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Parts of the large intestines

 Caecum
 Colon
 Rectum
 Anus

 It connects the small intestines to the colon

 It absorbs water and salts

Main process that place in the colon

 Absorption of water

Materials absorbed in the large intestines (colon)

 Water
 Mineral salts (Sodium and potassium)
 Vitamin K

 The rectum stores undigested food before it is passed out
 It also stores worn out cells from the digestive tract.

 It passes out faeces/stool/excrement

Egestion (defecation)
 This is the elimination (passing out) of faeces from the body

Materials that make up faeces (components of faeces)

 Roughages (Dietary fibres)
 Water
 Dead bacteria
 Dead cells

 These are chemical substances that speed up chemical digestion

Importance of enzymes
 They speed up chemical reactions/digestion
 Enzymes act as catalysts in chemical reactions

Characteristics of enzymes
 They are specific in action
 They work at specific pH
 They are destroyed (denatured) by heat
 They work under narrow temperature range

Why are enzymes denatured (destroyed) by heat?

 They are proteins in nature

Conditions under which enzymes work

 Alkaline conditions
 Acidic conditions

What is meant by pH?

 This is the degree of acidity or alkalinity

Examples of enzymes and the medium (pH) in which they work best

Enzyme(s) Medium of action (pH)

 Pepsin  Acidic medium
 Rennin
 Salivary amylase  Alkaline medium
 Lipase
 Trypsin
 Peptidase (erepsin)
 Sucrase

Part Gland Digestive Enzymes Food changes

Mouth Salivary saliva Salivary Starch to maltose
glands amylase

Stomach Gastric Gastric pepsin Proteins to peptides

glands juice
Rennin clots milk proteins in the
stomach of infants
(curdles/coagulates milk the
stomach of infants)

Duodenum liver bile No enzyme Emulsifies the fats

Trypsin Proteins to peptides

Peptides to amino acids
pancreas Pancreatic
juice Pancreatic Starch to maltose

Lipase Lipids (fats) to fatty acids and


Ileum Intestinal Lactase Lactose to glucose/galactose

(succus Maltase Maltose to glucose
Sucrase Sucrose to glucose/fructose

Lipase Fats to fatty acids and glycerol

peptidase Peptides to amino acids

Colon Water absorption

Rectum Storage of faeces

1. Where does absorption of the following foods take place?
i) Alcohol
ii) Water

2. How are enzymes important in the digestion of food?


3. Which substance helps to regulate the blood sugars in the body?


4. State the reason why there are no enzymes to act upon vitamins and
mineral salts.


5. State the condition under which pepsin work best


6. The table shows digestion food in the body, Complete it by filling in

the ,missing gaps

Digestive gland Digestive juice Enzymes

i. …………………………… Saliva Salivary amylase

Stomach walls ii. ………………………….. Pepsin and Rennin

Pancreas Pancreatic juice iii. ……………………………

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