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create table Plat (

IdPlat int,

NomPlat varchar(30),

IdtypePlat int,

primary key (IdPlat),

foreign key (IdtypePlat) references typePlat(IdtypePlat)


create table typePlat(

IdtypePlat int,

NomtypePlat varchar(30),

primary key (IdtypePlat)


insert into typePlat values

(1, 'Entrée'),

(2, 'Plat Principale'),

(3, 'Fromage'),

(4, 'Dessert');

create table consommation(

IdPlat int,

IdPersonnel int,

datecons date,

quantite int default 1,

primary key (IdPlat, IdPersonnel)


insert into consommation values

(1, 1, '2010-12-12' , 1),

(1, 2, '2011-01-03' , 2);

insert into consommation (IdPlat, IdPersonnel, quantite) values

(3, 5 , 1);

create table personnel(

Idpersonnel int,

nom varchar(30),

prenom varchar(30),

primary key (Idpersonnel)


select * from Plat;

select * from typePlat;

select * from consommation;

select * from personnel;

select * from personnel order by nom;

select p.NomPlat from consommation c ,Plat p where c.IdPlat = p.IdPlat and datecons = '2010-12-12';

select p.NomPlat

from personnel e, consommation c, Plat p

where e.Idpersonnel = c.Idpersonnel and c.IdPlat = p.IdPlat and e.nom = 'salmi' and c.datecons = '2010-

select nom, sum(quantite) from consommation c, Personnel p where c.IdPersonnel = p.IdPersonnel

group by IdPersonnel, nom;

select avg(quantite) from consommation where IdPlat = 3;

select * from Personnel where IdPersonnel not in (select IdPersonnel from consommation);

select sum(quantite) from consommation group by IdPlat having sum(quantite) >= all (select
sum(quantite) from consommation group by IdPlat) ;

select count(IdPlat) from consommation group by IdPlat having count(IdPlat) >= 10 ;

insert into typePlat values

(3, 'Fromage');

delete from typePlat where NomtypePlat = 'Fromage';

update typePlat set NomtypePlat = 'Steak Frites' where IdtypePlat = 1;

alter table consommation add column heurcon time(3) generated always as (datecons + 1) stored;

alter table consommation drop column heurcon;

truncate table consommation;

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