Kohlbergs Moral Development Lesson Plan

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Margarita Hernandez Roster #08

Student Lesson Plan
EDU 202
I. Objective(s): For the students to understand Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral
Development. By understanding the three different levels and six stages that make up
Kohlberg’s Moral Development. As well as being able to provide examples of the
different levels and stages of Moral Development and create different dilemmas to help
them understand how Kohlberg analyzed peoples thinking and morality. They should also
be able to gain an understanding of what level of Moral Development they are on.

II. Materials/Equipment: A sheet of paper or notebook to take notes in, a pen or pencil,
Highlighters at least two different colors, Video Heinz Dilemma to be used in
presentation, PowerPoint presentation.

III. Instruction:
 Start with questions of what is morality? How do you analyze/measure morality?
And if it is even possible to analyze/measure morality?
 State Objective: Students will be able to understand Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory
of Moral Development and understand the different levels and stages that make
up Kohlberg’s Moral Development.
 PowerPoint Presentation:
 Slide 1: Introductory slide
 Slide 2: Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
 Slide 3: Levels of Moral Development
 Slide 4: Level 1: Preconventional
 Slide 5: Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Orientation
 Slide 6: Stage 2: Instrumental Orientation
 Slide 7: Level 2: Conventional
 Slide 8: Stage 3: Interpersonal Concordance Orientation
 Slide 9: Stage 4: Law and Order Orientation
 Slide 10: Level 3: Postconventional
 Slide 11: Stage 5: Social Contract Orientation
 Slide 12: Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principal Orientation
 Video: Heinz Dilemma Edited (2:04)
 Slide 13: Kohlberg’s Heinz Dilemma
 Slide 14: Heinz Dilemma Explained
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IV. Closure: Provide a brief summary on what was taught as a review. Answer any questions
asked after the review. Ask for six different examples of the six stages of Moral
Development from the students. Then once again ask them what is morality? Can you
measure/analyze morality? And is it even possible?

V. Outline/Overview of lesson:
Kohlberg’s Moral Development
1. Start lesson by asking the students what is morality? Allow them to answer then
ask how they analyze it and measure it? Or of it is even possible to
analyze/measure morality?
2. State the objective of the lesson which is for the students to understand Lawrence
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development and for the students to understand the
different levels and stages of Kohlberg’s Moral Development.
3. Slide 1: Introduce the topic of Kohlberg’s Moral Development.
4. Slide 2: Introduce the psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg and his Theory of Moral
5. Slide 3: Introduce the three levels of Moral Development and the six stages of
Moral Development.
6. Slide 4: Introduce the first level of Moral Development the Preconventional level
and provide an explanation on what you will see in this level in terms of morality.
7. Slide 5: Introduce the first stage of Moral Development the Obedience and
Punishment Orientation stage. Provide an explanation of the stage and what type
of morality you will see in the Obedience and Punishment stage. Provide an
example of the type of morality you will see in this stage.
8. Slide 6: Introduce the second stage of Moral Development the Instrumental
Orientation. Provide an explanation of the stage and what type of morality you
will see in the Instrumental Orientation stage. Provide an example of the type of
morality you will see in this stage.
9. Slide 7: Introduce the second level of Moral Development the Conventional
Level. Provide an explanation of the level on what you will see in this level in
terms of morality.
10. Slide 8: Introduce the third stage of Moral Development the Interpersonal
Concordance Orientation stage. Provide an explanation of the stage and what type
of morality you will see in the Interpersonal Concordance Orientation stage.
Provide an example of the type of morality you will see in this stage.
11. Slide 9: Introduce the fourth stage of Moral Development the Law-and-Order
Orientation stage. Provide an explanation of the stage and what type of morality
you will see in the Law-and-Order Orientation stage. Provide an example of the
type of morality you will see in this stage.
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12. Slide 10: Introduce the third level of Moral Development the Postconventional
Level. Provide an explanation of the level on what you will see in this level in
terms of morality.
13. Slide 11: Introduce the fifth stage of Moral Development the Social Contract
Orientation Stage. Provide an explanation of the stage and what type of morality
you will see in the Social Contract Orientation stage. Provide an example of the
type of morality you will see in this stage.
14. Slide 12: Introduce the sixth stage of Moral Development the Universal Ethical
Principal Orientation. Provide an explanation of the stage and what type of
morality you will see in the Universal Ethic Principal Orientation stage. Provide
an example of the type of morality you will see in this stage.
15. Slide 13: The students will watch the video on the Heinz Dilemma (2:04) and
write down the answer they choose from the choices given on what Heinz should
16. Slide 14: The students will then be able to see what level of Kohlberg’s Moral
Development they are on and what it means.
17. Closure: Provide a brief summary on what was taught as a review. Ask if they
have any questions after the review and answer them if asked. To check for
understanding ask for six different examples of the six stages of Moral
Development from the students. Then once again ask them the questions from the
beginning of the lesson to check if they know have a clearer understanding of
morality and psychologists analyze morality. Ask them what morality is? Can you
measure/analyze morality? And is it even possible?

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