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(CONC mT) SUAANIONA CroTCi Roc: me cen| MOOd LAMIOd sABMYSI yaodsuvay peoy POOLS Che Limd: 001. RAJKOT — 360 0 Ministry of iam Road Transport & Highways POCKET BOOK FOR BRIDGE ENGINEERS Published by the Indian Roads Congress ‘on behalf of the Govt. of India, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways Copies can be had from the Secretary, Indian Roads Congress, Jamnagar House, ‘Shahjahan Road, ‘New Delhi - 110011. First Published = December, 1984 First Revision : November, 2000 ‘Rights of Publication aid Translation are Reserved) Printed at Dee Kay Printers, New Delhi TYEEy ccimien), MA — oe ee ‘The first edition ofthis Pocket Book was published in December 1984, It was primarily intended for use as a ready reference for the ‘bridge engincers including those atthe grass root level of management both in highway administration and construction industry. The publication at that time fulfilled the long felt need of the bridge engineering profession in this country. ‘The pocket book has proved very popular with bridge engineers and has generated awareness among the engineers atthe grass root level. The present edition of this pocket book is being brought out after revision taking into account the feedback received from the field engineers, the changes in administrative and technical polices and procedure by the Ministry of Surface Transport and inchudes new chapters on topics of Quality Systems, Procedure for approval for ‘Projects under BOT Scheme, Repair and Rehabilitation Techniques for Bridges, etc. A modified method for assessment of design discharge using unit hydrograph method has also been ineluded. The pocket book is divided into 14 sections and gives information and ‘Buidelines on all aspect of bridge engineering, such as, preliminary Droject preparation, detailed project preparation, procedure for inviting, tenders and approval, construction procedure and maintenance mostly drawn from the existing publications of IRC and the Ministry's Circulars. Because of the limitation of size, the pocket book cannot bbe expected to cover all the details and, as such, should not be considered as a substitute for the standard specifications, code of practice, ete. However, for convenience of reference, a classified list ‘of IRC publications has been appended atthe end. This pocket book. hhas been revised by four experts namely, Shri D.K. Rastogi, Ret. CE, MORTAH, Shri ON. Saxena, Retd. CE., MORT&H, Shri RS. Ninan_and Shri A.N. Dhodapkar, Superintending Engineers of MORTAH. The pocket book was got revised by a committer comprising of 3 Chief Engineers, namely, Shei V. Velayutham, CE(B)S&R, Shri G. Sharan, CE(P-2), Shei Krishan Kant, CE. Shri Nirmal Jit Singh and Shri A.V. Sinha, Chief Engineers, Shri Menoj Kumar, SE(PIC) in MORT&H have also made valuable contribution towards improvement in the contents of the pocket book. Shri LK. Pandey, SE(B)S&R as Member-Secretary of CE's committee ‘coordinated the above work and carried out modifications in the pocket book to bring it in tune with latest technical circulars issued by the Ministry and IRC Codes. He also drafted the newly added chapters of the pocket book. I tke this opportunity to acknowledge the services rendered by all these experts. I am also grateful to my ‘Technical Secretary, Shri B.N. Singh, for going through the entire ‘material and making certain important suggestions which have helped {nthe finalisation of this document. 1 would also like to appreciate the efforts of Miss Richa Nigam, Assistant Executive Engineer, MORTAH and Shri Rajender Kumar, Assistant Engineer, MORT&H for compilation ofthis pocket book: T would also like to acknowledge the services of Mrs. Rajeshwari Shankar, PA, MORTA&H and Shri Shashi Kumar, Ferro- Printer, MORTAH, for their dedicated assistance | hope this present revised edition of the pocket book will ‘prove to be es popular as the ealier edition and continue tobe wsefil far day-to-day reference for all the bridge engineers. The compilation of this kind of pocket book will need updating from time-to-time. In this context, I would welcome suggestions and feed back from the profession so that we can improve and update the pocket book in the ‘years to come. Cydowet —. (Pears Konan) Director General (Road Development) & Additional Secretary ‘New Dethi to the Govt. of India. CONTENTS Soe ee Ia itor ‘ ; 2. Project Preparation i 5 3 Teal Apova an Fc Ston n 4 Call of Tenders, Approval and Award of Work. 79 5, Private Pantcipation for Constuction of ” Bridges inthe Development of National igays ao Road inate mae 6, Revised Estimate m 7 CConsrction 103 8 Quality Systems for Road Bridges ut 9. Project Scheduling and Monitoring of Works “7 10, Inspection and Maintenance of Bridges 1s U1, Repair and Rehabilitation of Bridges = 16 12. Appendices ts 13, Useful Tables 251 14, References ae LIST OF APPENDICES ‘Append: No. Description. Page (1) Empirical forumilae for calculation of discharge 187 @) Estimation of flood discharge by area-velocity 190 ‘method with the help of hydraulic characteristics of the channels (3) Unit hydrograph method vo 192 (4) Rational formula for peak run off an (S) Classification of inland waterways in India with 213 ‘minimum clearances for cross structures (© List of standard plans for Highway Bridges 214 prepared by the Ministry of Surface Transport, Government of India (7) Guidelines for planning and execution of bridges. 225 across irrigation canals (8) Procedure for preparation of detailed estimates for... 227 road over / under bridges to be constructed on National Highways and accord of technical approval (9) General abstract of cost ~ 28 (10) Time schedule for bidding activity as per 229 standard bidding document (11) Important points pertaining to revised estimates, 233 for National Highway bridge works (12) Schedule of concrete mixes ~ contract requirements ... 239 (13) Proforma for progress of well steining and sinking... 244 (14) Proforma for recording tilts and shits of wells 246 (15) Statement showing particulars of different methods... 248 adopted and phenomenon encountered during well ‘sinking on different wells USEFUL TABLES eeeerereee (1) Conversion table 253 @) Density of materials a @) Area of steel bars ar ee 4) Dimensions of rolled steel equal angles... 256 (5) Dimensions of steel plates 237 L INTRODUCTION 1, INTRODUCTION ‘A bridge project from its conception to completion involves ‘various stages of planning, design, approval/sanction, tendering and ‘execution. Also, inspections, maintenance and repairs ae continuing factvities for enhancing the Service life ofthe structure. This pocket ‘book has been specifically aimed at giving the practising engineers the basic information on these aspects. ‘A bridge project from conception to constriction and final completion ofthe bridge involves a number of major activities which can be summarised as follows: Start - administrative decision for constructing a bridge Feasibility studies Preliminary project preparation site selection, Preliminary survey and investigation including hydraulic survey, subsoil investigation, fixation of span arrangements and selection of type of structure. Preliminary design of various components of bridge, preliminary cost estimates. Detailed project preparation ~ detailed survey, hydraulic design, subsurface investigation, detailed structural designs, detailed estimate and detailed project report ‘Technical approval and nancial sanction Decision to take up work from plan funds or to invite private ‘entrepreneurs, Approval of Tenders and Revised cost if necessary and start of construction work Construction — project scheduling and monitoring of quality and progress of works: TE Se RRPPR CS SE Oeteges ‘Note: Bridges are usually designed for at leat $0 years life ‘and should cater to the projected traffic demands. Utmost care should be exercised in site investigations by following. the procedures outlined in the subsequent chapters ensuring only preparation of thoroughly investigated paojects which will ultimately facilitate speedy construction, help in timely completion, reduced constuction and maintenance costs, 2. PROJECT PREPARATION ae eee Prepantion of a detiled projectreport is a presequisite for ‘evaluation of the project, ts approval by competent authority ialy its execution. Properly prepared projectreport is very helpful in ensuring timely completion of project thereby ensuring fallest advantage of the project avoiding time and cost overruns. Project preparation activity can be divided into the following three trod stges- (1) Feasibility Sway {@) Preliminary Project Report G) Detailed Project Report For detailed guidelines reference may be made to Special ‘Publication No.S4 ~ “Project Preparation Manual for Bridges” ‘published by Indian Roads Congress. ‘Empanciment of consultants for highway and bridge works is carried out by the Ministry to short list competent consultants. This is being done in the following categories: CATEGORY I - HIGHWAY PROJECTS CCategory-1A. + All types of Highway Projects including. foursix laning and expressways but excluding major bridges (total lengtt>60 m), Myovers, grade separators and bridges with innovative design. Category-IB- : Smaller Highway Projects of one/two laning and four laning (upto 20 kms length) but excluding ‘major bridges (total length60 m), flyovers, grade separators and bridges with innovative design CATEGORY I BRIDGE PROJECTS CategoryIIA + All types of bridges, flyovers and grade separators ‘vith immediate approaches but excluding bridges, flyovers and grade separators with individual span 5 ta Gr bridges With SaliWative’ Ubtiga. ‘Category - IIB : Bridge Inspection and Rehabilitation CATEGORY Ill - SPECIALISED STUDIES IN THE AREA OF ‘TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING AND HIGHWAY PLANNING CATEGORY IV - GEO-TECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS FOR MAJOR BRIDGES, HIGH EMBANKMENTS, FLYOVERS AND. GRADE SEPARATORS 2." The work of detailed project preperation for Nations! Highways and centrally sponsored works may be carried out through the empanelied consultants only. The latest lst of the empanelled consultants may be obtained from the Ministry. 2.1, Feasibility Study 2.1.1. The project preparation for a bridge work starts with the identification of the project. This phase is known as the pre- feasibility stage. For this stage, broad features of the project are identified, the possible locations, nature of erossng, traffic dispersal system for different alternatives are identified. The effect of implementation of the project on the traffic scenario im immediate ‘vicinity is also considered. The reconnaissance visi othe area of the intended site is sufficient at this stage, 2.1.2. In the feasibility stage, preliminary surveys, data collections and investigations are carried out. Altemative sites are investigated, design and rough cost estimates for various alternatives are made. The feasibility report covering the recommended alignment including altematives considered, span arrangements, preliminary cost estimates, economic and financial viability is prepared. This should include recommendations regarding need for carrying out ‘model studies where required, special design requirements for the projects if any and schedule for all the pre-construction acti Feasibility study should also cover the following aspects:- (The main. purpose of the bridge project ic. the trunk route, economic or inter state importance, access to re ee Oren ERORTEMS Sne the priority assigned to. (ii) The geographical features of the area such as size, economic (industrial and agricultural), other traffic ‘generated activities in the area, main population centers, their siz projections and growth rates, and Government's ‘economic programme for the development. (Gi) Measurable and non-measurable benefits shouldbe listed, ‘The former may consider reduction in operation costs, reduction in travel time for goods and passengers, reduction in maintenance costs in case a old bridge is replaced. The latter may include social and economic evelopment of the adjacent area consequent to the construction of the bridge ‘The method adopted for economic appraisal, economic analysis of the project, rate of return and viable retura period. o ‘A cost benefit analysis should be enclosed and results critically discussed. For calculation of cost benefit analysis, a reference may be made to IRC SP-30:1993, “Manwai on Economic Evaluation of Highway Projects in India (First revision)". 22. Preliminary Project Preparation Preliminary project preparation involves various stapes like reeognition ofthe need, study of maps, reconnaisance survey leading to selection of alternative sites, preliminary survey and investigation ‘including subsoil investigations and collection of hydraulic data leading to final site selection and all these activities have to be systematically planned and caried out in their logical sequence 2.2.1. Bridge siting and road aligament : The considerations which decide the inter-se priority between a suitable bridge site and suitable road alignment will be guided by the following principle mae ‘unless there are some special problems at that crossing ‘with regard to design / maintenance of the bridge. ee ee (ii) _ For bridges having a length between 60 and 300 metres both suitability ofthe site ofthe bridge and that of the ‘alignment ofthe approaches shall be considered together. (ii) For bridges having total length more than 300 metres, the requirement of a good site for the bridge shall have the precedence and the alignment of the approaches will ‘have to conform to the selected bridge site. (iv) Where existing two Jane highway is proposed to be ‘widened to four-lane width, the location ofthe additional two-lane bridge shall be governed by factors mentioned in para (ix) below. 222. Reconnaissance survey : In case of an entirely new alignment, the site selection may have to start with the study of fvailable maps before starting the reconnaisance. Usually, topo ‘heets in the seales 1:2,50,000 and 1:50,000 are available from the Survey of India, In case of bridges upto 300 m length, two or three ‘possible road alignments should be marked on the topo sheets Eonsidcring the topography of the land, land-use, soil type, water bodies, marshes, control points, river profil, straightness of the reach, width of crossing, presence of high banks ete. The two or three possible alignments may have to be considered for reconnaissance. Some landmarks for easy identification during reconnaissance may ‘also have to be marked on topo sheets 2.2.3 Factors deciding site selection 22.3.1, Adequate efforts made in seletion of a good site for Jocating a bridge will be amply rewarded in the form of reduced cost ‘of the project and trouble free performance ofthe bridge. The factors that have to be considered in the selection of a site are indicated below. Though it nay not be feasible to satisfy all desirable attributes Simultaneously, the selected site should represent the most desirable nix of the attributes consistent with overall economy, including the ba iy dw) o w ne a Me ehaanen ites to be ascertained. from different maps prepared over along period of time that the river does not have any tendency to meander at the proposed site. Presence of high and stable banks: The presence of h inerodible’ banks generally offers an ideal site, hich reduces the cost of approach embankments and. their protection works. Narromness ofthe channel and large average depth compared to marimum depth: This cars ge tverage dept of fow soap fo maximum depth of flow and reed war way which peal reduces he over com of th bigs starts Straight rnc ofthe iver sand ds of he propeed ste: Ssghness of teens both fs and eres ‘nfo dibuton of acrgeloiy, Carve Se sta echo he es big Concerta af ow on th comes ide dag higher sour, and concoaent sos of foundation end prtecton wort, I the bank on the convene i rile, ty ead to hey rcuring expendi Ps thst se eons at Freedom from islands or any form of obstruction both u/s and dis : Any shoal formation disturbs flow characteristics. Gradual siting of one or more channels results in increased concentration of flow in other channels leading to higher scour or bank erosion, coutflanking of the bridge etc. The site should also be sway from confluence of tributaries where turbulance and obliquity of flow ean be expected which results in higher unpredictable scour and water current forces on substreture Possiblity of right angled crossings: Right angled crossing offers minimum possible bridge length and reduces chances of obliquity of flow with respect tothe ee ee ‘causeway. if any. (ili) Possibility of good approach alignment: Curves excep {gentle oues are preferably to be avoided on approaches and bridge proper from visibility and safety considerations. (Gx) Where existing two lane highway is proposed to be widened to four-lane width, the additional twoslane bridge shall be sited as close to the existing bridge as possible, However, in case of bridges having well foundations, distance suficent for generation of passive resistance of soil shall be provided. Some typical examples of stistictory and unsatisactory siting ‘of bridges are indicated in Fig 2.2.1 22.32. Geographical characteristics of the rivers in India, to the extent affecting siting of bridges can be broadly clasified as under: (Rivers in Deccan Plateau: Rivers in this terrain have carved out deep channels in rock with relatively stable ‘banks and sound foundation strata. Selection of sites for bridges in such areas normally does not pose any special problems. The only point needing consideration is the relative economy of a site offering deep and ‘narrow gorge as against one which is shallow and wide. However, the most suited selection will be the one in ‘Which the total cost of bridge and approaches is minimum and has lesser maintenance costs. Gi) Rivers in sub-mountancous region: Rivers in this region are characterised by steep slope, high velocity and heavy sediment losds. In Himalayan region, the rivers are shallow with number of independent channels. Te allocation of discharge beoween different channels cannot be predicted with reasonable accuracy. Some ‘Getdhs Wallin dead Giles Gan onion and gut seen’ “ow vano eee r ne surncitns| cr RF HUNETTON OF agora rock siT€ 200 Gost ro aera ‘oF tmouramy eel hal ire arrecn wy ee, a cit oer EXAMPLES OF SATSTACTORVUNSATISFACTORY BRIDGE SITES Fig 22.1 a, WASATISEACTORY Sa ELE ECONOMICAL ATERWAY UnIFORN LARGE BRDEE Thich Flow wirH HELP OF GULOE on esc SY Cughen Nous moet SAKE , Z, amor peice IOMT ANGLED cRoss:ne nous Gtoweraics was. pion | causes UWsutstactoey aOK Seen Crossinc. Bete Crowermes >a pec. ROAD PROFILE umecrssany nx LoNCITUS DIKAL PROF LE { AW Wt oF ont conve Broxen exc MAcionwEnT— /p [EXAMPLES OF SATISFACTORY/UNSATISFACTORY BRIDGE SITES i eel ‘overtopping is quite common and thus intermingling of the diseharge from one channel tothe other takes place. ‘When a road alignment crosses these channels, waterway provided shouldbe liberal withthe provision of extension ‘on either side by adopting abutment piers. To account for unusual deposition of heavy sediment load, larger vertical clearances than those generally specified in the ‘codes of practices should be provided. ii) Rivers in alluvial plains: In alluvial plains, rivers tend to meander and pose problems in predicting their hhydraulie behaviour. Here one should look for nods! points. Alko provision of spurs, guide bunds et. has to be judiciously considered based on opinion of experts ‘and mode studies in ease of large rivers or based on past experience of the region. If possible sites near existing guide bunds, protected banks or extension thereof should be prefered. 22.3.3, Siting of grade separators: Siting of bridges which act as railroad, toad oad grade separators willbe largely decided by {good alignment of the approaches, availablity of land and other Constraints imposed by rail lines, services ete. At skew crossings, skew of more than 45 should generally be avoided. 22.3.4, Distance between ral and road bridges: The distance between rail and road bridge should be as large as possible but not Jess than 400 m in any case. 2.24, Preliminary survey, subsoll investigations and Inydraulie survey : Once the possible alternative sites ae selected on the basis of reconnaissance survey and the erteria for site selection ‘enumerated in para 2.2.3 above, the next step is to conduct the preliminary survey, subsoil investigations and hydraulic survey at ‘each of the altemative sites. 2.2.41, Preliminary survey : The data to be collected during the preliminary survey are: a, Gi) ) “ ‘The chainage ofthe highway, location of nearest GTS bench mark with level, and latitude and longitude ofthe site as measured from the survey of India maps. Details of the existing bridges or causeways on the same river inthe vicinity which should include = description with sketches. showing relevant dimensions. + Tength and depth of submergence, number and sizes of vents, and frequency (including duration) of interoptions to tafe in ese of causeways, = Number and length of spans, clear waterway, adequacy or otherwise of wateruay with special reference to silted up spans or signs of undue Scout or atacks on abutments and approaches in case of bridges. ‘An index map of the site on 2 scale of 1:50,000 indicating the name and chainage of the highway. The name of the river, name of the nearest town/village ‘marking of the altemative sites, location of the nearest GTS benchmark if possible, name of district and stat, direction of flow, nature of land-use, genera topography of the area and north line. Site plans of the bridge forthe altemative sites indicating the north line, alignment ofthe road and the river, the angle of crossing, water spread at LWL/HFL. Chainage ‘of the proposed bridge at crossing of the river, the Girection of flow at maximum discharge, private land ‘boundaries, services, location of deep channels, ponds. places of worship, graveyards, if any, near to the proposed site, Location and reduced level of the temporary bench mark used as datum, location of the LS. and C:S. of the road and the stream taken within ve area of the plan, location of wal pits’borings with ir identification number and location of nallahs, halite, shakin wrens eek. Ohl aay Belek: «iy &™ o wi) 242. Hydraulic survey : Hydraulic data collected for the "of the preliminary project report (PPR) has to be good for the detailed engineering also. No separate hydraulic data is envisaged for detailed engineering except that for model if any, conducted for bridges across major rivers. The lie data Collected at PPR stage should inchide:- ‘A catchment area map on a scale of 1:50,000 indicating the drainage channels and the land-use pater including built up areas, barren land, cultivated land, forests, hilly ‘areas ele, and its area in square kilometers. For ‘reparation of the catchment area GTS maps of largest lable scale may also be refered for racing the ridge FL ascertained from watermarks, if any, on the permanent objects on the banks supplemented by local tenguiry from nearby inhabitants as 10 the highest flood levels reached during their living memory. Information about velocity of flow and presence of floating debris et. from local enquiry. Velocity of flow is best ascertained during floods by the use of floats by determining the time to traverse two fixed points at measured distance apart. In case causeway or the existing bridge is of insufficient ‘waterway resulting in afflux, the extent of such afflux be asceriained for arriving at the rough assessment of discharge. [Names and approximate discharges of all tributaries joining the river within a reasonable distance ws of the site under consideration ‘Skew angle of crossing, if any, should be ascertained correctly, Skew angle should be measured in relation to the direction of flow avneat HFL and not in relation to the bank line. [HL mentioning is locaton, whether general or loci ‘near any hard obstruction or caused by whit Information about scour around piers and abutments ‘any other bridge across the same river in the Vici fiom records or by soundings taken near the propo site during receding floods will be very useful checking the calculated scour and thereby avoii ross errors (vii) The Kadir width in case of wide/meandering alluvial vers. The width and depth of the channel during dey ‘weather flow, OFL and FFL should be noted, as wells the radi of the larger meanders scaled from the map. (Cross section of the river on a vertical scale of about I 100 and horizontal scale of 1/10000, at the proposed sites indicating (@) Name of the river and the site (©) The (road) chainages and bed level with reference * (b) Rainfall distribution in catchment (©) Duration, frequency of floods (@) Rain gauge data of storms for which coresponding stream gauge data is available (ata for unit hhydrograph) (©) Average annual rainfall characteristics (append relevant meteorological records). Stream/channel characteristics (2) Seasonal or pernni (©) Braided, meandering or stright {© Other elasiicatons like bouldery, ashy, well defined, presence of pools, weeds et. (8) Highest flood and other major floods and their ‘year of occurence delineating the ares flooded (© Affox if observed 2.2.43. Preliminary subsoil investigation Rainfoll. data indicating to the temporary benchmark and ground levels (Preliminary subsoil investigations should include for sufficient distance beyond the edge of the adequate number of trial borestral pits for obtaining ehannel realistic data for deciding the span arrangement, typeof (©) Nature ofthe subsoil in the bed, bank approaches foundation and scour level as specified in TRC-78 for and location ofthe trial bores. ‘making the preliminary design of the bridge. The (®) _LWL, OFL and HEL. exploration shall cover the entire length of the bridge (©) Low and high tide levels where applicable and also extend at citer side fora distanee of about twice the depth below bed ofthe last main foundations. It should also include one oF two additonal cross sections at Fe should also include study of aveilable information on 300 to 500 m wis and ds for small and large rivers respectively. | the geological formations from geological maps, site reports of existing bridges, arial photography ete. If (8) A longitudinal section of the stream showing the significant difference inthe foundation stata is proposed site, HFL, OFL, LWL and bed levels at | anticipated, few bores at alternative sites may also be Suitably placed intervals along the approximate centreline required sometimes, s0 as to help inthe final selection ‘of the deep water chanel. The horizontal scale shall be of the site. same as for survey plan and vertical scale not less than 11900. (i) Depth of exploration: The depth of expiration should be atleast | 1 times the minimum width of the foundation below the proposed foundation level in case of open foundation material, the exploration shall be exter to sufficient depth into firm and stable soil or rock bu not les than four times the minimum depth of foun below the earlier contemplated foundation level. In ‘of good sound rock the stipulation of minimum depth may be decreased based on difficulty to conduct core drilling however minimum depth should not be less than 3 metres. (Gil) Depth of exploration for pile foundation should be as per Section 1100 of MORT&H Specifications for Rod ‘and Bridge Works and shall not be less than: (®) 1.5 times estimated length of pile in soil but not Jess than 15m beyond the probable length of ple. (©) 15 times diameter of pile in weak/jointed rock but minimum 15 m in such rock (©) 4 times diameter of pile in sand, hand rock but ‘minimum 3 m in such rock (iv) The type of bed material e.g. quartz, micaceous, coarse, ‘medium fine ee. in case of sand, st, sticky, loose, soft ‘tc, in case of clay, angular, rounded ete. with size in ‘ease of boulders, be noted, Preliminary tests to determine the particle size distribution for calculation of scour depth and approximate bearing capacity for preliminary design of foundation may also be carried ou (¥) Presence of rock if any, in the river bed or banks, excessive erosion of any of the banks or hard material Jetting out from any of the banks may be noted in particular. 22.5. Design discharge and linear waterway Design discharge () Usually bridges. are required to be designed for a discharge corresponding to a flood with a 50 year return Statistical analysis of floods, design discharge may be fixed on the basis of any rational method. Empirical ‘methods are less reliable and may be used with caution. ‘Various methods for calculating discharge are given in Appendices-I 10 4 Design discharge by Unit Hydrograph Method:- ‘A Committee of engineers set up by the Government of in 1957 recommended the adoption of rational ‘methodology involving use of design storms and unit hhydrographs for the estimation of design floods. As a follow up of recommendations of the committee of engineers, four organisations concerned with the design ‘of bridges (namely Research, Design and Standards Organisation of the Ministry of Railway, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Indian Meterologial ‘Department and Central Water Commission) have made ‘ajoint effort which sims at collection of rainfall, run-off ‘data for a period of about five years in the catchments fof small and medium bridges analysing the data and eveloping a rational methodology based on unit hhydrograph. This methodology provides through a set of charts and graphs quick estimation of design floods for ungauged catchments. For the purpose of detailed study, the country has been divided into 26 hydro mmeterologically homogeneous sub-zones. The study has been completed and reports have been published for 24 sub-zones. ‘The methodology as brought out in the above refered report should be followed for estimation of design floods for ungauged catchments. These reports have ‘been published by Central Water Commission and can be had from the Dept. of Hydrology (Regional Studies), Central Water Commission. A list of the various sub- zones is available at Anmex-I to Appendis-3. “The method recommended in the report ofthe relevant ‘sub-zone pertaining to that subzone may be followed i ww w wi) Sesign discharge for s typical basin is enclosed Annex-2 t0 Appendis-3 for guidance. Freak flood discharges or exceptional discharges of high intensity due to the failure of a dam ot ‘constructed upstream of the bridge need not be for and the maximum estimated discharge from catchment area or normal peak flood discharge from the dam/spillway (to be ascertained from the irrigation authorities), whichever is more shall be considered for design of the bridge In case of bridges across rivers not having well defined independent catchment, the following considerations shall also be kept in view. (a) In case of a river dividing into two or more branches, the apportioning ofthe discharge of the combined river ws between the branches, the HFL's at the proposed bridge site etc. may be decided in consultation with ieigation and flood protection authorities. (©) The vulnerability or stability ofthe existing flood banks based on past performance may be ascertained from irrigation authorities and duly taken into account for deciding the design discharge, HFL’s higher than design values, free board ete In case the river is likey to be influenced by existing/ Proposed irrigation multipurpose river valley projects, their operation modes with effect on scour or silting, discharge, oackwater effect on HFL ete, should be aseerained, However, for catchment areas covered by subzones mentioned in Appendis.34, the maximum discharge shall be assessed on the basis of the flood estimation ‘report for the suid subzone. Hot _ calculations or from gauging shall be increased for the ‘purpose of design of foundations and protective works. ‘by 30 per cent for small catchments upto $00 sq. kms 25 to 20 per cent for medium catchments of $00 to 5000 4. kms, 20 to 10 per cent for large catchments of $000 to 25000 sq. kms and less than 10 per cent for larger fatchments above 25000 sq. kms. (22.52. Linear waterway o i) w) For rivers with defined firm banks, the linear waterway is preferably kept equal to the HFL spread at the site “However, when the depth of flow near the banks is low in comparison with deep channel portion, constriction fof the waterway upto 2/3 of the HEL spread is resorted to from considerations of economy. But careful consideration has to be given on the possibility of ‘excessive scour of the banks ot bed on the is of the bridge or of excessive aMlux on the ws before deciding ‘on any constriction of waterway. ‘The likely mean depth and velocity of flow shall be the ‘main guiding factors for deciding the linear waterway to bbe provided for any bridge. Here for effective funetioning of the waterway, afflux of 10 t0 30 cms may be allowed with due consideration for any possible adverse effects ‘on the upstream, For river with allovial beds and no defined banks, the effective linear tray can sls be derived fom the formula W7 = CYO where Cis a constant sully taken 4848 for regime chanel, bat varying between 45 to 63 according to local conditions. The formals should be used judiciously only after ascertaining the soi haractersics inthe riverbed and the regime of the For meandering rivers. with several active channels separated by islands of shallow sections, it may become con Mb tivorpemese Abate Rent pene: providing training works. The design of the taining ‘works and the effective linear waterway are to be preferably based on model studies. For artificial channels, the effective linear waterway has tw be maintained s0 a not to increase the velocity. Any ‘luming or higher velocity should have the approval of the concered authorities ‘The effective linear waterway may be compared with ‘that provided under other bridges in the vicinity over ‘the same river after duly considering their performance wi) 22.6, Seour depth 2.26.1. Wherever feasible, depth of scour shall be assessed on the basis of actual soundings taken at the proposed site or nea it during the receding phase immediately after high flood conditions ‘with necessary allowance for: (the design discharge being higher than the one for Which observations have been made (Gi) the increase in velocity due to constriction of waterway, 2.2.62. In the absence of actual soundings the mean depth of | scour dam in mete slow HL my beter cated fom J the equation:- dom = 1.34 (Dibiksp) Where Db isthe discharge in eumees per metre width which | shall be taken as maximum of the following:~ | | (total design discharge divided by the effective linear waterway discharge per meter ealeulated after considering | ‘concentration of flow, if any, through a portion (of the waterway in case of major bridges, or «i seta observations, if any and Ksf is the silt factor which is equal to 1.76 adm 5 dm being the weighted mean diameter of the representative sample ofthe bed material upto the anticipated scour level. tn the absence of sieve malyss, IRC-78 prescribes following values arene Bess eee marie Tiss cca abe Fie sit pists ypc Pe sit ist anes Hedi sk oa hase acs at aan ca sel stg 4 aden 3 son alee apa Ea 1s) a 2.2.63. For the design of foundation of piers and abutments located in the straight reach and having individual foundatons without protection works, the maximum depth of scour shall be ‘considered as follows:- (in the vicinity of piers = 2.00 dsm Gi) im the vie ty of abutments = 1.27 dam ‘hen approaches are retained and 2.00 dem when spproaches are ‘washed off ‘aft or shallow foundations, the maximum depth of scour shall considered as follows:- (0). in straight reach = 127 dsm i) at moderate bend = 1.50 dsm (ii) at severe bend L75 dsm (iv) at right angled bend = 2.00 ésm ‘The above values of scour may be suitably modified where actual observed data is available on similar structures in the vicinity of the proposed bridge. 22.65. In case of ashy rivers and bouldery strata the scour is likey to be less than what is given by the formula. In such cases, seour depths may be based on actual observations. 2.2.66. For bridges proposed dis of a reservoir, the clear water will have higher scouring effect and in such eases also, scour depths shall be based on actual observations. 2.2.6:7. For seismic case, seour to be considered in design shall be 0.9 times the maximum design scour depths. 22:7. AmMux Afflux is the height by which the natural flood level «a ‘of the river rises at any point due to constriction and / or obstruction. It has to be estimated not only for its effect on the design of the bridge, but also to ensure that it may not adversely affect condition ‘on the upstream ofthe bridge site. The type of bed and bank material land the type of bridge influences the extent of afffux. Constrction of channel on account of flod banks, guide bunds, piers, floor protection ‘etc. increases afux, APMlux is high in flashy rivers as well. Aftx ‘may be calculated approximately using Molesworth formula as given below:- k (VIN788 + 0.015) (47a)? 1) where ft affux in metres Y ‘itil whey 60 Oe eal tat Gen-tiver A Unobstructed sectional area of the river at proposed site in sq.m. @ = Consricted atea ofthe river atthe bridge in sqm, ‘guidance IRC Special Publication No. 13 may also be caleultion of afMux, Clearance 1. Vertical clearance above H.F.L. Clearance shall be allowed according to navigational for antiobstruction requirements in consultation with the concerned authorities, For inland waterways, Inland Waterway Authority has framed regulation for ‘classification of inland waterways in India and has recommended minimum clearance for various ‘categories of waterways which is placed at Appendix 5. The clearances as referred above may be followed in consultation with Inland Waterway Authority, ‘wherever required. Where these considerations are not applicable, the vertical clearance shell ordinarily be adopted as given below For high levet bridges having fat soffit or soffit with very flat curve, the minimum vertical clearance to be provided above afluxed HFL shall normally be as follows:- Discharge in eumecs Minimum vertical ‘Clearances in. mm Upto 0.3 Above 0.3 and upto 3 450 Above 3 and upto. 30 600 Above 30 and upto 300 900 pecitatg Miata’ Sena at yack” Note: The minimum clearance shall be measured from the owest point of the deck structure inclusive of main sitder in the central half of the clear opening unless ‘otherwise specified. (iil) Vertical clearance may be increased based om ‘vigational requirements or where the chances of having, o floating debris like trees are high (Gv) For arched openings of high level bridges having overhead decking, the clearance below the crawn of the. {nirados of arch shall not be less than one tenth of the ‘maximum depth of water plus one third of the rise of ‘the arch intrados. (¥) In bridges provided with metallic bearings, no part of the bearing shall be less than 500. mm above the: affuxed HFL. (vi) Im case of bridges in sub-mountainous region, the possibility of silting of the river bed may also be «Considered while fixing the vertical clearance, (vi), Difference between deck level and affluxed HFL shal rot be less than, 1.75 m to safeguard road crust in “approach embankment against capillary action of water 2.2.82. Clearance for traffic (The minimam vera! and horizontal penranes (le height and width respectively available for passage of General (for all roads except national highways) ‘nerease in width required for the design of road on For footways and cycle tracks, the minimum vertical clearance shall be 2.25 metres. For vertical and horizontal clearances at under passes and / rail over bridges the essential provisions are given below, IRC:5 may be referred to for details. (@) Lateral clearance at under passes Desirably the fll roadway width ofthe approaches should be carried through the under pass. See IRC: 54 for more details (b) Vertical clearance at under passes Rural areas = S$ mmin Urban areas ~ $5 mmin, (©) Vertical clearance for railway traction (broad gauge) Electric traction 587 m min Non-elecrie traction 4.875 m min, (@) Vertical clearance for ppower/telecommunication lines Lines carrying low voltage upto nov = 53 m min, Electric power lines upto 650 V - 6.0 m min, Electric power lines > 650 V6.5 m min, 2.2.9. Width of carriageway, footpath and median traffic) to be provided on bridges shall be as specified ‘The provisions given in clause 112 of IRC:5 may be applied for all in IRC-S. (i For bridges consrated om horizontal curve with sp ‘ict ond sure the horizon clearance shal be ‘ielte‘on the side ofthe incr er by. magi) ‘trate 5 mere mulpied by the supe elevation; the) bc npr at ie ee peat EN 0 ‘ridges except for National Highways for which para 2.2.9, ei ys para may be ‘The carriageway width shall not be less than 4.25 m for single lane bridge and 7.5 m for 2 lane bridge, whi shall be increased by 3.5 m for every additional lane of. ‘traffic for a multiple lane bridge. In addition, the cross {a) For minor bridges of total length upto 60 ‘The overall width (or width berween outer faces of the bridge) shall be equal to the ‘width of approaches subject to a minimum of ‘m for hill roads other district roads and 12.m! other cases. (©) For major bridges: For urban situations, overall width shall be equal to the roadway of the approaches, For non-urban situations, width of the bridge shall provide for 7.5 carriageway plus a misimam of LS m footpaths on either side, wherever required. (ii) For multi-lane bridges, the overall width shall be same as the roadway width of the approaches, the fof the median in portion being kept the same as in approaches. Wherever footpaths are provided, their shall not be less than 1.$ m. (Gil) For bridges on horizontal curve, the roadway wi shall be inereasd suitably to conform to the requ stipulated in the relevant IRC Road standards, Gv) When a footpath is provided, its width shal not be than 1.5 metres. For urban and populated areas large concentration of pedestrian traffic, the width the footpath shall be suitably increased. 2.2.92, For bridges on National Highways All br should have width berween outer most faces of the railing ‘equal to the roadway width of the approaches irrespective of Jength or location. For details, Ministry’s Circular No. RW/ '33044/2/88-DO.I1 dated 09/05/2000 may be referred to. The provisions of the circular are as given below’ (1) New Bridges and those being reconstructed on 2 lan National Highways: Overall width between outer faces of the railing kerbs shall be equal to the roadway width of the bridges subject to a minimum Se eee Te @) O} o 6 © a "ig ie ipl prea else dalla bridges on 2 lane National Highways being improved bby way of provision of 1.5 m paved solders on either side, widening ofthe existing bridge, wherever feasible, should as far as possible be done simultaneously and ‘ross sections on the bridges and approaches should ‘mateh each other. [New bridges on 4 lane National Highways: On 4 lane [National Highways, the overall width ofthe bridge deck ‘shall be equal to the roadway width of the approach road with distance between the inner kerb lines in the ‘median. portion equal to the median width of the approaches. Normally, the fotal width shall be 24 m between the outer most faces of the railing kerbs. In case of 4 lane National Highways if additional 2 lane bridge is being constructed parallel to the exiting 2 lane bridges, forthe additional 2 lane bridge the total width shall be 9.75 m between inner face ofthe median! right railing Kerb and the outer face of the left railing rb with unidirectional eross slope / camber. If feasible, the existing 2 lane bridge may also be widened to 9.75m, FFor multilane bridges with 6 lanes, 8 lanes etc, the ‘overall width between the oute* most faces ofthe railing kerb of the bridge shall as far as possible be the same the fll roadway width of the approaches. tis preferable to have two independent bridges for each direction of traffic for all 4 lane and other mui-tane bridges. ‘Width ofthe median in the bridge portion shall a far as possible be kept the same as that ofthe approaches. In case width of median is different from that of the ‘approach section de to site constraints, proper transition and safety measures may be provided over the approaches ‘as per Ministry’s Circular No. RW/NH-33022/1/94- (8) Footpaths: In urban areas, minimum footpath width of 1.5 mmay be provided. In case of divided carriageways, footpath shall be provided only on the left side of the carriageway for each direction of traffic. Wherever footpath is not provided, safety kerb of 750 mm width has tobe provided as per Clause 111.3 of IRC:S. In ease cof very high volume of pedestrian traffic, the provision of footpaths of more than 1.5 mt width or & separate pedestrian bridge may be considered depending on site conditions. (©) Crash Barriers: Crash barriers shall be provided forall idges on National Highways to safeguard 9 ‘errant vehicles. For bridges with footpath, crash barrier shall be so located as to separate the main carriageway from the footpath for the safety of pedestrians. For further details, IRC-S “General Features of Design” may be referred to (10) Extra width on curves: In ease of bridges lying on @ ‘curve ora horizontal profil, extra width on bridge shall ‘be provided as per IRC codal provisions applicable for road section, 2.2.10, Fixation of span arrangement and selection of the type of structure 22.10.1, General consideration in selection of type of bridges and span arrangement: Specific site characteristics like width of crossing, nature of stream, depth of flow during different ‘seasons, subsoil characteristics, and the capabilities of contracting agencies who would be interested in building the structure including availability of skilled and unskilled labour are mostly the major ‘considerations in selecting the type of structure and span arrangement in specialised strctures like long span bridges. The attempt of the ‘engineers should be towards minimising the overall cost ofthe total ‘sucture including approaches within the site specific constrains as ‘obtained. For normal simply supported structures, it has been ‘Ghetevel thatthe inlal cost of. Gov. bridge. groper. tends 10 be the 22.10. istic elements to bridge aesthetics are cited below. These ‘some fundamental aspects and lay down the basic principles "200d aeithetic design. The basic knowledge of these aesthetic and substructure put together which may be applied as a or intial tral. 10.2. Aesthetic and environmental considerations and environmental considerations are increasingly becoming in the selection of the type of structure including its to be adopted for a specific site. To achieve aesthetically ‘view of bridge structure, attention should be paid to produce ‘simple, well proportioned structured form. In most cases, the desired structural quality may ada little to the overall ‘Aesthetic considerations include harmony with the ‘opogrephy of the ste, optimisation in the use of materials wirontental considerations include limitation of noise levels ‘daring and after construction of the bridge and the level of ‘die to tir and water during construction and service, ‘of flora and fauna ete Guidelines on aesthetics: A. few important ‘essential to all levels of bridge design and management. ice {0 specific literature for elaborate self-study is mended. o Proportion: Propoition (Harmony) is classified into 3 principle systems: (2) Arithmetic Proportion = 1/3, 19 ete (b) Harmonie Proportion ~ ab ~ fd ete. (©) Geometric Proportion i.e. equilateraVisosceles! Egyptian triangle Harmony in proportion is a primary aesthetics consideration and termed as the first order aesthetic ‘dimension. In relation to bridges, proportion may pertain ‘equally o structure, environment ensemble, the structure Total or elements of the structure, Proportion between linear dimension like length, width, and height between CD rar ieee a a ae a @ @ ® ©. © Contrast: As opposed to harmony in proportion, ‘ean heighten values of some elements in with others. A contrast of volumes, surfaces or li dimensions, a contrast in materials and their colo, ‘contrast of light and shadow ete. are the aspects to kept in view. Seale: The absolute real dimensions of the defining its scale play a dominant role in study. The quality of bridge.structure is judged from! different points of view like compatibility with Order: Order in bridge structure is the key quality. Order in line is achieved by limiting directions in space to the minimum practicab ‘Symmetry in proportion and shape is an_imy clement of order. Repetition of shapes, lends an ‘which provides rhythm. However, when overdone, ‘ean lead to monotony which has tobe avoided. Simpl and cutting down unnecessary accessories will lead fo good order. o Character: The character of a bridge structure as clement of the man made environment is expressed its effect on the ltumans using it. The desired char is determined by societal objectives which may ‘The structure today needs to reflect technolog excellence and look modern, but this should stim qualities of buoyancy and relaxation, (10) Colour: Colour has a significant aesthetic effet. bridges with concrete as the most used material, choice is limited. However, the surface textur ‘weathering quality ete. have added importance in context Which has to be kept in. view for acsih considerations, Functionalism: In bridges form follows function. Functional efficiency never conflicts with form. It generates simplicity in form and aesthetic quality, given the attention due to it. Added omamentaton like a stone facing to hide concrete or redundant pylon, pilasters or arches is irrelevant to. modern bridge forms. ‘Omamentation of large surfaces of piers, abutments, retaining walls by suitable teatment or texturing can enhance the aesthetic quality and character of bridges especially in urban environment. These potentials should bee recognized and made full use of. Environmental integration: The integration of the bridge structure with the environment is the most important aesthetic need of the modern bridges. Simplicity in form may suit open rural lands. Wide river ‘rossings may demand bridges with character compatible with the majesty ofthe river, structure builtin urban or ‘metropolitan environment should have special aesthetic Gualites because of their large impact on people and thee habitat ‘Complexity: Complexity belongs to the second order aesthetics. The Complexity rightly used can build tension with subsequent release and produces « pattern ‘more dynamic than static. It has application potentials in bridge design specially in case of large structures. ‘Third order aesthetics: Intuitive, istic sensibility of. artistically gifted designer can build beauty in structures including bridges, Obviously, this higher level aesthetics ‘combine the first and second. order characteristics of harmony and complexity; something more is added 10 produce elegance 22.104. Economical range of span lengths for different types of superstructures: Apart from the estimated cost based on schedule of rates, costs as quoted during tendering may be used for within which a particular type of superstructure can be economical along with other considerations like type of foundation ete. are given Deep foundations : Where suitable founding strata is available at a depth of 6 m or more with substantial below depth of standing water, highly pervious substratum and large scour depth, it may be advisable to go for deep () RCC. single or multiple boxes. 1.5 t0 15 m foundation like (a) well, or (b) piles Gi). Simply supported RCC slabs = 310m Gil) Simply supported RCC T beam 10 to 24m (a) Well foundations: This i one ofthe most popular Gv) Simply supported PSC girder bridges - 25 t0 45 m_ types of deep foundations in our country, de to (¥) Simply supported RCC voided slabs - 10 10 15 m ‘various reasons like its simplicity, requirement of (vi) Simply supported/continuous PSC ‘very little of equipment’s for its execution, voided slabs = 15 030m adaptability to different subsoil conditions and (vif). Continuous RCC voided slabs = 10 t0 20m difficult site conditions like deep standing water (ili) RCC box sections; simply supported / land large depts to good founding stata. Csissons Balanced cantilever continuous. = 25 to $0 m fare an adaptation of well foundations to sites (x) PSC box sections; simply supported / ‘with deep standing water. Balanced cantilever + 3507S m (b) Pile foundations: Pile foundations are another (8). PSC cantilever construction / type of deep foundations which are suited for continuous = 75 10 150m ‘adoption in the following situation (xi) cable stayed bridges = 100%0800 m ~ Availabilty of good founding strat below large )_ Suspension bridges = 30010 depth of soft sol 1500 m = Need to have very deep foundations beyond the Timit of pneumatic operations usually depth beyond 35 metres or so. = Imsome cases of strata underlying deep standing ‘ater and te sata being very hard not permiting easy sinking of wells or based on economic factors deciding the use of piles as compared to ‘wells. However, pile foundations are not prefered ‘within the flood zone of the river with deep However, whenever an economical span arrangement and type ‘of structure is'decided, it has to be ensured that the required infrastructural facilities, design and construction capabilites, specialised materials etc. are available 22.10. Type of foundations: The subsoil characteristics ‘obtained ata particular site and consequently the type of foundations feasible, is one of the major considerations in selection of type of structure and span arrangement as already mentioned, (iit) Classification of ples (a) Precast driven piles () Driven cast-in-situ piles (6) Bored castin-siu piles (@) Bored precast piles and (©) Driven ste piles (Shallow foundations: Isolated open foundations are feasible where an SBC of about 15 Um? or mote is available at shallow depths with in-rodible substratum. Here again, open excavation is feasible only upto a depth of 3 to 4 m where the subsoil is porous and water | table is high. In cases, where the SBC is still less and ‘economical from other Further guidance on the design and construction aspects of Allowable bearing pressure @ o © @ @ where where ‘eres vo iis fr alowaie ein cpa lc being casi, toed on comidnton ef sre oe aba Sipe th spertpord nd wit sing rton adh other eed now set ‘othr emo long rm coc aion eta tr sgt cache owe tearing este and Selment shall Cate teed onthe test dts eae om Dri sol nea prvi ISIC ade cnn Suns ma idk Swing psec 2M normally nat pete. For vers anh Scineraed rock alone Seng. reset Scent wing thas pesced ose Safe load carrying ca 5: Safe load carrying capacity of pls I sal be les (iin nd ying gcy do he cer murdng te le vel bya suitable factor of safety. : = Gi) Structural strength of the pile ‘These shall be assessed as follows: Ultimate load carrying capacity Static formula (based on soil data) Ru = RD+ RS Ru = Ultimate lad canying capa Rb = Uline tase renee Af = Utne side reituace > abeyw Ab = plan area of base of’pile fou = Gna bring Spey ote si atthe pile base per unit area and Rf = DAsix fi = Summation of ‘n’ layers in which the pile is installed = the surface area of the pile in @ particular strata Average skin friction or adhesion per unit fatea of the pile for that particular strata ‘out safe load carrying capacity of the pile, a ‘Structural strength of piles: ‘The structural strength ofa pile shall be assessed based ‘on its axial and lateral Load capacity (refer IRC:78) ‘Asial capacity: where a ple is wholly embedded in a ‘oil of undrained shear strength not less than 10 KP, its ‘axial strength is not limited by is strength as a long ‘column. For piles driven through very weak soils having. ftrength less than 10 KPa, suitable reduetions shall be made in its structural strength taking into account the buckling phenomenon, for which guidance may be taken from specialised literature. When the pile projects tbove ground level, the effective length shall be governed by the fixity conditions imposed by the structure it supports and the nature of the surrounding soil mass ‘The depth of the point of contraflexure below the ‘ground varies with the type of soil. In good soil, the Tower point of contraflexure may be taken at 2 depth of 1 metre below ground surface subject to a minimum of 3 times the diameter of the shaft. In weak soil of ‘undrained shear strength less than 10 KPa, such as soft clay of sot sil this point may be taken at about half the ‘epth of penetration into such stratum but not necessarily ‘more than 3 mA stratum of liquid mud shall be treated as-water. The degree of fixity of position and inclination ‘of the pile top and restraint provided by any bracing Shall be estimated in accordance with accepted normal ‘structural analysis. loads and force, including axial loads shall be cons alongwith the lateral loads. The lateral oad capacity of a pile depends upon horizontal su ‘modulus ofthe surrounding soil and its structural against bending ‘Where vertical piles cannot resist the applied group be determined by graphical or anal methods. Effects of pile cap movement, bending dae self weight of pile in loose soils inddcing 5 bending shall also be considered, 2.2.11. Preliminary design of various components of b 22.1.1. The preliminary design should include all calewl needed for finalising the ross section of the superstructure inch the checks forthe maximum bending stress and shear stress. It sho also include preliminary design of the critical abutment and pier the basis of preliminary subsoil investigations. 22.112, Minimum depth of foundations: The follow ‘minimum depths may be ensured: (Shallow foundations in erodible strata: Su ‘foundations may be taken to a minimum depth of 20) i they support an arch superstructure or 1.20 m in cases provided adequate SBC is available at that {o support a individual foundation or rafts as the may be and the foundations are protected agai ‘undermining by suitably designed flooring, cutoff wall and launching aprons. Gi) Deep foundations in erodible strata: Such foundations shall be taken to such depth where the base pressure calculated based on any rational design method is less than the available $.B.C. and a minimum grip length of 13rd of the maximum anticipated scour depth below! ‘Shallow foundations in rock: A minimum embedient fof 0.6 m in ease of hard rocks having a crushing strength of 100 kp/em? or more may be provided considering the overall characteristics such as fissures, bedding planes, cavities etc. Higher embedment may be provided for softer varieties considering the above ‘mentioned characteristics and strengthening measures, if any, proposed, Deep foundations in rock: [f hard rocky strata is met with at depths below the maximum scour level, and if deep foundations are resorted to it shal be ensued that such foundations are evenly seated al along the periphery fon sound rocky strata (devoid of fissures, cavities, ‘weathered zones ete). On sloping rock surfaces, the foundations shall be properiy seated by benching and the extent of seating and embediment in each case shall bbe decided by the Engineer in-charge, 221.3. Minimum requirements, checks for stresses and of safety for foundatios “earty the loads and forces specified in IRC:6 subject 10 jons, allowable stresses/pressures and factors of safety ied in IRC:78. Normally, no tension is permitted at the base II foundations shall be designed ‘any combination of loads and forces, and the maximum base a © should be less than the calculated allowable bearing pressure r tension area may be permitted on rock upto 20 per eent of base area provided the foundation pressure calculated on the net ‘of contact after redistribution is less than the allowable bearing . For foundations on clayey soil, the base pressure under ent loads shall be as uniform as possible to avoid possibilty differential setiement or progresive failure, Open foundations: These can be cither isolated, strip footings or raft foundations Isolated combined or strip foundations: All these foundations shall be checked for base pressure, siding ‘nd Wel Ol ks ee es ee or o (Incase two adjoining foundations are at levels, the horizontal distance between them: bbe adequate for the type of subsoil obtained not to emuse any distress to the existing foun uring construction or afterwards due overlapping of the foundation pressure Gi) In case of plain concrete, brick or stone footing, load from the pier or column shall taken as dispersed through the footing at an not exceeding 45°, For reinforced conerete footings the design satisfy the relevant provisions of IRC:21 (iv) The minimum thickness of footings shall not Jess than 300 mm. jundations: Raft foundations can cither be P.CC. of RC.C. but with the minimum grade of con for structural members being progressively revi upwards, RCC rafts be prefered considering et ‘The following aspects have to be taken care of providing raft. (i) The design of the raft shal be based on ‘for calculation of base pressures. (ii) The protective works ar to be completed before the floods so thatthe raft foundation do not gt undermined (Gi) For laying the foundation conerete by dewatering, itera trench be excavated all along the periphery ‘of the foundation pit so that water level is kept. @ (Gv) For laying foundation conerete underwater temic pipe should be used. In ease of flowing water or artesian springs, the flow shall be stopped or reduced as far as possible and no pomping shall bbe done during placement of conerete or upto 24 hours after it. Additional points to be taken care of incase of open foundation: (Protective works, if any, shall be completed before monsoon so that foundations do not get ‘undermined. Gi) Excavation for laying the foundation shall be carried out in accordance with Section 300 of [MOST specifications for road and bridge works. ‘The last 300 mm of excavation shall be done just before laying of ean concrete below foundation. Gil) In the event of excavation having been made deeper than that shown on the drawing or as ‘ordered by the Engineer, the extra depth shall be ‘made up with MLS concrete in ease of foundation resting on soil and foundation grade conerete for foundations in rock Gv) All spaces excavated and not occupied by the foundation or other permanent works shall be refilled with earth upto surface of surrounding ‘ground in accordance with Section 300 of MOST specifications for road and bridge works. In case ‘of excavation in rock, the annblar space around foundation shall be filled with MIS concrete upto the top of rock. Deep foundations: Minimum requirement for (a) well foundations and (b) pile foundations are given hereunder:- IRC:78, However, some important features are given below ‘guidance, (The minimum dimension of any dredge hole shal 2.00 metres Gi) The grade of concrete for P.C.C. well steining shall be less than MIS with minimum cement content of kg/m? and water cement ratio not more than 0.45. ‘ease of severe condition of exposure, eonerete in shall not be less than M20. (Gi) The diameter of PCCIRCC wells shall not exceed ‘metre, ») Use of cellar steining or composite material in steiis shall not be permitted. () The minimum thickness of steining shall not be le than 500 mm for normal conditions and 1m for sew conditions of exposure and shall satisfy the fol } minimum steining thickness may be varied from the ‘the following conditions:- ‘Very soft clayey strata Reduced 10% ‘ard clayey strata Increased 10% | Boulder strata or well Increased 10% esting on rock involving blasting For bouldery strata or for wells resting on rock where blasting may be involved, higher thickness of stening, better grade of concrete, heavier reinforcement, use of steel plates in the lower portions etc. may be adopted as. directed by the Engineer ~ in ~ charg. r 2. For wells passing through very soft clayey strata, the thickness may be reduced based on local experience and in ‘with the decision of the Engineer —in ~ charge to prevent relationship. ‘penetrating by its own weight. In such cases, the steining 2 Je adequately reinforced to get sufficient strength. 6 = Kav | (Wf specialied methods of sinking such as jack down where, ¢ = minimum thickness of steining in metres ; ‘methods, are adopted, then the steining thickness may d= external diameter of eireular well fr dumbwell Shaped well or the smaller dimension in plan of Double D" wells in metre aground level whichever is higher K = a constant. ‘The value of K shall be as follows (Wellin cement concrete K= 0.03 (ii) Well in brick masonary K = 0.05 depth of wel in metre below L.W.L. or be adjusted according to design and construction requirements. ‘Where nominal stel is provided in steining, the same shall not be considered in the design for strength (Will) For plain concrete well, the reinforcement (either mild steel or high yield strength deformed bars) shall not be less thay as indicated below: ‘Vertical reinforcements: 0.12 percent of gross sectional area of actual thickness of additional hoop reinforcement of 10 mm dia M.S. ‘oF deformed bars spaced at 150 mm centres which shall ‘extend upto a height of 3 metres into the well steining above the curb. Per unit length of (%) RCC. wells shall be designed a8 RCC. ooh combines axial load and bending, The rein arvved at shall, however, be not less than a in : — Bottom plug shall be provided in all wells extending ‘upto 300 mm above the well eur with a concrete mix "using minimum cement content of 363 kg/m? and a slump of about 150mm. Where. grouted concrete | Goletete) is used, the grout mix shall nt be leaner than 12. Vertical reinforcement: 0.2 pet cent (for either steel or deformed bars) actual gross area of steining of which Teast 0.06 per cent of area shall be on inner Filling of the well, if considered necessary, shall be done with sand or excavated material free of organic matter. Hoop reinforcement: 0,04 per cent of the ‘per unit length of steining {avi) A top plug $00 mm thick in e-. with grade M 15 shall (%) Mild steel cutting edge of weight not less than 40 bbe provided over the fling. ‘metre shall be provided properly anchored to the ‘arb. In case of wells with two oF more eo the lower end of the cutting edge of middle stem bbe kept 300 mm above that of the outer walls to rocking. (xvii) The bottom of the well cap shall be laid preferably as Tow as possible taking into account of the water level prevalent at the time of casting. Top surface of well cap should be provided below bed level if:L-W.L. is very low. (xi) The well curb shall be of reinforced cement concrete rade not lower than M 25 with minimum reinforce i) All designs shall account fora tit of | in 80 and shift ‘of 72 kgm? excluding the bond rods of steining, E of 150 mm in the resultant direction, By (xi) For the likelihood pneumatic sinking, the internal angle (8) Pile foundations: The following general requirements of the well curbs shall be made as steep as possible, shall be satisfied in the design and construction of piles: (ii). Where blasting is anticipated, the inner faces of the well curb shall be protected with steel plates of thickness not less than 10 mim thick upto top of well curb. If it desired to inerease the steel lining above the well curb then the thickness can be reduced to 6 mm for this imreased height, which in any case should not be more than 3.0m. The steel plates shall be properly anchored (1) Spacing of piles (2) Friction piles - Centre to centre spacing not less than perimeter ofthe pile (&) End bearing - Centre to centre spacing not piles less than ties the least width of pile @ ® 6) ngs teadieee eae piles 0.75 m diameter ‘equivalent area foundations in rivers Rake in piles (1 in 6 for al bored piles Gi) 1 in 6 for driven cast in sit piles; and (Gi) 1 im 4 for precast driven piles ‘Tolerance for piles (for vertical piles 25 mm at pling platform and tit not exceeding 1 in 150. i) For raking piles tolerance of 1 in 25 for ‘upto 1 in 6 suitably increased for greater (ii) Where raking piles are installed from a significantly differenvhigher to the ground then the 75 mm lateral tolerance mentioned in ‘above shall be suitably increased due to effet error in the rake, Pile cap All pile caps shall be reinforced and their size fixed taking into consideration the allowable tolerance ‘mentioned in sub-clause 4 above. A minimum off-set of 130 mm shall be provided beyond the outer faces of the ‘outermost piles im the group. For piles cap resting on. arth, a levelling course of minimum 100mm thickness ‘of M 15 noteiaed mix Goncrest shall be provided. Teal ee ee Cae Oe acieque sion of loads and forces. All piles shall be ‘off at top and reinforcement anchored into the that atleast 150 mm of the pile after stripping nto the pile cap. A layer of surface reinforcement ‘provided with a cover of 25 mm to retain the ‘of concrete below the main cap reinforcement isto be Iaid 25 mm above the pile top. In marine tons, or in areas exposed tothe action of harmful is etc, apart from the use of densely compacted ‘conerete ofa higher grade, the pile cap and the piles up {0 about 600 mm below low water or tide level should ‘be protected with 2 suitable ent-corrosive pain. High "alumina cement i.e. quick seting cement shall not be used in marine construction. Grade of concrete in concrete piles For both precast and cast-in-sita piles, the values regarding grade of concrete, water cement ratio, slump shall be as follows; Driven precast concrete piles Longitudinal reinforcement ‘The area of longitudinal reinforcement shall be based ‘on the actual design but shall not be less than the following percentages of the oss sectional area of the piles: G) ». for piles with,» length of tess than 90 timed Ge OF ® o wo o @ ae ae tt wee ee en width ~ 1.5 per cent, for ples with a length greater than 40 t least width ~ 2 per cent. ‘The curtailment of the reinforcement the depth of pile shall avoid sudden disc hich may cause cracks during heavy Lateral reinforcement ‘The lateral reinforcement is of particular ‘estraining driving stresses and should be in the fo hhoops, spirals or closed links. The minimum di ‘of bars for this purpose shall not be les than 6 rm, value of lateral reinforcement in the pile from each for a distance of about 3 times the least width ameter, shall not be less than 0.6 per cent ofthe g volume and in the body of the pile not les than 0.2 cent of the gross volume, Driven east-in-situ concrete piles Reinforcement in the pile shall be provided in thee Tength and shall be based on design. Ho longitudinal -einforcement within the pile shaft shall be less than Ot per cent of the gross sectional area any part ofthe pie. (No reduction in stel area shall permitted even if HYSD bars are used), Where the casting pipe is withdrawn from cohes soils forthe formation of cas-i-stu piles, the con should be done with necessary precaution to minimis the softening of the soil by excess water. Castin-ste piles shall not be allowed where mud flow conditions exist Bored cast-in-situ piles Reinforcement inthe pife shall be provided in the entre seal hhieaitistimdiiternlimiet of sna colt fied above for driven cast-in-situ concrete piles. which are stable it may often be possible to dil Ihole and place the concrete without having ‘In such cases, even if M20 concrete is used, stresses shall be limited to 80 per cent design value. In cases in which side soil can fall hale, itis necessary to stabilize the side ofthe ‘with drilling mud or where possible suitable ing may be used. The liner may be withdrawn ‘the concrete is poured inside or it may be left in faction of the ground water isto be avoided in the case of piles built in marine condition. tions for concreting under water ‘The concreting of the pile must be completed in ‘one continuous operation. “The concrete should be coherent, rich in cement (not less than 400 kg/m?) and of slump not less ‘than 150mm. Minimum cement cootent shall be arrived at by increasing the cement content for dry condition under similar exposure condition and by 10 per cent. However, cement content should not be les than 400 kg/m’ ‘When concreting is being carried out under water, 4 temporary casing should be installed to the full ‘depth of soil except the portion in rock so that fragments of ground cannot drop from the sides (of the hole into the concrete as i is placed. ‘The hopper and tremie pipe will have to be closed system embedded in the placed concrete, through which water eannot pas. ‘The tremie pipe will have to be large enough ‘with due regard to the size of aggregate. For 20 diameter not less than 150 mm, and for aggregate larger diameter tremie pipes required, (vi). The first charge of concrete; should be with a sliding plug pushed down the tube of it to prevent mixing of conerete and (vil). The tremie pipe should always penetrate into the conerete with an adequate m safety agains accidental withdrawal if the pi surged fo discharge the concrete (vii) The pile should be concreted wholly by ‘and the method of deposition should not ‘changed partway of the pile to prevent te ait ‘rom being entrapped within the pile. (x) All wemie tubes should be scrupulously cl after use. (8) The top of concrete in a pile shall be brow above the cut off level to permit removal of lnitance and weak concrete before pile cap is This will ensure good concrete at the eut level (xi) Load test on ples Load test shall be carried out as per IS:2911 (Part IV). 2.11.4. Substructure : Substructure iclude those port of a bridge which are above the foundation which include ‘butments, abutments and pier caps, dirt walls, returns, wing wall but excludes bearings and superstructure. I can be built of be stone masonry, plain/einforced/prestressed concrete, stel, Sel of a particular type of substructure depends upon the span and of superstructure, the height of substructure, availabilty of construct Pe i RE ba te lk Be Pall PNR POC wy Id be such as to cause minimum obstruction to flow shall be designed to withstand the loads and in IRC:6, the worst combination of forees and shall be as specified in IRC: 78. For allowable other design requirements relevant IRC Codes depending of construction material shal be followed. The following erations shall also be satisfied, ‘On all exposed faces of conerete member & minimum ‘reinforcement equivalent to 2.5 kg/m? shall be provided ‘to withstand stresses due to temperature and shrinkage ‘with the maximum spacing limited to COOmm, ‘The width of abutment and pier cap should be fixed on ‘the basis of design and construction requirements. Further it shall be sufficient to. accommodate not only the ‘earings but also an offsct of 150mm beyond the edges ‘of the bearings and also facilitate inspection and repairs ‘of bearings. The thickness of such eaps shall not be less ‘than 225mm upto a span of 25m and 300mm for longer spans. ‘Suitably designed cut and ease waters shall be provided {in pers upto affluxed HFL or higher from consideration of waves, etc, ‘The design of abutment piers if provided shall be such that it should be possible to convert them to the similar shape as piers in the active channel ‘Maulti-column piers across rivers carrying floating trees ‘or timber, shal be braced by means of diaphragm walls extending unto affluxed HFL and having thickness not less than 200mm. In case of hollow circular concrete piers outer diameter ‘should not be fess then 2.75m for total height of the ‘ent of the cross sectional area of piers. Plain cellular piers shall not be permitted. ‘The lateral reinforcement of the walls of hollow i Pier shall not be less than 0.3 per cent of the area of the wall ofthe pier. This lateral rein shall be distributed on both faces, 60 per cent ‘outer face and 40 per cent on the inner face. ‘| ‘Where supports are made with 2 or more piles or columns spaced closer than 3 times the diame of the piles or 2 metre whichever is lest, across rection of flow, the group shall be treated as a Pier of the same overall width, and value of ‘constant (K) taken as 1.25 for working out thei ‘of water pressure according to relevant clauses of (vii) Spill through type abutments where adepted shal provided with adequately designed pitched protection front with apron/toe wall such that the entire safe from considerations of slipping, undermining Usually the pitching is provided in a minimum slope 1-1/2 HIV. The screen wall provided shall extend Feast upto 500 mm depth into the fil (x) The top of wing return walls shall be caried 100 above the top of the slope of embankment to ‘any soil from being blown or washed away by rain. (3) Length of cantilever returns where adopted, shall not ‘more than 4 metres. . (xi) All abutments shall be designed fora live load surchar equivalent to 1.2m height of earthfil All wing wallsfteturn walls provided for full height approaches shall be designed to withstand a live oad surcharge equivalent to 0,6 m height of earthfil we) (Gsili) In the case of spill through type abutments, the active} ) In the ease of navi Structures designed to retain carthfill shall be proportioned ‘o withstand pressure calculated in ‘accordance with any rational theory. Coulomb's theory shall be acceptable subject to the modification that the center of pressure exerted by the backfill is located at an ‘elevation of 0.42 of the height of wall above the base. ‘No structure shall however be designed to withstand "horizontal pressure less than that exerted by a fluid ‘weighing 480 kg/m’. This sin addition tothe surcharge. ‘The Gill behind abutments, wing walls, and return wall shall conform to specifications given in IRC:78. ‘In skew bridges, where bearings are placed at right ‘angles to the longitudinal axis of the bridge, the top ‘width ofthe pirs/abutment has 10 be more compared to right bridges in order to have a clear distance of 150 tin Ueyund the edge of the bearings. al streams, the effect of barge impact has to be considered in the design of piers as suitable fenders are to be provided around the piers. (vill) For skew bridges provided with returns parallel 10 the bridge axis; the length of the wings at the obtuse angled comers will have to be more than the other ones, to tense thatthe quadrantal revetment does not protrude imo the waterway. Its desirable to lay the abutment caps and the dirt walls ‘over abutments with the same concrete and in one coneration, and make them monolithic by detailing the reinforcement properly, to avoid cracking a the junction of the two components ‘Adequate working apace between the bottom of the ‘uperstrcture main girders and top of pir/abutment ‘caps, may be provided to facilitaeinspecton/replacement ‘of bearings at a later date, on Saree. 0 « ww w Bearings are vital components of a bridge which allowing of longitudinal and/or transverse rotations ‘or movements of the superstructure with respect to substructure (thus relieving stresses due 10 « and contraction), effestively transfer loads and from superstructure to substructure. Adequate care bbe exercised in selecting the right type of beats based on the guidelines given below: (@) For solid/voided slab superstructure resting unyielding supports, no bearings are provided ifthe span length is less than 10m, {op of piers/abutments caps are however smooth with earborandum stone. (©) For girder and slab spans miore than 10m and resting on unyielding suppors, bearings may be considered. (©) For spans larger than 25m roller and bearings or PTFE bearings could be cons (@) For very large spans and where multiinectio allowed provision of pot bearings may considered. ‘The design of metalic bearings and neoprene shall be in conformity with IRC:83 Parts 1 & I respectively. In case of roller-cum-rocker bearings only full circular rollers are to be provided. In order to cater for any possible relative undue ‘movement of bearings over the abutment resulting in girder ends jamming against the dirt wall preferably 4 larger gap may be provided between the gtder end snd the dirt wall, All Gaatttige Sessile ‘healt te thueatoa ia neccecaaielll ee OF me approved Grawings, In perticular “the following important points shall not be lost sight of; @ © o @) ) @ All bearings shall be set truly level so as to have {ull and even seating. Thin mortar pads (not ‘exceeding 12mm) may be used to mest this requirement. ‘The bottoms of girders resting on the bearing shall be plane and truly horizontal, Incase of rockers and roller beatings, necessary adjustment for temperature at the time of placement, shrinkage, creep and elastic shortening ‘shall be made, such that the line of bearing is a central as possible on the bearing plates at the ‘normal temperature taken in design. For elastomeric bearing pads, the concrete surface shall be level such thatthe variation is not more than 1.5mm from a straight edge placed in any ‘itection across the area. For spans in grade, the bearings shall be placed Dorizotal by using sole plates or suitably designed RCC. pedestals Bearings of different sizes must not be placed next to each other to support a span. Installation of multiple bearings one behind the cother on a single line of support is not permite ‘The bearings shall be so protected while concreting the deck in situ that there is no flow ‘of mortar or any other extraneous matter into the ‘bearing assembly and particularly on to the bearing surfaces. The protection shall be such that it ean be dismantled after the construction is over thout disturbing the bearing assembly. Special atention should be given to the temporary fixtures to be provided for the bearings during the concreting of superstrcture inorder to ensure that they do not get displaced during the inital installation itself. The temporary fixtures should bbe removed as soon as the superstmeture has attained ite: roquived emength.

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