Santa Clauses 5e Dndhrodgeir Word

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We all have one job, for that we
have to fight.


anta Claus? He is a legend only. He is a whisp of magical cold wind through a
wam room lit by a fireplace and candles. He is the powerful sound of the church bell at
midnight. It luis become your job to keep your good deeds a puzzle, You may be magical but there
is nothing quite as enchanting
as the magic of a secret. At 3rd level the rogue cains the Roguish Archetype [cature,
art by: kedullis@newgrounds
Surting at 3rd level you learn that it is better to give than to receive. You can use the bonus
action granted by your Cunning Action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)check. You
have an advantage on these checks if you are aliompting to leave an object somewhere. If you
make a successful Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to lenve a potion poison, or
another consumable item in a creature's pockets or in contact with its body, you can
choose to have the item alloci the creature as if i had consumed it. The item then disappears.
Rogue Level
Feature 3rd
Toymaker, Gift-giver 9th
Detect Naughty And Nice 13th
Only Stories 17th
DETECT NAUGHTY AND NICE Starting at 9th level, you are able to judge at a glance
whether acrcature has bech naughty or nice. As an action, choose one
creature you can see within 60 sect of you. You immediately learn that crcaturd's
alignment, if it has one. If a creature is luidden from divination magic, you sense that the
creature's alignment matches your own.
TOYMAKER When you choose this archelypc at 3rd level you gain proficiency in two sets
of artisan's tools of your choice and have an adunate when attempting to create a toy.

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ONLY STORIES Al 13th level you hunc lcined to blend in with your environment and
never get caught when doing your job. The elves make sure of thad Should you still fall a
Dexterity (Stealth) check, you can use this ability to reroll it until you roll somcthing that is at least 5
numbers higher than your original roll
CURIOSITY At 17th level you use the natural curiosity of every innlligent crcture to your
advantage! You put a present somewhere the targeted crcature can sce, preferably without
spotting you. and the creature is pulled towards the gift with a natural curiosity. It will focus on it
for 1d6 minutes and taking as much time to unpack it. It will be wholly distracted for the
time and won't learny medium sounds or expicol nitacks,



CHILDREN Small (Humanoid), different alignments

ust remember that the true spirit of Christmas lies within your hennt. It is celebrated in different
forins almost all over the world but the spirit lies within everyone, cyen you. You use this
spirit to Induce yourself with magic! As long 15 Christmas lives, so does your power, it is a never ending
circle. art by: conorburke w artstation

Warlock Level
Feature 151
Not yourself
Little Helpers 10th
Magical Bag of Weaponry 14th
Master of Christmas spirit
Amor Class 13 Hit Points (3d6-3) = (number of children) Speed 25 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5 (-3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 8
(-1) 20(+5)

Skills Insight +3, Perception +3, Stealth +5.

Persuasion 14 Saving Throws Cha+3 Senses passive Perception 13 Languages any
that the summoner knows Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Magic Resistance. The children have an advantage on saving throws against spells
and other magical effects
EXPANDED SPELL LIST The Spirit of Christmas leis you choose from
an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell The following spells are added to
the warlock spell list for you.

Spell Level Cantrips

mage fist, goodberry 15t
Zone of Truth, Ice Wave 2nd
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm, Knock 3rd
Clairvoyance, elemental weapon 4th
Steal Voice, Fabricate Legend Lore, Modify Memory
Smoll Anyone intending to seriously hurt the children has disadvantage on the attack
Actions Snowball Ranged Attack: +4 ta hit, range 60 ft, one target Hit: 7 (108-3) cold
damage and the target's movement speed is reduced by To feet during its next turn.
Flailing Punch and Kick Melee Attack: Can be used when grappled +4 to hit
(advantage on it if grappledj, range 5 ft, one target. Hit:7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning
damage. If the child was grappled, then It will be dropped after a successful

NOT YOURSELF When you commit yourself to your duty at Ist level then you will be
able to use Alter Sall without using matcrial or speaking when you turn yourself into a toy or a
tiny, unscomly

LITTLE HELPERS Irthere is anyone as loyal to you is your elves, then it is chilldren.
Beginning at oth level you can pull the naughty and nicolisi oui of your pocket and summon n
callection of 4 cluldren (108 children at 10th level 3d8 at 15th levell You will wift these
children with little presents in exchange for their help. They are illusions and disappear
when they drop to 0 HP. They can attuick on their own la combut but otherwise can be
commanded like Gomiliars, therefore could for example, create a distraction. This ability
can only be used once every short rest.
MAGICAL BAG OF WEAPONRY At 10th level you gain three additional weapon
proficiencies of your choice if you don't already have more than five. You got your lunds on a
bug of holding filled with weaponis. Tliere is nlways a small chance that you get
precisely the weaponry you anticipate, but sometimes not. The bag counts as your
eruipped weapon, and you can only equip one of the weapons from the bag per fight. Additionally,
cvory weapon is sprinkled with red glitter What weapon you receive is decided by the
Collowing table:
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d6 weapon
1 Ice spikes
stats +1 to hit, reach 20/60 ft. 104 piercing damage + 304 cold
whip. +3 to hit, reach 10 ft, 2d6+5 slashing damage. Takes all effects away
that cause blindness or make 2 lights chain
perception worse.

+1 to hit, reach 80/320 st. 1d8+4 piercing damage light 4 battleaxe
+3 to hit, reach 5 ft, 1d10+5 slashing damage Reign Spear, +2 to hit, reach
5/20 il, 2d6+3 bludgeoning damage bonus action: Gall the reindeer The spear
can be 5 dear's thrown, then it becomes a charging reindeer that deals 3d8 damage. If
the target is evil in alignment, the
reindeer also deals 2d8 cold damage. E Blizzard When opened, it creates a
small blizzard in a 120 sphere around itself. Everyone who is within the sphere has
in a bottle
halved speed and vision, it deals 1d8+3 cold damage to everything inside for 1 minute

Starting at 16th level the list expands with the lollowing weapons:

d12 weapon

+3 to hit throw: 30/60 ft AoE-dmg: 10 ft, up to 3d6 piercing damage

hausnty kid's
+5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target 2d 10+2 slashing damage, bonus action:
Leap Slam +4 to hit, leap reach 15
ft, one target 2d10+2 slashing damage + 2d6 necrotic damage to evil-aligned creatures
glaive Snowball launcher
+4 to hit, reach 60/120 it one target 2012 piercing damage + 2d12 cold damage

+2 to hit, reach 5 ft, up to 2d8 piercing damage. This Morningstar sheds bright light in a
20-foot radius and Star of
dim light for an additional 20 feet. Each creature within the weapon's light is warmed
gently and has resistance to cold damage. Eery creature of evil alignment takes
additional 2d6 bludgeoning damage. bonus action: The star's light Swing the Morningstar at
your opponent and knock him off his feet with a successful
Strength Check DC 14. ne of +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target 2d4+2 force damage
+ 2d6 slashing damage, bonus action: Perfect Cut 11 Christmas charge up the ae in
one round, 2d12+4 cold damage in 15 ft cone in front of you, Con Save DC 16 or be
frozen. When this hand-held bell is rung, all creatures in a 10ft line in front of you must
make a Constitution Saving Bells of Throw or take 1d4+1 Thunder Damage. Any creature
damaged by Jingling Bells can't help but break into song Jingling on their next turn,
using their Action to sing and dance in a festive manner. This damage increases
by 104 at
levels 5. 11. and 17.


Ar 14th level you can spend 1 minute to entreat the Spirit of Christmas for aid to regain all
expended spell slots from youl Paci Magic feature. Once you regain spell slots with this [enture,
you must finish a long re before doing so again.
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he responsibility on your smull shoulders is heavy. Süll you believe in nothing as
strongly as In the spirit of Christmas! For years you studied and leamed and with
your experience. you fight yourself through the ranks of the workshop
elves that stand by Santa's side. art by: conorburke fartstation ELYEN
Wizard Level
Feature 2nd
A Gift 6th
Master of Every Emergency 10th
Your Saviourl, The Highest Elf 14th
The Bestest Elf In The North
YOUR SAVIOURI Ar 10th level you know that sometimes you live to inke things into
your own hands to avert a crisis. You can choose to take Santa during an encounter and
move hun to another polni of the battlefield as if he were lo usc teleport. This works in a
60ft radius from your position. You can also use this ability to instead of moving Santa,
to just move yourself to Santa and heal him by feeding him 204 amounts of cookies.
This ability can be used once every short rest.

THE HIGHEST ELF At 10th level your position as the personal assistant elf of
Saunalus granted you the ability to comumnd any other elf division. And you know everything
about every other ell division. You know how to bake, how to fix machines, fly the sleigh, and so on
and so forth. There is nothing you cannot do in an emergency. And should there be a moment
where you cannot do anything you can call another els division for tulducc. Might hurt your
ego though.

THE BESTEST ELF IN THE NORTH At level 14. you have allicially become THE clf of
Santa Claus. You are not leaving his side and iluanks to your experience in ll(c. you can
take threc of the following actions every short
ADVISED SPELLS This spell list contains spells wluich are good to have prepared
as the personal ell of Santa in curse of emergencles. But which you chose is still your
Spell Level
Spells Cantrips
Mage Hand 1st
Charm Person
Hold Person, Enlarge/Reduce, Arcane Lock
Knock, Alter Self 3rd
Haste, Dispel Magic
Animate Objects
• Sometimes things stand in your way. Sometimes that is a
door You unlock the door without being noticed and without having to roll for it
When there is a room missing any kind of Christmas spirit and decorations you just become
furious. You can choose to decorale it with lights and trec branches, with holly and the scent of
Christmas and so on and so forth.

• When out of sight of a creature, you can choose to become

a shadow and walk through a room for 1 minute without being noticed

A GIFT At 2nd level you have had quite enough share of wrapping gifts, but this bus
given you the skill to perfectly wrap anything item or even creature. When you chose a
creature that is riot willing then you roll a 1d20 Sleight of Hand Modifier + Proficiency Bonus
against a Strength roll of the creature you wrapped On a Success against it, the creature
is grippled and restrained. Any item that gets wrapped to look like a gift will simply be ignored as if
it were not there. However, this can lead to creaturcs looling for it. This ability can be
used twice on an object and or twice on a creature until you need a long resi,
Thanks to your intense training, you are strong enough to uc Mange Hand on yourself

There is nothing about Christmas you have not read! You know everything and try
to use the knowledge to find solutions to make Sania's work casier. You can choose to
rummage for hunts to riddles or problems in the back of your mind when a question is
nagking you

MASTER OF EVERY EMERGENCY At Gth level you have been in Santa's care for so
long already and you have experienced the most difficult of situations. Thereforc, you know
what you need the most during the holy night on the trip to deliver presents.
Enlarge/Reduce when lised on Sunta Claus becomes a cantrip for you. Santa Claus in small
will Gt through any opening and will appear like a toy IT spotted whilo enlarged Santa will
appear like a huge balloon Santa. You can also naturally Reduce yourself in any situation.
Knock also becomes a cantrip for you.

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y left fisi is for the nice, it always holds candy and my right list is for the nitighty. which is
ready to give them
You acquire proficiency with overy improvised weapon. What damage you make with the
improvised weapons depends on your Strength clicck+modifier and proficiency. Might as wch
not take a weapon with you at all
art by: ???

Barbarian Level

3rd 6th 10th 14th

Feature All improvised Naughty or Nice Open Up Your Present The Bestest Elf
In The North
NAUGHTY OR NICE. At 6th level you can use an action to show a creature your two fists,
and they have to choose by rolling a 1d2 which fist holds something nice for them. Naughty
creatures will always choose the wrong one. Upon opening your list to the naughty creaturc, a
cloud of coul dust obscures their sight and nakes them blinded while inside and for 1 round after
emerging This heilsplierical cloud hussradius in sect equal to 20 lei
proficiency modificc It Insts for 104 rounds. If a shame is nearby or the fog gets lit, then the
creatures within take 2dS + your charismi modifier + your proficiency bonus.
When a nice creature chooses the right side, then it will see a small snow globe which shows them
what they desire mast. or a toy of their choice if they wished for one. If they choose the wrong
side, the spell Dancing Lights orneres.
ALL IMPROVISED. Beginning at 3rd level there is nothing you Ganno SC 1S. weapon, and you
gain proficiency in up to four different tool kits of your choice which you always carry
with you too.
OPEN UP YOUR PRESENT. Starting at 10th level you can burla random gin from your uck
up to 90 feet once per shon rest. It explodes in a 20-foot radius sphere if it is hurled at naughty
crcaturcs. Creatures in ihe area must make a Consitution saving throw equal to your Strength or
Constitution. Creatures who fail take 21 (6d65) cold or radiant damage of your choice.
Creatures who succeed take hall. Also, creatures who snl the sny, suffer a random
ellect rolled on add

effect blinded
deafened frightened of you

Tlie rundom dllect lasts one minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
of its tum, ending the effect carly on a success. The number of dices for damage rolls
increases lwy one every lourih level after 10th level
If you use the present "against" nice creatures, then it will explode in do one of the

effect charm the targets

make the targets protect you explode in a cloud of glitter and lights ->
everyone is
Calm fill the room with the smell of a Christmas feast ->
everybody is happy and hungry

The random cllcct lasts one minute.

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NAUGHTY CONSEQUENCES. A veteran of a 100 Christmas nights, you know how
to punish the naughty creatures that destroy Christmas. Now your fists
really need to speak. Starting at 14th level you gain the following benefits at 14th, 16th and
17th level:
16th: When you rage, you become a nightmare to YTTY mingly croiture who can see you, which then
becomes frightened

17th: You suffer no hindrance to movement with grappled Largets, and at thic end of your
move action, you can move a grappled creature to a different location ndjacent to you.
Also, while you are grappling a creature and you are damajjed by any creature atlier than
the target of your grapple, you can use your reaction to take half damage and
have one target of your grapple to take the other half of the damage. This only
twice every short rest.
• 14th: If you are already grappling a character at the start of
your turn, you can use your bonus action to choke your opponcnt with both of your
hands. If you do this the target must make a Constitution irving throw with the DC equal
to 8+ proficiency bonus +Strength modifier. As you choke the larget, all of the unarmed
aiincks you perform against the largel automatically hit. If the victim successfully lived against
the choke, the target tnkes half damage. If you make additional actions outside of your first one,
the target repeats the ving throw. Once you tise this feature, yoti must use a short or long rest
before you use this scature


ou, dear Grandfather Frost, know that there is nothing quite like a Christmas with
gorgeous snowfall art by.???
Mantle of the Icy soul pertinently adds thic cold subtype lo the targeted creature. The
recipient of a mantle of the icy soul becomes immune to cold damage but takes double
damago from fire unless a siving throw for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half
damage on success or double damage on a fallure. The skin, hair, and scales of the creature
subily change colour to take on an icy bluc tint, and its breath docs not (rost in cold
Material Component: A handful of ice or snow that must be pressed to the target's
Cleric Level
1 st
Winter Acolyte 2nd Channel Divinity: Winter's Aura 6th
Frozen Armor 8th
Winterborn 14th
WINTER ACOLYTE At Ist level you begin to learn of the subtle, haly might of
winter, and of the power its magic contains. You learn one cantrip out of either frostbite or ray
of frost. Whenever you would otherwise lcam a cleric contrip after Ist level you can
Instand learn a contrip you have not already chosen from this featurc. Any cantrip you
choose from this feature is a cleric cuntrip for you. In addition, you take no penalties and
suller na damage from cold environments or weather,
Cleric Level
Spells Armor of Agathys, Ice Knife Gust of Wind, Winter's Embrace
Gascous Form, Sleet Storm Mantle of the Icy Soul, Ice Storm
Cone of Cold, Control Winds
CHANNEL DIVINITY: WINTER'S AURA Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your
Chinnel Divinity to create a white Christmas and let it snow all over the world but not just
that Cold winds swirl around you, any crcature starting their turn within 10 feet radius of
you takes (2d6+4) cold damn c. Creatures of anything lower than good alignment feel
an extreme cold inside them, causing them to slow down their movement. You can usc an action
to half the speed of the number of hostile creatures you can see equal to your Wisdom
modifier for 1d6 minutos.
WINTER'S EMBRACE Evocation (Cold] Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. +5ft/2 levels) Area One creature Duration: 1 round/lovel Saving
Throw: Constitution saving throw
FROZEN ARMOR Startingat 6th level an armour of ice starts forming around your body,
making your AC becomes 13 AC + dexterity modifier The ice that cover you counts as armour
and you are proficient with all armour this ice tums into. Additionally, encules that attack you with a
mielce spell or weapon attack sullor cold damage equal to half your Clcric level rounded dowii
Winter's embrace covers the victim with sheets of ice and lumps of snow. If the victlm resists the
spell the Ice and snow instantly slough from its body, causing a more 1d4 points of cold
damage and ending the elect. If the victim fails to resist, the Ice and show cline tenaciously
to its body and cause 1d8 points of cold damnge per round. Each round, the victim
can make a new Forttude saving throw to avoid suffering damage
that round. The second time a victimi sullers damage from a single casting of winter's
embrace, it becomes fatigued. The Courth time It sullers damage from the same spell it
becomes exhausted


Triinstutation Components: V. S, M, XP Casting Timc: I action Range: Touch Arca: Creature
touched Duration: Permanent

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The blizzard is a 10-foot tall cylinder with a 30-foot radius. The area that the blizzard
occupies maker EVERY crcaturc vulnerable to cold darinic or ukes their resistance immunity
WINTERBORN At Sth level no creature should stand in the way of a wonderful white
Cliristmas. You can use your reaction when a creature intends to attack you to freeze it. It
has no movement speed and is frozen until the start of its next turn. At 14th level this
ability causes 2d5 cold damage. Additionally, your regular weapon attacks ignore
cold resistance.
If they saila Constitution saving throw at the start of the blizzard Thic sight of each creature
is obscured and therefore limited to 20 ft. A hostile creature, when failing its constitution Save
becomes frozen until the 1d2 minutes after the blizzırd is over. The powerful snowstorm
can stop earlier If you lose concentration or until you dismiss it is a bonus nction. Once you use
this ability, you require a long rest before уоu mау не II apain.
BLIZZARD Starting at 17th level you can enter some kind of rage. During this rage, a
powerful snowstorm builds itself up over the cause of one round that lasts for 1d4


he three spirits of the past.present and future Christmas are those who you
specifically serve. They guide you to protect Christmas and the magic that is
behind it.
At 10th level you can use an action to lot magic mistletoe grow around you or from the point of
your choice and attempt to trab up to three crcatures you can see within 120 sect of
you. Thosc creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Saving throw or be restrained
until the start of your next action. On its turn a creature restrained this way can try and free itself
as an action with a DC 15 Dextcrity (Acrobatics) check. Another creature can attack the
mistletoe and attempt to destroy it (AC 15, HP 20 Immune psychic, vulnerable slashing)
Druid Level
Feature 2nd
No Sleep 6th
Beacon of Good Cheer, Kind Soul 8th
Magic Mistletoe 14th
Power of the Ghosts

No SLEEP. Once you chose this Druid Circle at 2nd level you are visited by the ghosts of the
past, present and future Christmas. But they hold no bad intentions, rather than that, they
ask you to help them in their work to bring the kind spirit of Christmas everywhere. You
don't sleep, always having a lookout for your duty! You cannot be put to sleep by magic, and
you leam ofc additional Druid cantrip of your choice.
POWER OF THE GHOSTS Beginning at 14th level your mystical connection to the past
present and future lets you cast one of the following two spells once every encounter.
Jolly Hold: Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit range 120 ft. one larget. Hic 17 (2010+5)
piercing damage and the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw with the DC
equal to your spell sive DC (8 + your proficiency bonus + your CON/WIS modifier) A creature
who Gails this saving throw collapses in a fit of laughter falls pronc, and cannot stand
until the end of your next turn.
The damage of the spell increases by 1db +Spell attack modifier (your proficiency bonus +
your CON/WIS modifier) with every second Druid Level after the 14th.
BEACON OF GOOD CHEER. Starting at 6th level cycry friendly crcature within 20 fect
of you gains a +5 bonus to their saving throws so long as you are conscious
This buff increases with your WIS modifier at Lvl 9, 12, 15, 17. etc.
Triady bjes Santa targeis one creature he enn see that can also see him within 30 feet. The
target must succeed on a Wiulom saving throw with the DC equal to your spell sive DC
(8 + your proficiency bonus + your CON/WIS modifier) or become chammed by you until
the end of your next tum. While charmed by you, the creature cannot attack you
KIND SOUL At 6th level as an action, each creature within a 15-foot-radius sphere centred
around you must make a Charisma siving throw against DC 10+ Wisdom modifier. When a
creature of a less than Good alignment Inils thuis saving throw, then its Alignment will
become Neutral Good for 1d6+ Wisdom modifier minutes.


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he kitchen of Santa's workshop was build a bit too big, which means two or even
three elves need to stand on top of each other to accurately work everything. But
you have become masters at it and count as legends within the ranks of the Festive
Chef's. Variation for two players
decided by your trusted DM. art by: conorburke @artstation CHEF's FEATURES
Fighter Level
Feature 3rd
Festive Baker 7th
The fire for baked goods 10th
New Recipes! 15th
Gingerbread House and Army
FESTIVE BAKER Choosing this Arcliclype at 3rd level In case you do not already have it,
you ain proficiency with Cook's utensils. "There is only one thing you can bake like a true
master, and li is everything that has tradition and roots in the days of Christmas. You city a
bag with you which holds treats. dishes and other baked goods with you where they can hold for a
long time and gain magical properties. It refills every long rest, and the following things are

Baked Good
Count Cookies
1d4 healing per cookie Shortbread 1d6 healing per cookie
you can take an additional move action Gingerbread to leap towards a target in a
20 ft

Yule Log
grants a natural armour of 16 for the
duration of the encounter

flight for 1d6 minutes, up to 50 ft.
above the ground

Good Christmas

Holiday Spritz
grants Frost Breath for two attacks
gives you an advantage on Attack rolls with ranged weapons/spells for 104
rounds resistance to fire and cold damage for
1d4 rounds

THE FIRE FOR BAKED GOODS At 7th level you got so accustomed to the heat of the oven
that you create your dishes in that you gain resistance to hot climates and fire damage and
thanks to your good taste buds you have advantage on figuring out if something is poisoned and
alin resistance to polson damage. Additionally, you can proficiency with kitchen utensils as
Frying Pan Id6 Bludgeoning (IDs Versatile) When you roll a critical strike against an
opponent, add an extra 1d6 (108 Versatile) damage, and the target is stunned for its turi
Mixing Spoon 1d8 Bludgeoning (light) When attacking you can load a helping of your
signature dish and attack like a catapult to deal Ido domuc (Rango 20/601 If launched at an
ally they can make a Dex check with advantage to eat it as a reaction, gaining any
bencfits it has.
Chef's Kolsc Idó plercing. Due to serrations along the blade, you can pierce the
toughest of armour Add +2 to your attack roll when you make a molte attack. This is not your
venge knife, lopt the razor shuurp through the hardest of Dwarven Stone Deal an additional Idd
against any creature on a critical hit.

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To cach attack with these weapons, you can add your proficiency
bonus and strength modifier.
The count increases ngain by the origini count, amit dices become cqual your hit
dices at 17th levelt

NEW RECIPES! At 10th level your studies and experience have laught you new
recipes and ways to improve your crcations. It appears to everyone that cach treat you
create comes from thin ait You do not necessarily require utensils or ingredients
anymore. Each roll you make on the properties of the baked good from "Festive Baker"
increases by 2 (→ Cookies now 304 healing) and its count is doubled
GINGERBREAD HOUSE AND ARMY Begirining at 15th level you clin create 1d8
gingerbreads that can function like familiars and soldiers you can crcatc a big crough
uingerbread house to imprison a medium crcatunt la or simply build it as decoration!
The house takes up a squarc of 20ft long x 20ft. wide x 10 ft height. Bolorc you create
cither again, you need to finish a long rest.

GINGERBREAD SOLDIERS Small construct, unaligned

Armor Class 15 Hit Points 20 Speed 35ft.

Immutable For The soldier is immune to any spells or effects that would alter its form.
Magic Weapons. The golem's weapon attacks are considered magical. Actions
Multiattack The soldier makes two slam attacks. Slam Melee Weapon Attack:
+2 to hit reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: (1d8 + your strength and proficiency modifier)
bludgeoning damage Grapple. The soldier can attempt to grapple a creature with
advantage and then put it into the gingerbread house
Damage Resistances poison, psychic, bludgeoning.
piercing and slashing from non-magical weapons Damage Immunities
Damage_Imittunities Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned

False Appennince. While the soldier remains motionless, It is indistinguishable from

a normal gingerbread-man cookie


+ in additional natural armour of +5+ proficiency bonitis
harc is nothing quilc as intimidating for evil spirits and naughty creatures as a Nutcracker
who guards home and Christmas tradition. You can crush nuts with your bare lists and take on
your role models features.
At the start of the fight every crcature of naughty alignment has to make a Wisdom
saving throw DC 14+ proficiency + your Charisma modisiar. On a fail they are
frightened for 1 minute. On a success, they are not. From 15th level forward every roughly
crenture has to make the Sive when you hit them while the bracen are equipped
AMORPHOUS When you choose this ability at 3rd level your magic allows you to
move through a spicc as narrow as I inch wide without squeezing
You can use 1 Ki to concentrate on one target to see their weak points which
gives you an advantage on attacks against them. You can expend another Kl to hit a vital

CRACK A NUT At 18th level you can lise 1d6 Ki Points to turn yourself into an illusion
of a giant wooden nutcracker lor 1d2 rounds. You
quan the following benefits
SENSE OF SECURITY Beginning at the 6th level everyone seels safe around you as long
as you do not show yourself to be hostile. The moment you enter a room, everyone seels
protected. You can use reaction in a radius of 10 st. to protect another creature, but taking half the
damage if you fall. Dexterity waving throw equal to the needed siving throw of the attack
+ 6 Additionally, you make an additional 1d6+strength modifier (dice number cquals
your proficiency bonus) damage on every attack against mischievous creatures,
every naughty crenture becomes frightened for 1 minute

you cannot concentrate

you have an advantage on all attacks and saving throws against nauplity creatures

your attacks push the target 30 il back

CHRISTMAS BRACERS Ar 11th level you gain the wonderful handerafted bricons of
Nutcracker wood which give you the following benefits:

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ou are bonded to the group of creatures which actually carry Christmas on their back. Once
they were mythology, now they are part of every Christmas night, pulling the big sleigh with the
presents through the sky. Feed them well and
they thank you. art by: wombatfacts @imgur
Damage Type
acid cold

Bard Level
Feature 3rd
Naughty Enemy, Friend's guldance 7th
Surprises for you 11th
Reindeer Whisperer 15th
Polar Express
force lightning necrotic poison Psychic radiant thunder

FAVOURED ENEMY When you chose this archetype at 3rd level all crchiures of naughty
alignment become your favoured enemy
The extra damage it causes increases at 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th level and so on, by 1d& You
can use this ability once bolorc you need to finish a long rest.

FRIEND'S GUIDANCE Starting at 3rd level when an ally makes a Dexterity or

Constitution Living throu, you can choose to lend them a helping hand and roll for them Instead, but
they lurve to take your roll
REINDEER WHISPERER At 11th level you have proven your friendship with the majestic
arcane reindeer of Sunta who you now only need to call for aid Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen,
Comct, Cupid Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph can be summoned by will and make the Curie
action twice during the encounter. You can only take this action once before you nced a long rest.

Damage Type Dasher
slashing Dancer
cold Prancer
SURPRISES FOR YOU There is nothing quite as surprising na wild magic. And there is
nothing quite like a delightlul surprise on Christmas. At 7th level, you can invoke your
weapon with wild magic that changes the type of damage your weapon causes and
Inorcases it by 208 (or two rounds.

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Vixen Comet Cupid Donner Blitzen Rudolph
Damage Type
fire force necrotic thunder lightning radiant
The sleigh can only be driven by you, and driving di TP your concentration as if you were
concentration on bell your concentration is broken while you are driving it, the sleigh will stand or hover
in place, but you must use your action to begin driving it again. The sleich can also curry
up to 5 other Medium-sized passengers. While you drive the sledge. creatures riding in it gain the
automatic benefit of your Friend's guidance feature,
The sleigh will remain with you for up to 1 hour, or until you dismiss it as an action. After
this time, you and any passengers in the sleigh will be cjected floating harmlessly to the
ground if you werc airbome, and the sleigh will vanish.
Once you summon this sleigh, you can't summon it again until you finish a long rest.
REINDEERS OF SANTA Mediumri magical beast, varying aingments

Armor Class 14 Hit Points (4d8+5) Speed 40 ft. Fly 40 AL

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) 14
(+2) 10 (0)
Damage Vulnerabilius polson, thunder, lightning Damage Resistances psychic
Damage Immunities Condition Immunities charmed Serses passive Perception
14 Languages understands but does not speak common Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Best buddy. In a fight, whichever reindeer you summoned, they will stand by your
side and sweep you off the ground should you be in trouble. That will happen
more or less automatically as a reaction, Actions Charge. If the flying arcane reindeer
moves at least 20 feet straight towards a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the
same turn, then the target is trampled over, takes damage of hooves, with damage
type dependent on the reindeer you summoned. The creature must succeed on a DC 17
Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Charge Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach GO ft., one target. Hit: (5d8+5) damage

POLAR EXPRESS After reaching the 15th level the friendship mentioned above
grows into an undeninble bond that grants you the power to leave your troubles
miles away. As two actions that you need to concentrate on, you can summon a splendidly
decorated sleigh, louded with gifts, that is 20 feet long, 10 sect wide, and 10 sect all The sleigh
is pulled by the aforementioned magical reindeer and has a walking speed of 80 feet
and a flying speed of 150 feet.
The sleigh illuminates a 10-foot area around itself with bright light with dim light extending 10
sect beyond thut. The sledge and its reindeer are your property,
immune to all damage and magical elsecis outside those credited by a wish spell It will
always be recognised by those who believe in the magic of Christmas

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our duty has become to bring discipline into the workshop. There can only be perfection, no
mistake can be made. You keep everything in order and want to almost revolutionize the old
Christmas to something newer. Being kind is good and well but there have to be
consequences for being evil art by: conorburke @artstation DUTY'S FEATURES
Paladin Level
Feature 3rd
Channel Divinity 7th
Aura Of Generosity 10th
You've Been Naughty 15th
Servant of the Endless Circle
TENETS The tenets of the Oath of to your duty as Santa Claus hold: palaidin toa
high standard of generosity kindness and support but for you also perfection.
Joy to the World Spread happiness and hope wherever you travel especially to the
young and innocent.
Generosity for its sake alone. Do not give to others because you expect to receive
something in turn, give because it is a reward in itsell
Jolly Soul Do not allow the darkness you face, the sadness in the world or the hardships
you see others struggle with dampen your own spirit, Instead be a beacon for those who need
Discipline. Your job can only be done with perfection by devoting yourself
entirely, cven if it means sacrificing other
spects. There is a fine line between mughty and nice, you chose where it lies

OATH SPELLS You gain oathi spells at the paladin levels listel Paladin Level
Spells 3rd Winter's Embrace# Purify Food and Drink 5th
Enhance Ability, Healing Spirit 9th
Fly, Protection from Energy 13th Conjure Minor Elementals, Locate
Creature 17th
Awaken, Commune

+++ See cleric

CHANNEL DIVINITY When you take this Oath at 3rd level you gain the following two
Channel Divinity options.
Joy Overflowing: As an action you can laugh. Infusing your voice with magic. Each
creature of your choice that can hear you within 30ft of you becomes immunc to thic frightened and
channed conditions for 1 minute. Any creature currently affected by one of these conditions
immediately becomes unat[ected
Peace on Earth, Santu and any number of creatures lic chooses within 30 sect fall under
the effect of the sanctuary spell (DC 21) The effect Insis 1 minute but ends curly if Santa
attacks, cists a spell or chooses to complete ihc ellect as a honis action.

AURA OF GENEROSITY To personu well every year, no one can get hurt. Therefore,
starting at 7th level you and friendly creatures within 10 scet regn the
m u ni number of hit points possible from any magicallcaling. At 18th level the range of this aura
to 30 [ccl.

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You'VE BEEN NAUGHTY Starting a 15th level you know automatically the
alignment of every centure you sec. You can show a crenture within 30 feet who can
seem you its name on the nuchty list, whether it has its name there or not. The creature
must succeed of a DC 19 Wisdomri Saving throw or suffer disadvantage on all attacks
against you and your allies. Also, you and your allies have advantage on attack ralls against
the target, and the target suffers a disadvantage on suving throws against the
cflects of your abilities and spells. These ellecis last until the end of your next tum.

SERVANT OF THE ENDLESS CIRCLE The circle never ends. Each year it repeats
itself and brings joy to the world You have to be critical about who you consider naughty
and nice, cach present was crafted with effort. Some mischievous crcatures need special
handling, or maybe just a big fucking scare.
Beginning at 20th level you can inse an action, to cvoke the form of Krampus as a form
of illusion For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits:

Fear Aura. Any creature of good or neutral alignment that sees you needs to succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw DC 18 or be frightened

• Flame Shield You are weather in holy slune. You are under the effects of the Flatric
Shield spell for the duration of the
trunsformation. Hostile creatures in a 5t radius take 208

Krampus' sack. Your weapon turns into the sack of Krampus. You can take an action and
grapple a small or medium-sized creature you can reach and stuff it into the back, where it
is restrained and blinded for the duration you are in this illusion Creatures inside the
sack cannot be targeted by outside effects. If the sack takes 20 points of damage in a
single turn, then the Inhalutants no expelled and und next to you.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


hristmas magic fills the world and the wind carries the letters and voices of all children
to you. You hear their laughs and cries, and you hear their singing and storytelling. You
are encouraged by the love around the world, and the belief that shinca intensely within all
in the world. You should be able to sing Christmas songs,
Somebody's tacching at your door With this song you chin choose to distract a
creature that can hear you. Once they listen to it, it is like they hear a knocking and
they will go to Investigate its source In a 20 ft radius or the room they are withiin.
Apn's st. (equals Vicious Mockery) At 11th level you gain the knowledge of a few Apnis sld
party hilts whilch when sung causes (9+Charismi modifier + Proficiency bonus)
psychic damage to EVERY crcature that can hear you while hostile creatures gain
disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn,
art by: ???


Bard Leve!
Feature 3rd
Encouraging Festivity 6th
Master of Song
Lifting Spirit

ENCOURAGING FESTIVITY When you join the College of World's voices at 3rd level
your volce encourages your allies to do good. Whenever a creature rolls a natural I on an
attack throw, you can choose to let it re roll the attack, with only halfis attack modifier.
They must keep the new result. This ability can be used twice before you need a short
LIFTING SPIRIT. At 14th level whenever a friendly creature you can see within 60 feet
of you takes damage, you can list its spirits as a reaction. Instead of taking
damage, that creature takes no dumage and gains temporary hit points equal to
your Bard Icvcl You can also use this cature which a friendly crcaturc you can see fulls a Christma ability
check or Charisma Saving throw. If you do so, that creature doesn't gain temporary hit
points, but can instead re-roll that ability check or saving throw with an advantage
while also ignoring disadvantage Once you use this feature, you can't use it
again until you fimesh a short or long rest.
BRILLIANT LIGHT There is unique music dancing around the air, you talde a deep
breath and feel it in your lore. At 6th level you can use this ability to let a beam of brilliant
light Lance from your chest in a 5-foot-wide, 60-foot-long conc. Each creature in the cone
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 radiant damage and be blinded
until the start of your next turn. You can use this ability only once cycry short rest.

Starting at 6th level you can perform two of the following songs during a sight, and you
can use them an infinite amount. of times outside of encounters. The DM can
expand this list if wished so,
Silent Night Sing the song Silent Night in any language. and your soothing volce lets you
choose Id4 creatures that fall asicep that can hear you.
Santa Claus is comin' to Town." Once you start singing this song in any
language, you step through icy realms and your plane to eventually land on a free
field next to an ally you choose that can hear you, and you can set.
is beginning to look lor Nite Christmas. Sing the song to decorate thic room with
Christmas lights, colourful wreathis, trec decorations, mistletoc and aromatic
candles. When a fireplace is present, then a fire will be lit.
Let it snor Cold winds swirl around you and heavy snow starts falling in a 30ft cube with
you in the centre, any creature starting their tum within 5 feet radius of you takes
(106+) cold damage and any crcature that is not used to snowy weather that is within
the 30ft cube, can only see clearly 6ft in front of it. Darkvision does not alter this,
After the solutis over, you can cast Snowsont asa cantrip for one hour

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