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Module 1


Activity 1 Analytical Essay

Give a summary of Anderson and Rizal’s concept of Nationalism/Nation. Based on their

concepts give your reflections, your thoughts about the Filipino nation today. (20 points)

The concept of nationalism, according to Anderson, has never been thoroughly examined.
Anderson said that nationalism should not be considered in the same way that "fascism" or
"liberalism" are ideologies. To understand the commonalities between tribes and why the
territory in the living helps people grasp our borders now, he should be related to "kingship" and
"religion." Rizal's nationalism, on the other hand, is inclusive and caring. In the goals of La Liga
Filipina, he pointed out mutual protection in any need or requirement, defense against all
violence and injustice, and advancement of education, agriculture, and commerce. It is a type of
nationalism that is compatible with a world that is compassionate, globalizing, and
interconnected. The Filipino nation seems drowsy today, which is not what we expected. Indeed,
a nation that has become nearly numb as a result of its seemingly impossible struggles against
plummeting poverty and incorrigible government corruption. As a result, we realize that it is up
to each of us, not the politicians, to influence change, so we wake up, and it is time to take that
power by voting.

Activity 2 Short Answer Essay on Nationalism

1. In the advent of globalization, ideas, concepts and narratives have been redefined and social
structures have been reorganized. If nationalism is about the feeling of oneness, why do you
think our country still remains divisive? Are dissenting opinions essential in a democracy or in
pursuit of nationalism? (15 points)

2. (15 points)

3. When do we say that nationalism is bad? (15 points)

Activity 3- The Rizal Law, Literature and Society and the Theory of Nationalism

Social Condition/Problem: Poverty

How can it be used as a tool How did it become a road Recommendation?

to strengthen the Filipino’s block to the formation of
sense of nationalism? strong sense of Nationalism?
We all know that poverty is Poverty became a road block We need to ensure that the
one of the most common to the formation of strong most vulnerable people and
social problems and it is sense of nationalism because, communities are able to build
observed since time poverty made Filipinos doubt resilience — whether it’s
immemorial, and it seems that on our own government. Since preventative education and
there is no solution to poverty. trusting in the government is treatment support during an
But how can poverty identified as one of the most epidemic, recovery and
strengthen the Filipino’s sense important foundations upon resilience interventions in the
of nationalism? Well, we can which the legitimacy and face of climate disasters, or
use poverty as a tool to remind sustainability of political health, nutrition, and shelter.
Filipinos on how great our systems are built, and since
nation could be if we had less Filipinos don’t trust the
poverty. government it will serve as a
roadblock to the formation of
strong sense of Nationalism.

Activity 4 Discussion on Nationalism

Acts of Nationalism Give your discussion…

Respect the Philippine flag We should respect our Philippine flag and its
purpose. The history and value of this flag are
connected to the freedom we have today.
Be aware of the issues in our country We need to be aware of and informed about the
country's major challenges. Extend assistance
to those in need, particularly victims of
calamities such as typhoons, flooding, and
other natural disasters.
Stand proud for every Filipinos achievement We should be proud of our Filipino athletes for
their honors and achievements that they bring
to the country.
Speak out our own language Our national identity is represented and
preserved through using our own language. It
is our one-of-a-kind method of talking and
interacting with one another. Our language is a
vital tool for achieving greater national unity
and prosperity.
Patronize and support our own products. The Philippines has abundant resources for
producing high-quality goods and services. Our
workforce services are also competitive on a
global scale. Our economy will improve even
more if we buy our own products, which
reflect our inventiveness, resourcefulness, and

Activity 5 Poster Slogan

Activity 6 Digital Expression on Imagined Ideal Society

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