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Thesis stream Preparatory Phase

For each of For each of Full-time 4 semesters

All courses that are not counted toward the MSc degree
the first the subsequent (including one in
(preparatory, short preparation program and non-program) are extra, payable per credit.
4 semesters semesters* summer**)
Credits 3 6 9 12 15

Tuition fees
Quebec students $ 983.59 $ 568.67 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 3 069.90 $ 568.67 $ 12 279.60 $ 818.64 $ 1 637.28 $ 2 455.92 $ 3 274.56 $ 4 093.20
French students - French Belgian students $ 983.59 $ 568.67 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
International students $ 6 735.49 $ 743.67 $ 26 941.95 $ 1 830.00 $ 3 660.00 $ 5 490.00 $ 7 320.00 $ 9 150.00

Other fees
Copyrights $ 8.07 $ - $ 32.28 $ 4.62 $ 9.24 $ 13.86 $ 18.48 $ 23.10
General fees $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 180.84 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21
HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 40.00 $ 3.00 $ 6.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00
Insurance student association $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 3.10 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85
Revue Gestion $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 6.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00
Student association $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 129.44 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36
Student services $ 182.21 $ 182.21 $ 637.59 $ 45.60 $ 91.20 $ 136.80 $ 182.40 $ 228.00
Supervision and promotion $ 58.42 $ 58.42 $ 233.68 $ 23.37 $ 46.74 $ 70.11 $ 93.48 $ 116.85
Sustainable Development Project Fund 1.19 $ $ 1.19 $ 4.76 $ 0.36 $ 0.72 $ 1.08 $ 1.44 $ 1.80
Technology fees $ 155.00 $ 155.00 $ 620.00 $ 62.01 $ 124.02 $ 186.03 $ 248.04 $ 310.05
(Subtotal) $ 495.31 $ 487.24 $ 1 887.69 $ 219.38 $ 358.34 $ 497.30 $ 634.26 $ 770.22

Quebec students $ 1 478.90 $ 1 055.91 $ 5 822.04 $ 481.67 $ 882.92 $ 1 284.17 $ 1 683.42 $ 2 081.67
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 3 565.21 $ 1 055.91 $ 14 167.29 $ 1 038.02 $ 1 995.62 $ 2 953.22 $ 3 908.82 $ 4 863.42
French students - French Belgian students $ 1 478.90 $ 1 055.91 $ 5 822.04 $ 481.67 $ 882.92 $ 1 284.17 $ 1 683.42 $ 2 081.67
International students $ 7 230.80 $ 1 230.91 $ 28 829.64 $ 2 049.38 $ 4 018.34 $ 5 987.30 $ 7 954.26 $ 9 920.22

These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory) * In summer, the fees quoted in subsequent semesters reflect summer semester fees.
and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional) ** Students are automatically registered for the Thesis activity every term (fall, winter and summer)
Theses fees are subject to change without notice. from the initial registration to the end of their studies and must pay the related fees.


Supervised project stream Preparatory Phase

4 semesters
All courses that are not counted toward the MSc degree
(including one in
(preparatory, short preparation program and non-program) are extra, payable per credit.
Credits 3 6 9 12 45 3 6 9 12 15

Tuition fees
Quebec students $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 818.64 $ 1 637.28 $ 2 455.92 $ 3 274.56 $ 12 279.60 $ 818.64 $ 1 637.28 $ 2 455.92 $ 3 274.56 $ 4 093.20
French students - French Belgian students $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
International students $ 1 830.00 $ 3 660.00 $ 5 490.00 $ 7 320.00 $ 27 450.00 $ 1 830.00 $ 3 660.00 $ 5 490.00 $ 7 320.00 $ 9 150.00

Other fees
Copyrights $ 4.62 $ 9.24 $ 13.86 $ 18.48 $ 69.30 $ 4.62 $ 9.24 $ 13.86 $ 18.48 $ 23.10
General fees $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 180.84 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21
HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation $ 3.00 $ 6.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 40.00 $ 3.00 $ 6.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00
Insurance student association $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 3.10 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.85
Revue Gestion $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 6.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 2.00
Student association $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 129.44 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36
Student services $ 45.60 $ 91.20 $ 136.80 $ 182.40 $ 684.00 $ 45.60 $ 91.20 $ 136.80 $ 182.40 $ 228.00
Supervision and promotion $ 23.37 $ 46.74 $ 70.11 $ 93.48 $ 350.55 $ 23.37 $ 46.74 $ 70.11 $ 93.48 $ 116.85
Sustainable Development Project Fund $ 0.36 $ 0.72 $ 1.08 $ 1.44 $ 5.40 $ 0.36 $ 0.72 $ 1.08 $ 1.44 $ 1.80
Technology fees $ 62.01 $ 124.02 $ 186.03 $ 248.04 $ 930.15 $ 62.01 $ 124.02 $ 186.03 $ 248.04 $ 310.05
(Subtotal) $ 219.38 $ 358.34 $ 497.30 $ 634.26 $ 2 398.78 $ 219.38 $ 358.34 $ 497.30 $ 634.26 $ 770.22

Quebec students $ 481.67 $ 882.92 $ 1 284.17 $ 1 683.42 $ 6 333.13 $ 481.67 $ 882.92 $ 1 284.17 $ 1 683.42 $ 2 081.67
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 1 038.02 $ 1 995.62 $ 2 953.22 $ 3 908.82 $ 14 678.38 $ 1 038.02 $ 1 995.62 $ 2 953.22 $ 3 908.82 $ 4 863.42
French students - French Belgian students $ 481.67 $ 882.92 $ 1 284.17 $ 1 683.42 $ 6 333.13 $ 481.67 $ 882.92 $ 1 284.17 $ 1 683.42 $ 2 081.67
International students $ 2 049.38 $ 4 018.34 $ 5 987.30 $ 7 954.26 $ 29 848.78 $ 2 049.38 $ 4 018.34 $ 5 987.30 $ 7 954.26 $ 9 920.22

These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory)
and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional)
Theses fees are subject to change without notice.


Thesis stream Preparatory Phase

For each of For each of Full-time 4 semesters

All courses that are not counted toward the MSc degree
the first the subsequent (including one in
(preparatory, short preparation program and non-program) are extra, payable per credit.
4 semesters semesters* summer**)
Credits 3 6 9 12 15

Tuition fees
Quebec students $ 983.59 $ 568.67 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 3 069.90 $ 568.67 $ 12 279.60 $ 818.64 $ 1 637.28 $ 2 455.92 $ 3 274.56 $ 4 093.20
French students - French Belgian students $ 983.59 $ 568.67 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
International students $ 6 735.49 $ 743.67 $ 26 941.95 $ 1 830.00 $ 3 660.00 $ 5 490.00 $ 7 320.00 $ 9 150.00

Other fees
Copyrights $ 8.07 $ - $ 32.28 $ 4.62 $ 9.24 $ 13.86 $ 18.48 $ 23.10
General fees $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 180.84 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21
HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 40.00 $ 3.00 $ 6.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00
Insurance student association $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 3.10 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55
Revue Gestion $ - $ - $ 6.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Student association $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 129.44 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36
Student services $ 90.96 $ 90.96 $ 637.59 $ 45.60 $ 91.20 $ 136.80 $ 182.40 $ 228.00
Supervision and promotion $ 58.42 $ 58.42 $ 233.68 $ 23.37 $ 46.74 $ 70.11 $ 93.48 $ 116.85
Sustainable Development Project Fund $ 1.19 $ 1.19 $ 4.76 $ 0.36 $ 0.72 $ 1.08 $ 1.44 $ 1.80
Technology fees $ 155.00 $ 155.00 $ 620.00 $ 62.01 $ 124.02 $ 186.03 $ 248.04 $ 310.05
(Subtotal) $ 401.76 $ 393.69 $ 1 887.69 $ 217.08 $ 356.04 $ 495.00 $ 631.96 $ 767.92

Quebec students $ 1 385.35 $ 962.36 $ 5 822.04 $ 479.37 $ 880.62 $ 1 281.87 $ 1 681.12 $ 2 079.37
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 3 471.66 $ 962.36 $ 14 167.29 $ 1 035.72 $ 1 993.32 $ 2 950.92 $ 3 906.52 $ 4 861.12
French students - French Belgian students $ 1 385.35 $ 962.36 $ 5 822.04 $ 479.37 $ 880.62 $ 1 281.87 $ 1 681.12 $ 2 079.37
International students $ 7 137.25 $ 1 137.36 $ 28 829.64 $ 2 047.08 $ 4 016.04 $ 5 985.00 $ 7 951.96 $ 9 917.92

These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory) * In summer, the fees quoted in subsequent semesters reflect summer semester fees.
and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional) ** Students are automatically registered for the Thesis activity every term (fall, winter and summer)
Theses fees are subject to change without notice. from the initial registration to the end of their studies and must pay the related fees.


Supervised project stream Preparatory Phase

4 semesters
All courses that are not counted toward the MSc degree
(including one in
(preparatory, short preparation program and non-program) are extra, payable per credit.
Credits 3 6 9 12 45 3 6 9 12 15

Tuition fees
Quebec students $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 818.64 $ 1 637.28 $ 2 455.92 $ 3 274.56 $ 12 279.60 $ 818.64 $ 1 637.28 $ 2 455.92 $ 3 274.56 $ 4 093.20
French students - French Belgian students $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 3 934.35 $ 262.29 $ 524.58 $ 786.87 $ 1 049.16 $ 1 311.45
International students $ 1 830.00 $ 3 660.00 $ 5 490.00 $ 7 320.00 $ 27 450.00 $ 1 830.00 $ 3 660.00 $ 5 490.00 $ 7 320.00 $ 9 150.00

Other fees
Copyrights $ 4.62 $ 9.24 $ 13.86 $ 18.48 $ 69.30 $ 4.62 $ 9.24 $ 13.86 $ 18.48 $ 23.10
General fees $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 180.84 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21 $ 45.21
HEC Montréal fundraising campaign/donation $ 3.00 $ 6.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 40.00 $ 3.00 $ 6.00 $ 9.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00
Insurance student association $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 3.10 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55 $ 0.55
Revue Gestion $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
Student association $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 129.44 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36 $ 32.36
Student services $ 45.60 $ 91.20 $ 136.80 $ 182.40 $ 684.00 $ 45.60 $ 91.20 $ 136.80 $ 182.40 $ 228.00
Supervision and promotion $ 23.37 $ 46.74 $ 70.11 $ 93.48 $ 350.55 $ 23.37 $ 46.74 $ 70.11 $ 93.48 $ 116.85
Sustainable Development Project Fund $ 0.36 $ 0.72 $ 1.08 $ 1.44 $ 5.40 $ 0.36 $ 0.72 $ 1.08 $ 1.44 $ 1.80
Technology fees $ 62.01 $ 124.02 $ 186.03 $ 248.04 $ 930.15 $ 62.01 $ 124.02 $ 186.03 $ 248.04 $ 310.05
(Subtotal) $ 217.08 $ 356.04 $ 495.00 $ 631.96 $ 2 392.78 $ 217.08 $ 356.04 $ 495.00 $ 631.96 $ 767.92

Quebec students $ 479.37 $ 880.62 $ 1 281.87 $ 1 681.12 $ 6 327.13 $ 479.37 $ 880.62 $ 1 281.87 $ 1 681.12 $ 2 079.37
Canadian students, non-residents of Quebec $ 1 035.72 $ 1 993.32 $ 2 950.92 $ 3 906.52 $ 14 672.38 $ 1 035.72 $ 1 993.32 $ 2 950.92 $ 3 906.52 $ 4 861.12
French students - French Belgian students $ 479.37 $ 880.62 $ 1 281.87 $ 1 681.12 $ 6 327.13 $ 479.37 $ 880.62 $ 1 281.87 $ 1 681.12 $ 2 079.37
International students $ 2 047.08 $ 4 016.04 $ 5 985.00 $ 7 951.96 $ 29 842.78 $ 2 047.08 $ 4 016.04 $ 5 985.00 $ 7 951.96 $ 9 917.92

These amounts do not include health insurance fees for foreign students (mandatory)
and student association health and dental insurance fees (optional)
Theses fees are subject to change without notice.


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