Module 2 Evaluate

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Module 2 Evaluate

Activity 1 Compare the Past and Present 19th Century

19th Century Contemporary (present)

1. In the 19th Century the Spanish ruled over 1. The 20th century was the revolutionary
the Philippines and controlled major period when the freedom of expressions was
censorship concerns around the media; it was not curtailed. The rights of expressions took
managed by the Governor-General. In the 19th different forms through the media outlets and
Century, print media was managed and generate mass public opinions. The result was
authorized by the Spanish. The censorship was the existence of new forms of censorship
managed by a set of rules known as the patterns especially to libel and slander.
Printing Matters.

2. The 19th century censorship ideas were to 2. Censorship in modern context is more like a
avoid the spreading of social messages into the control of acute threats to identity and severe
societies. This helped colonial powers and the forms of criticisms. The contemporary
authoritarian governments to suppress the censorship still provides amble space to respect
freedom of expression and raise voice against the ideas of expression and freedom of
the injustice. The administration, especially the representation. But the liberalism is often
church who had severe political involvement in misused by the modern people and the media
the process of decision making, tried hard to has become a space to talk anything and
impose restrictions on arts and books which everything.
they feared will call for a reformative increase
of suppression, new methods for revolt and
expressions started to rise.

Activity 2 Noli Me Tangere

A. Character Identification: Noli Me Tangere

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. E
6. G
7. H
8. F
9. I
10. E
11. M
12. J
13. L
14. K
15. N

b. Character Analysis- Select a character from the given choices in the previous activity
and explain their current representation in today’s society. Answers shall not go beyond 3
sentences. (10 points)

Crispin- Crispin and his brother works hard to send money to their money. This is like what most
teenagers are going through in today’s society. Since their parents cannot afford schools and
some are just not motivated to go to school, due to poverty. Instead they look for jobs as

Activity 3 Travels of Rizal Learning Experiences

1. Singapore While the streamer was approaching

Singapore, Rizal was fascinated by its scenic
beauty, he remembered “Talim Island with the
Susong Dalaga”
2.Point Galle, a seacoast twon in souther Rizal wrote on his diary “ The general
Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) appearance of Point Galle is picturestic but
lonely and quiet at the same time sad”
3. Colombo Rizal was enamored by Colombo because of its
scenic beauty and elegant buildings
4. Aden City hotter than Manila; Rizal was amused to
see the camels for the first time
5. City of Suez Rizal was impressed in the beautiful moonlight
which reminded him of Calamba and his
6. Naples Rizal was pleased on this Italian City because
of its business activity, its lively people and its
panoramic beauty
7. Marseilles Rizal Visited the famous Chateau d’if, where
Dantes, hero of the Count of Monte Cristo was
8. Pyreness Rizal stpped for a day at the frontier town of
Port Bou
9. Barcelona Rizal’s first impression of Barcelona, the
greatest city of Cataluna and Spain’s second
largest city was unfavorable
10. Las Ramblas Rizal enjoyed the most famous street in
11. Madrid Rizal left Barcelona and established himself in
12. Antigua Café de Levante During the summer twilights, this is whre Rizal
sipped coffee and fraternized with students
from Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, etc.
13. Paris The prices of accomodations and trasprotations
were to high for Rizal;s slender purse so that
he commented in a letter to his family: “Paris
is the costliest capital in Europe.”
14. Hotel de Paris Located on 37 Rue de Maubange wherein
Rizal billeted but later, he moved to a cheaper
15. Laennec hospital Rizal observed Dr. Nicaise treating his patients
16. Lariboiseiere Hospital Rizal observed the examination of different
diseases of women
17. Lodge Solidaridad Rizal transferred where he became a master
18. Germany Rizal arrived in Heidelberg, a historic city in
Germany famous for its old university
19. Wilhelmsfeld A mountainous village near Heidelberg where
Rizal spent a three-month summer vacation
20. Pastor Ullmer’s home Rizal ended his sojourn
21. Leipzig Rizal met Dr. Hans Meyer a gernman
22. Dresden Rizal met Dr. Adolph B. Meyer, director of the
Anthropological and Ethnological Museum
23.Berlin Rizal met for the first time Dr. Feodor Jagor,
celebrated German scientist-traveler and author
of Travels in the Philippines, a book which
Rizal read and admired during his student daus
in Manila
24. Dresden Rizal saw one of the best cities in Germany
25. Prometheus Bound Painting wherein Rizal was deeply impressed
26. Teschen(now Decin, Czechoslovakia) Next stop over after leaving Dresden
27. Letmeritz, Bohemia For the first time, the two great scholars-Rizal
and Blumentritt- met in person
28. Vienna Vienna was truly the “Queen of Fanube”
because of its beautiful building, religious
images, and majestic charms
29. Hotel Metrople Where Rizal and Viola stayed in Vienna,
30. Munich Where Rizal and Viola sojourned for a short
time to sabor the famous Munich beer
31. Nurember One of the oldest cities of Germany
32. Ulm
33. Stuttgart
34. Baden
35. Rheinfall They sa the waterfall. “the most beautiful
waterfall of Europe”
36. Genevva Rizal and Viola spent fifteen delightful days
37. Rome Rizal was thrilled by the sights and memories
of eternal city
38. Vatican Rizal visited for the first time the Vatican, the
“City of the Popes”
39. Marseilles Rizal left Rome by train to Marseillas, a
French port, which he reached without mishap
40. Calamba Rizal returned to Calamba. IN Calambra Rizal
established a medical clinic. His first patient
was his mother, who was almost blind.

Activity 4 Outline of Noli Me Tangere

Novel Review Outline. Complete the Table below


(Write three facts about the author of Noli Me Tangere)

1. Born on June 19, 1861, José Rizal was from an upper-class Filipino family.
2. His mother, Teodora Alonso, a highly educated woman, exerted a powerful influence on
his intellectual development. He would grow up to be a brilliant polymath, doctor, fencer,
essayist, and novelist, among other things.
3. Rizal left for Spain in 1882, where he studied medicine and the liberal arts, with further
studies in Paris and Heidelberg.


(Write 2 purposes of the novel Noli Me Tangere)

1. To defend Filipinos from foreign accusations of foolishness and lack of knowledge

2. Gives off societal message that the citizens should be the leaders of its governing body
not the other way around.


(Write the 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses of Noli Me Tangere)


1. During the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, one of the novels that sparked
Filipino nationalism. Eventually, this led to the Philippine Revolution of 1896.
2. Noli Me Tangere reawakened Filipinos' will to struggle for independence and freedom.
Rizal, on the other hand, pushed for equality and for the Philippines to be governed as a
province of Spain.


1. Because the original was written in Spanish rather than Tagalog, many Indios were
unable to read Noli Me Tangere. Many Filipinos were denied access to a good education.

2. It caused a violent rebellion, which Rizal did not want to happen. He was avoiding the
bloodshed of many uneducated Filipinos.

Activity 5 Analytical Essay

The ground for conscious, self-aware, and morally enriched social beings is set within a
social context when a person is in the company of fellow social actors. This indicates the role of
various social and cultural processes in one’s overall development. Through the process of
socialization social being are created through the internalization of the moral checks of and value
system. Whereby each social context or background might impact one’s political standing within
the society. This is tied to the affiliation of the group to which one belongs. This implies that the
social experiences pertaining to the exercise of rights and privileges of a person belonging to a
politically powerful group will undoubtedly differ from someone hailing from a less powerful
background. One’s economic standing also determines the resources, power, and privileges one
enjoys within the society. In religious-based nations, one’s religious membership is yet another
determining factor of one’s social situation or experiences. Society creates the context for each
human to learn to exercise control on their urges to behave in ways that conform to the expected
social and cultural norms.

Activity 6 Acrostic Poem

P- Propaganda is the movement that arose among Filipinos in the 19th century

R- Reaching out to Filipinos.

O- Organization that aims to legalize Spanish and Filipino equality;

P- Proposes of a public school system independent of the Friars;

A- Abolition of the “polo” and “vandala”;

G- Guarantee of basic freedoms of speech and association;

A- And for the recognition of the Philippines as a province of Spain.

N- New equal and fair laws must be implemented for the

D- Development Filipino education

A- And to extract Filipino discrimination

M- Marching forward to increase Spanish awareness of the needs of its colony

O- On the verge to propagate a closer relationship between the Philippines and Spain

V- Victorious they hope to be

M- Many was faithful but sadly

E- Everyone was disappointed in the end because it seems

N- Not everything we ask for is given

T- The propaganda movement did not succeed and the colonial government did not agree to any
of its demands.

Activity 7 Comic Strip Presentation

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