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2 Intended use of the simulator
The complex simulator of armoured personnel carriers BTR-80 is intended
for solving tasks of the program of combat training of units equipped with
armoured personnel carriers BTR-80, and supports the following:
a) Individual training of crew members: examination of the structure of
BTR-80 and sequence of actions when preparing for arming and equipping
for intended use, development of skills in target reconnaissance, firing from
weapons of BTR-80 by day and at night, in various weather conditions, on
various grounds;
b) BTR driving drill for mechanic-drivers in full extent of the Combat
Vehicles Driving Course, and shakeup of BTR crews;
c) Weapons training for the crew in full extent of the Gunnery course,
shakeup of BTR crews;
d) Tactical training and operational coordination of crews in conditions
close to combat ones , including conditions of a bilateral combat;
e) Training of motorized units to tactical training and field exercises with
the use of digital 3D models of sectors of the terrain on which such exercises
are to be performed;
f) Increase of intensity and efficiency of combat training;
g) Maintaining high level of combat capability of motorized units during the
whole period of training.

1 Structure of the simulator

1.1 Driving compartment simulator
1.2 BPU-1 turret machine gun mount simulator
1.3 Instructor’s workplace

2 Technical characteristics of the simulator

2.1 Adequacy
2.2 Quality of target environment visualization
2.3 Reliability
2.4 Performance characteristics
2.5 Possibility of integration into the tactical platoon trainer

3 Educational and methodical possibilities of the simulator

3.1 Didactic possibilities of the simulator

4 Efficiency of using the simulator in the process of

combat training of motorized units
4 1 Structure of the simulator
The simulator does include:
Fighting compartment simulator Fighting compartment simulator is assembled in the
Three-level dynamic platform hull in sizes corresponding to that of the fighting
Instructor’s workplace compartment of BTR-80, mounted on the dynamic
platform and including:
◙ driving compartment simulator
◙ BPU-1 turret machine gun mount simulator

3-level dynamic platform simulates oscillations and

tilting of the hull of BTR when starting and breaking, at
taking turns, during movement by roads and passing
man-made and topographic obstacles in compliance with
terrain features, speed of movement, dynamic
characteristics of an armoured personnel carrier BTR-80.
Main characteristics of the dynamic platform:
◙ power type
◙ roll angle +/- 20 grades
◙ pitch angle +/- 20 grades
◙ vertical reach +/-100 mm
◙ path velocity (max) 20 grades/sec.
◙ intake power (average) 4,0 kW

Instructor’s workplace gives the possibility to control

operation modes of the simulator, communication with
trainees and control over their actions in the course of
exercises and trainings.
5 1.1 Driving compartment simulator

Description, designation Q-ty
1 Simulators of devices and equipment
1.1 Driver’s workplace
TNPO -115 observation devices 3
Driver’s lookout hatch 1
Handle of the driver’s lookout hatch 1
Instrument panel 1
Air pressure valve 1
Set of tyre valves 1
Washer reservoir (full-scale mockup) 1
Steering wheel with a signal knob 1
Transmission selector level 1
Front axles starting and differential blocking lever 1
Gearshift lever of the transfer gearbox 1
Geared hoist starting lever (full-scale mockup) 1
Handle of the recoil mechanism 1
Lever of the parking brake system 1
Fuel-feed pedal 1
Fuel feed hand drive mechanism 1
The trained mechanic-driver in the View on the driving route Service brake system foot pedal 1
course of armoured personnel carrier from the compartment Washer pump 1
driving drill by the “fighting” method Clutch foot pedals 1
Of the washer pump (full-scale mockup) 1
1.2 Commander’s workplace
Commander’s lookout hatch 1
Handle of the commander’s lookout hatch 1
TKN-3 observation device 1
Radio station Р-173 (full-scale mockup) 1
2 Equipment
Summer headset 2
Driver’s seat 1
Commander’s seat 1
Interior lamp 2
Blower 2
Audio system 1
6 1.2 BPU-1 turret machine gun mount simulator

Description, designation Q-ty
1 Simulators of devices and equipment
Sight 1PЗ-2 1
Hand gear of the horizontal aiming mechanism with handle and electric 1
trigger buttons of KPVT and PKT
Hand gear of the vertical aiming mechanism 1
Cradle lock 1
Turret lock 1
Handle of the KPVT gun reloading mechanism 1
Handle of the PKT gun reloading mechanism 1
Startup board of the 902B smoke grenades system 1
2 Equipment
Summer headset 1
Gunner’s seat 1
Plafond of internal illumination 2
Interior lamp 2
Blower 1
Vision field of the 1PЗ-2
sight simulator

The gunner while aiming and firing

View on equipment of the turret

machine gun mount (outside the hull
of the fighting compartment simulator)
7 1.3 Instructor’s workplace
Selection of exercise from Operative help to Simulator turning- Printing the results of
the library of tasks taking into the head on/-off training Software of the computer
account the chosen plan of system of the simulator
training and necessary level of working running on operating
complexity system «Windows» with
 Selection of conditions of simple graphic interface.
trainings Forming of mark for
Selection of site of area Head’s workplace exercise performance
 Preparation of exercises by
the head
 Control of actions of
trainees during trainings
 Two-side communication
with trainees Kinds of malfunctions Modes Formation of base of results
and faults of training “Reset”, “Record” of exercise performance for
simulator equipment “Repeat” the period

Instructor's workplace supports:

◘defining the sequence and choice of conditions and
mode of the training
◘registrations of trained crews and units
◘control over actions of trainees and the course of
the training (making changes in the course of the
training, repetition of separate elements of exercises
and tactical situations, changing conditions of the
◘giving marks for performing firing exercises and
driving drills
◘analysis of actions of trainees in the course of the
training, evaluation of efficiency of decisions made by
trainees in the course of the training
◘analysis of dynamics of trainees’ skills level
◘making up individual training and drill programs
◘objective evaluation of the training status of crews
8 2 Technical characteristics of the simulator
The simulator guarantees the level
2.1 Adequacy of covering operations of combat
performance of BTR crews of not
Correspondence of geometrical dimensions of compartments of simulators less than 90%
and allocation of unit simulators and equipment of the real BTR-80
Integral coefficient of adequacy of
A complete list of simulated functions of observation and aiming devices, the simulator is ≥0,8
control and indication units of the armoured personnel carrier
Interior of BTR-80 driving compartment
Correspondence of excursion ranges, efforts and response of the steering
wheel, levers, pedals, handwheels of the simulator to characteristics of the real simulator
BTR-80 (correspondence of ergonomic factors and a sensorial – body field of
workplaces of simulators to workplaces of the BTR crew)
Correspondence of algorithms of operation of devices and equipment of the
simulator in all the modes and responses of control and indication units to
controlling actions of trainees
Calculation of bullets flight trajectory on the basis of ballistic characteristics of
KPVT and PKT machine guns and ammunition used
Accounting of lethality of ground targets at simulation of firing at them from
BTR-80 armament
Interior of BTR-80 driving compartment
Calculation of target visibility on the basis of optical characteristics of simulator
observation and aiming devices
Taking into account, in the movement model, of all major characteristics of
BTR-80 (engine capacity at different speeds, transmission characteristics,
weight of a BTR), as well as terrain features (relief, type of soil, road surface
Correspondence of sound effects of a propulsion motor operation and gunnery
to real ones
Simulation of tilt angles of the BTR’s hull during movement and acceleration
effects at building up speed, braking and turns.
9 2.2 Quality of target The simulator gives the possibility
of making visual reconnaissance
environment taking into account optical
visualization visibility, range and types of
targets, weather conditions

BTR at the line of departure for performing an exercise

High quality of target environment visualization is
(view from the external controlled camera )
achieved by:
Application of LCD monitors and high resolution
matrices (not less than 1280х1024) in optical aiming
devices simulators
Detalization and rasterization of ground
Correspondence of colour scheme of ground
composition and objects to real colours and contrast
Correspondence of angular dimensions, form, terrain
Near-field zone rasterization
features, plants, ground targets to real objects within
the vision field of optical observation and aiming
Vision field of 1ПЗ-2 sight by day and at night
10 The simulator guarantees reliable
2.3 Reliability operation within the whole period of
service (a guarantee period (1 year)
and post-guarantee period (7 years)

Simulators reliability assurance program is based on the

following principles:
application in the production process of tested by service
experience reliable component parts, input control
development of software solutions excluding conflicts of
Guarantee and operating life
special software with the general one and with hardware
Guarantee period of the simulator operation
multiple verification of developed design solutions
shall be 1 year on the condition of compliance
use of design solutions securing continuous work of
with operation rules and carrying out
mechanical assemblies
maintenance in accordance with operational
step-by-step and phase-by-phase quality control of documentation.
mechanical and electrical assembling of simulators
Operating life of the simulator shall be not
application in units of the simulator exclusively noncontact less than 8 years on the condition of
sensors of roll angles and movement (on the basis of compliance with operation rules, carrying out
magnetosensitive microchips) maintenance and repairs in accordance with
application of protection means of printed circuit boards of operational documentation.
electronic devices and plug pins from environmental exposure
use of computers in industrial (protected) version
use of interrupted power supply units for computers
® The simulator guarantees continuous work
providing for necessary thermal conditions of operation of during 12 years per 24 hours.
simulators’ devices
provision of power margin of power supply equipment
® Mean time to failure of the simulator is not
less than 300 hours
2.4 Performance The simulator is designed to be
operated by armed forces, it is
characteristics easy in operation and servicing
Units of
№№ Description of the factor Value
1 Minimum area required for placing m2 20
2 Type of a room --- Classroom
3 Readiness to exercises after switching in min. 5 at most
4 Continuous work period hours 12 at least
Power supply: voltage V 220±10%
frequency Hz 50±1
6 Maximum consumable power kW 8
7 Average consumable power kW 4
Increased working and maximum temperature up to +35
8 °С
Decreased working temperature up to +5
9 Relative humidity at the temperature of +25°С % up to 80
10 Diagnostic system --- Inbuilt, semi-automatic
11 Mean time to failure hours 300 at least
12 Control of switching on/off --- From the Instructor’s workplace
13 Spare parts, tools and equipment --- Individual and group ones (for 10 simulators)
Check-up, daily maintenance, maintenance-1 (once per 6
14 Maintenance --- months), maintenance-2 (once a year)
15 Liquids required for operation --- Synthetic oil in motor reducers of the dynamic platform
Exclusion of unsafe voltage in the fighting compartment
16 Electrical safety of trainees and maintenance staff --- simulator (direct current voltage +24 V shall be used).
Protection from short circuit
17 Accounting of operation time Software machine hour counter
18 Weight of the assembled simulator кг 1 400
Logbook, Operating manual, Instructions for assembling
19 Operational documentation --- and adjustment at the place of intended use, the list of
spare parts, tools and equipment
12 2.5 Possibility of
integration into the The simulator gives the
possibility of bilateral
tactical platoon combat conducting
Simulator’s Communicatio
local network n means

Software of the simulator supports: Instructor’s

◘ Integration of the complex simulator for the BTR-80 crew into a workplace

common coordinate space with two complex simulators of

◘ Simultaneous functioning of platoon’s trainers in a single
simulated tactical environment in real time according to the place
of each BTR in the deployment and battle task; BTR complex BTR complex BTR complex
simulator simulator simulator
◘ Reflecting ground location of forces of the enemy and own ones
with an adequate degree of detalization
◘ Conducting combat as a part of the platoon, including two-way

Possibilities of tactical trainers:

Wide range of variants of tactical environment and battle conditions
Control over the course of each training
Recording results of the training and training process in general for any period
Giving BTR-80 commanders and a platoon commander the possibility to
control the crew and platoon during combat in complex environment
Training efficient methods and battlefield actions by way of repetition of
tactical situations, comparative evaluation of alternate decisions of commanders
and actions of platoons in the course of a battle
Combat shakedown of crews and platoon, developing in platoons’
commanders skills of controlling the platoon and fire in the course of a battle
Organization and combat conduct training
13 3 Educational and methodical possibilities of the simulator
Examples of landscape generated in
Drill and training possibilities: the simulator:
mountainous terrain
Individual training of armoured personnel carriers drivers
Individual weapons training of armoured personnel carriers gunners
Combined weapons and tactical training of crews
Tactical training of motorized platoons (including in conditions of a bilateral

Training conditions generating possibilities:

Size of a 3D model of terrain sector – 4х4 km
Terrain types – normal terrain, mountainous, desert (at the Customer’s
request, a 3D model of any terrain sector of 8х8 km can be made) flat terrain
Road types – unpaved roads, with hard coating, cross-country
Time of day – day, twilight, night
Weather conditions – sunny day, clouded sky, rain, snow, wind of different
speed and direction
Time of a year – summer, winter (at the Customer’s request, in compliance
with conditions of a geographic area of drills and training)
Drivers drill and training possibilities:
mountainous desert
Performing the full list of exercises from the Combat vehicle driving course
(CVDC) with automatic evaluation of trainees’ actions
Driving on various roads/cross-country in the course of performing fire and
tactical tasks by the crew
Gunners drill and training possibilities:
Performing the full list of exercises from the Gunnery course (GC) with
automatic evaluation of trainees’ actions
Firing from KPVT and PKT machine guns in various conditions in the course
of performing fire and tactical tasks by the crew
14 3.1 Didactical possibilities of the simulator
Video monitor of the gunner’s
Possibilities of controlling trainees’ actions: controls (at the Instructor’s
◙ by current status of driver’s and gunner’s control and indication units workplace)
◙ by dual vision field of driver’s observation devices
◙ by dual vision field of 1ПЗ-3 sight
◙ by BTR status from the external control camera point
◙ by BTR status on the tank training area route
◙ by driving drills and fire exercises protocol
◙ by trainees’ reports through communication equipment

Possibilities of evaluating trainees’ actions:

◙ automatic evaluation of trained drivers’ actions at performing standard drills Firing conditions board
according to parameters and criteria of the Combat vehicle driving course (CVDC)
◙ automatic evaluation of trained gunners’ actions at performing standard firing
according to parameters and criteria of the Gunnery course.
◙ subjective evaluation of trainees’ actions according to results of analysis by all (or
selected) methods of control

Possibilities of creating training conditions:

◙ choice of weather conditions for firing
◙ choice of a standard or creating an optional fire or tactical exercise
Fire and battle drills editor
◙ choice of terrain type, time of day and year
◙ choice of type of the enemy’s actions
◙ repetition (multiple, if needed) of an exercise or situation
◙ simulation of malfunctioning and failure of BTR equipment

◙ Recording results in electronic format (and printing them out, if needed)

◙ Archivation of results of the day or a certain period
15 4 Efficiency of using the simulator in the
process of combat training of motorized units

Introducing the simulator into the combat training practice does allow:

1. Implement major principles of combat 2. Solve combat training tasks

training ► to ensure real possibility of development and
► to make technical, reconnaissance, fire and tactical maintaining of required level of skills and combat
training of BTR crews a real basis for activities of shakeup of BTR crews
motorized units, and ensure controllability of the ►To train crews to use effectively BTR weapons
training process in complex battlefield conditions, both by day and
► to exclude simplifications in the course of drills and at night
training ►To develop in commanders skills of continuous
► to create training conditions close to combat ones control over crews’ actions and fire during combat
►To provide intense training to the whole personnel of ►To train BTR crews effectively for field firing,
units carrying out battle drill exercises and tactical
►To provide organizational and methodical connection training
of exercises and training on simulators with field ► to ensure the required level of knowledge and
workouts, including field firing skills of crews during the whole period of training
► to ensure objective control of the level of specialists ►To prepare units for performing efficient actions
training and crews shakeup in the today’s combat conditions
►To realize the training principle «from complex to
simple», individual approach to training, continuity of
the process of training and drills

3. Reduce by 70-80% expenditures for combat training o the condition of reaching the required
level of training and combat shakeup

Developer and manufacturer

LLC Scientific and Production Enterprise
Energy 2000

Legal address:
04119 Kiev 36 Degtyarevskaya St.

Postal address: 03151, Kiev -151,

94А Vozduhoflotskiy Ave.
tel/fax 206-46-27, 206-46-28, 246-25-60,

USREOU code 30489106

Registration Certificate № 39046693
Pers. Tax Number №304891026596

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