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Imagine that you are doing a project on what ways to keep fit people prefer. You have collected some
data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your
personal opinion on the subject of the project.

run 62.1%

get regular check-ups 57.8%

avoid stress 46.8%

drink enough water 34.8%

reduce eating junk food 10.6%

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with keeping fit and healthy and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of keeping fit in human life.

Imagine that you are doing a project on what ways to keep fit people prefer. You have collected some
data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

run 62,1%
Get regular check-ups 57,8%
Avoid stress 46,8%
Drink enough water 34,8%
Reduce eating junk food 10,6%

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with keeping fit and healthy and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the importance of keeping fit in human life.


Imagine that you are doing a project on what are the most popular teenage hobbies. You have collected
some data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your
personal opinion on the subject of the project.
blogging 60.1%

designing memes 52.6%

cooking 46.2%

painting 29.7%

dancing 13.5%

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with hobbies for teenagers and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the hobbies for teenagers.

Imagine that you are doing a project on what are the most popular teenage hobbies. You have
collected some data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Blogging 60,1%
Designing memes 52,6%
Cooking 46,2%
Painting 29,7%
Dancing 13,5%

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with hobbies for teenagers and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the hobbies for teenagers.


Imagine that you are doing a project on what kinds of sports teenagers prefer. You have collected some
data on the subject (see the diagram below). Comment on the data in the diagram and give your
personal opinion on the subject of the project.
running 55.3%

football 49.7%

skateboarding 39.7%

boxing 28.9%

athletics 14.5%

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with doing sports and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the role of sports in our life.

Imagine that you are doing a project on what kinds of sports teenagers prefer. You have collected some
data on the subject – the results of the opinion polls (see the table below).
Comment on the data in the table and give your personal opinion on the subject of the project.

Get presents 66,3%

Have parties 55,9%
Watch fireworks 46,9%
Eat special food 36,1%
Visit relatives 14,6%

Use the following plan:

– make an opening statement on the subject of the project work;
– select and report 2–3 main features;
– make 1–2 comparisons where relevant;
– outline a problem that can arise with doing sports and suggest the way of solving it;
– draw a conclusion giving your personal opinion on the role of sports in our life.

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Healthy life” together with your friend. You have found some
illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the
friend about the photos:
 give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the project in each photo
 say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject of the project minimum);
 mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of food;
 explain how these photos illustrate the project “Healthy life”;
 express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to eat only healthy food and why yes
or no.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You
have to talk continuously.


Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “The importance of volunteering” together with your friend. You
have found some illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be
ready to tell the friend about the photos:
 give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the project in each photo
 say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject of the project minimum);
 mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of places;
 explain how these photos illustrate the project “The Importance of volunteering”;
 express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to be a volunteer and why yes or no.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You
have to talk continuously.

Task 4. Imagine that you are doing a project “Risky activities” together with your friend. You have found some
illustrations and want to share the news. Leave a voice message to your friend. In 2.5 minutes be ready to tell the
friend about the photos:
 give a brief description of the photos (2 features connected with the subject of the project in each photo
 say in what way the pictures are different (2 features connected with the subject of the project minimum);
 mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of parties;
 explain how these photos illustrate the project “Risky activities”;
 express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to do a parachute jump and why yes
or no.
You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (2–3 sentences for every item of the plan, 12–15 sentences total). You
have to talk continuously.

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