Case of Study 1

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EXAM 2016 Design and explain a lesson plan to activate

vocabulary and previous knowledge among your students in the English classroom.

In this case I am going to develop a lesson plan to active vocabulary and previous knowledge
with a group of students who are 7 years old. They are starting the second course of Primary.
In their school they are following the BRIT-Model, so they were in contact with the target
language during their first years of school. According to the ORDER ECD/823/2018, which
regulates the BRIT-Aragón Model for the development of Linguistic and Foreign Language
Competence in non-university public teaching centers of the Autonomous Community of
Aragón (henceforth ORDER ECD/823/2018), whereby the had have a 35% of their school time
in English Language. In accordance with the article 3 of the ORDER ECD/823/2018, our main
aim will be that they will get a B2 Level when they finish their compulsory schooling.

We have to take into account that, in their summer holidays, the major part of them have
dissconected from all the contents they have studied during the last year. For this, is
indispensable that we active their previous knowledge and the vocabulary studied previously
when we start the current course.


The Order of June 16, 2014 from the Minister of Education, University, Culture and Sports, by
which the Primary Education curriculum is approved and its application in educational centers
of the Autonomous Community of Aragon establishes as one of this objectives “To understand
frequent expressions and vocabulary related to close situations that they concern himself,
their family or his usual environment.

Our specific objectives will be:

-To know their leve lof vocabulary

-To bring back the vocabulary they have studied the last year

-To understand simple commands

-To know the vocabulary closer to their usual environment..


To active vocabulary, we have to try to discover the initial point where they are. It will be as an
initial evalution at the same time. Because knowing the vocabulary they remember and their
previous knoledge we will be able to create and plan our syllabus in an easier way. We will
know their weakness and their strenghts.

To start, I will start with simple activities as using Flashcards. We will show them different
flashcards and in a brief period of time they should say the name or the word that it i sor for
instance, using a mistery box, they will have to introduce their hand and take someting from it
and say its name or word. Working ability of evocation and their level lof vocabulary. The
semantic fields they domain or not. At the same time, it will give us information about
problems, related to English pronuntiation, speaking and reading skills or whether there are
some literacy problems.

Later, we will present the activities as it were a contest to motivate and engage them. We will
use different apps or resources. This activity will be performed with Menti. This page allows us
to create interactive presentations and specifically, we raise them some questions. Each
question will have different options and they will have to vote the correct answer. Previoulsy,
we show them a picture, for example a bear, and they will have to vote the correct option. It
was a bear, a beer or a bird. We will try to find out if there are some spelling problems among
our students.

Another activity will be using some wordclouds, created with the program “Wordart”. Each
wordcloud will content words from the same semantic field except one of them. They will have
to try which is the intruder. Later in small groups we will give them a wordcloud and they will
have to cut each word and associated it with his picture.

On the other hand, there are another approaches that we can use. As the total physic
response. For example, we will give them different orders (touch your nose, raise your hand,
take your pencil,..). Thus, we will know if they understand the different learned vocabulary and
above all, if there are some listening problems (taking into account their age and level).
Knowing their leve lof comprehension and understanding.

Moreover, another applications as Voki, can be used to know what vocabulary they
understand. For example, we can use this tool to record a message which include different
words. This message will describe a story. Later, we will show them different images (3
options) they will have to select the correct image related to the record audio.

To assess this lesson plan we will base our evaluation in observation. In the answers that they
will give to each exercesie. If they understand the different vocabulary, their level or the
vocabulary they use. If they recognize the different words..

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