A. Literal and Faithful Translation

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Câu 1:   Choose the correct answer (3 marks)

1. Semantic translation includes……..

A. Literal and faithful translation
B. Word-for-word and literal translation
C. Idiomatic and faithful translation
D. Free and idiomatic translation

2. Communicative translation involves……

A. Source language bias
B. Target language bias
C. Original language bias
D. Both A and B

3. Which of the following is mainly a cultural term?

A. Public opinions
B. Public works
C. Public schools
D. Public facilities
4. Sight translation differs from prepared translation in ...
A. The number of responses
B. The speed and responses
C. The speed of response
D. Both A and C
5.Proper names and geographical names are...
A. Always translated
B. Not Translated
C. Translated
D. Mostly translated

6.The method often used in the translation of literary texts is…

A. Literal translation
B. Faithful translation
C. Free translation
D. Semantic translation
7.Which of the following text types is not formal?
A. Contracts
B. Business letters
C. Advertisements
D. Regulations

8. The simile “as poor as a church mouse” can be transferred into Vietnamese by...
A. reproducing the same image
B. replacing the image
C. conversing the simile to sense
D. using the same simile combined with sense

9.Which of the following simile can be translated into Vietnamese by replacing the
A. As dark as ink
B. As stupid as a donkey
C. As white as snow
D. As hot as lire

10. Which of the following is mainly written English?

A. I’m extremely grateful.
B. I can never repay you.
C. It was most kind of you to
D. I’m most obliged.

11. Translation and Interpretation involve………… , not words.

A. concepts
B. ideas
C. intention

12. Before we translate or interpret a message , we must understand the total

meaning of the message within its own cultural………...
A. situation
B. setting
C. context
D. content

13.According to Sapir, language and culture are compared to the…….and

A. body – heart
B. heart -body
C. soul -body
D. mind - body

14…………. Untranslatability occurs when there is no lexical or syntactic

substitute in the TL for an SL item
A. Cultural
B. Linguistic
C. Semantic
D. Functional

15. Which of the following is untranslatable?

A. birthday gift
B. broken roof
C. old people
D. sister-in law 

Phần trả lời:  Câu 2:  

Which of the folowing uses COMMUNICATIVE TRANSLATION? (2 marks)

16. “Thanh niên chiếm 45% dân số thế giới”

A. Young people make up 45% of the world’s population
B. Young people take up 45% of the world’s population
C. Young people are 45% the population of the world
D. Young people occupy 45% the world people.

17. Âm nhạc là nguồn an ủi duy nhất của cô ấy”

A. Music is her only source of solace
B. Music is her only source of consolation
C. Music is her only solace source
D. Music is her only solace

18. “Việt Nam có bờ biển dài trên 3.200 cây số”

A.Vietnam has a beach of more than 3.200 km in length.
B. Vietnam has a coastline of more than 3.200 kilometres.
C. Vietnam has a long beach of more than 3.200km
D. Vietnam has a seashore of over 3.200km long

19. “Vấn đề này không thể giải quyết được”

A. This problem is unsolved
B. This problem is difficult to solve
C. It is impossible to solve this problem
D. This problem cannot be solved

20. “Hàng hóa này bán đắt như tôm tươi”

A. These goods sell as expensive as fresh shrimp
B. These goods sell like hot cakes
C. These goods sell like raw shrimp
D. These goods sell like fresh shrimp

Phần trả lời:  Câu 3:   Give 2

examples to show how GAIN is dealt with in translation ( 2 marks ) 

Example 1

Because men, groping in the Arctic darkness, had found a yellow metal, and
because steamship and transportation companies were booming the find, thousands
of men were rushing into the Northland.

Example 2:

To be sure, it was an unwonted performance: but he had learned to trust in men he

knew, and to give them credit for a wisdom that outreached his own.
Phần trả lời:  Câu 4:   Translate
the following into Vietnamese ( 3 marks )

1.“ All that glitters is not gold.”


2.“ Grass is always green on the other side of the hill.”

a. Literally:
Phần trả lời:

1.“ All that glitters is not gold.”

a.Literally: Tất cả những thứ lấp lánh không phải là vàng.

b.Idiomatically: Chớ thấy sáng mà ngỡ là vàng.

2.“ Grass is always green on the other side of the hill.”

a. Literally: Cỏ bên hàng xóm lúc nào cũng xanh hơn.

b. Idiomatically: Đứng núi này, trông núi nọ.

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