Lal2017-Aerosol and Lightning

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Clim Dyn

DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3851-2

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic

Plain (IGP), India
D. M. Lal1,2 · Sachin D. Ghude1 · M. Mahakur1 · R. T. Waghmare1 · S. Tiwari1 ·
Manoj K. Srivastava2 · G. S. Meena1 · D. M. Chate1 

Received: 27 March 2017 / Accepted: 1 August 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract  The relationship between aerosol and lightning sector of IGP than the north-east, whereas it is moderate
over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India has been evalu- over the central IGP. We conclude that aerosol is playing a
ated by utilising aerosol optical depth (AOD), cloud droplet major role in lightning activity over the north-west sector
effective radius and cloud fraction from Moderate Resolu- of IGP, but, local meteorological conditions such as conver-
tion Imaging Spectroradiometer. Lightning flashes have been gences of dry and moist air is the principal cause of lightning
observed by the lightning Imaging sensor on the board of over the north-east sector of IGP. In addition, atmospheric
Tropical Rainfall and Measuring Mission and humidity from humidity also plays an important role in regulating the effect
modern-era retrospective-analysis for research and applica- of aerosol on the microphysical properties of clouds over
tions for the period of 2001–2012. In this study, the role of IGP region.
aerosol in lightning generation over the north-west sector
of IGP has been revealed. It is found that lightning activity
increases (decreases) with increasing aerosols during nor- 1 Introduction
mal (deficient) monsoon rainfall years. However, lightning
increases with increasing aerosol during deficient rainfall The processes involved in generating lightning and its
years when the average value of AOD is less than 0.88. We association with aerosols are quite complicated. Aerosol
have found that during deficient rainfall years the moisture loading influences the cloud microphysics by reducing the
content of the atmosphere and cloud fraction is smaller than size of cloud droplet and increasing its number concen-
that during the years with normal or excess monsoon rainfall tration (Twomey1977; Kaufman and Fraser 1997; Bréon
over the north-west IGP. Over the north-east Bay of Bengal et al. 2002; Feingold et al. 2003). The decrease in the size
and its adjoining region the variations of moisture and cloud of cloud droplet suppresses the precipitation by slowing
fraction between the deficient and normal rainfall years are down the conversion of cloud droplets into raindrops.
minimal. We have found that the occurrence of the light- This delay inhibits rainfall, which results in an enhance-
ning over this region is primarily due to its topography and ment in the retention time of clouds to hold the liquid
localised circulation. The warm-dry air approaching from water, thereby, increasing the lifetime of clouds and total
north-west converges with moist air emanating from the Bay cloud cover. Increasing aerosol concentration increases the
of Bengal causing instability that creates an environment fractional cloud coverage and the lifetime of the clouds
for deep convective cloud and lightning. The relationship (Albrecht 1989; Feingold et al. 2001; Koren et al. 2005,
between lightning and aerosol is stronger over the north-west 2010; Kaufman et al. 2005; Loeb and Schuster 2008; Yuan
et al. 2011; Small et al. 2011; Wang et al.2013). On the
other hand, some authors (Wen et al. 2007, 2013; Marshak
* D. M. Lal
et al. 2008; Twohy et al. 2009; Varnai and Marshak 2009;;
Jeong and Li 2010; Chand et al. 2012; Altaratz et al. 2013;
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India Varnai et al. 2013) suggested that high and deep cloud cov-
Department of Geophysics, Banaras Hindu University, erage (fraction) generates aerosols by evaporating cloud
Varanasi, India droplets near the edge of clouds, hence, enhanced aerosol

D. M. Lal et al.

concentration may be seen in such fraction. Further, Lightning also positively correlated with convective
humidity effect swells the size of aerosol when it comes available potential energy (CAPE). Origination of CAPE
in contact with cloud where humidity is, in general, more in the atmosphere is the cause of unsaturated air on ground
than 99% overwhelm the aerosol concentration(Chand with respect to moisture. Siingh et al. (2015) have corre-
et al. 2012; Varnai and Marshak 2009; Yuan et al. 2008; lated lightning flashes with surface temperature over the
Varnai et al. 2013). In addition, 3-D radiative effect (Wen Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal, and the Bay of Bengal and
et al. 2007, 2008) and instrument blurring effect (Meister South China Sea. They found well positive correlations of
and McClain 2010) bias the estimation of AOD leading lightning flashes with surface temperature (R ~0.69, 0.66)
to observations of unnaturally high aerosol concentration and CAPE (R ~0.83, 0.74). In a study over central India,
during the cloudy period. Yuan et al. (2008) reported a Pawar et al. (2012) have found the decisive role of CAPE
positive correlation between cloud droplet effective radius in a lightning generation. Also, Kumar and Kamra (2010)
(DER) and aerosols, and concluded that such relation is have investigated the seasonal and inter-annual variations
cause of humidity effect (aerosol swelling), three-dimen- in electrical activity over the Car-Nicobar, Little Andaman
sional (3-D) effect, partially cloudy effect, atmospheric and North Andaman Islands. They observed an increase in
dynamics and surface influence effect on aerosols. flash density and flash rate with the increase in the area of
The vital role of aerosols in regulating the convective the island.
strength is evidently shown in some modelling and observa- Local meteorological conditions are also responsible for
tional studies (Andreae et al. 2004; Wang 2005; Koren et al. lightning. For example, if two streams of air (i.e. cold–moist
2005; Zhang et al. 2007; Rosenfeld et al. 2008; Wang et al. and dry–hot) coming from different directions are forced
2011). Atmospheric aerosol can be considered as a principle to rise where they flow together or converge and form the
cause for the invigoration of deep cloud, stronger updraft, cloud (Met office version-1 2007, http://cedadocs.badc.
cloud ice and hail particles (Andreae et  al. 2004; Peng Besides this, land surface
et al. 2016). Strong updraft and deep convection, as a result inhomogeneities, soil, mountain valley-plateau wind, ther-
of high aerosol loadings, plays a crucial role in lightning mally driven wind system due to slope, etc. (Orville 1965a,
production, evidenced with strong positive correlation of b; Raymond and Wilkening 1980; Holroyd 1982; Klitch
updraft velocity with lightning activity (Workman and Reyn- et al. 1985; Toth and Johnson 1985) are some other kind of
olds 1949; Williams and Lhermitte 1983; Dye et al. 1989; sources responsible for rising instability in the atmosphere
Carey and Rutledge 1996; Rutledge et al. 1992; Petersen and assisting in the formation of clouds. Over the north-east
et al. 1996, 1999). Also, cloud ice has a positive correla- IGP region, most of the lightning occurs during Nor’wester
tion with lightning (Blyth et al. 2001; Lal and Pawar 2009). locally known “Kalbaisakhi”. Nor’wester is a severe thun-
The hypothesis of the role of ice is that hydrometers collide derstorm generally originating over north and north-east
to each other causing generation of charge on ice crystals, parts of India during pre-monsoon (MAM). It occurs due
graupel, and liquid water inside the thundercloud (Reynolds to the convergence of moist air and warm-dry air (Roy and
et al. 1957; Takahashi 1978). Whereas, the polarity of charge Chatterjee 1929). During Nor’wester, heavy lightning, thun-
on hydrometers depends on particle size, temperature, liquid der, hailstorms, dust storms, squalls, etc., occurs. Occur-
water content, condensation, evaporation and sublimation/ rence the convection over Bihar, Jharkhand and the adjoining
melting of ice (Williams et al.1991; Saunders et al. 2006). states of India is due to strong heating of landmass over the
The existing contrast in lightning frequency over land and regions. Later, it moves towards the Gangetic West Bengal.
ocean (Zipser 1994; Williams and Stanfill 2002) is assumed There, it gets mixed with the low level warm moist air (com-
to be a cause of contrast in convection, thermodynamic and ing from the Bay of Bengal), and gets intensified (Mukho-
aerosols loadings over land and ocean (Williams and Stanfill padhyay et al. 2009; Tyagi et al. 2012).
2002; Yuan et al. 2011, 2012). Urban aerosols are another Above discussion confirms that atmospheric aerosols,
challenge for mankind influences the lightning (Westcott local meteorological conditions and atmospheric dynam-
1995; Orville et al. 2001; Steiger et al. 2002; Steiger and ics play an important role in regulating cloud microphysics
Orville 2003; Kar et al. 2009; Farias et al. 2009; Antonescu through different ways including relative humidity, updraft
and Ştefan 2011; Lal and Pawar 2011; Zhang et al. 2015). velocity, instability and available precipitable water (Roy
Furthermore, Lal et al. (2013) reported that amount of high and Chatterjee 1929; Loeb and Schuster 2008; Mukhopad-
altitude cloud fraction increases with aerosols loadings and hyay et al. 2009; Kalthoff et al. 2009; Dey et al. 2011; Tyagi
vice-versa over the IGP region. Increase cloud base height et al. 2012). Therefore, in the present study, an attempt is
increases lightning (Williams and Stanfill 2002; Williams made to bring-out the possible association between aero-
and Satori 2004).Thus, it is clear that aerosols variability sols and lightning by utilising satellite data over the Indo-
plays a major role in modulating frequency of lightning Gangetic Plain (IGP). In terms of gas and aerosol loading,
activity. IGP is one of the most polluted regions in the world (Di

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

Girolamo et al. 2004; Ramanathan and Ramana 2005; Tri- merged infrared brightness temperature data at the spatial
pathi et al. 2006; Ghude et al. 2011; Lal et al. 2012, 2013). resolution of 4 km from Climate Prediction Centre (CPC)
Lightning also enhances the N ­ Ox (Nesbitt et al. 2000; Bonda (Joyce et al. 2001) used in our analysis. Finally, we used
et al. 2002). Population living along the IGP region use bio- CAPE data from University of Wyoming (http://weather.
fuels for house-hold activities, and fossil-fuels (coal and and from the ERA-
petrol) in industries and plant for an energy source. Exten- Interim reanalysis. ERA is a latest global atmospheric rea-
sive enhancement in the use of coal and petrol increases the nalysis produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range
pollution, thereby, aerosols loading over the region (Ram- Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) provide the data since 1979
anathan and Ramana 2005; Tripathi et  al. 2006; Ghude and updates continuously. Monthly averaged CAPE data is
et al. 2008; Lal et al. 2012, 2013). In addition, transporta- considered for the period of 2001–2012.
tion of dust aerosol from the deserts in the north-western
of India, adjoining Pakistan and Arabian Peninsula towards
the Gangetic plains and the prevailing meteorological con- 3 Results and discussion
ditions are responsible for further enhancement in aerosol
loading (Middleton 1986; Prospero et al. 2002; Srivastava 3.1 Area selection
et al. 2011; Lal et al. 2012, 2013). The study regarding the
impact of such aerosol on climate change and human health Indo-Gangetic Plain has been considered to bring out the
over the IGP is essential on account of the fact that one-sixth role of aerosol on lightning. The distributions of average
of the world population living in such small and polluted surface temperature and aerosols over the region, for the year
area is directly affected. 2010, as discussed in Sect. 3.4.2, are shown in Fig. 1. In this
figure, the yearly averaged surface temperature ~300 K over
the eastern part of Rajasthan, Kolkata, Jharkhand, north-
2 Data and analysis eastern part of India, some parts of Odisha and western pen-
insula can be seen (Fig. 1a). During pre-monsoon, increased
Used data in this study are occurrence of lightning, aero- homogeneous surface temperature (up to ~305 K) over the
sol loading, clouds characteristic, and weather parameters entire part of northern India including IGP region, north-
etc., over IGP regions for the period of 2001–2012. Aero- west India, Central India, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh,
sol loading is characterised by aerosol optical depth (AOD) whereas nearly 300 K temperature over Kerala, can be seen.
and widely used 550 nm wavelength. We have considered During monsoon period, the surface temperature ~305 K
monthly average AOD, cloud fraction and cloud-ice effective over Pakistan and western part of Rajasthan and Punjab, and
radius data from MODIS-Terra Ver. 5.1 (MOD08_M3.051) nearly 300 K over the western peninsula, north-east India
Level 3 with grid resolution 1° × 1°. Moderate Resolution and Odisha has been noticed (Fig. 1c). It is noteworthy that
Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a key instrument for temperature over IGP region in north-India is either uniform
viewing the entire Earth’s surface on every 1–2 days, acquir- or having less variation during monsoon period and pre-
ing data in 36 spectral bands. Lightning flash data is consid- monsoon period.
ered from the lightning imaging sensor (LIS) on the board In the case of aerosol distribution, annually averaged high
of tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) satellite, aerosol concentration (aerosol optical depth, AOD) range
which was launched on 28 November 1997 for collecting 0.6–0.7 over IGP region can be seen (Fig. 1d). The AOD
globally total (intra-cloud and cloud-to-ground) lightning. over Odisha and eastern part of the peninsula is observed
The detection efficiency of LIS is more than 90% at a spatial in between 0.4 and 0.6. During pre-monsoon, the aerosol
resolution of 4 × 4 km2 (Christian et al. 1999). The ground concentration (AOD) range 0.5–0.6 over north-west IGP,
speed of LIS (TRMM Satellite) is 6.9 km s−1 and measure Mumbai and eastern part of coastal region i.e. Odisha and
the footprint up to 90 s as it passes overhead. The detec- Andhra Pradesh with higher AOD range 0.6–0.7 over north-
tion time of LIS is too small to represent the total lightning east IGP (i.e. Kolkata) can be seen (Fig. 1e). Contrarily, the
occurred on a respective day. To overcome this problem, higher AOD (0.9–1) during monsoon period over north-west
we used monthly average and area average raw lightning IGP and Pakistan has been found (Fig. 1f). White-shaded
flash data in this study. TRMM’s 3B43_007, grid resolution areas correspond to the lack of MODIS-Terra input aerosol
0.25° × 0.25° is also considered for monthly rainfall for the data in the figure. Both aerosol (Rosenfeld et al. 2008, 2012)
study regions. Similarly, monthly surface temperature and and surface temperature (Price 1993) are playing an impor-
six hourly relative humidity and wind data with the resolu- tant role in modification of cloud causing lightning in the
tion of 0.67° × 0.5° from Modern-era Retrospective-Analysis atmosphere. Since, both (aerosol and surface temperature)
for Research and Applications (MERRA) (Rienecker et al. are acting simultaneously on lightning in the atmosphere;
2011) is used in the analysis. Correspondingly, half hourly it is difficult to distinguish the role of either temperature

D. M. Lal et al.

Fig. 1  Map showing spatial distribution of surface temperature for a yearly average for 2010 b pre-monsoon period c monsoon period (overlaid
contour line shows temperature in °K), and aerosol d yearly average 2010 e pre-monsoon period f monsoon period (bar scale shows AOD)

or aerosol on lightning individually. IGP, with mostly uni- 3.2 Climatology of AOD and lighting over the study
form temperature regime during the pre-monsoon period and area
monsoon period, is, however, a suitable place to overcome
this problem, and so, to bring out the role of aerosol on Climatology (2001–2012) of AOD and lightning over the
lightning, individually. Based on spatio-temporal variation R1, R2 and R3 region during monsoon (JJAS), pre-monsoon
in rainfall, population density, temperature, aerosol load- (MAM) and annual is shown in Fig. 3a–c respectively. It
ing and lightning, we have selected three regions namely (i) can be seen that average AOD over the region R1 ~0.52,
north-west: R1 (Lat. 27–32°N, Long. 74–79°E), (ii) middle: is high as compared to AOD observed over the regions R2
R2 (Lat. 23–28°N, Long. 79–84°E) and north-east: R3 (Lat. (~0.49) and R3 (~0.48) (Fig. 3c). During pre-monsoon,
20–26°N, Long. 84–89°E) over the IGP, for the analysis, and AOD over the region R1, R2 and R3 are ~0.47, ~0.45 and
shown in Fig. 2. ~0.46, respectively (Fig. 3b), and during monsoon period

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

Fig. 2  Study area over IGP

mentioned as R1, R2 and R3
with wind streamline for 25
May 2002 at 250 hPa (bar
colour code scale shows wind
speed m/s)

Fig. 3  Yearly and area aver-

aged AOD (gray shade bar
with horizontal line) and total
lightning (red bar with diagonal
line) during the period of
2001–2012 over north-west:
R1 (27–32°N, 74–79°E), mid-
dle: R2 (23–28°N, 79–84°E)
and north-east: R3 (20–26°N,
84–89°E) of IGP, India during
a monsoon period JJAS, b pre-
monsoon MAM and c annual
averages (vertical bar shows the
standard deviation)

these are ~0.68, ~0.59 and ~0.56, respectively (Fig. 3a). R1, R2 and R3 are observed 8658.54, 4397.23 and 7668.15,
It is worth to note that the aerosol concentrations during respectively during the same period (Fig. 3c). It can also be
the pre-monsoon season over all the three regions are less seen that occurrence of lightning over R1 is more compared
as compared to those during monsoon season (Fig. 3a, b). R2 and R3, where R2 is the lowest. Similarly, lightning over
The annual average total lightning flashes over the regions R1, R2 and R3 during monsoon period is 4593.69, 2272

D. M. Lal et al.

and 3342.69 (Fig. 3a), and during the pre-monsoon period particles, respectively, for the Arabian Sea. Figure 5 also
is 3422.69, 1751.31 and 3726.23 respectively (Fig. 3b). It shows nearly equal Ångström exponent (α) values (~0.7)
shows that region R1 and R3 are lightning prone zones. for December and March month over the region R1 and for
September and March (~0.88) over region R3. It attributes
3.3 Seasonal Variations of AOD and Lightning the presence of mixed mode aerosol particles during the
months over the regions. Increasing aerosol concentration
Figure 4 shows a seasonal variation of monthly averaged with decreasing Ångström exponent (α) during pre-monsoon
total lightning and AOD over the region R1, R2 and R3 for (MAM) till onset monsoon season and prevailing westerly
the period of 2001–2012. The higher aerosol concentration wind (Fig. 2) over this region reveal that the dust aerosol par-
(AOD) is found during the month of July and decreasing ticles during this period are transported from north-western
during monsoon period up to September over the north-west deserts like Pakistan, Afghanistan, North Africa and Arabian
regions i.e. over R1 and R2 (Fig. 4a, b). Whereas, maxi- Peninsula, and spread over the IGP region. Transportation
mum aerosol concentration (AOD) is seen during the month of dust continues occurs till the monsoon onset (Jun–July)
of June and minimum during October over the north-east over the northern parts of India (Lau and Kim 2010). Over
IGP region (R3). Lower AOD values during peak monsoon the north-western parts of India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttara-
season (August–September) is due to significant dropped khand, Jammu-Kashmir, Rajasthan, western Uttar Pradesh
in aerosol concentration by scavenging (Singh et al. 2004) i.e. R1 and R2) monsoon onset usually occurs in the first
of aerosol due to rain (Fig. 4). Figure also shows less AOD week of July (IMD report-2012). Therefore, higher AOD
during the month of February, March and April compared to values are seen up to July month over the regions R1 and R2
January over the region R2 and R3 (Fig. 4c) and little higher (Fig. 4a, b). On the other hand monsoon onset occurs during
in the month of April than January over the region R1. The late June over the north-east IG region. Therefore, AOD is
higher value of AOD in January over the IGP region is the less in the month of July over the region R3. (Fig. 4c). Kedia
result of local anthropogenic activities and aerosol trapping et al. (2014) analysed the AOD and Ångström exponent (α)
due to strong subsidence during the winter season over the over Kanpur and Gandhi College which lying in IGP region.
region (Dey and Di Girolamo 2010; Di Girolamo et al. 2004; They have noted that coarse mode particles (due to desert
Jethva et al. 2005; Kar et al. 2010) (Fig. 4c). Figure 5 shows, dust) dominate during pre-monsoon, whereas, fine mode
AOD and Ångström exponent (α) (wavelength 470/660 nm) particles (due to biomass burning) during post-monsoon
for 2002 (the year 2002 is deficient rainfall year, discussed in and winter season. Other past studies [Lau and Kim (2006),
Sect. 3.4.2) over region R1, R2 and R3. Alike seasonal varia- Lau et al. (2009), Prospero et al. (2002)] also reported that
tion in averaged AOD (Fig. 4), maximum aerosol concentra- during the month of April through June, the IGP is buffed
tion is found for the month of July during the year 2002 over by dusty air transported by the wind from the Thar Desert.
the IGP regions (Fig. 5). The decreasing aerosol concentra- Transported dust is an additional natural source of aerosols
tion from July to September over region R1 and R2 and up other than originating due to anthropogenic activities (Lal
to October over region R3 is also revealed. In the case of et al. 2012, 2013; Ramanathan and Ramana 2005; Tripathi
the seasonal variation in Ångström exponent (α), the higher et al. 2006; Ghude et al. 2008). Similarly, lightning flashes
value is seen during post-monsoon (Sep: 0.84, Oct: 0.84 and also show increasing trend up to June since pre-monsoon
Nov: 0.8) and winter (Dec: 0.78, Jan: 0.98 and Feb: 0.93.), season over the region R1. On average maximum lightning
whereas lower value is observed during pre-monsoon (Mar: (~2000) occurs during the months of May and June (Fig. 4a).
0.78, Apr: 0.59 and May: 0.59) to monsoon onset (July) over Almost similar seasonal variation has been noticed over the
the region R1. Slightly increased Ångström exponent (α) region R2 and R3 (Fig. 4b, c). Thus, these findings suggest
during post-monsoon and winter is found over region R2 and that some association exist between aerosols and lightning
R3. The lowest value of Ångström exponent (α) is found in over these regions.
the month of July (~0.53) over the IGP regions. The higher
value of Ångström exponent (α) (near to 1 or more) corre- 3.4 Inter annual variation of AOD and Lightning
sponds to the fine-mode particle, which generally originated
due to biomass burning, while, lower value (much less than 3.4.1 Aerosol and lightning during normal rainfall year
1) reveals the coarse mode particle which usually comes
from desert dust. Kedia et al. (2014) reported the Ångström Figure 6 shows an inter-annual variation of annual averaged
exponent (α) value ~0.8 (winter), 0.4–0.5 (pre-monsoon and total lightning flashes and AOD for the period 2001–2012
monsoon), and 0.7–0.8 (post monsoon) for fine mode, course over the area R1. Lightning activity varies with the con-
mode and fine mode, respectively, over IGP region, whereas, centration of aerosols loadings (i.e. AOD) with a correla-
Kalapureddy et al. (2009) are reported Ångström exponent tion coefficient of 0.63 when years 2002 is excluded. Our
(α) values < 0.7, 0.7–1 and >1 for dust, mixed and fine mode estimate shows that about 8% increase in aerosol loading

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

Fig.  4  a Monthly averaged

AOD (black line with square
point) and lightning (blue line
with circle) over R1 during the
period of 2001–2012 (the verti‑
cal bar is standard deviation). b
Monthly averaged AOD (black
line with square point) and
lightning (blue line with circle)
over R2 during the period of
2001–2012 (vertical bar is
standard deviation). c Monthly
averaged AOD (black line with
square point) and lightning
(blue line with circle) over R3
during the period of 2001–2012
(vertical bar is standard devia-

D. M. Lal et al.

Fig. 5  AOD (blue circle) and

Ångstrom (470/660) (black
square) over region a R1, b R2
and c R3 for the year 2002, bar
is standard deviation

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

Fig. 6  Annual averaged AOD

(black line with square) and
lightning (blue line with circle)
over R1 during the period of
2001–2012, vertical bar shows
the standard deviation and cc
correlation coefficient (exclud-
ing 2002)

leads to about 14% increase in lightning flashes. On the other size of cloud ice and its concentration is another evidence
hand, over the west pacific ocean, Yuan et al. (2011) esti- of variability in cloud microphysics. In Fig. 7, a scattered
mate show that a ~60% increase in aerosol loading leads to plot between (i) annual average size of cloud ice and annual
more than 150% increase in lightning flashes. The robust average lightning frequency (Fig. 7a) and (ii) annual aver-
and consistent positive correlation between lightning and age size of cloud ice and AOD (Fig. 7b) for the period of
AOD over Amazon is also reported (Altaratz et al. 2010). 2001–2012 are shown. The negative correlation between the
They attributed the increase in lightning activity with aero- size of cloud ice and AOD (cc = −0.64) and size of cloud ice
sol loadings to aerosol-mediated variability in cloud micro- and lightning (cc = −0.43) can be seen. These results reveal
physics which leads to more lightning. Variability in the that increasing aerosol concentration decreasing the size

Fig. 7  Relation between a
annual average of cloud ice size
and annual average of lightning
frequency, b annual average
of cloud ice size and annual
average of AOD over the region
R1 for the period 2001–2012,
cc correlation coefficient, p
probability of obtaining a test

D. M. Lal et al.

Fig. 8  Monthly averaged rain-

fall for the deficient rainfall year
2002 (black line with square
point) and averaged rainfall
for 2001–2012 (red line with
circle), for the regions R1, R2
and R3, vertical bar shows the
standard deviation

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

of cloud ice, and decreasing the size of cloud ice increas- with circle for the year 2010). Lightning flash counts are
ing the lightning frequency. A significant negative correla- depicted in Fig. 9b (2002: black line with square point and
tion between aerosol and cloud ice size is also reported by red with circle for 2010). In figures, it can be seen that AOD
Sherwood (2002). Small sizes of cloud ice produce more is increasing up to July during both the years i.e. 2010 and
lightning (Sherwood et al. 2006). Both reported results com- 2002 simultaneously, whereas, the rapid increment is seen in
plement our findings. During deficient rainfall years 2002 the year 2002 during the July month. Higher AOD is found
(IMD Drought bulletin 2009), the above existing positive in the year 2002 in the July month. While, the occurrence
relationship between aerosol and lightning is not been seen. of lightning is less in the month of July in the year 2002,
Average aerosol concentration during these years was high whereas retains its strength during normal monsoon year
(AOD: 0.6), whereas the annual average of total lightning (2010). Lightning decreases when aerosol concentration
was less (645 flashes). increases and the average value of AOD was 1.27 in July
2002. Lightning increases as the AOD increase to 0.88 (till
3.4.2 Aerosol and lightning during deficient rainfall year June) and thereafter it decreases. For an in-depth study, the
comparative seasonal variation of monthly averaged cloud
Let us consider 2 years (i) year 2002 (severe deficient rain- fraction and relative humidity fraction during the years 2002
fall year) and (ii) normal rainfall year 2010 (Sikka 2003; and 2010 are plotted in Fig. 10. It can be observed from
Bulletin 2009; IMD 2010) for bringing out the compara- this figure that the fractional relative humidity is 0.41 and
tive influence of aerosol on cloud and thereupon lightning. cloud fraction is 0.57 in July 2002 which is less as com-
Figure 8 shows the seasonal variation in rainfall for the year pared to that of July 2010 (humidity ~0.66, cloud fraction
2002 and averaged rainfall for the year 2001–2012 for the ~0.85) (Fig. 10a, b). Cloud fraction is lower in a deficient
region R1, R2 and R3. Figure shows that rainfall occurred rainfall year 2002 because the large-scale conditions are not
during 2002 follows the averaged rainfall from January to favourable to supply moisture for cloud development, e.g.
May over region R1 and R2, while up to June over R3.The the much lower humidity. In addition, evaporation of cloud
deficiency in rainfall is revealed in year 2002 during mon- droplet during entrainment mixing of different air masses at
soon period (Jun–Aug) in the figure. The deficiency in rain- the core of the clouds reduces the fractional cloud coverage.
fall was nearly ~−34% over the region R1during monsoon Small cloud droplet evaporates fast (Ackerman et al. 2000;
period (Jun–Sep) 2002, and ~−27% and ~+3% respectively Small et al. 2009; Lal et al. 2013), is another cause of less
was over R2 and R3 (Dey et al. 2005). Results suggest that cloud fraction over, high aerosol concentrated, low humidity
drought conditions were strongest over the North western region R1.Therefore, less cloud fraction has been revealed
region and less over the north-east region. Figure 9a shows in region R1 during July 2002. Koren et al. (2004)  and
the seasonal variation of monthly average AOD during the Small et al. (2009, 2011)  both are found that large aerosol
deficient rainfall year 2002 and normal rainfall year 2010 concentration reduces cloud fraction which also supports to
(black line with square point for the year 2002 and red line our results. Bigger cloud and high cloud coverage/fraction

Fig. 9  Monthly averaged a
AOD for the deficient rainfall
year 2002 (black line with
square point) and for normal
rainfall year 2010 (red line with
circle), b total lightning for the
deficient year 2002 (black line
with squares) and for normal
rainfall year 2010 (red line with
circle) over the region R1

D. M. Lal et al.

Fig. 10  Monthly averaged a
relative humidity (fraction)
during deficient rainfall year
2002 (black line with square
point) and during normal
monsoon rainfall year 2010
(red line with circle), b monthly
averaged cloud fraction during
2002 (black line with square)
and during 2010 (red line with
circle) over R1

produce more lightning (Altaratz et al. 2010), may be the is also reported by Loeb and Schuster (2008). Figure 13
reason that less lightning is observed over R1 region in July shows the scatter plot between aerosol and lightning over
2002. Altaratz et al. (2010) have reported positive relation- these regions. It can be seen that the correlation between
ship between AOD and lightning via cloud fraction and aerosol and lightning is more significant (95%) over north-
cloud top temperature. They have also found that lightning west region R1 in contrast to the north-east region R3. This
strokes increase with increasing AOD in the case of the low suggests that occurrence of lightning over north-west (where
value of AOD while decreasing the lightning with increasing humidity is less) is due to the aerosol. While in the highly
AOD in the case of higher values of AOD. We also observed humid area, it is not like that. This reveals that humidity
increasing lightning with increasing aerosol up to AOD 0.88 can regulate the influence of aerosol on cloud microphysics
in low humid areas. Such phenomena are not seen over the (Lal et al. 2013). Variation in lightning frequencies in high
region R2 and R3 (Figs. 11, 12) where observed relative and low humid environment is also reported by Xiong et al.
humidity is comparatively higher than that over R1. In high (2006) and Betts (1997).
humid area increases cloud fraction with increasing aerosol

Fig. 11  Monthly averaged
relative humidity (in fraction)
during a deficient rainfall
2002 (black line with square)
and normal rainfall year 2010
(red line with circle point), b
monthly average cloud fraction
during 2002 (black line with
square) and during 2010 (red
line with circle) over R2

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

Fig. 12  Monthly averaged a
relative humidity (fraction) for
during deficient rainfall year
2002 (black line with square)
and normal rainfall year 2010
(red line with circle), b monthly
average cloud fraction for defi-
cient rainfall year 2002 (black
line with square) and normal
rainfall year 2010 (red line with
circle) over the region R3

Fig. 13  Relation between AOD

and lightning over region R1
(deficient rainfall year 2002 is
not considered), over R2 and
over R3, cc correlation coef-

Convective available potential energy is well known Pawar et al. (2012) suggested about the decisive role of
for determining the lightning. The relationship between CAPE in a lightning generation over central India. Fig-
CAPE and lightning, is therefore, explored during both ure 14 also shows the relationship between CAPE and
years 2010 and 2002 for the region R1, R2 and R3, shown lightning is increasing from north-west to north-east
in Fig. 14. Figure shows a significance correlation between IGP region. Similar feature is also revealed for year 2002
lightning and CAPE over entire IGP regions during both (Fig.  14b). The correlation coefficient between CAPE
years. The correlation between lightning and CAPE over and lightning for the region R1, R2, and R3 during 2002
R1 is found to be cc = 0.57, at significant level 95%, are respectively cc = 0.55, cc = 0.97 (excluding May) and
for 2010 (Fig. 14a), followed maximum over R3 region cc = 0.83, at significant level more than 99%. Over north-
(cc = 0.86, significant level 99.9%). Moderate correlation east India, decreasing CAPE and increasing inhibition
is found over R2 (cc = 0.79, significant 99.9%). Results energy is revealed (Goswami et al. 2010), despite, huge
reveal that CAPE is highly associated with lightning. lightning has been seen over this region (R3) (Fig. 3). It is

D. M. Lal et al.

Fig. 14  Seasonal (Jan–Dec)
scatter plot between lightning
and CAPE during a 2010, and
b 2002 over the region R1, R2
and R3 (cc correlation coeffi-
cient, p probability of obtaining
a test statistic)

believed that synoptic conditions and local scale circula- season over north and north-eastern parts of India (IGP).
tion is responsible for this. We have selected two typical days i.e. 12 April 2002 and
26 April 2002 as examples, when lightning flash counts
3.4.3 Lightning over north‑east IGP were very high, i.e. 402 and 385, respectively as com-
pared to other days during the pre-monsoon months over
Most of the lightning occurs over north-east India, adja- R3 (adjacent to the Bay of Bengal). The low-level circula-
cent to the Bay of Bengal is due to the formation of Nor’- tion on those days is shown in Fig. 15. From this figure
westers locally known as ‘Kalbaisakhis’. Nor’-wester is a (Fig. 15), it can be seen that heated landmass with less
severe thunderstorm occurs during pre-monsoon (MAM) humidity hot and dry air masses are approaching from

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

the north-west region (R1), whereas, somewhat clean and cloud along with convergence zone of dry and moist air
moist air masses are coming from Bay of Bengal (Lal et al. masses from the Bay of Bengal to Kerala and Karnataka
2013). These two dry and moist air masses converge over has been found. Total lightning range 430–598 flashes over
Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha. A channel the Bay of Bengal (Lat. 19–24, Long. 86–93) where dense
of conversed air masses from the north-east near the Bay cloud with cloud top temperature less than −70 °C (Lat.
of Bengal to the west coast of Indian peninsula (Kerala 20–25, Long. 87–91) has been found. Lightning range
and Karnataka) on date 12 April 2002 has been found 94–178 over another surrounding region of Bay of Bengal
(Fig. 15). For in deep study, half hourly cloud brightness including Kerala and Karnataka and moderate lightning
temperature data for the same day (i.e. 12 April 2002) has (range 10–94) is over remaining part of convergence zone
been considered and shown in Fig. 16. A clear sky over has been seen. Results reveal that what lightning occurred
Jharkhand on 12 April 2002 at 5.30 UTC (Fig. 16a) and over the region was due to the convergence of dry and
small clouds over the Bay of Bengal, and few deep clouds moist air. Dry and moist air masses are essential for atmos-
over the north-eastern part of India can be seen (Fig. 16a). pheric instability which causes for cloud formation. It is
After half an hour i.e., at 06.00 UTC (on 12 April 2002), also known that large-scale convergence facilitates trans-
a small cloud appeared over Jharkhand where dry and port of moisture which in turn helps in the formation of
moist air masses converged (Fig. 16b). This appearance clouds. Tyagi et al. (2012) and Roy and Chatterjee (1929)
revealed that convergence of dry and moist air masses is suggested that the occurrence of Nor’-westers over West
cause for cloud over the region. The growth of generated Bengal is due to the confluence of dry air masses from
small cloud with respect to time over Jharkhand can be north-west and moist air masses originating from the Bay
seen in Fig. 16c–f. An extended band of cloud from the of Bengal, which results in low-level moisture convergence
near Bay of Bengal to Kerala and Karnataka where dry and over Bihar, Jharkhand and the surroundings (north-east
moist are coinciding (Fig. 15) has been found (Fig. 16f). part of India). Mukhopadhyay et al. (2009) also reported
Finding result strongly revealed the association between that storm for the West Bengal during Nor’westers, are
dry and moist air masses and clouds over the region. In the originated over Bihar Plateau, compliment our results.
case of vertical growth of cloud, a very deep cloud hav- On the other hand, the cloud which already existed over
ing cloud top temperature less than −70 °C over near the the sea and north-eastern region disappeared (Fig. 16e,
Bay of Bengal at 10.30 UTC on 12 April 2002 has been f). A similar feature has been observed on date 26 April
found (Figs. 15, 16 f). On the same day (12 April 2002) 2002 (figure not included). This results reveal that light-
at 10.30 UTC, the occurrence of lightning over the region ning occurred over the region near the Bay of Bengal is
is shown in Fig. 17. A channel of lightning over the deep due to the setting of the synoptic conditions instead of the

Fig. 15  Wind stream line at

850 hPa and IR brightness tem-
perature on date 12 April 2002.
Bar colour code scale shows
IR brightness temperature in
degree centigrade

D. M. Lal et al.

Fig. 16  IR brightness temperature on date 12 April 2002 a at 5.30 UTC, b at 6.00 UTC C at 6.30 UTC d at 7.00 UTC and e at 8.00UTC f at
10.30UTC. Bar colour code scale shows cloud top temperature

mere presence of atmospheric aerosols, which results in of AOD. Further, we have found that humidity and cloud
the insignificant correlation between aerosol and lightning fraction during deficient rainfall year is less as compared to
over the region R3 (Fig. 14) in contrast to R1. normal rainfall year over the north-west (R1) region. The
effect of deficient rainfall has not been found considerably
over the regions R2 and R3 where relative humidity is com-
4 Conclusions paratively higher than over R1. Thereby, cloud fraction over
these regions is same as during normal rainfall year. Our
Influence of aerosol on lightning over IGP has been brought result revealed that aerosol can change the internal process
out utilising AOD, lightning, humidity, surface temperature of cloud via reducing the size of cloud droplets consequently
and wind data from MODIS, LIS on the board of TRRM and cloud-ice which is regulated by the presence of atmospheric
MERRA. We have selected three regions based on lightning, humidity. However, it should be noted that aerosol radia-
moisture and aerosol loading, namely north-west region: R1, tive effects plays crucial role in modification of mesoscale
north-east: R3 and central region R2 having moderate AOD. convections (Wang et al. 2014) and large-scale circulations
In this study, we have found that aerosol concentration is (Wang et al. 2015; Li et al. 2016). The absorptive aerosols
increasing up-to-the mid of monsoon (i.e. July) over the (e.g. carbonaceous aerosols) over Indo Gangetic Plain (IGP)
north-west region R1 of IGP. The maximum concentration region are potentially very important in terms of their radia-
of aerosol is observed in the month of July. The increasing tive effects, and they are efficient in regulating the atmos-
trend of aerosol suggested that transportation of dust from pheric instability. Decreasing solar radiation over Indian
the north-west desert is continuing till monsoon onset. We region including IGP with monthly average of the order of
have also found that lightning flashes increases up to June 10–25 W m−2 is reported (Li et al. 2016). The degree of
since pre-monsoon and follow the aerosol concentration. A aerosols that weaken the circulation is the subject of large
significant positive correlation between aerosol and light- uncertainties. Also, aerosol indirect effect modulates the
ning over the north-west region during the years with normal monsoon, clouds and convection, but, its impacts are still
monsoon rainfall has been brought out, while negative rela- subject of further investigation (Li et al. 2016).
tionship during the deficient rainfall years has been found. In the case of the north-east region near Bay of Bengal
During deficient rainfall years, lightning follows the aero- (region R3), huge lightning occurs over the region. Despite
sol concentration up to when AOD is less than 0.88, there- this, the correlation between aerosol and lightning is less
after lightning decreases. The result suggested that in low (sometimes negative). Our result shows that lightning
humidity area, lightning increases with increasing aerosol over the north-east region (R3) is independent of aerosol
for the low value of AOD, and decreases for the high value availability. We have found that the local meteorological

Relationship between aerosol and lightning over Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), India

Fig. 17  Lightning flashes on
date 12 April 2002 at 10.30
UTC colour bar is scale for
lightning frequency

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