Population Parameter Whose Purpose Is To Test The Validity of The Given Experimental Data

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Null Hypothesis(Ho) : μ≤35000\mu\leq 35000μ≤35000 (Note: Null Hypothesis explains the

population parameter whose purpose is to test the validity of the given experimental data. 

    Alternative Hypothesis: μ>35000\mu> 35000μ>35000 

Test statistic to use is t-statistic since population standard deviation is unknown and/or n=18 ( is
less than 30). Also we use level of significance at α=0.05\alpha =0.05α=0.05 and a left tail test. 


From the t-table or using t-calculator, at df= n -1 = 18-1= 17, t-critical is -1.740. 

Since calculated t-stat is less than the t-critical (see curve below), we reject null hypothesis.
Therefore, we conclude that the mean life time of a tire is greater than 35000. 

Null Hypothesis(Ho): p1−p2=0p_1-p_2=0p1−p2=0 (there is no difference (or the same) in the

proportion of US adults who are worried that they or someone in their family will become a
victims of terrorism)

Alternative Hypothesis(Ha) : p1−p2≠0p_1-p_2\ne0p1−p2=0

Given, sample proportions, 



Because we hypothesized that the proportions are equal we pooled the group to find, 


Test static use is two-proportions z-test, 

(1800+11100)=1.32z=\frac{\left (\hat{p}_1-\hat{p}_2 \right )-(p_1-p_2)}{\sqrt{pq\left (
\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_2} \right )}}=\frac{\left (0.42-0.39 \right )-0}{\sqrt{0.4026(1-
0.4026)\left ( \frac{1}{800}+\frac{1}{1100} \right )}}=1.32z=pq(n11+n21)(p^1−p^2)−(p1−p2)

For significance level of α=0.10\alpha =0.10α=0.10 and a two-tail test, z-critical is 1.65. 

Since calculated z-score is less than the z-critical it falls in the acceptance region of null.
Therefore, the proportion of US adults who are worried that they or someone in their family will
become a victim of terrorism has remained the same. 

10. Null Hypothesis(Ho): μd=0\mu_d=0μd=0 (no difference in times for beginning and end)

     Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) :  μd≠0\mu_d\ne0μd=0  ( there is no difference in times for

beginning and end)

We use t-test: paired two sample for means (use this test if there is before-and-after tests or pair


For, two tail test, significance level at α=0.05\alpha =0.05α=0.05 and df=n - 1 = 8-1= 7 , t-
critical is tc=±2.365t_c=\pm 2.365tc=±2.365. Since calculated t-stat is less than the negative
critical value 2.365, we reject the null hypothesis. Therefore, we conclude that the mean
difference between the two time period is different. Also, the difference is negative so we can
say that it doesn't improved. Below is the summary of the analysis using excel, 


Null Hypothesis(Ho): Xˉ1=Xˉ2=Xˉ3=Xˉ4\bar{X}_1=\bar{X}_2=\bar{X}_3=\bar{X}_4Xˉ1

Alternative Hypothesis: Xˉi≠Xˉj\bar{X}_i\ne\bar{X}_jXˉi=Xˉj, at least one is not equal to


Using Anova(Analysis of variance), single factor: Since we only have to study the mean
difference in one factor that is Type of Hair color. Below is the result using DATA Analysis in

From the above result, F-stat=6.79 and its corresponding p-value is 0.004. Since calculated F-stat
is greater than the F-critical, also p-value is less than the significance level α=0.05\alpha
=0.05α=0.05, we are to reject null hypothesis. Therefore, we have enough evidence to conclude
that the mean pain threshold differ among people possessing any four types of hair color. 


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