Neurophysiological Aspects of Tetanus Toxin Effects ON THE Motor System

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Eur. J. Epidemiol. 0392-2990 Vol. I, No.

September 1985, p. 193-201



K. T A K A N O
Abteihmg PathoneurophysioIogie, Universitiit GOttingen,
Humboldtallee 23, D-3400 G6ttingen, West Germany

Key words: Tetanus toxin - Motor system - Central nervous system - Synaptic

The action of tetanus toxin on the motor system in experimental tetanus

relaLing to the clinical one was reviewed. Special attention was paid to several
controversial results in recent years.

INTRODUCTION muscles, occurring stronger in antigrav,ity muscles,

(e.g. in the extensor muscles of the legs) and in
The m o s t representative sign of the tetanus the ~masseter (trismus). Experimental general 'tet-
intoxication in h u m a n s and animals 'is the hyper- anus c a n be induced by injecting tetanus toxin
activity of the m o t o r system. Most of 'the patients in Lravenousty.
die, if not relaxed by adequate therapy, due to This review will describe the action of tetanus
a n ,apnea, which is caused by the hyperactive toxin .on the m o t o r system in experimentM tetanus
spasms of the r e s p i r a t o r y musc'les. .and relate it to the state .of clinical tetanus. Spe-
L o c k j a w ( t r i s m u s ) a n d / o r so-called, local tet- cial attention will be paid to several controversial
anus ,, ,are frequently the 'first s y m p t o m s ~o,f the results reported in the last ten years. Fo.r recent
disease. The latter is characterized by rigidity or general reviews see H a b e r m a n n (24), Kryzhanov-
painful m u s c u l a r spasm at the site of injury. sky (36), Bizzin,i (4, 5), Takano (62), Mellanby
It .occurrence is not too unusual, especially in and .Green (44), Wellh6ner ,(73), Matsuda (41).
light cases but m a n y of t h e m m a y remain unre-
cognized as tetanus by physicians, and some pa- FATE OF THE TOXIN IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM
tients m a y even not visit 'the clinic. Local tetanus
can well be studied experimentally by injection B i n d i n g to c e n t r a l n e r v o u s s y s t e m . - It i.s well
of tetanus toxin into either the muscle, a peri- k n o w n as Wass,ermann-Takaki p h e n o m e n o n (72),
pheral nerve o r the spinal cord. that tetanus to~in has a strong affinity to the
Fully developed cl,in~,c:al tetanus is r a t h e r well tissue of the central nervous system but not to
characterized by gen<eralized hyperactivity of the other .organs. The gray m a t t e r is stronger m o r e

Corresponding author.

Takano K. Eur. J. Epidemiol.

in ,binding the toxin t h a n the white m a t t e r . Tet- Intraspinal and transsynaptic migration.
anus :toxin shows ,an o p t i m a l i n t e r a c t i o n w i t h l h e After i n t r a m u s c u l a r injection into the gastrocne-
gangliosid, es containing c e r e b r o s i d e (27, 28). In mius at a dose several times higher t h a n one cat
s u b f r a c t i o n a t e d gangliosides the s y n a p t o s o m e m i n i m a l lethal dose (MLD), the first visible sign
m e m b r a n e fraction b o u n d ten times the a m o u n t (light hobbling of freely moving cat) could be
of toxin b o u n d by the synaptic vesicles (45). o b s e r v e d a f t e r 20-30 h, depending ,on the size of
Dimpfel .et .al. (12) using .cell cultures found that the cat and tax, in doses. I.n the next 10 h the stiff
cereb,rosides w e r e not crucial f o r toxin binding. extension of the leg developed r a t h e r speedy up
to its m a x i m a l degree (66). In this stage it is a n
a l m o s t p u r e local tetanus and the toxin is localized
Neuronal transport. - T h e r e are n u m b e r s .of stu-
in the ipsilateral spinal s e g m e n t L7 and S~ (74).
dies showing h o w tetanus toxin reaches its .target
o r g a n w h e n it is :injected into the muscle. I t ,appe- Three to fiwe clays a f t e r toxin injection the
a r s :well e s t a b l i s h e d t h a t the ,toxin is mainly tran- f.o,relegs a n d the c o n t r a l a t e r a l hind leg showed
s p o r t e d retrograd.ely via the alpha m o t o r axons the t e t a n u s signs, p r o v i d e d the doses w e r e suffi-
to tbe .central n e r v o u s s y s t e m (35, 51, 25, 74). The ciently high. Is this d e v e l o p m e n t of the *etanus
ascending axonal ' t r a n s p o r t of the toxin is accele- signs d u e to ,a,n intras,pinal m i g r a t i o n ,of the toxin?
r a t e d w h e n n e r v e activity is .increased (75). G r e e n If so, the ipsilateral m i g r a t i o n velocity in the di-
et al. (22) s h o w e d that the labelled ~2sI,tetanus rection of the b o d y axis seems to b e a l m o s t as co,u~d be ,found only in a l p h a - m o t o r fibres high as .in the p e r i p h e r a l nerve while that in the
in t h e v e n t r a l ro.ot, b u t not in the gamma-fibres. c o n t r a l a t e r a l side of the spinal cord a p p e a r s to
This finding has been one of the a r g u m e n t s to be one h u n d r e d times slower. T h e r e are a n u m b e r
.claim 'that .gamma h y p e r a c t i v i t y has ,only sear- of ex,p e r i m e n t s since the study of Meyer a n d Ran-
ce significance in tetanus ( h o w e v e r , ~see 65). sore (46) which s u p p o r t ,the ,concept of ] n t r a s p i n a i
Though the .main p a t h w a y of :the tox~in are the m i g r a t i o n of the toxin ( f o r review see 80, 44).
m o t o r nerves, t r a n s p o r t is also possible in vagal However, it is also. possible that the toxin is di-
(26) s o m a t o s e n s o r y (19) nerve fibres in cats, and s t r i b u t e d b y the b l o o d circulati,on .due to the lea-
s y m p a t h e t i c ones in rats (56). Recently K a n d a kage f r o m the injection .site, b e c a u s e the onset
and Takano. (31, 32) suggested that the p a r t o,f t i m e in all three legs is roughly the same. No ex-
the toxin which acts .on the e x c i t a t o r y postsynapti.c p e r i m e n t concerning the i.ntraspinal migration is
potential ( E P S P ) seems to ascend in sensory fi-,lable which employs m o d e r n so,phisticated me-
bres b e y o n d the d o r s a l r o o t ganglia. thods (using a label.led toxin etc.).
The speed of the toxin m i g r a t i o n ,in the peri- When toxin was injected 'into a fast flexor
pheral n e r v e has b e e n e s t i m a t e d in the r a t as muscle, like tibialis anterior, initial strong t e t a n u s
5-10 m m / h ,(24), or 7.5 m m / h (56) in the sciatic signs did not o c c u r in this m u s c l e b u t in the ga-
ner~e .o.f ~he cat 7-9 m m / h '(66). In the b r a i n ,of The onset t i m e was 7-8 h o u r s longer
the cat it is a b o u t 1 m m / h (6, 9). than in the case of injection into the gastrocne-
mius. T r a n s s e g m e n t a l m i g r a t i o n of the toxin f r o m
In the n a t u r a l disease the toxin p r o d u c e d
L 4 t o L 7 (,or L 5 t o S l ) w a s t h e r e f o r e a s s u m e d to
b y Clostridium tetani first spreads f r o m the w o u n d
be 7-8 h (66).
into l y m p h a t i c s y s t e m and then passes into the
blood s t r e a m (25, 53). Under e x p e r i m e n t a l conditions tetanus toxin
reaches to the r n o t o n e u r o n e s m o s t l y via mo*o.r
H a b e r m a n n and Di.mpSel (25) have i n j e c t e d
nerve fibres. The action of the toxin ,is presynaptic.
i.v. ~2SIdab.ell.ed toxin in rats at doses 1.ower t h a n
This implies that the toxin can r e a c h the presy-
LD:~0. They o b s e r v e d high radioactivity in the plas- naptic side a p a r t f r o m the m.otoneurone.
m a at the .first d a y a f t e r injection a n d r a p i d napti.c m i g r a t i o n of the toxin into the ~.motoneu-
decay in the following days, w h e r e a s the radio-
ro,ne was suggested b y Schwab and Thoenen (55).
activity in the central n e r v o u s s y s t e m reached its
Thev injected labelled toxin at a very high dose
m a x i m u m at the second day, foil.owed b y a (3.75 t~.g, high purified tox,in) into 'the unilateral
of c o n s t a n t activity. After the 6th day, the .activity deltoideus muscle .of the rat. 7 or 14 h a f t e r the
declined slowly. I t is usuallv p o s t u l a t e d 't(~day injection the radioactivity could b.e r e c o r d e d at
that the toxin first is a b s o r b e d ,at endplates o.f the p r e s y n a p t i c side which was not tbe case in
the muscles and enters into the m o t o r nerve. the control .animal. ( T h e y have not investigated
H o w e v e r , there are controversial reports, s o m e the c o n t r a l a t e r a l .as a .control side). They f u r t h e r
showing the toxin within the e n d p l a t e s (76, 50) o b s e r v e d a decrease .of the r o u n d synaptic vesicles
while o t h e r s have failed to d e m o n s t r a t e this (20, 80). which p r o b a b l y are excitatory ones. The n u m b e r
A c u r r e n t view is, that general tetanus is the of the inhibitory, flattened, vesicles was not chan-
integration of m u l t i p l e local tetanus .events, due ged. They discussed t h a t this .exhaustion of r o u n d
to u p t a k e o.f toxin f r o m the b l o o d by endplates vesicles indicated a h y p e r a c t i v i t y of the e x c i t a t o r y
t h r o u g h o u t the body (24, 25, 44, 4). However, synapses due t.o disinhibition.
this point will be discussed (see ,later).

Vol. 1, 1985 Tetanus toxin: neurophysiological aspects

ACTION ON T H E MUSCLE studied by (66, 61, 30). Takano and Henatsch (66)
have shown that in the passive tension-extension
On the s e n s o r y m u s c l e r e c e p t o r s . - There are relation the a-value (the slopes of the half-loga-
several .old studies declearing that the toxin acts rithmic graph,
directly on the sensory in the muscle t=k.a ~
(e.g. 38, 54; for o t h e r old studies see 80). This t tension, k constant, 1 length of stretch) increa-
interpretation suffers f r o m the lack of m o d e r n sed in the slow muscle u n d e r toxin action. They
knowledge in neurophysiology. ]'he a u t h o r s were did not find any a-value change in the fast mu-
no.t aware .of tile efferent innervation .of the ,mus- scle (60). A change of the a-value could also b.e
cle spindle :by the g a m m a m o t o r cells in the spi- observed a f t e r long continuous nerve s~imulation
nal .cord ,(see 65). There 'is no convincing stu- (unpublished data). These findings indicate that
dy which indicates direct ,effects of this to~in the change of muscle mechanics 'can be the ~result
on the sensory receptors, neither in intra- or of prolcnged high activity of the n e u r o m u s c u l a r
e x t r a m u s c u l a r regions. However, a change of the units.
p a t t e r n of the muscle spindle discarges, which is Ebisawa and M a t s u k u r a (16) e.g., f o u n d .by
probab,ly ,due to an actio,n on the intrafusal fibres a u t o p s y of tetanus patients pathological changes
in local ~etanus, was r e p o r t e d by .our group (49). in the striated muscles, a b n o r m a l bleeding, loss
of stripes, r u p t u r e and degenerative changes.
On the endplate. - Though the main feature
of tetanus is the hyperactivity of the m o t o r sy-
stem, there is a n u m b e r of observations that the EFFECTS ON N E R V E F I B R E S
m a m m a l i a n endplate can be blocked u n d e r some
experimental conditions as well as in ,clinical te- Many w o r k e r s have tried to detect effects of
tanus (10, 48, 35). the to~in on the excitable axon m e m b r a n e b u t
Duchen and his group (13, 14, 15) f o u n d that f o u n d no such signs in vivo (e.g. 77).
after .the functional ~, denervation ,, by tetanus However, a small (but statistically sign~ificant,
toxin there o c c u r r e d ,a sprouting f r o m moto.r ner- p < 0.005) reduc,tion .of the axonal conduction v,e-
ve terminals and subsequently the f o r m i n g of locitv of the m o t o r nerve was found by o u r group
new endplates. (31) which is in accord with the increase .o.f con-
K r e t z s c h m a r et al. (34) have clearly demon- duction time of 'the m o t o r nerve, observed by
strated that tetanus toxin blocks the n e u r o m u - Mikhailov and Shvarts (47). In severe cases of
scular :transmission of the pale fast (white phasic) h u m a n tetanus, nerve conduction was also f o u n d
muscle m o r e strongly than that of the ired stow affected (39).
(tonic) mus.cle. There was a controversial result
by Duchen and his group, which was .clarified by
our g r o u p (34) as an artifact resulting f r o m the EFFECTS ON MONOSYNAPTIC R E F L E X
injection of too large volumes .o.f toxin solution. AND POSTSYNAPTIC I N H I B I T I O N
Results similar to those of K r e t z s c h m a r et al. OF T H E SPINAL M,OTONEURONE
(34), were obtain,ed by o t h e r groups (30, 57, 42, 43).
For f u r t h e r discuss.ion see (63). Brooks, Curtis and E ccles (7) r e p o r t e d no
A flaccid paralysis was observed when very virtual change in the m o n o s y n a p t i c reflex up to
large d o s e s of toxin were injected (10, 48, 15, 43 h after toxin injection into the spinal cord
34, 57). The paralysis was p r e c e d e d by a hyper- (0.4 or 10 mouse MLD) or into the sciatic nerve
activity of the intoxicated muscle (34). 7×106 mouse MLD of the cat. They investigated
five types of p o s t s y n a p t i c inhibition of the moto-
D i r e c t and~or s e c o n d a r y a c t i o n on the s t r i a t e d neurone and f o u n d that all of them were blocked
m u s c l e . - The ,early period of clinical as well as by tetanus toxin. There are several other studies
of experimental local tetanus, the main,ta.ined short- in s u p p o r t of this statement (e.g. 79, 21). I n these
ening of the muscle ~is caused by a ,tonic activity studies the well k n o w n hypothesis was est,ab-
of the m o t o r units, and therefore a high activity lished t h a t the .clinical picture, namely a Lgeneral
in the e l e c t r o m y o g r a m (EMG) can b e observed. hyperactivi.ty .o,f the m o t o r system, reflects a di-
When the muscle nerve i.s ,cut the EMG disappears. sinhibition within the spinal cord.
In the later period the rigid extension of the However, Sverdlov (58) r e p o r t e d depression
hind leg can f u r t h e r be sustained even wi,thout of the monosynap,tic reflex in the later preriod
any EMG activity. When the muscle nerve 'is cut, of intoxication. Similar findings were obtained by
the rigidity persists. This now is a contracture. Mikhailov and Shvarts (47) with single motoneu-
Old investigators of tetanus were aware o,f this tones. These russian studies remained unnoticed
fact (e.g. 46). by some reviewers (.e.g. 44, 5) or were misinter-
I n 1928 Ranson (52) showed an increase in preted (80).
stiffness of the intoxi.caved muscle. The tens.ion- Results of our group (68, 71) clearly showed
extension curve of the intoxicated muscle was partial or total depression of the m o n o s y n a p t i c

Takano K. Eur. J. Epidemiol.

reflex after the injection of toxin into the triceps S p i n a l i n t e r n e u r o n e s . - The facilitation o.f the
surae .muscle of the cat at doses of 1 m o u s e polysynaptic reflexes indicates hyperactivity of va-
MLD/kg to 10,000 m o u s e MLD/kg. At the time rious interneurones. There are no reports about
when the signs of local tetanus .could be .observed the facilitation of particular interneurones, except
we ,could always see the depression o.f the mono- for the Renshaw cell and the Ia inhibitory inter-
synaptic 'reflex. neurone .( 1 ). When the micropipette .electrode was
We could never failed to r e c o r d responses of iffserted into the spinal .cord to r e c o r d activities
alpha motoneuro.nes 'in experiments concerned o.f motoneur.ones (31, 32) or Renshaw cells (1, 33)
with R e n s h a w cells, w h e n a n t i d r o m i c stimulation a highly increased spontaneous activity of unde-
of the m o t o r nerve was p e r f o r m e d (1, 33). This fined interneurones was frequently observed in
fact showed that the blocking effect of the toxin the int,oxicated animal, as c o m p a r e d to the non-
was not directed on the mo.toneuronM soma b u t intoxicated one.
r a t h e r on its .excitatory synapses. To s u p p o r t the- First observations about 'the Renshaw cell du-
se findings K a n d a and Takano r e c o r d e d I a I P S P s ring tetanus intoxication were made by Brooks
and EPSPs f r o m micro.recorded indivfdual alpha et al. (7). They r e p o r t e d that the ,toxin prevented
m o t o n e u r o n e s (31). Tetanus toxin at the dose o,f the r e c u r r e n t inhibitory action of the Renshaw
100 m o u s e MLD/kg ( c o r r e s p o n d i n g to 0.0'5 cat cell on the m o t o n e u r o n e , w i t h o u t altering the re-
MLD/kg) was injected into the medial gastrocne- sponse of the Kenshaw cells themselves. Curtis
mius of the cat. I,aIPSPs could only be prodtlced and de Groat (8) demons'trated that tetanus toxin
up to 30 h after toxin .injection, thereafter they reduced the a m o u n t of glycine, released f r o m in-
had disappeared. I a E P S P s were depressed not ear- hibitory p r e s y n a p t i c terminals.
lier than 4 days after the injection. Benecke et al. (1), showed that the response
Bigalke (3) a n d Bergey et al. (2) f o u n d si- to a n t i d r o m i c m o t o r nerve stimulation as well as
milar .effects of tetanus toxin on 'the cultured cell. the spontaneous activity o.f the Renshaw cell in-
They observed also that the blocking of IPSPs creased during the development of local .tetanus.
was followed by that of the EPSPs. and Takano (33) observed .the Renshaw
H e t e r o n y m o u s EPSPs .remained n o r m a l when cell activity for longer times after the intramus-
the nerve to the lateral gastrocnemius and soleus cular injection of the toxin. The a n t i d r o m i c re-
muscle was sectioned just before the toxin injec- sponses as well as spontaneous activity of the
tion. This finding m i g h t be explained bv sugge- Renshaw cell r e t u r n e d to n o r m a l levels after a
sting that tetanus toxin acting on the EPSP does while. The m u t u a l inhibition of Renshaw ceils,
not a s c e n d in m o t o r axons but in ,sensory fi,bres. however, disappeared in the local tetanus.
Wiegand and Wellh6ner (78) :as well as K a n d a In c o n t r a s t to the fact that the toxin can
and Takano ,(31), have investigated m o t o n e u r o n e s block the endplate, the .cholinergic syn,apses on
in the period of local tetanus, induced by intra- the Renshaw cell were always left intact in all
m u s c u l a r injection o.f small doses of tetanus toxin. studies .on this subject (7, 1, 33).
While the rigidity was evident, they did not ob- Wellh6ner (73) w r o t e that the activation by
serve any change in the electrical pro,perties of tetanus toxin of spinal c o r d functions m a y not
mo,toneurones, such as resting potential, after hy- be due to an effect .on m o t o n e u r o n e s but on inter-
perp.olarisalion, m e m b r a n e resistance. However, neurones adjacent to them. If so, one might be
these were changed in the cultured cell (11). able to prevent the spinal ,effects o~f the toxin b y
intrathecal ~injection of antitoxin. This has been
achieved by E r d m a n n et al..(18).

P o I y s y n a p t i c reflex. - A n u m b e r of authors The depolarisation of p r i m a r y afferent fibres

observed great facilitations .of polysynaptic retie- t h r o u g h axo-axonal synapses reduces the ampli-
xes in the period when the spontaneous activity tude of their terminal action potentials, .resulting
of the muscle was increased after the intramus- in .a decrease .of t r a n s m i t t e r release f r o m the pre-
cular o r i n t r a n e u r o n . a l injection of the ~toxin synaptic terminals on motoneurones. Consequen-
(e.g. 7, 10, 79). The potysynaptic reflexes were tly the excitatory p o s t s y n a p t i c potential of the
nociceptive reflexes a n d / o r of undefined nature, m o t o n e u r o n e is depressed. This action is k n o w n
since these authors recorded f r o m whole ventral as presynaptic ,inhibition. The electronic spread
roots consisting of nerve fibres to flexor as well of depolarizati,on of the p r i m a r y afferent endings
as extensor muscles. We have d e m o n s t r a t e d (64) can be recorded f r o m the dorsal root surface of
that the proprioceptive stretch reflex as wel,1 as the spinal cord, which is called ,, .dorsal root po-
non-proprio,ceptive reflexes are facilitated during tential ,,. Presynaptic inhibition ,is .characterized
tetanus. by its ,delayed appearance ,and prolonged duration

Vol. 1, 1985 Tetanus toxin: neuro.physiologicaI aspects

(for f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n see textbooks of neuro- better s.imulation of the clinical tetanus than the
physiology). experimental local tetanus, there .are only few
Sverdloaz a n d Aleks.eeva (59) r e p o r t e d that ap- neurophysiologieal experiments on the m o t o r sy-
p a r e n t p r e s y n a p t i c inhibition of gastrocnemius ,mo- stem after i.v. injection of the toxin.
toneurones was decreased in local tetanus after to- H a b e r m a n n and Dimpfel (25) injected 12sI-
xin injection at doses of 500-1000 mo.use MLD/kg in- labelled tetanus toxin i.v. in rats. After a few
to the g a s t r o c n e m i u s muscle, but that ,the dorsal hours they could find some radioactivity in the
roo.t potential was not changed. brain stem and spinal cord, but not in the fore-
Curtis and his coworkers (9) f o u n d neither brain and cerebellum. Less than 1% of the radio-
dorsal root potentials n o r presynaptic inhibition activity injected was fo.und in the structures of
nine hours after they had injected tetanus toxin central nervous system. They concluded that the
at doses .of 6000 m o u s e MLD/kg tinto the lateral blood-brain b a r r i e r was practically impermeable
aspect of the ventral h o r n at $1-$2 junction of for tetanus toxin. After m o r e detailed study Erd-
the cat. m a n n and H a b e r m a n n (1.7) pushed f o r w a r d s the
On the other h a n d K r y z h a n o v s k y and Lut- hypothesis that generalized tetanus is a multiple
senko (37) f o u n d an increase of the dorsal root local tetanus.
potential after i n t r a m u s c u l a r injecti,on of toxin at When Huck et al. (29) injected tetanus toxin
the dose of 5 rat MLD. We, too, observed that ( 2 x 1 0 s m o u s e LD~0)i.v. in rabbits, a r h y t h m i c
the presynaptic inhibition was prolonged up to electrical activity was recorded in the cerebellum
2000 ms or m o r e u n d e r the toxin action. and in the spinal cord. More than 50% of alpha-
T,o study presynaptic inhibition, we ,i,njected and g a m m a - m o t o n e u r o n e s to the extensor muscle
tetanus toxin ,at doses of 2-2000 m o u s e MLD/kg and o,f Renshaw cells in the L 7 spinal segment
into the gastrocnemius of the left bind leg of the discharged =in correlation with the :cerebellum wa-
cat. Acute experiments were p e r f o r m e d at various ves. Cooling of the surface of cerebellum suppres-
later times when the intoxicated hind leg was sed the r h y t h m i c activity in the cerebellum as
strongly extended. An inhibition of p r e s u m e d pve- well as in the spinal cord. After spinal transection
synaptic ,type of the m o n o s y n a p t i c reflex of ga- at T 2 the r h y t h m i c .activity could be r e c o r d e d in
strocnemius m o t o n e u r o n e s was elicited by single the cerebellum but no longer in the spinal cord.
electrical stimuli to the antagonistic deep pero- F r o m these results we concluded that ~h.e
neal nerve. I n d e p e n d e n t of the doses used, the main source of the r h y t h m i c hyperactivity o.f the
typical long lasting inhibition (up to 2000 m s ) spinal cord, as observed in the generalized tetanus,
c o u l d be observed as long as the m o n o s y n a p t i c lies no,t in the spinal c o r d itself but in the supra-
reflex could be r e c o r d e d (71). spinal structures, possibly in the brain stem.
Considering the different m e t h o d s o.f toxin In severe cases o,f general tetanus of the cat we
application in the experiments of the groups on could totally inhibit the ,stretch reflex using severa,1
presynaptic .inhibit:ion, we come to the foil.owing types .of postsynaptic inhibition .(e.g. an~tagonistic
conclusions: Tetanus toxin at a high local con- and Ib .inhibition) as well as presynaptic tinhib.ition
centration blocks or reduces b o t h the p r e s y n a p t i c (69). Also the m u t u a l inhibition o,f Renshaw cells
inhibition a n d the dorsal root potential, p r o b a b l y in rabbits could always be observed during this
by depressing the t r a n s m i t t e r release at the axo- stage in contrast to local tetanus. (Kirchner, un-
axonal Synapses as shown in .the study of Curtis publ,ished observation).
et ,al. (9). When the local c o n c e n t r a t i o n is consi- In view o.f these results a critical reconside-
derably lower, like in the studies of S~¢erdlov and ration of the hypothesis that the general tetanus
Alekseeva (59), .of K r y z h a n o v s k y and Lutsenko is ran :integration of the multiple local tetanus is
(37) and of ,ours ,(71), the m e c h a n i s m ,of presy- needed. R e m e m b e r that b o t h types of synapses
nap,tic inh,ib.ition seems to remain intact, or m i g h t can be blocked in local tetanus when toxin dose
even be a u g m e n t e d for so,me time. is low.
In h u m a n ~e.tanus intoxication, which com-
m o n l y shows s y m p t o m s of general tetanus, the
toxin c o n c e n t r a t i o n within the spinal segments is
far lower than can be achieved in most experi-
ments with local tetanus. Therefore it ~s highly
The ~importance of the g a m m a m o t o r system
probable that p r e s y n a p t i c inhibition is left intact
in the m o t o r control functions is well establ, ish.ed
in clinical tetanus.
(see text books of neurop.hysio!ogy). The possible
contri,bution of the g a m m a m o t o r ,system ,in tet-
GENERAL (,OR GENERALIZED) TETANUS anus :disease was discussed by m a n y reviewers.
AFTER TOXIN INJECTION My point of view, based on a series of specific
experiments, is that the g a m m a m o t o r system
Though the experimental generalized tetanus plays an ,important role in clinical as well as in
after intravenous injection of tetanus toxin, ,is a refevant experimental tetanus. One m a y be remin-

Takano K. Eur. J. Epidemiol.

ded that the first t h e r a p e u t i c a l choice of m o s t to elucidate the pathogenesis and t h e r a p y of te-
physicians in .cases of tetanus is the a p p l i c a t i o n tanus. In m o s t cases of m o d e r n .animal experi-
of d i a z e p a m or o t h e r b.enzodiazepines (.e.g. 40) ments, the local c o n c e n t r a t i o n of tetanus tox,in
which act p a r t i c u l a r l y on the g a m m a s y s t e m (70). at the investigated site was far higher t h a n in
For f u r t h e r details see a s e p a r a t e review special the case o.f the .clinical disease.
on that subject which a p p e a r s e l s e w h e r e (65). Let us r e t u r n to the principal question: W h a t
is the ,origine o.f the h y p e r a c t i v i t y of the m o t o r
s y s t e m in tetanus a p p e a r i n g as convulsions and
ACTION OF TETANUS TOXIN INJECTED rigidi.ty? The e x p e r i m e n t a l finding t h a t the moto-
INTO THE BRAIN n e u r o n e s of the spinal c o r d .or o t h e r nerve cells
in the central nervous s y s t e m are ,disinhibited in
Many a u t h o r s have injected the toxin directly the early period a f t e r local injection of toxin, was
at definite sites of the brain. I n m o s t o.f these e x t r a p o l a t e d to the situation in clinical tetanus.
studies a b n o r m a l m o t o r activities like seizures and Under the .assumption that the general tetanus
forced turning m o v e m e n t s could be observed. Wel- m i g h t be a multiple local tetanus, one t r i e d to (73) has p r e s e n t e d an extensive table of explain the prevailing h y p e r a c t i v i t y b y an overall
the effects o b t a i n e d in such studies. general disinhibition of all p a r t s of m o t o r system.
However, we have seen t h a t in the later pe-
PRESYNAPTIC ACTION OF TETANUS TOXIN riod of 1.ocal tetanus the excitatory .transmission
to mo.toneurones is also d e p r e s s e d at low toxin
Many a u t h o r s have suggested or d e m o n s t r a - doses, the endplate can be blocked and the muscle
ted that the action of tetanus toxin .on the end- itself r e m a i n s in a rigid state w i t h o u t any elec-
plate is located p r e s y n a p t i c a l l y (see for review 73). trical ,activity .(contracture). Therefore, the disin-
T e t a n u s ,toxin can b l o c k the n e u r o m u s c u l a r tran- hibition of the spinal m o t o n e u r 0 n e s ~is obviously
smission b u t does not block the r e c e p t o r s for the p r e d o m i n a n t only in the early d e v e l o p m e n t of
t r a n s m i t * e r at the .postsynaptic .membrane. The ,the iocM tetanus as already described. We ,co-
thesis of p r e s y n a p t i c action of the toxin on the uM also .observe the intact functioning .many
e n d p l a t e was s u p p o r t e d by m o r p h o l o g i c a l stu- types of inhibition in the spinal ,cord u n d e r ge-
dies (50, 76). neral tetanus. T,o m a i n t a i n the state which causes
Curtis a n d de G r o a t (8) f o u n d t h a t tetanus co,n~vulsions a n d rigidity, excitation as well ,as in-
toxin blocks the synaptic inhibition by the Ren- hibition of the m o t o n e u r o n e s m u s t be r a t h e r intact.
shaw cell w i t h o u t affecting the inhibitory action I t could be suggested t h a t the .origin of general
of glycine. Glycine is a s s u m e d to be the t r a n s m i t - m o t o r h y p e r a c t i v i t y lies in higher central n e r v o u s
ter o,f the inhibitory synapses f o r m e d b y the Ren- structures, including s u p r a s p i n a l g a m m a mo.tor
s h a w cell at m o t o n e u r o n e s as well .as in o t h e r ty- ,activation, and not in the spinal cord. I t is an open
pes of p o s t s y n a p t i c ,inhibition. They suggested t h a t question w h e t h e r such higher centres a r e solely
t e t a n u s toxin exerts its action by reducing the responsible for the state of general tetanus, or
a m o u n t of glycine released f r o m the inhibitory w e t h e r ~it also needs s o m e s u p p l e m e n t a r y actions
terminals. F u r t h e r Curtis et al. (9) d e m o n s ' t r a t e d of the toxin at the spinal m o t o r level.
t h a t the inhibitory action of the P u r k i n j e cell was
totally d e p r e s s e d by tetanus toxin. The P u r k i n j e
.cell could be d e p r e s s e d by electrophoretic appli-
cation .of GABA. This s t u d y also suggests that the
toxin dimin, ished the synaptic release o.f GABA
r a t h e r t h a n 'its p o s t s y n a p t i c .effect. The s a m e con-
clusion was m a d e by Gushkin et al. (23), w i t h
respect to the m o t o n e u r o n e .


Discrepancies of the results of various inve-

stigations r e p o r t e d ,above, seem to be due m o s t l y
to different toxin applications and o t h e r varia-
tions of e x p e r i m e n t a l conditions (e.g. animal spe- ~eknowledgement
cies, t i m e a f t e r injection). H a b e r m a n n (24), as
well as o u r group (67), have distinguished two This study is dedicated to Prof. Dr. H.D. Henatsch
types .of ,experimentation: one a i m e d at the m o d e on occasion of his 65th aniversary. The author thanks
.of action of the toxin w i t h o u t being i n t e r e s t e d Prof Dr. H.D. Henatsch and Dr. F. Kirchner for
in the clinical relevance, the o t h e r was designed reading the manuscript.

Vol. 1, 1985 Tetanus toxin: neurophysiological aspects

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