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D e t e r m i n i n g P r o t e i n C o n t e n t o f Ice Cream and F r o z e n Desserts I


Department of Food Science
The PennsylvaniaState University
University Park 16802

ABSTRACT Accordingly, "ice cream contains not less than

Dye binding of protein is a suitable, 10% milkfat, nor less than 2.7% p r o t e i n . . . ,
rapid, and relatively inexpensive method except that when it contains milkfat at 1%
for the determination of protein in ice increments above the 10% minimum, it may
cream and frozen desserts. The presence contain the following milkfat-to-protein levels:
of proteins with reduced amounts of
basic amino acids will depress protein Minimum
percentage slightly as measured by dye Percent percent
binding. Proteins with higher percentages milkfat protein
of basic amino acids tend to increase
apparent protein content. At this time, 10 2.70
only noncolored ice cream is recom- 11 2.55
12 2.40
mended for protein testing by dye bind- 13 2.25
ing because of the influence of coloring 14 2.10
matter on test results. The effect of food
coloring was studied with model systems
Except in the case of frozen custard, ice
of milk and 2% food color solutions. With
cream contains less than 1.4% egg yolk solids
amido black, dye binding values (protein
by weight of the food, exclusive of the weight
percentages) were depressed increasingly
of any bulky flavoring ingredients used. In no
by yellow to red to green to blue dyes.
case shall the milkfat content of the finished
With orange G dye, the effect on protein
food be less than 8% or the protein content be
results was decreased from yellow to
less than 2.2%, or, in the case of frozen custard,
green to blue to red. Also, protein per-
shall the content of egg yolk solids be less than
centages decreased with increased concen-
tration of food color. Overall, results with
In the mix calculations of m i n i m u m milkfat
amido black dye binding procedure were
and protein requirements, the solids of choco-
less affected than protein readings with
late or cocoa are bulky ingredients.
orange G. Colored dairy products can be
With ice milk, the reduction in fat and
tested accurately for protein by dye
protein content from the addition of bulky
binding if the nature and concentration
flavors applies also. In no case must the milkfat
of the added food color are known. A
content be less than 2%, nor the protein
factor then must be determined to enable
content less than 1.75%. When the milkfat
conversion from dye binding value to
c o n t e n t increases in increments of 1%, ice milk
protein content.
may contain the following protein concentra-
New Frozen DessertsProtein Regulations
New federal frozen dessert standards were
published April 12, 1977 (2); however, the final Percent percent
form has not been issued in all its details. milk protein

2 2.55
3 2.40
Received August 9, 1977. 4 2.25
~Authorized for publication as Paper No. 5344 in 5 2.10
the Journal Series of the Pennsylvania State Universi- 6 1.95
ty. The work was partially supported by a grant-in-aid 7 1.80
from Dairy Research Inc., Rosemont, IL.

1978 J Dairy Sci 61:274-277 274


The minimum protein requirement for ice acids, have slightly different dye binding capaci-
cream replaces the previous minimum for total ties, and provide slightly different protein
milk solids. The reasoning given by the Food results when analyzed with a dye binding
and Drug Administration is that analytical procedure that has been calibrated for only one
methods now exist to determine the protein of the proteins. Usually milk protein (roughly
content of frozen desserts while the only an 80:20 casein to whey protein mixture) is
realistic means of enforcing the milk solids- used in standardizations. Consequently, a prod-
non-fat requirement was through factory and uct such as ice cream without these two
records inspection. proteins in the 80:20 ratio cannot be tested
The protein must be provided by milk accurately. The inaccuracy, however, is toler-
solids-not-fat and/or other milk-derived ingredi- able. Two extreme cases may exist. When a dye
ents with a protein efficiency ratio (PER) not binding procedure calibrated for milk protein is
less than that of whole milk protein (108% of used to determine the protein of an ice cream
casein). containing 3.0% pure whey protein (more
For the determination of protein content an expensive and of higher nutritional quality),
official method must be chosen (1). The origi- then the instrument readout will be 3.6%. If the
nal official order (2) referred to the wrong ice cream contained 3.0% casein, then the
sections in the AOAC Handbook (1). It is readout would be 2.9% (5).
understood that changes in and additions to the Dye binding values could be used to reflect
methods since the 1975 edition are valid and protein quality because they are dependent on
can be utilized. More improvements will be lysine concentrations, and a high-lysine content
forthcoming in milk protein determinations. A is a mark of a high-quality protein. In the
review of milk protein determinations has been comparison between whey protein and casein,
published elsewhere (4). whey protein gives a seemingly higher protein
Dye binding methods are suited for protein content than casein (it also has a higher PER)
determinations in ice cream. Capital outlay for because it has greater dye binding capacity and
apparatus and expenses for supplies and labor value due to its higher lysine concentration.
are such that the cost of one protein determina- Lysine is an essential amino acid and the major
tion could be kept below one dollar, depending amino acid responsible for the dye binding
on circumstances. One Kjeldahl analysis costs mechanism. From a practical standpoint, as-
about $10 in 1977. suming that the dye binding apparatus is
For most laboratories, a Kjeldahl analysis is calibrated for milk protein, an ice cream mix
wasteful, cumbersome, and takes 2 to 3 h; a with 10% fat formulated to 2.25% protein
dye binding result is obtained in about a solely with whey protein would appear to
minute. As a result, more and more centralized satisfy the legal minimum. The higher cost of
laboratories are set up to include protein pure whey proteins would rule against such
determinations by dye binding (3). practice. In the true sense of the Food, Drug,
and Cosmetic Act, such practice might not even
be called food adulteration since a cheaper
Advantages of Protein Dye Binding Over Kjeldah|
ingredient is not substituted for a more ex-
The question of whether dye binding pro- pensive one. From a nutritional standpoint, the
vides accurate results was well answered by hypothetical 2.25% whey protein ice cream
Sherbon (5). Dye binding methods like the (reading out at 2.70% protein with the usual
Kjeldahl procedure give relatively good esti- dye binding apparatus) is of considerably higher
mates of protein content, but only indirectly. quality, because of its higher PER value, than
For example, the principle of amido black an equivalent ice cream containing casein or
dye binding is a chemical reaction between the even average milk protein. A protein with high
dye and the basic amino acids lysine, histidine, percentages of lysine will always show a higher
and arginine. Similar proteins have relatively protein percentage. With milk-derived protein
constant proportions of these three amino the theoretical maximum difference would be
acids. Since casein, milk protein, and whey 20%.
protein are dissimilar proteins they also will Regulatory officials may want to establish
have different concentrations of basic amino certain guidelines and "administrative toler-

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 61, No. 2, 1978


ances" for ice cream protein values which take necessary for dye binding (thus lowering the
into account the variability of ice cream protein available n u m b e r of protein-dye binding sites),
and current cost of protein ingredients or that is responsible for the seemingly lowered
milk-solids-non-fat. Since most samples to be protein content.
tested are derived from "average" mixes with The following 2% aqueous solutions of food
conventional ingredients, including milk-solids- colors were prepared: FD & C Blue No. 1
not-fat, dye binding results will reflect the true (~92% pure), FD & C Yellow No. 5 (~92%
protein content. pure), FD & C Red No. 40 (89% pure) (all from
Lower than expected dye binding values Allied Chemical Corp., Morristown, NY), and
could be due to "cheaper" proteins, such as Mint Green Shade (94% pure) which contains
casein, as well as to an actual irregularly low FD & C Yellow No. 5 and FD & C Blue No. 1
protein percentage. (from H. Kohnstamm & Co., Inc., New York,
NY). These solutions, as well as distilled water
for the blank, were added in 1, 5, 10, 20, 30,
Effect of Food Coloring
on Dye Binding Value and 40, and 50-drop portions to 20-ml samples of
Protein Percentage whole milk (pasteurized, homogenized) and
Since protein dye binding is a colorimetric also to skim milk (pasteurized, fortified with
procedure, there are interferences by colored 2% MSNF).
substances. The dye binding procedure requires Milk protein percentages were determined in
some dye to be precipitated out of solution by triplicate with a Pro-Milk MK II instrument
the protein in the sample. The resulting change with amido black 10 B and with a Pro-Meter
in light transmittance is related to the protein MK II with Orange G dye (both instruments
content of the sample. Coloring matter in the A/S N. Foss Electric Millerod, Denmark).
sample would counteract the effect of dye-pro- A statistical analysis was made on the
tein precipitation and cause a lower read-out of various sets of data. The experiments were
protein percentage on the instrument's galva- viewed as 2-factor factorials with color (five)
nometer. and concentration (seven) as factors. After an
Although the milk sample preservatives mer- analysis of variance, Duncan's modified (Bay-
curic chloride and potassium dichromate lend esian) least significant difference test was used
color to the sample they are preserving for to separate the means.
future analysis, no such depressing effect on
protein content was observed. Results of Experiments with Food Colors

Tarassuk and Abe (6) reported that steriliza- The protein values demonstrating the effect
tion of milk, but not condensing and heating up of the various colors, along with Duncan's
to 90 C for 15 min, would lower dye binding separation of the means, are summarized in
values. However, it is not necessarily the result- Table 1. The means between the various colors
ing color of the Maillard browning reaction but showed significant differences. Yellow was the
a reaction and removal of the amino acids color which affected the results the least for

TABLE 1. Effect of various food colors on milk protein dye binding values with Duncan's separation of means,a

Amido Black procedure Orange G procedure
Whole Skim Whole Skim
Food color milk milk milk milk

Blank (H2 O) 3.16 b 3.82 b 3.15b 3.70b

Yellow 3.15 b 3.77c 3.07 c 3.68bc
Red 3.13 b 3.75 c 2.78d 3.33 e
Green 3.05 c 3.67d 3.00 c 3.6 led
Blue 2.92 d 3.53 e 2.99 c 3.57d

aWithin each column, means followed by the same letter are not different (a .05).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 61, No. 2, 1978


TABLE 2. Effect of food color concentration on milk protein dye binding values with Duncan's separation of
means, a

Food color
Amido Black procedure Orange G procedure
(drops/ Whole Skim Whole Skim
20 ml milk) milk milk milk milk

1 3.31 b 3.91 b 3.40 b 3.80 b

5 3.23 c 3.86 c 3.31 c 3.78 bc
10 3.16 d 3.83 c 3.16 d 3.72 c
20 3.08 e 3.73 d 3.04 e 3.61 d
30 2.99 f 3.64 e 2.82 f 3.50 d
40 2.93g 3.54 f 2.68g 3.38 e
50 2.86 h 3.45g 2.62g 3.24 f

aWithin each column, means followed by the same letter are not different (a .05).

both dyes. Blue f o o d color had the m o s t tion of ice cream protein c o n t e n t will require
depressing effect on the a m i d o black p r o c e d u r e control by manufacturers and regulatory agen-
protein percentages (7.4%). Red f o o d color cies. F o r several reasons, dye binding probably
affected the Orange G results the m o s t (10.8% will b e c o m e the preferred testing method. No
depression). p r o b l e m s will occur with u n c o l o r e d products,
Since the colors affecting the results the but significant decreases in protein values will
m o s t have wavelengths nearest to those o f the seem to occur in testing colored products.
respective dyes and w o u l d interfere with the C o r r e c t i o n factors could be worked out for the
t r a n s m i t t a n c e the most, these results w o u l d be various colors and color c o n c e n t r a t i o n s used by
expected. In protein d e t e r m i n a t i o n s with the manufacturers, but a regulatory agency not
amido black procedure, the order of decreasing k n o w i n g the types and a m o u n t s of color added
protein m e a n values was yellow, red, green, and w o u l d be at a disadvantage and could use dye
blue while with the Orange G p r o c e d u r e the binding only as a screening test to check
order was yellow, green, blue, and red. c o m p l i a n c e with the m i n i m u m protein standard
The e f f e c t o f f o o d color c o n c e n t r a t i o n on of ice cream.
milk protein percentages is s u m m a r i z e d in
Table 2. Each c o n c e n t r a t i o n includes data f r o m REFERENCES
all the f o o d colors in this study. As e x p e c t e d , 1 Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 1975.
increasing color c o n c e n t r a t i o n s caused greater Official methods of analysis. Washington, DC.
depressions of dye binding values (protein 2 Federal Register 43(70):19127-37.
3 Kroger, M. 1972. Techniques for milk protein
percentage). This was true on all tests, as in
testing. Food Product Development 6 (7):68, 77.
Table 2, where five and seven groupings of the 4 Kroger, M. 1973. Milk protein determinations.
seven m e a n s occur. The higher c o n c e n t r a t i o n s Amer. Dairy Rev. 35 (9): 18, 40-43.
in these e x p e r i m e n t s never w o u l d be in actual 5 Sherbon, J. W. 1977. Does protein testing give
use. accurate results? Dairy & Ice Cream Field 160 (1):
38, 68.
These data d e m o n s t r a t e variable and signifi- 6 Tarassuk, N. P., and N. Abe. 1963. Factors
cant effects in protein dye binding results affecting dye-binding capacity of milk proteins. J.
caused by f o o d coloring matter. Standardiza- Dairy Sci. 46:612.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 61, No. 2, 1978

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