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Applying for or Extending Student Visas in NSW


By submitting all relevant documentation when lodging an

application, the student visa is likely to be processed quickly.
Before you lodge please visit for
a comprehensive checklist of documents you need for a student visa application.

This document lists the information and supporting documents required to lodge your
student visa application. It also lists additional documents that you may need to provide
depending on your individual circumstances.

You may also need to provide additional documentation on request from the Department.

Complete applications are likely to be processed quicker. Incomplete applications may be

delayed or, in some cases, refused. The department is not required to contact you if your
application is incomplete.

Preferred Channels of Lodgement - Student Visa Applications

If you have a “COE” (Confirmation of Enrolment):
1. Visit our web site at to
check what documents are required to lodge your application. These documents
can now be lodged as attachments with your on-line application.

2. Complete the student application on-line at: /students.

You should register for VEVO when you are prompted during your student visa
application. Please make sure you note your Transaction Reference Number
(TRN) and password for future on-line access.

3. Pay the fee of $450.00, using Credit Card or BPAY.

You must note the TRN and print out your receipt.
Note: If you use BPAY you MUST lodge your application at least 7 days
before the end of your current visa to allow for the payment to be

If you can’t lodge your application online, please post it to us

If you can not lodge online because you:

• only have a letter of offer from your education provider (no CoE), or
• received an error message while applying online, please print out the error message
and attach it to a manual form.

Follow the instructions below:

1. Complete form 157A, available at:

Note: Complete all questions in full and sign the declaration or it may
result in your application being returned to you as an invalid

2. Provide payment for the fee of $450.00 for a Student Visa Application.
Payment must be made by Credit Card, Money Order or Bank Cheque (made
out to ‘DIAC’).

3. Mail the form, payment, and all supporting documentation to:

NSW Students Centre
GPO Box 9984
Sydney NSW 2001

(Please note: paper applications will take much longer to be processed, unless you
can show that you have not been able to apply online)
Summary of Documents to be attached at time of lodgement.

• Form 157A
• Fee of $450
• Confirmation of enrolment (COE)
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)
• Medical Examination and Chest X-ray. (If student has not done them within last
12 Months). Forms 26 and 160 are required.
• Evidence of meeting English requirement (for assessment level 3 & 4, or unless
requested by case officer)
• Evidence of sufficient funds (for assessment level 3 & 4, unless requested by case
• Under 18’s Welfare arrangement (Confirmation of Appropriate
Accommodation/Welfare Arrangements (CAAW)).
How do I check my Visa entitlements?
What is VEVO?
VEVO is a free service that is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, enabling you to view your visa
details online.

Who can use VEVO?

Students and their dependents:
You can check your visa conditions, study entitlements and work entitlements online using VEVO. The
details which can be displayed are:
• Your visa class and subclass
• The date your visa expires
• Your visa conditions
• Your visa grant number
• Names of any dependants listed on your visa
• Multiple or single travel allowed
• Period of stay allowed in Australia

Employers can check that you have work entitlements using VEVO.

Education providers:
Your school, college or university can check that you have study entitlements using VEVO.

How do I register to use VEVO?

You should register for VEVO at the time of your student visa application. You must take note of the
following for future on-line access:
• The Transaction Reference Number (TRN) of your student visa application
• Your password

To use VEVO go to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s website at:

What happens if I forget my password?

If you have forgotten your password, you will need to contact DIAC on 131881 and request a VEVO
password reset.

For further information, go to:

Changes Effective from 26 April 2008
Q: What changes have happened to Permission to Work (PTW)?
A: From 26 April 2008 all student visas will be granted with work rights attached to them.
However, these rights will only be effective once the student has commenced their studies
in Australia. The same applies to dependants; they will only be able to start work once the
main student visa holder has commenced their studies.

Q: What happens if a student visa was granted prior the 26 April 2008?
A: If a student visa was granted prior to 26 April 2008, students and or their
dependants will need to lodge a PTW application online or by Form 157P and
pay $60.

Q: Who needs a visa label in the passports?

A: From the 26 April 2008 all students from India, Indonesia and Thailand will NOT get
visa labels and will need to use VEVO to access their visa details. The information on
how to access VEVO is available in the additional hand out. Students from the PRC will
be required to continue having their visa evidenced with a label in their passport. Student
from all other countries are encouraged to use VEVO to access their visa details, but may
have a visa label endorsed in their passports is requested.

Medical Checks

Q: Is it necessary for students and their dependants to undertake a medical

examination even if they have been in Australia for more than a year?

A: Yes, it is a legislative requirement for students and their dependants to have valid
medical and chest x-rays at time of decision. Medicals are usually valid for 12 months. If it
has been more than 12 months since the student and/or their dependants completed their
medical examination and chest x-ray they will be required to complete both checks. They
can do this by making an appointment with HSA over the phone or over the internet.
HSA contact details:

• Sydney -Lvl 5, 136 Chalmers St, Ph 02 8396 0600

• Parramatta- Lvl 4, 2/10 Wentworth St, Ph 02 9806 7333
• Wollongong -Lvl 3, 43 Burelli St, Ph 02 4253 6400
• Country areas please call 1300 361 046

Useful Contacts for Students

DIAC (Immigration)

General enquiries:
Call 131 881

Visa application forms:

General Skilled Migration information: migration/changes/index.htm

Skilled Migration Questions:

Phone: 1300 364 613

Australian Government site for international students:

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)

Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas

Students (CRICOS)

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