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Pros and cons of colonization.

Many Pros and Cons of colonization are controversial because colonization entails the full power
over a country, on a needy group of people or nation. During this era, the countries that
underwent colonization were various nations, which are primarily dependent on the economies
of the developed countries. The colonizers took advantage of their lack of civilization, evident in
the people’s way of life. Colonialism was gradual. Initially, it began in Europe, and later on
extended into various parts of the globe.

Still, the main aim of the colonialists was to make the most of the human labor from those
dependent nations, so that they could benefit their economy extensively. Nations suffered in the
hands of their colonizers, while they still relied on these colonial masters for their economic
needs. Despite the many disadvantages, colonialism still brought in some significant benefits.

Pros of colonization

colonization Improved Health and Care System: the health care sector improved significantly
by colonialism. The infant deaths were resolved with the discovery of both the causes and the
solutions to the problem. Imperialism, which is one of the significant facets in the benefits of
colonization, defines the act of expanding both the influence and power of a particular nation,
unto the others. Access to modern healthcare became possible through imperialism. People could
now access various medications, vaccines, and up-to-date knowledge to advance new medical
systems and mechanisms, which continue to save numerous lives.

Enhancement of Civilization: The coming of the colonizers changed the way of living. The
colonizers brought some civilization through education.

Restoration of Women’s Right: the era of colonialism favored the women, who were restored
mainly from prejudice and assaults. Hence, women began enjoying their rights. The women were
not allowed to express their views in public places. Any female gender who could express their
opinions openly would receive severe harassment by the men present. Therefore, when the
colonial masters came in, they noted how women were denied their rights by enduring
mistreatments, as well as physical attacks. Both the women and men were later subjected to
almost equal rights, with the view that all genders are humans.
Development of Infrastructure: An additional gain from colonizers includes the development
of Infrastructure such as roads, rail, and electricity, amongst others. The development process
continues to generate safer societies, since it enables people from various cultures and ethnicities
to interact, and better correspond, hence more societal achievements.

Food Security: The powerful nations kept on bringing their advanced technologies to the
colonized countries, which they influenced through imperialism. Over time, the colonial phase
enabled the industrial revolution to spread into the developing nations. This essential form of
technology has aided the developing countries to experience economic modernization and grow
new crop varieties, as well as continue building the latest, beneficial infrastructures.

Political Development: Political development, which enhanced the democratic governmental

system. People’s voices could now be heard, where everyone would be able to vote and also vie,
to be voted in, following some criteria such as age. The people got further exposure to new ways
of trading, hence significant improvement in the economies of the dependent nations.

Reduced Poverty Gap: Part of the population from colonized nations was taken to diverse
colonies to work there, hence narrowed the burden of poverty in these countries.

Literacy through Education: Lots of people benefited immensely from the white missionaries,
who taught them how to speak and write in English.

Democracy, Legitimacy, and Nationalism: Despite all the downsides of colonialism, this
period taught people a lot regarding democracy, legitimacy, and nationalism. These concepts
enabled the various colonial groups to attain their independence. The community would even,
later on, formulate national anthem to express patriotism to their beloved nations.

Enhanced Defensive Networks: Imperialism, which came about during colonialism, enhanced

defensive networks amongst nations. Whenever the countries become somehow borderless, the
defensive networks improve safety for the common groups of people.

Attainment of Liberation: Through colonization, people fought for independence to enjoy their
liberty. Liberation was attained, and individuals from different nations can now enjoy the
freedom to explore markets overseas and improve their economies.

Cons of colonization

A lot of people suffered exploits, mistreatments, forced labor, and some, even death, all in the
hands of the cruelty of colonial masters. The cons of colonization include:

Colonization Caused Constant Wars and Conflict: Before the colonizers invaded the
countries of their subjects, the now-called colonies, enjoyed a great sense of harmony. However,
once their nations were overrun in the name of colonization, it marked the beginning of constant
wars and conflict. All these features of colonialism distorted the peace that existed amongst the
nations for an extended period.
Lose of Culture and Identity: The arrival of the colonialists, the natives somehow lost their
culture and identity. In this case, the colonial masters aimed at bringing their cultures, behavior,
and other ways of livelihood to the community, so that the natives could abandon their traditions,
and adapt to the cultures and customs of the colonialists.

Extensive Loss of Land amongst the Colonies: Another downside is that the lost big acres of
land, which were grabbed powerfully from them by the colonialists. Families suffered much in
their land and under the acts of mistreatment from the colonial masters.

Heavy Taxation Imposition: After snatching the natives’ lands and leaving them homeless and
landless, the colonial masters still imposed heavy taxation over the people in their territory.

Economic Dependency Syndrome: There is an increase in the economic dependency syndrome

due to the colonial masters’ grabbing of resources.

Tainted Morality: The colonial masters took advantage of the uncivilized society and exploited
the people. The colonial rulers decided that they will come and not only take advantage of the
colonies’ ignorance but also use them by relying on them in everything that they needed to be
done. The colonies were forced to adopt some new ways of life that they were not used to, and
we’re not willing to, yet they had no option. This is also the time when the conditions of living
changed a lot, with the imposed culture bringing about changed behaviors, actions, and many
other factors, including the dress codes. All these are central features of colonialism.

Introduction of the Slave Trade: Slave trade is another negative aspect of colonization.

Initiation of the Divide and Rule Policy: Colonialism also brought about a wall of difference
between the masters and the subjects. Despite exploiting their colonial subjects, the masters still
developed hatred towards these people and even dominated them further. The action by the
colonies prompted the masters to initiate the divide and rule policy in the settlement. The
outcome of this course of action was terrible. For instance, there was an opposition amid the
Indian Muslims and Hindus, which ended up dividing the nation into two different groups
Pakistan and India.

Conclusion: Despite the benefits attained during and after colonization, it is evident that the
features of colonization enhanced lots of negative effects. However, after a long struggle and
fight for independence, colonization ended. The colonies were now able to enjoy their
fundamental freedom, away from the firm grip of the ruthless colonial masters.

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