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1 feet = 30cm

20’ = 600cm = 6m
4-‘ = 1200cm = 12m
I/ Different mode of transport
II/ Legal status of international transportation (slide) kĩ kĩ
 International air transport
 International sea transport

1. Specification of merchant ship

- Khi hỏi bạn muốn thuê tàu, giữa LD, HD, DWC, DWCC bạn sẽ pay
attention to cái nào? Chọn DWCC
- DWCC dùng cho commercial goods
- Measurement = volume = dài x rộng x cao ( đơn vị CBM- cubic meter- m3
- Stowage factor – SF
2. Classification of ships (slide/10,11)
3. Types of chartering.
 Phân biệt liner (tàu chợ) với tramp (tàu rông) là:
o Tàu chợ hoạt động có lịch trình trước và regular route. Cách để thuê là
booking shipping space (book lưu cước tàu chợ)
o Tàu rông hoạt động không có lịch trước, ai thuê thì sẽ đi. Có 3 cách để
thuê tàu: voyage chartering, time chartering, bareboat chartering.
 Tramp
- Forms of tramp chartering:
o Voyage chartering: renting a whole or part of a ship for transporting
his cargoes from ports to ports
o Time chartering: renting a whole ship for a period of time. Shipowner
employs the crew, is responsible for nautical operation, maintenance
of the ship and supervision of the cargo.
o Bareboat chartering: Renting a ship for a period of time, but rent ship
only, no crew -> normally buy the ship after expiration

Type of container:

 Risk management:
+ Risk Avoidance
+ Riskreduction
+ Retention(acceptandbudget)
+ Risksharing
 Classification of insurance
- Based on legal requirements
+ Statutory insurance
+ Voluntary insurance
- Based on the subject matter insured
+ Human related insurance
+ Liability insurance
+ Propertyinsurance
- Based on the characteristics of insurance
+ Life insurance
+ Non-life insurance
 Principles of insurance
+ Principle of utmost good faith
+ Principle of fortuity or uncertainty
+ Principle of insurable interest
+ Principle of indemnity
+ Principle of subrogation

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