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Topic: The effects of involvement sports on young children.

According to recent studies, children who take part in sports activities would be wellbeing and are
inclined to become ill. It is clearly that participating sports in early age have positive effects for children.

Firstly, playing sports can help improve children’s physical health such as bone and muscles. Physical
activities are great for children's bone growth, helps keep bone density high, and reduces the risk of
osteoporosis. For example, in swimming and running, almost all athletes have a superior height
compared to people in the same age and strong endurance. The second effect is reducing the risk of
chronic diseases for children like heart disease, obesity, malnutrition disease. For example, when
children active regularly, metabolism is faster and ensure that the energy absorbed by the child does not
exceed the energy consumed. Because of that preventing the obesity.

Moreover, participating in sports helps children gain confidence and self-esteem. Sports and games
provide opportunities for children to work in groups and make friends. Thereby, Children can learn more
soft skill to help them in future. For instance, group work or how to capture opponent’s mentality in
tennis can keep the match advantage and win. Finally, taking part in sports help children increase their
ability to concentrate in learning and thereby achieve better results.

In short, playing sprots is not only fun way for children to stay active, but can also be good for children’s
health and can be mentioned as improving their skills, prevent the dangerous diseases and gain

Topic 3- Book is a great information sources of human and reading book is activity good for people. It
can be clearly that reading bring many positive effects for students such as about knowledge,
concentration, improve their brain.

Topic statement 1: The first advantage of reading is gain valuable knowledge.

Topic statement 2: When children read daily, their brain will exercise, and their memory will improve.

Topic statement 3: The most visible effect is improving and enhancing their focus.

Conclusion: If student read book regularly, they will change many things of themselves for better like
brain, knowledge, memory, and their focus.

The first advantage of reading is gain valuable knowledge. Books contain all information in every field of
life and students can learn from there. The contents of book are very important and sometimes it useful
to help them in dangerous situations. For example, books about fauna and flora in the wild and method
of survival in natural wildlife can save your life if you accidentally get loss in forest.

When children read daily, their brain will exercise, and their memory will improve. Reading can keep
their brain working continuously at maximum capacity and create the ability to absorb new information
quickly. Besides, the ability to remember will expand and choice important key information to put into
memory. This thing is very important to learn by heart of students in school’s test. For example, in
history, it is very hard to remember all content of this subject. Also, student need write down the key
words or selective one part which important and keep it in their mind.
The most visible effect is improving and enhancing student’s focus. To understanding content and
meanings of book, people need devote all their attention. Sometimes, concentrating is considered the
key to get high score in exams. For example, during the test if students can not destroy by external
factors like sound from other them, they easy to pass test with desired result.

Topic 2- thesis statement: it can clearly that factors which cause stress in student’s life can mentioned
family, financial, balance between part-time job and study.

1-Topic statement 1: First, high pressure of combining paid work and study is the leading cause of tense
for student.

2-Topic statement 2: Next, every student has concern about tuition and other living expenses for four
years period.

3-Topic statement 3: Finally, Family stress also create a lot of stress for students.

Conclusion: College students have a lot of stress. If they can control and balance aspects of life, they can
feel better and happier, and this stress have earned for life.

Stress is a state of nervous tension due to cause many reasons such as job, study, family, and
examination. Today student also have stress in their life. it can clearly that factors which cause stress in
student’s life can mentioned family, financial, balance between part-time job and study.

First of all, every student has concern about tuition and other living expenses for four years period. Each
family has different source of income, but in rural areas this income is lower than urban areas.
Therefore, college tuition become a burden for family and student. Almost all college students have
part-time job or full-time job to earn some money to pay personal needs. Hence, they try to spend as
much time as possible to work and the rest of time focus on studying in school. To give an example,
according to studies in Vietnamese university, approximately 60 percent students spend two-third time
of week to work, and they feel extremely hard to balance between working and studying.

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