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一、字彙填充(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1._____________ After Susan won the important contract for her company, she finally got a
p_____n to general manager of the company.
2._____________ Alvin didn’t keep his voice down until he was c_____s of being stared at by
people around him.
3._____________ The teacher has u_____d his students to be lifelong learners because he thinks
that knowledge has no limit.
4. _____________ It was very g_____s of my uncle to finance me when I was between jobs. 
5. _____________ With more and more leopard cats killed, the animal right groups have made an
a_____l to protect their natural habitat.
6._____________ Sir Harold Gillies, who developed many important techniques for the facial
region, was a p_____r of plastic surgery. 
7. _____________ Thousands of people p_____ed into the square to celebrate the New Year.
8._____________ Tens of thousands of people m_____d on City Hall to show their support for
samesex marriage. 
9._____________ The c_____s young men broke into the abandoned house and discovered a
dead body in the backyard.
10. _____________ D_____e the heavy rain, George still went camping with his friends in the
11. _____________ Marco entered a singing c_____t and ended up placing second.
12. _____________ After the countdown, an impressive display of fireworks ended the New Year
13. _____________ The children were surprised when the s_____l artist carved a dragon out of ice
with ease.

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14. _____________ Every August, tens of thousands of tourists p_____r into Spain to celebrate La
Tomatina Festival.
15. _____________ Natalie realized that her h_____h criticism of Tim’s essay really hurt him, so
she apologized to him. 
16. _____________ Having worked in the big hospital for seven years, the doctor has now decided
to e_____h his own clinic. 
17. _____________ The s_____t teacher demanded that his students hand in the report on time, or
they would be punished.
18. _____________ It is wrong to read other people’s LINE messages just to satisfy your own
19. _____________ In a d_____c society, everyone’s opinions should be valued and respected.
20. _____________ The p_____l issue has been widely discussed among the government officials
over the past few weeks.
21. _____________ After weeks of treatment, the doctor c_____ed the patient of his skin
22. _____________ The businessman e_____ed his first company at the age of 24, and he
expanded his business overseas three years later.
23. _____________ Historically, a lot of people strove for d_____y at the cost of their lives. It was
brave of them to fight for basic rights of freedom.
24. _____________ It s_____d me to discover that my favorite bookstore had shut down the
previous month.
25. _____________ Warm salt water can help c_____e a sore throat.
26. _____________ When the man who had killed dozens of people was arrested, j_____e was
served in this case.

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27. _____________ The young singer is quite a_____e in recent years. He has released several
albums and given many concerts.
28. _____________ D_____e the heavy rain, many people still took part in the Sun Moon Lake
29. _____________ Susan had a strong desire to serve the public, so she decided to go into
30. _____________ E_____ed in ancient times, the Greek temple attracts millions of tourists from
around the world every year.
31. _____________ It s_____ked me to discover that my mother’s hair had turned grey over the past
32. _____________ The p_____n promised to build a gym in the town four years ago, but the
promise has not been realized yet.
33. _____________ Martin Luther King Jr. organized several c_____s for civil rights by leading
peaceful protests and delivering speeches. 
34. _____________ The mayor u_____ed the public to pay more attention to the city’s
environmental problems in his speech.
35. _____________ Amy has constantly p_____d recycling in the neighborhood because she
thinks that protecting the environment is everyone’s duty. 
36. _____________ Hours after being sent to the hospital, the man who was in a coma regained
his c_____s and started to talk.
37. _____________ Nora made n_____s grammatical errors in her essay, so the teacher asked her
to revise it.
38. _____________ The small town will benefit from the e_____t of the new High Speed Rail
station nearby.

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39. _____________ People who live in a democratic country enjoy f_____m of speech. They can
express their opinions with their will.

二、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1._____________ The ______ (political) promised to build a gym in the town three years ago,
but it has not been realized yet.
2. _____________ Out of _____ (curious), Jane asked Katharine whether she had a boyfriend.
3._____________ Taiwan is a(n) _____ (democracy) country where the president is elected by
4. _____________ Eve felt surprised at Gary’s choice of majoring in ______ (political) in
5._____________ The physician made a(n) _____ (appeal) to the country’s teenagers to stay
away from drugs.
6._____________ A large crowd of people _____ (march) in the direction of the Legislative
Yuan to protest against the new policy.
7._____________ There was keen competition among the applicants, since more than a hundred
people _____ (contest) only one job vacancy(空缺).
8._____________ Microsoft, founded by Bill Gates, _____ (pioneer) the research and
development of computer software.
9._____________ It came as a(n) _____ (shock) that the department store was going to close
down at the end of the year.
10. _____________ David got a(n) _____ (promote) to the executive of the department because of
his excellent working performance.
11. _____________ While the band was _____ (march), the people standing on either side of the
road were taking pictures with their smartphones.

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12. _____________ When the waiter _____ (pour) the hot coffee for the customer, he stained her
dress by accident.
13. _____________ The old lady gave the waiter a(n) _____ (generous) tip to express her
appreciation for his help.
14. _____________ The company has broadened its customer base since its ______ (establish).
More and more customers buy their products.
15. _____________ Not until Alvin was _____ (consciousness) of other people staring at him did
he realize that he should keep his voice down.
16. _____________ The human rights group _____ (appeal) to the government to abolish(廢止)
the death penalty.
17. _____________ Many animals have difficulty living in a(n) _____ (harsh) environment like
18. _____________ The scientists have been trying to discover the _____ (cure) for the disease
over the past few years.
19. _____________ After knowing her husband got _____ (promote) to a higher position in the
company, Sara made a hearty(豐盛的) dinner to celebrate the day.
20. _____________ Many environmentalists in Taiwan are _____ (campaign) against building
cable cars in Yushan National Park.

三、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. ( C ) _____ in Tang dynasty(唐朝), the temple still stands on top of the mountain.
(A)Establishing (B)It established (C)Established (D)To establish
2. ( A ) It was embarrassing _____ Dora wore the same dress as Lisa at the party.
(A)that (B)who (C)which (D)where
3. ( C ) _____ hard David tried, his mother refused to buy him the smartphone.
(A)Whatever (B)How (C)However (D)What
4. ( C ) The waiter’s legs were stiff because he _____ for the whole afternoon.
(A)has stood (B)is standing (C)had been standing (D)stands
5. ( D ) It is true _____ eating too much fried food will increase the risk of heart disease.
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(A)what (B)which (C)X (D)that
6. ( B ) _____ method Jane used to open the glass jar, she just could not make it.
(A)Whoever (B)Whichever (C)Whenever (D)However
7. ( B ) People’s standard of living _____ a lot over the past decade.
(A)will improve (B)has improved (C)had been improved(D)was improving
8. ( A ) _____ you go, I will always be there for you.
(A)Wherever (B)However (C)Whichever (D)Whatever
9. ( C ) Radium(鐳) was discovered by Marie Curie _____ was the first woman to win a Nobel
(A), whom (B)that (C), who (D)whose
10. ( B ) _____ the boy cries, his grandmother will give him some candy to comfort him.
(A)Wherever (B)Whenever (C)Whatever (D)Whichever
11. ( A ) Not only Lily but also Tom and Mary _____ fond of watching movies.
(A)are (B)is (C)am (D)be
12. ( B ) The speech gave by the religious leader _____ a lot of his followers believe in God.
(A)caused (B)made (C)got (D)kept
13. ( B ) _____, you will not always get good grades on exams.
(A)What smart you are (B)However smart you are
(C)Whatever smart you are (D)No matter how smartly you are
14. ( D ) Andrew stood at the bus stop with his arms _____ in front of the chest.
(A)to fold (B)fold (C)folding (D)folded
15. ( A ) The circus show was _____ amazing _____ the audience cheered and clapped.
(A)so; that (B)such; that (C)such; as (D)too; to
16. ( C ) _____ Ted chooses to do, his parents will always support him.
(A)What (B)Anything that (C)Whatever (D)No matter how
17. ( A ) _____ you turn to for help, you should be grateful if he or she solves your problem.
(A)Whoever (B)Whatever (C)Whichever (D)However
18. ( C ) It was because of his diligence _____ Daniel achieved success.
(A)X (B)what (C)that (D)which
19. ( D ) _____ violates the law, he or she will be punished.
(A)Whatever (B)However (C)Wherever (D)Whoever
20. ( B ) Justin left the office with a pile of paper _____ in his hands.
(A)to be carried (B)carried (C)carrying (D)carry

四、課文綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. On the afternoon of February 26, 1923, something very special happened in Tokyo. When
the people were walking down the streets, 50,000 colorful leaflets poured down from the sky. If you
were curious enough to pick them up, you would have read messages like “Freedom for Taiwan,”
and “The Taiwanese have been suffering from political violence” written on them. The Taiwanese

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were __1__ equality, justice, and freedom. Before this event, __2__ the Taiwanese tried, the
Japanese refused to notice their requests.
Taiwan had been __3__ Japanese rule since 1895. As a colony, the country had developed, but the
Japanese were harsh towards Taiwanese people. So for some people like Chiang Wei-shui, who was
a doctor and activist(活躍人士) that longed for democracy, development wasn’t enough. He
believed that a doctor should provide a cure for the country and __4__ he had to influence people
by talking about civil rights. He convinced his friend Hsieh Wen-ta who was a skillful pilot with a
good reputation. They got a new plane for Hsieh, __5__ the “Spirit of Taipei,” to do this difficult
These two heroes paved the way for Taiwan’s freedom. Today, many people still remember and
praise them.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) logging in (B) setting up (C) taking advantage of (D) crying out for
( 2 ) ( ) (A) however hard (B) how hard (C) whatever hard (D) no matter how hardly
( 3 ) ( ) (A) from (B) of (C) over (D) under
( 4 ) ( ) (A) which (B) whether (C) that (D) what
( 5 ) ( ) (A) which named (B) named (C) to name (D) naming
答案:( 1 ) D ( 2 ) A ( 3 ) D ( 4 ) C ( 5 ) B
2. Taiwan became a colony of Japan in 1895. The Japanese government in Taiwan was harsh
on Taiwanese people, and the laws were __1__ and unfair. The punishments for people in Taiwan
were usually cruel. Two men, Chiang Wei-shui and Hsieh Wen-ta, were pioneers in this struggle
__2__ justice.
Chiang was a doctor who was also active in politics. He believed his country needed a “cure,”
freedom from Japanese rule. Hsieh was an excellent pilot who won prizes in Japanese competitions.
After he met Chiang, he decided to join the __3__ against Japanese colonial rule.
In 1923, Hsieh dropped 50,000 different colored papers over Tokyo, __4__ the Japanese to give
the Taiwanese equality. At the same time, Chiang led a march through the streets of Tokyo to
demand justice for Taiwanese people. The Japanese government did not surrender. However, these
actions continued to promote the need for democracy and self-rule in Taiwan.
__5__ action Chiang and Hsieh took, it reminded the Taiwanese people that their culture was
strong and courageous. Needless to say, they are remembered as heroes for their strength and
courage in the face of great difficulty.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) skillful (B) strict (C) silent (D) shocked
( 2 ) ( ) (A) to (B) for (C) against (D) with
( 3 ) ( ) (A) celebration (B) consciousness (C) contest (D) campaign
( 4 ) ( ) (A) urging (B) urged (C) and urge (D) to urge
( 5 ) ( ) (A) No matter who (B) No matter how (C) Wherever (D) Whatever
答案:( 1 ) B ( 2 ) B ( 3 ) D ( 4 ) A ( 5 ) D

五、綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)

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1. Although the United States is often viewed as a country of freedom, it has a dark history.
Slavery of Africans was legal and common in the country __1__ the United States Civil War. After
slavery ended, however, systems of discrimination against black people still existed.
__2__ laws were put in place that made African Americans second-class citizens. Laws made it
difficult for African Americans to vote. In addition, whites and blacks are separated. Separate lunch
counters, bus seats, and even drinking fountains were found everywhere. Generally, the facilities
reserved for whites were much nicer than those for blacks.
This unfair treatment __3__ the Civil Rights Movement. The campaign was led by Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., another pioneer in the world who helped raise social consciousness and the need
for justice. He led a famous march on Washington, D.C.
In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act __4__ made equal employment
opportunity for blacks and whites a law. It also made it easier for African Americans to vote and did
away with segregated public facilities.
While the Civil Rights Movement brought cause for __5__, there are still improvements to be
made today to make sure that all people are recognized equally. The only way to do so is to struggle
for what they know is right.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) until (B) like (C) despite (D) since
( 2 ) ( ) (A) Generous (B) Conscious (C) Numerous (D) Curious
( 3 ) ( ) (A) cared for (B) acted as (C) led to (D) spoke for
( 4 ) ( ) (A) what (B) , that (C) which (D) , which
( 5 ) ( ) (A) celebration (B) contest (C) pioneer (D) establishment
答案:( 1 ) A ( 2 ) C ( 3 ) C ( 4 ) D ( 5 ) A
2. Throughout the history, it seems that the only cure for a bad government is a resistance
movement to form. The leaders need to gather people around them and show them a path to
Mahatma Gandhi was such a leader who raised social __1__. Gandhi was a lawyer who fought
against India’s British colonial rulers. He was not violent, though. He organized people in a
campaign against the British rulers. He also worked toward ending the harsh Indian caste system, a
set of ideas that __2__ some people in society lesser beings than others. In 1947, Gandhi’s work
helped establish India’s independence from British colonial rule.
__3__ pioneer for political rights was Nelson Mandela. He was born in the Republic of South
Africa. During his life, the ruling government practiced apartheid, which was a system of separate
laws for people depending on the color of their skin. Mandela started __4__ the anti-colonial, pro-
African nationalist political group called the African National Congress (ANC). Because of his
work, he was jailed for 27 years, and he was finally released from prison in 1990. He ended
apartheid and became the president of South Africa from 1994 to 1997. He received numerous
awards __5__ his accomplishments, including the Nobel Peace Prize.
Both of these men helped change the world. They showed the world what real leaders could be.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) celebration (B) promotion (C) establishment (D) consciousness

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( 2 ) ( ) (A) caused (B) had (C) let (D) made
( 3 ) ( ) (A) Other (B) Another (C) Such (D) The other
( 4 ) ( ) (A) contesting (B) pouring (C) appealing (D) promoting
( 5 ) ( ) (A) in spite of (B) in contrast to (C) in honor of (D) in addition to
答案:( 1 ) D ( 2 ) D ( 3 ) B ( 4 ) D ( 5 ) C
3. Hsieh Wen-ta was Taiwan’s first pilot who made his mark with a famous flight over Tokyo.
Born in 1901 in Taichung, Hsieh became an outstanding pilot during the Japanese colonial era. He
was trained in Japan, but __1__ he wanted to fly, he was not accepted by the Japanese government
because Taiwanese people were considered second-class citizens.
__2__ home, Hsieh became a flight pioneer in Taiwan. His fame helped him find supporters to
buy an airplane for him. The Japanese governor-general also wanted to turn Hsieh into a role model
for the young people on the island. __3__, he set up Hsieh to consult for the police.
Hsieh then joined the Taiwan Cultural Association, an organization headed by Chiang Wei-shui.
The purpose of the organization was to eventually __4__ a representative form of government in
Taiwan. In 1923, Hsieh flew over Tokyo. From the plane, he dropped leaflets that called for
Taiwanese democracy and criticized the ruling Japanese for their harsh policies. The Japanese
government was quite angry with the campaign, so Hsieh fled Taiwan to mainland China.
Afterward, Hsieh joined the Republic of China Air Force. In 1932, he retired from the air force
and worked __5__ a businessman. He returned to Taiwan in 1946 and then led a quiet life until his
death in Taipei in 1983.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) no matter (B) much however (C) however much (D) no matter how
( 2 ) ( ) (A) Returning (B) Return (C) Returned (D) Because returned
( 3 ) ( ) (A) Thus (B) Besides (C) However (D) Likewise
( 4 ) ( ) (A) entertain (B) campaign (C) promote (D) establish
( 5 ) ( ) (A) on (B) out (C) as (D) in
答案:( 1 ) C ( 2 ) A ( 3 ) A ( 4 ) D ( 5 ) C
4. When the First Sino-Japanese War ended in 1895, Japan took control of Taiwan. This
established the Japanese Colonial Period in Taiwan’s history that lasted nearly 50 years.
When Japanese rulers first came to Taiwan, they gave the people a choice: __1__ accept Japanese
rule __1__ leave within two years. The goal of the ruling Japanese was to hold absolute power.
Those who cried out for more freedom put themselves in danger.
__2__ their goal, they set up public schools. However, schooling for Taiwanese was mostly
limited to primary education, with secondary education __3__ for Japanese. The Taiwanese were
taught that they were bound by the __4__ laws and they had no right to question. People were
forced to speak Japanese. As for other learning, Taiwanese were mostly expected to learn trades that
would help the island produce more goods.
__5__ some good things that happened in Taiwan during this time, the Japanese occupation was
still expected to be a benefit for Japan. Taiwan would be a supplier of raw materials and a market
for goods produced in Japan. The rulers were harsh, though, and any person who was against them

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was punished. In the face of this possible punishment, many went along with Japanese rule and
therefore lost their freedom.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) such; as (B) either; or (C) neither; nor (D) not only; but also
( 2 ) ( ) (A) By achieving (B) Achieving (C) To achieve (D) Achieve
( 3 ) ( ) (A) reserving (B) reserved (C) reserve (D) to be reserved
( 4 ) ( ) (A) strict (B) curious (C) political (D) conscious
( 5 ) ( ) (A) Besides (B) As (C) Unlike (D) Despite
答案:( 1 ) B ( 2 ) C ( 3 ) B ( 4 ) A ( 5 ) D

六、文意選填(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. From 1895 to 1945, Taiwan was a colony of Japan. Today, you can still see __1__
reminders of Japanese rule. The Presidential Office in Taipei was built in 1919, and National
Taiwan University was first __2__ as Taihoku Imperial University in 1928.
Taiwan was __3__ as Japan’s “model colony.” The Japanese governors developed the island’s
economy, building roads, __4__, and bridges. Agriculture was also __5__, as Japan needed Taiwan
to feed its growing population. While the Japanese treated people in Taiwan better than those in
other colonies like Korea, they still needed to exercise control.
One way they controlled people was through the Hoko system, a __6__ system of rules enforced
at the local level. The Japanese police worked together with local village and household heads to
limit __7__ and movement. For example, any strangers in the __8__ had to be reported to the
police. Whenever a family welcomed a guest over for a visit, the police must be told. Failure to
report anything would result in a punishment or fine.
In time, the suffering of the Taiwanese gave rise to democracy __9__ like Chiang Wei-shui. They
__10__ to the Japanese governors to allow the Taiwanese a voice. So, while full democracy did not
come to Taiwan until fairly recently, we can trace its roots to colonial days.
(A) freedom (B) established (C) railroads (D) appealed (E) active
(F) community (G) numerous (H) pioneers (I) promoted (J) strict
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
答案:(1) G;(2) B;(3) I;(4) C;(5) E;(6) J;(7) A;(8) F;(9) H;(10) D
2. Despite strict government control of the people in East Germany during the Cold War, a
movement for freedom started to grow. People were living in __1__ conditions. Besides, they hated
the __2__ laws that didn’t allow them to leave the country.
However, as a political movement against the situation was growing, one government official made
a big mistake that would end up being cause for __3__. The mistake was the __4__ for East
German unhappiness. One high-ranking member of the East German government __5__ Gunter
Schabowski said East Germans could apply for permission to travel outside the country.
Schabowski’s __6__ happened when he read the instructions on the paper incorrectly. Curious
reporters asked when this new rule would become __7__, and Schabowski said, “Immediately.”

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Word spread quickly within hours. Hundreds of thousands of East Germans had __8__ to the border
between East and West Berlin. One of the guards there didn’t know what to do, as he hadn’t heard
of the new __9__. In the face of so many happy people demanding to travel to West Berlin, he
finally let them pass.
In the end, this mistake by Schabowski brought __10__. Three million East Germans poured into
West Berlin over the next three days, and the Berlin Wall came down completely.
(A) marched (B) harsh (C) error (D) cure (E) celebration
(F) active (G) named (H) rule (I) strict (J) freedom
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
答案:(1) B;(2) I;(3) E;(4) D;(5) G;(6) C;(7) F;(8) A;(9) H;(10) J
3. At the end of the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895, Taiwan became a territory of Japan. At
first, there was a short-lived __1__ movement, known as the Republic of Formosa. Men such as Qui
Fengjia and others __2__ Taiwan to rule itself. The Republic of Formosa even declared
independence from Japan, but this __3__ was short-lived.
Thus began five decades of __4__ Japanese rule in Taiwan. At first, strict laws were __5__,
which made Taiwanese second-class citizens in their own land. Though speaking Mandarin didn’t
break the law, speaking Japanese was heavily __6__. To advance in society, speaking Japanese was
necessary. However, the Japanese soon found that the Taiwanese had a strong national __7__.
Therefore, they decided to take a somewhat softer approach.
Starting in 1915, the Japanese allowed local government and invited Taiwanese to take part in
their own __8__. Furthermore, though the Japanese had taken a “hands off” role in the education
system, they finally founded a public-school system for Taiwanese. Still, it was agreed that the
Taiwanese would make an effort to __9__ become just as the Japanese were on a cultural level.
At the start of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, though, Japan once again decided that the
Taiwanese would have to be forced to become __10__ Japanese. Needless to say, Japanese
language, culture, and lifestyle were encouraged. This was only ended with the Japanese defeat in
WWII in 1945, when the Republic of China era of Taiwan began.
(A) campaign (B) consciousness (C) established (D) eventually (E) urged
(F) fully (G) promoted (H) political (I) democracy (J) harsh
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______
(6) _______ (7) _______ (8) _______ (9) _______ (10) _______
答案:(1) H;(2) E;(3) A;(4) J;(5) C;(6) G;(7) B;(8) I;(9) D;(10) F

七、篇章結構(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. The concept of freedom has been an important global ideal for civilizations and people
throughout the centuries. __1__ This includes civil liberties, intellectual, and religious freedom as
well as political freedom.
Civil liberties include the right to say, write and act however you want within the general laws of

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your county. They also allow people to speak out against the government and political leaders
without unjust treatment. __2__ In other words, no one is forced to believe in a certain way of
thinking. Political freedom usually accompanies democratic governments, within which a country’s
leader is elected by its people. __3__
While democratic governments are supposed to protect the rights of their people, even in these
“free” societies, however, people are not always as free as they may seem. __4__ These acts of
freedoms can happen during wars, international terrorism and global disasters, such as tsunamis,
earthquakes and cyclones.
(A) In the broadest sense, “freedom” is an individual’s right to make decisions about his or her
(B) Sometimes populations need to fight the government for freedoms the government wants to take
(C) This type of freedom also includes the government taking votes on important national decisions,
and that political leaders are responsible for their actions.
(D) Intellectual and religious freedoms enable people to think as they wish and follow any religion
they choose.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______
答案:(1) A;(2) D;(3) C;(4) B
2. What if you were not allowed to go to school because someone did not like the color of your
skin? __1__ However, after years of protests and demonstrations by Civil Rights activists, the
Supreme Court made the rule illegal. Unfortunately, in many American towns, local authorities still
prevented black people from claiming their right to education.
One such case in Little Rock, Arkansas, drew international attention to this problem. In 1957,
nine black students tried to join the primarily “white” Central High School. __2__ The soldiers
surrounded the school and refused to allow the black students into the building. __3__ Finally,
President Eisenhower sent members of the U.S. Army to Arkansas, and the nine students entered the
school under the protection of 1,000 soldiers.
__4__ The nine students faced extreme racism from some of their fellow students. However, they
did not lose faith and courage, and in time, they came to be accepted as ordinary students and not
“black” students.
With the sense of acceptance and the education they received, all of them went on to have
successful careers in journalism, public service, and more. Today, Central High School, where they
quietly demanded their rights, is a shining symbol of the Civil Rights movement and the triumph of
(A) With such unfavorable beginnings, that academic year was a difficult one for everyone at
Central High School.
(B) To prevent them from doing so, the governor of Arkansas called upon the National Guard—the
state’s military force.
(C) Strangely enough, until 1954, black students in the United States faced the problem because the

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law did not let them study with other students.
(D) Two weeks later, the students tried to enter with the police, but they were still forced to leave.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______
答案:(1) C;(2) B;(3) D;(4) A
3. Chiang Wei-shui had money, a good position in society, and a great career as a doctor. __1__
Nevertheless, he chose to fight for the rights of the Taiwanese during Japanese rule.
In the early 1900s, life was hard under Japanese rule. The Taiwanese were second-class citizens.
The Japanese thought they could change their traditions and values. But Chiang had other ideas. He
set up the Taiwan Cultural Association in 1921. __2__ Many people came to hear him speak.
Chiang then established his own newspaper and opened a book shop. He believed that knowledge
was power, and he hoped that other Taiwanese could also gain knowledge from reading.
__3__ His party pushed for a Taiwanese voice in the Japanese government. However, because of
his different ideas, Chiang was sent to prison many times. But each time it just made him stronger.
__4__ He is still remembered today as one of the greatest people in the history of the country.
(A) He travelled around the country and gave talks about the importance of fighting for Taiwanese
(B) Because of his devotion to Taiwan, Chiang Wei-shui gained a reputation among the Taiwanese
people as “the Savior of Taiwan.”
(C) In 1927, Chiang went on to form the first political party in Taiwan.
(D) It would have been very easy for him to enjoy the good life.
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______
答案:(1) D;(2) A;(3) C;(4) B

八、閱讀測驗 (素養題)(共 0 分,每題 0 分)

1. Some of the greatest leaders are those who push for social change. They often lead their
people to see the problems around them. Three such leaders are Susan B. Anthony, Mohandas
Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Although these three leaders have different backgrounds, they
have many things in common.
Susan B. Anthony is known for her efforts to fight for women’s right to vote in the United States.
As a result, she was jailed more than once. She became a pioneer that led women to have the same
rights as men.
Mohandas Gandhi fought for India’s freedom from Britain through non-violent methods. He
lectured and urged Indian people to protest their conditions and unfair taxation. Eventually,
Gandhi’s actions and his followers won freedom for India.
Martin Luther King, Jr. is another American leader. In the 1950s and 1960s black Americans had
fewer rights than white Americans. King delivered a famous speech about the importance of
equality for all people. His efforts led to more equality in American society.
All three of these leaders fought for equality. They were determined to bring changes through
non-violent acts of civil disobedience(不服從). All three spoke with powerful messages that

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addressed the desires of those they wanted to help.
Leaders of great character care about their people. They hope them to have rights that another
social class may enjoy. Anthony, Gandhi and King all served as leaders that brought sweeping
( 1 ) ( ) What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) To emphasize the importance of social equality.
(B) To offer useful tips on becoming influential leaders.
(C) To reflect the problems resulting from social inequality.
(D) To introduce great leaders who brought positive changes.
( 2 ) ( ) What can’t be inferred from the passage?
(A) Britain’s tax policy on Indian people must have been unfair.
(B) Women in the past were not allowed to vote in the United States.
(C) White Americans enjoyed less social equality after the 1960s.
(D) A lot of people supported Gandhi in his struggle for freedom from Britain.
( 3 ) ( ) How did the leaders mentioned in the passage fight for equality?
( 4 ) ( ) Mark “T” for “true” and “F” for “false” for each of the following statements.
_____ (a) Both Susan B. Anthony and Martin Luther King are Americans.
_____ (b) King fought for women’s rights to vote and freedom of speech.
_____ (c) Mohandas Gandhi urged express people’s disapproval to British government
through non-violent acts.
答案:( 1 ) D ( 2 ) C ( 3 ) They fought for equality through non-violent acts of civil
disobedience and by delivering speeches. ( 4 ) (a) T (b) F (c) T
2. Many Taiwanese see Chiang Wei-shui as a hero. He was born in Yilan County in 1891. He
was a physician by profession, but he also felt a great love for Taiwan as well, which led him to act
as a pioneer and form cultural movements against the ruling Japanese.
Taiwan was considered a Japanese colony. Chiang was able to see how unjust many things were
in Taiwan society. To begin with, Taiwanese people didn’t have the same rights as Japanese, who
put harsh laws in place. In 1921, he helped form the Taiwan Cultural Association, a group that
urged Taiwanese to learn about their own culture and fight for justice and human rights.
In a lecture at the Taiwan Cultural Association, Chiang described the colonial Taiwan as a patient
that needed to be cured. What caused the illness to the patient was the rule of the Japanese. Then,
Chiang was noticed by the Japanese authorities and was put in prison for his appeals against the
government. He ended up in jail numerous times in his life for a total of 144 days spent in prison.
In 1927, Chiang founded the Taiwanese People’s Party. This political party promoted freedom of
speech and association, along with self-rule for Taiwan. Once again, the party’s campaign went
directly against the rule of the Japanese, and the party was forced to break apart by the Japanese.
Chiang died in 1931. In his will, he gave his last hope that Taiwan would one day rule itself and

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be free from outside forces. Nearly 90 years later, he is still seen as one of Taiwan’s great heroes,
and there are statues and parks in Taiwan that were created in honor of Chiang.
( 1 ) ( ) Where is the passage most likely found?
(A) In a historical report.
(B) In an advertisement.
(C) In a travel guidebook.
(D) In a scientific magazine.
( 2 ) ( ) Which of the following statements is NOT true about Chiang Wei-shui?
(A) He was a doctor and a pioneer who fought against the Japanese rule.
(B) He was a co-founder of the Taiwan Cultural Association.
(C) He was born in the eastern part of Taiwan and lived to be 40.
(D) He was jailed for many years for his actions against the government.
( 3 ) ( ) How is the passage organized?
(A) By comparison.
(B) By cause and effect.
(C) In sequence of time.
(D) In order of importance.
( 4 ) ( ) What were the goals of the Taiwanese People’s party?
答案:( 1 ) (A) ( 2 ) (D) ( 3 ) (C) ( 4 ) It hoped that Taiwanese people would enjoy freedom of
speech and association and that Taiwan would be self-ruled one day.

In June 2019, millions of people took to the street and protested to defend their freedom.
Nonetheless, those who flooded the streets were called “terrorists” by the government. The

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government made a vow to punish these protesters and responded with devastating police brutality,
forcing the crowd to go away by tear gas. The protesters, however, insisted on fighting for their
lives, their freedom, and their futures instead of yielding to the government.
( 1 ) ( ) What does the word “devastating” most likely mean?
(A) Accurate. (B) Damaging. (C) Permanent. (D) Appropriate.
( 2 ) ( ) Where does this passage most likely appear?
(A) On a webpage for promoting liberty. (B) On an ad for animal trading.
(C) On a flyer of crackdown on robbery. (D) On a magazine of a travel agency.
( 3 ) ( ) Which of the following is most likely to be the protest sign in the picture?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

( 4 ) ( ) What is the attitude of the author toward these protesters?
(A) These protesters are aggressive. (B) These protesters are persuasive.
(C) These protesters are ridiculous. (D) These protesters are strong-minded.
答案:( 1 ) B ( 2 ) A ( 3 ) C ( 4 ) D
4. Coins are often designed in honor of important figures in history. Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian hero fighting
against British rule. His portrait has been imprinted on 10-Rupee coins. His counterpart in Taiwan, Chiang Wei-shui, a
Taiwanese activist against Japanese colonization, has also been imprinted on the coin to remind people of his efforts.
The following are the profiles of the two heroes.
Mahatma Gandhi Chiang, Wei-shui

Born: 1869 Born: 1890

Died: 1948 Died: 1931
Cause of death: Assassination Cause of death: Typhoid Fever
Alma Mater: University College London Alma Mater: Taiwan Medical College (Now
National Taiwan University College of Medicine)
Occupation: lawyer, politician Occupation: physician
Known for: Indian Independence Movement Known for: Taiwan’s resistance movement against
from British, nonviolent resistance Japan, founding Taiwanese People’s Party

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♦imprint 烙印 portrait 肖像 assassination 暗殺 alma mater 母校
( 1 ) ( ) Which of the following sentences uses the underlined word “counterpart” correctly?
(A) The stepmother in Cinderella and her counterpart in Snow White, the queen, are typical antagonists(反
(B) The secretary arranged an important meeting for her counterpart, the manager, with a big client.
(C) Jenny, a college student, is talking to her counterpart, Professor Chen, on the phone.
(D) Cinderella has been dancing with her counterpart, the Prince.
( 2 ) ( ) Which of the following about Chiang, Wei-shui is NOT true?
(A) He worked as a doctor.
(B) He was the founder of a local party.
(C) He played an important role in the anti-colonial campaign.
(D) He died young in his 30s.
( 3 ) ( ) What did the two heroes have in common?
(A) Both of them were killed by someone.
(B) Both of them played an important role in anti-colonial movements.
(C) Both of them fought against the same colonial power.
(D) Both of them worked as a lawyer.
( 4 ) ( ) Please complete the following sentences.
(a) Gandhi was killed by someone while Wei-shui Chiang __________.
(b) Gandhi worked as a lawyer, while Wei-shui Chiang __________.
答案:( 1 ) A ( 2 ) D ( 3 ) B ( 4 ) (a) died of Typhoid Fever (b) worked as a physician

九、合併及改寫句子(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. Whenever / Henry encounter / difficulty / he can / always / find out / solutions / them
答案:Whenever Henry encounters difficulties, he can always out solutions to them.
2. by bus / to work / bought the car / since she / Clara has never gone
答案:Clara has never gone to work by bus since she bought the car.
3. may be, / to finish it / However hard / the job / do her best / Phoebe will
答案:However hard the job may be, Phoebe will do her best to finish it.
4. No matter which train you take, you will get to the destination.
(用 Whichever 改寫)
答案:Whichever train you take, you will get to the destination.
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5. The baseball games are exciting.
Eunice shows no interest in them.
(用 However 合併)
答案:However exciting the baseball games are, Eunice shows no interest in them.
6. No matter how old you are, you have to keep learning.
(用 However 改寫)
答案:However old you are, you have to keep learning.
7. Whatever / Robin’s dream / be / his parents / willing to / help him / make / come true
答案:Whatever Robin’s dream is, his parents are willing to help him make it come true.
8. Howard’s pet cat is sick.
He will stay at home to take care of it.
(用 Whenever 合併)
答案:Whenever Howard’s pet cat is sick, he will stay at home to take care of it.
9. Eason still couldn’t / his eagerness / Despite / with his abilities / impress his boss / to get a
答案:Despite his eagerness to get a promotion, Eason still couldn’t impress his boss with his
10. However curious / you be / it be impolite / you / touch others’ / items / without / ask / their
答案:However curious you are, it is impolite of you to touch others’ items without asking for their

十、引導式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. 即便面對經濟蕭條,這間公司仍未資遣任何員工。
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ the economic depression, the
company still doesn’t lay off any employees.
答案:In ;the ;face ;of
2. 儘管資金不足,Eleanor 還是想要設立自己的廣告公司。
_____________ a lack of capital, Eleanor still wants to _____________ _____________ her own

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advertising company.
3. 政府計畫在這座小鎮設立一間圖書館,提供當地孩子大量的讀物。
The government plans to _____________ _____________ a library in the small town to offer the
local children plenty of books to read.
答案:set ;up
4. Carol 寵壞了她的兒子。不論他急需什麼,她都會提供給他。
Carol spoiled her son. _____________ he _____________ _____________ for, she would always
offer him.
5. Ella 一直是 Ray 在大學最好的朋友。不用說,畢業後他一定會很想念她。
Ella has been Ray’s best friend in college. _____________ _____________ _____________, he
will miss her very much after they graduate.
答案:Needless ;to ;say
6. Cathy 選擇成為刑事辯護律師,因為她認為犯人們也享有權利,也需要有人為其發聲。
Cathy has chosen to become a criminal defense lawyer because she thinks that criminals have their
rights and that they also need someone to _____________ _____________ them.
答案:speak ;for
7. 這尊雕像立來向這位現代科學先驅致敬。
The statue was put up _____________ _____________ _____________ the _____________ of
modern science.
8. 舉辦這場典禮的目的是為了向那些終身在軍中為國服務的人們致敬。
The ceremony was held _____________ _____________ _____________ those who had spent all
their lives serving their country in the military.
答案:in ;honor ;of
9. 在受困孤島十天後,這支遠征隊急需食物和乾淨水源。
After getting stuck in the isolated island for ten days, the expedition team _____________
_____________ _____________ food and clean water. 
答案:cried ;out ;for
10. 這位科學家一直努力推廣這疾病的新療法,但很少人為他發聲。
The scientist has been trying to _____________ the new _____________ _____________ the
disease, but few people _____________ _____________ him.
11. 看到那麼多人湧入會場,Howard 感到吃驚。
Howard was _____________ to see so many people _____________ _____________ the venue.

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十一、整句式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. 不用說,民主國家的人們享有投票權。
答案:Needless to say, people in democratic countries enjoy the right to vote.
2. 面臨惡劣的天氣,這群登山客仍舊好奇地往前進。
答案:In the face of the harsh weather, these hikers still marched with curiosity.
3. 儘管該法律很嚴格,還是有很多人觸法。
答案:Despite the strict law, many people still break it.
4. 該團體呼籲政府認真看待環境問題。
答案:The group urged the government to take the environmental problem seriously.
5. 這位慷慨的商人設立基金會以照顧需要幫助的孩童。
答案:The generous businessman established a foundation to care for the children in need.

十二、單句翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
( 1 ) Hans 意識到增進技能的重要性。
( 2 ) 在嚴格的訓練下,他的技巧會成熟到能應付困難的情況。(so . . . that)
答案:( 1 ) Hans is conscious of the importance of improving his skills. ( 2 ) Under strict
training, he will become so skillful that he can deal with difficult situations.
( 1 ) Yvette 升遷後,她的家人將為她辦慶祝會。
( 2 ) 她很好奇準備的食物會有多豐盛。
答案:( 1 ) After Yvette got a promotion/got promoted, her family would hold a celebration for her.
( 2 ) She was curious about how generous the food prepared would be.
( 1 ) 不用說,Erikson 博士的發明改變了人們的生活。
( 2 ) 他過世後,人們為他設立雕像以向他致敬。
答案:( 1 ) Needless to say, Dr. Erikson’s invention has changed people’s lives. ( 2 ) After he

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passed away, people set up a statue in honor of him.
( 1 ) 無論有多少人反對,在這村落建立醫院是正確的決定。
( 2 ) 自從設立以來,很多人已被治癒。
答案:( 1 ) However many people disagreed, it is a right decision to establish a hospital in the
village. ( 2 ) Since it was set up/Since its establishment, numerous people have been cured.
( 1 ) 當這位活動領袖被逮捕時,很多人示威遊行為他發聲。
( 2 ) 以正義之名,他們訴求釋放他並極力主張新的政策要撤銷。
答案:( 1 ) When the leader of the campaign was arrested, a lot of people went on a march to speak
for him. ( 2 ) In the name of justice, they made an appeal to set him free and urged the new policy
to be canceled.

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