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SURIADI DZAKIR (21.11.3249)



Heru Hidayat was demanded to be sentenced to death by the Public

Prosecutor (Prosecutor General), who was judged to have been proven to have
caused a loss of Rp. 22 trillion to the state. Also committing money laundering,
this is the first time that the ago has demanded the death of a corruptor. The
Prosecutor's Office has a history in handling corruption cases in Indonesia. The
public prosecutor demands the death of a corruption defendant.
The defendant is the President Commissioner of PT Trada Alam Minera
Heru Hidayat. He was sentenced to death because he was found guilty of
corruption which resulted in state losses of Rp. 22.788 trillion from the
management of PT ASABRI (Persero) funds and money laundering.
Heru was found guilty of committing acts in two charges, namely the first
indictment of Article 55 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and the second
indictment of Article 33 of the Law on Money Laundering. The provisions
regarding death threats in the Anti-Corruption Law are contained in Article 2.
“The aggravating thing is that the defendant's actions are an extraordinary
crime which is dangerous for the integrity of the nation; the defendant's actions
did not support the government's program that was clean and free of corruption,
collusion and nepotism; the result of the defendant's actions was a state loss of Rp
12.643 trillion; The defendant is a life sentence in the Jiwasraya case which cost
the state Rp. 16.807 trillion," said the prosecutor
The prosecutor considered that there were no mitigating factors in Heru's
actions."The mitigating thing, although in the trial there were mitigating things in
the defendant, but they were not proportional to the state losses caused by the
defendant's actions, so these things should be concluded," said the prosecutor as
There are eight defendants in this case, namely President Director
(Director) of PT Asabri March 2016-July 2020 Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Adam Rachmat
Damiri, Director of Investment and Finance of PT Asabri July 2014-August 2019
Hari Setiano, President Director of PT Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk ( LCGP)
Lukman Purnomosidi, Director of PT Jakarta Issuer Investor Relations Jimmy
Sutopo, President Director of PT Hanson International Tbk. Benny Tjokrosaputro,
and President Commissioner of PT Trada Alam Minera Heru Hidayat.

Source: kumparanNEWS

Heru Hidayat dituntut hukuman mati oleh JPU (Jaksa Agung), dinilai
terbukti korupsi rugikan negara Rp 22 T. Juga melakukan pencucian uang, ini
pertama kalinya kejaksaan tuntut mati koruptor. Kejaksaan mencatat sejarah
dalam penanganan kasus korupsi di Indonesia. Jaksa penuntut umum menuntut
mati seorang terdakwa korupsi.
Terdakwa itu ialah Presiden Komisaris PT Trada Alam Minera Heru
Hidayat. Ia dituntut hukuman mati karena dinilai terbukti melakukan korupsi yang
mengakibatkan kerugian negara sebesar Rp 22,788 triliun dari pengelolaan dana
PT ASABRI (persero) serta pencucian uang.
Heru dinilai terbukti melakukan perbuatan dalam dua dakwaan, yaitu
dakwaan pertama Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP serta dakwaan kedua Pasal 33 UU
tentang Pencucian Uang. Ketentuan soal ancaman mati dalam UU Tipikor termuat
dalam pasal 2.
“Hal yang memberatkan, perbuatan terdakwa termasuk extra ordinary
crime yang berbahaya bagi integritas bangsa; perbuatan terdakwa tidak
mendukung program pemerintah yang bersih dan bebas korupsi, kolusi dan
nepotisme;akibat perbuatan terdakwa adalah kerugian negara yang mencapai Rp
12,643 Triliun; terdakwa adalah terpidana seumur hidup perkara Jiwasraya yang
merugikan negara Rp 16,807 triliun,” ujar jaksa
Jaksa menilai tidak ada hal yang meringankan dalam perbuatan Heru.
“Hal yang meringankan, meski dalam persidangan ada hal-hal yang meringankan
dalam diri terdakwa, tapi tidak sebanding dengan kerugian negara yang
ditimbulkan dalam perbuatan terdakwa sehingga hal-hal tersebut patut
dikesimpulkan,” kata jaksa pula.
Ada delapan orang terdakwa dalam perkara ini, yaitu Direktur Utama
(Dirut) PT Asabri Maret 2016-Juli 2020 Letjen (Purn) Adam Rachmat Damiri,
Direktur Investasi dan Keuangan PT Asabri Juli 2014-Agustus 2019 Hari Setiano,
Dirut PT Eureka Prima Jakarta Tbk (LCGP) Lukman Purnomosidi, Direktur PT
Jakarta Emiten Investor Relation Jimmy Sutopo, Dirut PT Hanson International
Tbk. Benny Tjokrosaputro, dan Presiden Komisaris PT Trada Alam Minera Heru

Source: kumparanNEWS

Part 1
1. What is the title/topic of the news or article?
(Apa judul/topik berita atau artikel?)

Answer: terdakwa korupsi asabri dituntut mati

2. Where and when is the news reported?

(Dimana dan kapan pemberitaan berita?)

Answer: 1. Jakarta, corruption court

(Jakarta, dipengadilan tipikor)

2. Senin 6 Desember 2021

3. Who is the source? Mention them!

(Siapa sumbernya? Sebutkan mereka!)

Answer: Aprillio Akbar/Antara Foto,


4. What happened?
(Apa yang terjadi)

Answer: The accused accused of alleged corruption, financial management and

investment fund jiwasraya Heru Hidayat
(Terdakwa kasus dugaan korupsi pengelolaan keuangan dan investasi
PT Asuransi Jiwasraya Heru Hidayat)

5. Are there any victims? How many?

(apakah ada korban? Berapa banyak?)

Answer: There is not any

(Tidak ada)

Part 2
1. Find at least 5 words in Legal Term that you find in the text! Translate them
into Bahasa Indonesia.
(Temukan setidaknya 5 kata dalam Istilah Hukum yang Anda temukan dalam
teks! Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.)

Answer: 1. Presecutor General (Jaksa Agung)

2. Defendant (Terdakwa)
3. Extra ordinary crime (Kejahatan luar biasa)
4. Nepotisme dan Kolusi (Perilaku yang berlebihan dan
Persengkokolan dua pihak
5. Tipikor (Tindak pidana korupsi)

2. Make a new sentence for each word (legal term) that you find in the text. So
you’ll have (at least) 5 new sentence
(Buatlah kalimat baru untuk setiap kata istilah hukum yang Anda temukan
dalam teks. Jadi Anda akan memiliki setidaknya 5 kalimat baru)

Answer: 1. The Presecutor General demanded the death penalty of an

corruption (Jaksa Agung menuntut hukuman mati seorang korupsi)
2. The Defendant will carry out his heavy punishment(Terdakwa akan
menjalankan hukuman yang seberat beratnya.
3. Corruption is a Extra orfinary crime it is used describe an evil that
has a negative effect on human life(Korupsi merupakan kejahatan
luar biasa, dipergunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu kejahatan
yang mempunyai dampak negative terhadap kehidupan manusia)
4. Nepotism and collusion must be kept away from the nature of the
leader(nepotisme dan kolusi harus dijauhkan dari sifat para
5. Criminal acts of corruption should be punished with the maximum
severity because it can harm the state(tindak pidana korupsi
seharusnya dihukum dengan seberat beratnya karena dapat
merugikan negara)

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