Holy Hour Taize Penitential Celebration

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The priest brings the Blessed Sacrament to the altar and places it in the


The priest kneels and incenses the Blessed Sacrament. Meanwhile, a song is sung
by the people. After the incensation, the priest goes to his chair.

O Salutaris Hostia,
Quae caeli pandis ostium:
Bella premunt hostilia,
Da robur, fer auxilium.

Uni trinoque Domino

Sit sempiterna Gloria.
Qui vitam sine termino
Nobis donet in patria.


V./ Blessed be God the Father, who made the world out of His kindness, creating
order out of confusion; You made each one of us in Your own image; Your
fingerprint is on every soul. Blessed be God forever.

R./ Blessed be God forever.

V./ Blessed be our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who emptied Himself in the
form of a slave, the Poor Man who made the others rich; the Healer who let
Himself be wounded; the Savior who died and rose again. Blessed be God forever.
R./ Blessed be God forever.

V./ Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life. You speak to every
heart; You filled the disciples with courage; You converted empty and weary
souls; You showed how love makes all things new and opened the doors to change
and freedom. Blessed be God forever.

R./ Blessed be God forever.

Please be seated.



Taizé songs are sung while adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is ongoing. The
participants will spend moments of silence in prayer and reflection before the
Blessed Sacrament.

O Kristo
O Kristo, aming ligaya
O Kristo, aming pag-asa

Sambahin Ka Kristo Hesus

O…Sambahin ka Kristo Hesus

Bless the Lord

Bless the Lord, my soul
and bless God’s Holy Name!
Bless the Lord, my soul
who leads me into life.

Please stand.


✠A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke

At that time, the tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Him,
but the Pharisees and Scribes began to complain, saying, “This man welcomes
sinners and eats with them.” So to them He addressed this parable: “What man
among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the
ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost one until he finds it? And when he
does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival home,
he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me
because I have found my lost sheep. I tell you, in just the same way there will be
more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous
people who have no need of repentance.’

The Gospel of the Lord.

R./ Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ.

Please be seated.

Brief Homily

Please stand.


For the times I lacked compassion and concern for others…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For not sharing my resources of time, talent and treasure…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For holding grudges and refusing to have a forgiving heart…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For the times I have criticized and gossiped…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.
For not reaching out to comfort and console others…
R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For not caring for myself physically, emotionally and spiritually…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For the ways I misuse nature and damage the environment…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For those times when I talked more than I listened…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For my prejudices, biases and acts of discrimination…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For being selfish and self-centered…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For the misuse and abuse of the wonderful gift of sexuality…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For failing to see Your face in the homeless and hopeless…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For believing I could save myself…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For not living fully for You…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For doubting that You can and will forgive me unconditionally…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

For doubting that You love me with an everlasting love…

R./ Forgive me, Lord.

Presider: Let us pray.

All: Most Merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against You in thought,
word and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have
not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We are sorry, and we now turn away from our sin before You. For the sake of
Your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us, that we may joyfully obey
Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your Name. Amen

God is Forgiveness
God is forgiveness, dare to forgive and God will be with you.
God is forgiveness, love and do not fear.

Diyos ay pag-ibig, sa iyong puso siya ay nananahan.

Diyos ay pag-ibig, huwag kang mangamba.

After the sign of peace is offered, the priest goes to the altar facing the people and
the Blessed Sacrament. All kneel down. The priest incenses the Blessed Sacrament
while the people sing:

Tantum ergo Sacramentum

Veneremur cernui:
Et antiquum documentum
Novo cedat ritui:
Præstet fides supplementum
Sensuum defectui.

Genitori, Genitoque
Laus et jubilatio,
Salus, honor, virtus quoque
Sit et benedictio;
Procedenti ab utroque
Compar sit laudatio. Amen.
V./ Panem de cælo praestitisti eis.
R./ Omne delectamentum in se habentem.

Deus, qui nobis sub sacramento mirabili, passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti:
tribue, quæsumus, ita nos corporis et sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut
redemptionis tuæ fructum in nobis iugiter sentiamus. Qui vivis et regnas in sæcula
R./ Amen.


V./ You have given them bread from heaven.

R./ Containing in itself all happiness.

Let us pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, You gave us the Eucharist
as the memorial of Your suffering and death.
May our worship of this Sacrament of Your Body
and Blood help us to experience the salvation
You won for us and the peace of the kingdom
where you live with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.
R./ Amen.

After the prayer, the priest kneels down and puts on the humeral veil, genuflects,
and takes the monstrance. He makes the sign of the cross over the people with it in
silence. Afterwards the divine praises are said.


Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the Name of Jesus.
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be Saint Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.

With the Blessed Sacrament being reposed, the following hymn is sung.

O Sacrament Most Holy

O Sacrament Divine
All praise and all thanksgiving
Be every moment thine
Be every moment thine.

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