could badly change them. Nobody took him seriously. They
made fun of him. He was angry at their laziness.
8. How dangerous can a Martian virus be?
Ans: According to Harry, the Martian air had some virus, seed or pollen. It could cause a lot of
damage. It could change the physical appearance of the people and make them dark and golden-
eyed. It could dissolve human intellect and burn away their past.
 Words to know:
Meadow Delicate Settlement Nodded Ancient
Lid Chin up Porch Blossom Echoing
Bulging Hollered Sobbed Recall Villa
Pop Stiff Flash Idiots Ridiculous
Whirl Luggage Blown up Pollen Mused
away Wade in Stranded Blueprints Startled
Flutter Unbidden Dash Construct Slender
Vacuum Dawn Sweat Pretty Leaped out
Instant Fix poured Good humour Flimsy
Climes Insane Drenched Casually Abandone
Flake Decent Strike Hesitated d
Identity Ghost Dismay Flecks Ruins
Marrow Stared at Fog Wicker Notion
Submerge Prowling Warped Peeled Mysteries
d Ruins Conversin Blazing Foggiest
Dissolve Jam g Rust Native
Crushing Stumbled Leisure Tapestries

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]

Unit – 4 Thank you Ma’m

 Answer the given questions.
1. What was the time when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman?
Ans: It was about 11 O’clock at night when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman. She
was carrying the purse slung across her shoulder. There was darkness around and the woman
was walking alone.
2. What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse?
Ans: When the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman, its strap broke. He lost his balance
and fell down on his back on the sidewalk. The large woman simply turned around and kicked
him right square in his blue jeans sitter. Then she shook him until his teeth rattled.
3. What was the reaction of the woman (when the boy fell down)?
Ans: The reaction of the woman was very harsh and quick. She simply turned around, gripped
the boy and shook him until his teeth rattled. She also kicked him on his sitter. After this she
dragged him behind her and decided to take him home to teach him manners.
4. What was the conduct of the people when they saw the incident?
Ans: Since it was late at night, the people did not show any special reaction. Only two or three
people passed, stopped, turned to look and some stood watching. However, they took no notice
of them and did not come near them.
5. How did the boy look physically?
Ans: The boy was about fourteen or fifteen years old. Physically, he looked very weak and thin.
He was wearing tennis shoes and blue jeans. His face was dirty and he was hungry. He was in a
miserable condition.
6. What was the condition of the boy when the woman gave him a few jerks?
Ans: The condition of the boy was very bad when the woman gave him a few jerks. Sweat
popped out on his face and he struggled to free himself. He was afraid and nervous. He thought

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
that the woman would take him to jail. He was trembling with fear. He began to apologize to
the woman for his misbehaviour.

7. Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?
Ans: The woman asked the boy to wash his face because it was dirty. He was unclean, poor
and hungry. The woman also asked him to comb his hair to look presentable. To her, it was a
good turn that she could at least do for the boy.
8. Why didn’t the boy run from the house of the woman?
Ans: The boy didn’t run from the house of the woman because he did not want to lose the trust
of the woman. He was greatly impressed by the kind and sympathetic behaviour of the woman.
He thought it immoral to deceive such a nice and caring lady who was treating him kindly.
9. Why didn’t the woman watch the boy while preparing a dish?
Ans: The woman did not watch the boy because she was sure that the boy would not try to run
away. She had established her trust on the boy through his kind treatment. She wanted to show
that she trusted him. She successfully changed him into a good boy.
10. What was the nature of the woman’s job?
Ans: The woman worked in a hotel beauty shop that stayed open late at night. She was a
beautician there. The shop was visited by all types of women including blondes, red heads and
 Words to know:
Strap Pocket-book Willow-wild Supper
Slung Stoop Bothering Suede
Snatch Ashamed of Sweat Make a dash
Tug Firmly Popped out Frowned
Instead of Gripped Struggle Presentable
Blast Turn loose Jerked Mistrusted
Sidewalk Release Furnished Canned
Sitter Whispered Rear Folks
Shook Dragging Alone Embarrass
Rattled Frail A bite Blonde
By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
Latching on to Behave Stoop
Devilish Barren Permit

Unit – 5 The Piece of String

 Answer the given questions.
1. Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking up the lost pocket-book?
Ans: Mr. Manana accused Mr. Hubert of picking up the lost pocket-book because he had seen
him picking up something from the ground. At the same time, a pocket-book was lost there.
Therefore, Mr. Manana thought that Hubert had picked up the lost purse.
2. What did the people think of Hubert when they heard the return of the pocket-book by
some other person?
Ans: People did not believe Hubert to be an innocent person. They thought that he was telling
lies. They were sure that he had picked up the lost pocket-book. They considered the returning of
lost pocket-book by some other person a trick. They cursed and criticized him behind his back
and called him old rascal.
3. Why did George give the pocket-book to his employer?
Ans: George gave the pocket-book to his employer because he was an uneducated person. He did
not know how to read it. He could not determine himself who the owner of the lost pocket-book
4. What did make Hubert shameful?
Ans: Hubert was a simple and innocent gentleman. He never committed any crime in his life. He
felt shameful when he was falsely accused of theft. He thought that nothing was more shameful in
the world than to be called a liar. It was a shameful thing for him to be called a liar.
5. Why did the people make fun of his innocence?
Ans: The people made fun of Hubert’s innocence because they thought that he was making lame
excuses. They did not believe in his story of a piece of string. They thought him to be a liar.
They believed that he wanted to deceive people by telling them a concocted story.
6. Why did he (Hubert) keep claiming his innocence before his death?

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
Ans: Mr. Hubert was a simple and innocent gentleman. He kept claiming his innocence before
his death to show that he was speaking the truth. He tried to convince them that he was not at all
guilty. He wanted to regain his lost honour and self-respect. But the people did not believe him.

 Words to know:
Vehicles Reward Furiously Adventure Delirium
Gigs Concluded Attest Incredulity Innocence
Dumpcarts Inquired Exasperating Contents Reiterating
Meal Accompany Nevertheless Claim Wrath
Appetizing Stout Sacred Employer Belongings
Odour Astounded Salvation Triumph Grave
Appetite Terrified Choked with Grieved Withstood
Affair Suspicion Indignation Shameful Havocs
Diners Flushed Reputation Willing Engraved
Ceased Anger Maintained Excuses Tomb
Attentive String Abused Disgrace Prove
Impatiently Worthy Discharged Self-esteem Character
Announceme Credence Warning Consumed Repeatedly
nt Mistook Consult Wasted away
Inhabitants Cord Curiosity Amuse
Caretaker Peasant Rascal Campaign

Unit – 6 The Reward

 Answer the given questions.
1. What was the subject discussed at the club?
Ans: One day the subject of “opportunity and determination” was discussed at the club. Some
people said that opportunity was required for success while others said that determination was
necessary for success. At the end of the story, it was proved that both opportunity and
determination are required for success.
2. What did Terbut think of Jorken’s argument?
Ans: Terbut disagreed with Jorkens. Jorkens was in favour of determination to get success
while Terbut was in favour of opportunity to get success and millions had no opportunity.
Terbut was not convinced with the arguments of Jorkens. Therefore, he strongly doubted
Jorken’s claim.
3. How did Jorkens convince that a man could become a skating champion of the Sahara?
Ans: Jorkens convinced that a man could become a skating champion of the Sahara through his
determination. He should make the money first. Then, he should build a skating-rink in the
By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
Sahara and organize a competition there. He could be skating champion all right if he gave all
his time to it.
4. How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?
Ans: Gorgios persuaded his people to make his country strong by creating the post of a Court
acrobat. It would raise the glory of their country and its throne. The acrobat’s physical fitness
would encourage and strengthen their soldiers and they would protect the rights of their nation
and win battles for them against their enemies.
5. What was the viewpoint of the parents of Gorgios?
Ans: The parents of Gorgios were not in favour of determination. They thought that
opportunity was also required along with determination to achieve success in life. Perhaps,
Gorgios wanted to prove his parents wrong. However, he realized that his parents were right
after all. Both opportunity and determination are needed to achieve ambition of life. It took
Gorgios sixty years to achieve his aim.
6. What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration?
Ans: Splendid arrangements were made for the function of inauguration. The great throne-
room was turned into a kind of gymnasium. A special dress of red velvet was made for Gorgios.
Great curtains of red and gold were hung along the wall. High swings with gilded ropes were
hung from the ceiling. Lights glittered and a band played softly. A row of neat hurdles was also
arranged on the polished floor.
7. Describe the scene of inauguration. Write five sentences.
Ans: The scene of inauguration ceremony was very impressive. Royal family was seated at a
high platform. Lights glittered and a band played softly. Great curtains of red and gold were
hung along the wall. Gorgios was wearing a very splendid dress made of red velvet. His white
hair and the red uniform of the Court acrobat were looking perfect. Everybody welcomed him
and clapped for him.

8. What were the feelings of Gorgios on the occasion?

Ans: Gorgios had mixed feelings on the occasion. He was happy on his achievement. But he
was a bit sad because he got his goal after the struggle of sixty years. He also looked tired by his
long patience and work of a life-time. He achieved his aim but too late.
9. Did Gorgios use any shot cut to achieve his aim?
Ans: No, Gorgios did not use any short cut to achieve his ambition. He showed great patience,
hard work and determination to get his ambition. He went into politics, convinced others to
create the post of the court acrobat and gave all his life to get his dream. It took him more than
sixty years to do it.
10. How long had Gorgios to stick his ambition achieved?
Ans: Gorgios did not use any short cut to get his ambition. It took him more than sixty years to
do it. He struggled very hard and stuck to his ambition for a long time and he did not lose heart.
At last, he succeeded in becoming a court acrobat.

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
 Words to know:
Opportunity Wore down Magnificent Applause
Determination Acrobat Gilded Leaned
Stuck Exhibiting Ceiling Slightly
Tire Accursed Hurdle Mourning
Afford Twisted Glittered Broke out
Extraordinary Inaugurate Utterly Given up
Ancient Wandering Crowning Beside
Throne Ceremony Melancholy Hit on

Unit – 7 The Use Of Force

 Answer the given questions.
1. What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?
Ans: The condition of the parents was not good on the arrival of the doctor. They looked upset and
worried due to their daughter’s illness. Especially, the mother was extremely nervous. The girl had
a fever and she was in a very miserable condition.
2. What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor?
Ans: The behaviour of the sick child was very rude, non-cooperative and aggressive with the
doctor. She glared at him and did not follow his instructions. She did not move. Rather, she fought
with him and broke his glasses too.

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
3. She had a fever for three days, hadn’t she?
Ans: Yes, the girl had a fever for three days and her condition was very bad. She was breathing
rapidly. The parents had given her medicine but she had not recovered yet. Though she had a sore
throat, she had been hiding it for three days from everybody.

4. Did the girl change her expression when the doctor said, “Does your throat hurt you?”
Ans: No, the girl did not change her expression when the doctor asked her if her throat hurt her.
She looked steadily with her cold eyes. There was no expression on her face at all. She remained as
angry as before.

5. Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
Ans: The sick girl was afraid of the doctor and not responding to him. So, he called the sick girl by
her first name to show informality and frankness with her. He wanted to remove her fears. It was
his professional style. His main aim was to restore his trust on her. But she remained unmoved.

6. Did the sick girl promptly respond to the instruction of the doctor?
Ans: No, the sick girl did not promptly respond to the instructions of the doctor at all. She
remained unmoved and non-cooperative. When the doctor tried to examine her, she resisted and
behaved rudely with him. She attacked him and threw his glasses away.

7. Why did the parents rebuke her (the sick girl)?

Ans: The parents rebuked their daughter for her misbehaviour with the doctor. She was not ready
to co-operate with him. She was becoming rude and harsh. When the doctor tried to examine her,
she attacked him and threw his glasses away. She created embarrassment for her parents.

8. What was the threat of the doctor to the child if she did not show her throat?
Ans: The sick girl was rude and was not ready to co-operate with the doctor. She was not showing
her throat. Rather, she attacked him and threw his glasses on the kitchen floor. At this, the doctor
threatened her to use force if she did not open her mouth to show her throat.

9. Why did she (the sick girl) break the wooden blade?
Ans: The sick girl did not like the doctor and his instructions. She broke the wooden blade with
her molars because he was forcing it into her mouth to examine her tonsils. She resisted every
attempt of the doctor to examine her.
By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
10. What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?
Ans: The tonsils of the sick girl were in a very bad condition. They were covered with membrane.
She was suffering from throat infection (diphteria). She was absorbing considerate amount of
poison because of these tonsils.

 Words to know:
Startled Magnificent Embarrassment Desisted
Apologetic Blonde Apology Fury
Merely In profusion Shaking Unreasoning
Damp Leaflets Broke in Assault
Bothered Trial shot Entirely Gagged
Eyeing Point of departure Admonished Valiantly
Distrustfully Apparently Hysterically Outcome
Steady Coaxed Grasped Get off
Inwardly Disgust Clenched Overpowered
Heifer Clawed Splinters Defensive
Flushed Instinctively Yelled Furious

Unit – 8 The Gulistan of Sa’di

 Answer the given questions.
1. What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?
Ans: Nushirvan advised his people not to take anything by using force. He told them that they
should be just and kind in their dealings with others. He told them to avoid little acts of cruelty and
2. What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king?
Ans: The king was suffering from a fatal disease. The phycians tried best to cure it. But the more
disease was cured, the more it became painful. At last, they suggested that the disease could be
cured by means of the bile of a person having certain qualities.
3. Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?
Ans: The boy was desperate of his parents because they gave permission to kill the boy for the sake
of money. He could not seek justice either from the king or the Qazi. So, the boy looked to the sky
and smiled to seek justice and mercy from Allah Almighty. He was, in fact, complaining to God
against the brutality of the people in society.
4. What should be the role of Qazi?
By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
Ans: The role of Qazi is very important in society. He is a symbol of justice. His role is to uphold
justice under all circumstances. He should decide cases purely on merit and not be partial to
anyone. He should be just and honest in his decisions and should support the truth only.
5. Why did the king weep?
Ans: The king began to weep when he heard the words of the boy. He felt ashamed of his selfish
attitude of getting the boy killed for his own life and health. He realized his injustice and
selfishness. He was deeply moved and burst into tears and released the boy.
6. How did the king recover?
Ans: The king realized his fault after hearing the words of the boy and took pity on him. So, he
released the boy. God Almighty liked his good deed and gave him health. He recovered in a few
days due to his kindness and affection.
 Words to know:
Perpetually Pacify Lest Altar
Universality Displeased Trifling Executioner
Parable Sergeant Oppression Justice
Aptly Favour Magnitude Trash
Versatile Drowned Tyrant Slaying
Genius Clung Abides Complain
Calamity Stern Endued with Brutality
Tossing Comprehend Summoned Refuge
Inconvenient Roasted Decree Nations

Unit – 9 The Foolish Quack

 Answer the given questions.
1. What is a clump of trees?
Ans: A clump of trees means a large number of trees growing together in a form of group. It is
usually found in a garden or forest where the trees grow close to one another. They usually grow
naturally and provide shade for the travelers.

2. What was stuck in the camel’s throat?

Ans: The camel-men set their animals to graze here and there. One of the camels entered a melon-
field and started eating melons. Unluckily while he was eating a melon, it stuck in the camel’s throat.

3. What did the quack pretend to cure?

Ans: The quack pretended to cure goiter after seeing a camel-man using force to cure the swollen
throat of his camel. But he knew nothing about its treatment. He claimed to be an expert doctor.

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
4. What did the quack do with the old woman?
Ans: The quack inflicted very cruel treatment on the old woman. He tied up her throat with a
blanket. Then he struck her swollen part with a mallet with so much force that the poor creature
expired (died) instantly.

5. What was the result of the cure?

Ans: The result of the cure was very horrible and disastrous. The quack had hoped to cure the old
woman like the camel. He struck her swollen throat with full force but she could not bear the blow
and instantly died on the spot.

6. What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
Ans: The villagers caught the quack when they saw that he had killed the old woman by his wrong
treatment. They forced him to dig her grave. After this, they beat him badly and let him go.

7. For whom did the quack dig the grave?

Ans: The quack dug the grave for the old woman who had died because of his mistaken treatment.
The villagers caught him and forced him to dig the woman’s grave. In fact, it was a sort of
punishment inflicted upon him by the villagers.

8. What did the quack do in the next village?

Ans: The quack did not learn a lesson from the punishment in the first village. He went to the next
village and again pretended to be a doctor of goiter. An old man offered himself for treatment. But
the quack announced that he would not be forced to dig his grave if he died.

9. Why didn’t the villagers let the old man get cured?
Ans: The villagers were alarmed at the quack’s words. They did not let the old man to be cured by
the quack because he was talking about digging the patient’s grave before his treatment. They
thought that he was a false doctor. They asked him to get out of the village.

10. Why did the quack come back to the camel-men?

Ans: The quack realized that his method of treatment was not correct. He thought that the camel
man had not shown him the right way of curing goiter. So, he came back to them to learn the exact
method to cure the disease. In the end, he learnt a lesson that what is good for camel is not good for
human beings.

Words to know:
By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
Clump Proceeding Mounted
Graze Bundle Prodigious
Might Pretend Feeble
Instantly Exclaimed Stolid
Swallowed Expired Scarcely
Labour Seized Consciousness
Uninfluenced Compel Bewildered
Severity Wretch Perceive
Exhorted Stiff


Unit – 10 A Mild Attack of Locusts

 Answer the given questions.
1. What are locusts?
Ans: The locusts are small insects that live in hot countries and fly in large groups. They attack crops
in swarms and eat them up. The farmers are naturally afraid of them. The locusts cause huge financial
loss to them.

2. Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?


3. What was the desire of every farmer?


4. Did Margaret know what to do to keep the locusts away?


5. What was the condition of trees?


6. How did old Stephen treat the stray locust which he found on his shirt?

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
7. Are the hoppers different from the locusts?

8. Did Margaret lose heart on the loss of crops?


9. Why are the locusts compared with bad weather?


10. Why did the men eat their supper with good appetites?

 Words to know:


By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]

Unit – 11 I Have a Dream

 Answer the given questions.
1. What was the cause of Negros' discontentment?(‫)نا راضگی‬
The Negroes were not being treated equally in America and they were also
being deprived of()‫ )مح))روم‬their fundamental rights(‫)بُنی))ادی) حق))وق‬.They were not
allowed to live in the areas where the White lived.
2. What are the qualities of veterans sufferings?
The person who is the victim of veteran(‫ )تجربہ کار‬sufferings becomes a solid
creature who never gives in before hardships.
3. What is the dream of King Martin Luther Jr.?
His dream is that a day will come when all the sons of farm owners and the
children of the slaves will be able to join hands and live like brothers and
sisters. All the Negroes will be equally treated in America and they will
also enjoy equal rights.
4. What should be the faith of Negroes?
Their faith should be that they should soon win the freedom.They will be given
equal rights.
5. What was the necessity of pleading(‫ )لڑنا‬the case of Negroes' freedom?(
The Negroes were being treated as slaves in america.They were tortured
brutally(‫ )ظالم)انہ) ط)ور پر‬by the police.When they demanded equal rights ,they
were sent to narrow jail cells.
6. What should be the criterion(‫ )اصول‬of judgement for a person?
By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.
DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad. [0331-7402593]
A person should be judged by the contents of his character and not by the
colour of his skin.But in America this criterion was not being followed.They
judged a person by the colour of his skin.
7. Do the Negroes enjoy liberty(‫ )آزادی‬in all the parts of their country?
No,the Negroes do not enjoy liberty in the all parts of their country.They are
being treated like slaves in the all parts of their country.
8. From which parts of the country did the Negroes gather there?
The Negroes gathered there from the different parts of America.They had
come from Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana,
California, Tennessee and Colorado.
9. Write down the song in your own words?
The author says that his country is the land of liberty where he lives according
to his own will(‫)مرضی‬.It is land where his forefathers(‫ )آباواج))داد‬are buried.He
says that his land is sacred(‫ )مُقدس‬land where pilgrims(‫ )سیاح‬come to visit it.
10. What is the effect of the repetition(‫)تکرار‬ of the words?
The phrase 'I have a dream' is repeated again and again in the story.This
repetition of words helps the readers reminding the subject matter(‫ )موضوع‬of
the story.

By M. Mohsin Khan Campus-1: St. No. 15, Nisar Colony [0331-7402593]

DISC ACADEMY Campus-2: Chenab School System, Samanabad.

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