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AACN Advanced Critical Care

Volume 29, Number 3, pp 316-326

© 2018 AACN

Preeclampsia: Acute Complications

and Management Priorities
Patricia M. Witcher, MSN, RNC-OB

Acute complications of preeclampsia con- in severity requires an appreciation of the
tribute substantially to maternal and fetal dynamic and progressive nature of the dis-
morbidity and mortality. The considerable ease. This article provides a comprehensive
variation in onset, clinical presentation, and overview of the pathophysiology of preec-
severity of this hypertensive disease that is lampsia, setting the foundation for discus-
unique to pregnancy creates challenges in sion of management priorities for acute
identifying risk factors for clinical deteriora- complications that pose the greatest risks to
tion. Delivery of the fetus remains the only maternal health.
definitive treatment for preeclampsia. Sur- Keywords: preeclampsia, hypertensive disor-
veillance of signs and symptoms and labora- ders of pregnancy, maternal mortality, mater-
tory parameters consistent with progression nal morbidity, pregnancy-induced hypertension

P reeclampsia is a multisystem disease

unique to pregnancy that complicates
3% to 8% of all pregnancies.1-3 The incidence
Stabilizing interventions should be guided by
a thorough understanding of the pathophysi-
ology of the disease.
of this disease has increased by 25% in the
past 20 years, and hospitalization for the Hypertensive Disorders
condition is associated with substantial risk During Pregnancy
for maternal and fetal morbidity and mor- Hypertension during pregnancy encompasses
tality.4,5 Traditionally, preeclampsia is diag- a broad continuum of acute and chronic dis-
nosed by the presence of both hypertension ease processes with significant variation in clini-
and proteinuria; however, multisystem involve- cal presentation. During pregnancy, hypertensive
ment in the absence of proteinuria also ful- disorders are categorized based on the timing
fills the criteria for diagnosis. The clinical of symptom onset before or during the preg-
course of preeclampsia can lead to sudden nancy and the cause of the disorder. Hyper-
deterioration, which warrants vigilant surveil- tensive disorders of pregnancy include the
lance for onset of severe features.6,7 In the following diagnoses: chronic hypertension,
United States, up to 30% of maternal deaths gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and
during hospitalization for childbirth are attrib-
uted to complications from preeclampsia.8
Many of these deaths could have been pre- Patricia M. Witcher is Clinical Outcomes Manager, Women’s
Services, Northside Hospital, 1000 Johnson Ferry Road,
vented through timely and appropriate inter- Atlanta, GA 30342 (trish.witcher@northside.com).
ventions, including surveillance for clinical
manifestations that indicate progression in The author declares no conflicts of interest.
severity and appropriate timing of delivery.9 DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4037/aacnacc2018710

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Table 1: Diagnostic Criteria for Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy

• New-onset hypertension after 20 weeksʼ gestation (systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or diastolic blood
pressure > 90 mm Hg on at least 2 occasions, 4 hours apart)
• Proteinuria ( 300 mg of protein in a 24-hour urine specimen, or protein-to-creatinine ratio of 0.3 mg/dL)
Or (in the absence of proteinuria)
• Thrombocytopenia (platelets < 100 000 per microliter)
• Impaired liver function (increased serum transaminases twice their normal value)
• New-onset renal insufficiency (serum creatinine > 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of serum creatinine)
• Pulmonary edema
• New-onset cerebral or visual disturbance
Gestational hypertension
• New onset of hypertension after 20 weeksʼ gestation
• Absence of proteinuria
• Absence of multisystem disturbances consistent with preeclampsia
Chronic hypertension
• Preexisting hypertension (before pregnancy)
• Onset of hypertension before 20 weeksʼ gestation
• Hypertension that persists after postpartum period
Chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
• Fulfills the diagnostic criteria for chronic hypertension
• Preeclampsia
Severe Features of Preeclampsiaa
• Systolic BP > 160 mm Hg, on at least 2 occasions, 4 hours apartb
• Diastolic BP > 110 mm Hg, on at least 2 occasions, 4 hours apartb
• Thrombocytopenia (platelets < 100 000 per microliter)
• Impaired liver function (increased serum transaminases twice their normal value)
• New-onset renal insufficiency (serum creatinine > 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of serum creatinine)
• Pulmonary edema
• New-onset cerebral or visual disturbance
Abbreviation: BP, blood pressure.
To be a severe form of disease, only one of the features must be present.
Antihypertensive therapy should be initiated for acute, severe hypertension before the criteria for diagnosis are met.

chronic hypertension with superimposed pre- a preexisting condition that was not evident
eclampsia. The classification schema is sum- before pregnancy.10,11 Furthermore, transient
marized in Table 1.6 elevations in blood pressure are common in
Chronic hypertension is defined as hyper- the postpartum period because of volume
tension that precedes pregnancy or has an redistribution, alterations in vascular tone,
onset before the 20th week of pregnancy. or administration of intravenous crystalloid
Hypertension that persists after the postpar- fluid or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medi-
tum period also fulfills the criteria for chronic cations.12 Therefore, distinguishing chronic
hypertension. Gestational hypertension or hypertension from gestational hypertension
preeclampsia is diagnosed when new onset often is difficult when the onset of hyperten-
of hypertension occurs after 20 weeks of sion occurs during pregnancy or after deliv-
gestation. Gestational hypertension is differ- ery without prior history. Differentiating organ
entiated from preeclampsia by the absence system consequences of chronic hypertension
of new-onset proteinuria and organ system (eg, renal insufficiency) from superimposed pre-
involvement from ischemia. Preeclampsia that eclampsia can also be challenging. The prog-
complicates chronic hypertension is classified nosis for the woman and for the fetus is worse
as superimposed preeclampsia.6 with superimposed preeclampsia than when
Physiologic adaptations of the cardiovascu- hypertension presents alone, which supports
lar system directed at meeting the increased an erroneous diagnosis of superimposed pre-
metabolic demands of pregnancy constitute a eclampsia when the underlying cause of organ
significant physiologic stressor that may reveal system dysfunction is unclear. Hypertensive

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disorders of pregnancy typically progress in levels precede the development of preeclampsia

severity as gestation advances. Gestational by weeks to months.6,13
hypertension can progress to preeclampsia Pathophysiologic consequences of decreased
within days to weeks, and preeclampsia may end-organ perfusion may be revealed through
manifest with severe features quickly. Appro- derangements in one or multiple organ sys-
priate management requires an understanding tems. Clinical manifestations of underlying
of the syndromic nature and pathophysiology organ system abnormalities that arise from
of the disease.6 placental ischemia and endothelial vascular
damage are not unique to preeclampsia.15
Pathophysiology Overexpression of the antiangiogenic proteins
Although the precise mechanism is unknown, sFlt-1 and sEng has an increased association
preeclampsia is believed to originate from a with endothelial dysfunction, myocardial dys-
complex interaction of maladaptive cardio- function, and other adverse cardiovascular
vascular and uteroplacental responses to outcomes in the general population.11,14 Endo-
pregnancy.10,11,13-16 In normal pregnancy, ade- thelial dysfunction plays a significant role in
quate uteroplacental perfusion depends on the pathophysiology of coronary artery dis-
normal physiologic development of the pla- ease, as with preeclampsia. The acute athero-
cental vascular system through trophoblast sis of the placental vasculature in pregnancies
invasion of the uterine spiral arteries. The complicated by preeclampsia is similar to ath-
placental vasculature is subsequently con- erosclerosis.6,15 Therefore, it is unclear whether
verted into a dilated, low-resistance system, antiangiogenic proteins cause endothelial dam-
through a process termed angiogenesis.11,17-19 age and myocardial dysfunction in preeclamp-
Early in pregnancy, the placenta develops sia or reflect cardiac dysfunction that becomes
under low oxygen tension. As the placenta evident with failure of cardiovascular system
matures and maternal blood invades the adaptations directed at meeting the increased
uterine spiral arteries, oxygen tension metabolic demands of pregnancy.16,27
increases, generating oxygen free radicals Perhaps the most significant cardiovascular
and initiation of lipid peroxidation. Fortu- physiologic adaptation in normal pregnancy
nately, antioxidants are upregulated to pre- is an increase in cardiac output, largely as a
vent oxidative damage.19 result of intravascular volume expansion.10,28,29
In preeclampsia, trophoblast invasion of Increased vascular compliance and decreased
uterine spiral arteries is shallow, which pro- systemic vascular resistance (SVR) accommo-
hibits dilation of the uterine spiral arteries. date the expanded intravascular volume and
The placenta is inadequately perfused as a contribute to uteroplacental blood flow and
result of the high-resistance state in the pla- increased maternal end-organ perfusion.28,30
cental vasculature.2,5,10,13,15,20,21 Reduced utero- Investigative reports on hemodynamic findings
placental perfusion likely generates oxygen in preeclampsia using invasive and noninvasive
free radicals in the intervillous space, and technology demonstrate large variability in
placental ischemia is further exacerbated by hemodynamic profiles.31-36 Hemodynamic pro-
diminished antioxidant activity.19,22 Leukocyte files range from elevated cardiac output with
adhesion to the endothelium and resultant decreased SVR to normal or decreased cardiac
neutrophil activation may contribute to vascu- output with increased SVR.37,38
lar injury and endothelial damage.23 Placental Different hemodynamic profiles in pre-
ischemia leads to the release of inflammatory eclampsia have been hypothesized to arise
and antiangiogenic factors into the systemic on the basis of the timing of disease onset.35,38,39
circulation, perpetuating widespread endo- Early-onset preeclampsia (before 34 weeks’
thelial dysfunction and decreased end-organ gestation) typically is associated with elevated
perfusion.4,5,20,24 Antiangiogenic proteins, such placental vascular resistance from poor pla-
as soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt-1) cental implantation and widespread endothelial
and soluble endoglin (sEng), antagonize pro- dysfunction as previously described.19,35,38,40
angiogenic proteins, such as vascular endo- Cardiac output is low with elevated SVR.41
thelial growth factor and placental growth Increased capillary permeability from endo-
factor.6,13-15,25,26 Increased circulating levels of thelial injury promotes a shift of fluids from
sFlt-1 and sEng and decreased placental growth the intravascular compartment to the inter-
factor and vascular endothelial growth factor stitium, decreasing intravascular volume and

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cardiac output.42 Late-onset preeclampsia creatinine > 1.1 mg/dL or doubling of serum
(after 34 weeks’ gestation) is associated with creatinine), pulmonary edema, or new-onset
predisposing cardiovascular or metabolic risk cerebral or visual disturbance (headache, sco-
factors. In this preeclampsia subset, the hemo- tomata, photopsia, diplopia, blurred vision,
dynamic profile varies from normal cardiac or amaurosis fugax).6,44
output with increased SVR to high cardiac Although not included in the diagnostic
output with low SVR secondary to compen- criteria for preeclampsia, persistent, severe
satory vasodilation to accommodate increased right upper quadrant (RUQ) or epigastric
blood flow.38,39 Some women may be unable pain is a significant finding in preeclampsia
to accommodate intravascular volume expan- because it may suggest impaired perfusion to
sion of pregnancy without developing hyper- the liver.45 Further evaluation for thrombocy-
tension.30 Autonomic adaptive response may topenia and elevated serum transaminases is
fail with progression of the disease process or indicated, and these laboratory abnormalities
impaired baseline cardiovascular function.10,43 may support the diagnosis of HELLP (hemo-
As a result, these women may develop fluid lysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet)
volume overload.10 syndrome. Whether HELLP syndrome is a
Whether preeclampsia predisposes women preeclampsia subtype or a separate disorder
to cardiovascular disease or manifests in is a subject of debate.46,47 Regardless, the diag-
women with a predisposition to cardiovascu- nostic criteria for preeclampsia encompass
lar disease is unclear.24,38 Early-onset preeclamp- features of HELLP syndrome, and appropri-
sia increases the risk of stroke 5-fold compared ate timing of delivery is similarly recom-
with later-onset preeclampsia, suggesting an mended for HELLP syndrome to optimize
accelerated course to severe cardiovascular maternal-fetal outcomes.22
and cerebrovascular disease from endothelial Once the diagnosis of preeclampsia is estab-
dysfunction.12 Despite normalization of blood lished, gestational age, maternal and fetal sta-
pressure typically by the sixth week postpar- tus, and/or progression in severity determines
tum, cardiac changes do not revert to the the appropriateness of expectant treatment
prepregnancy state.4 Asymptomatic left ven- versus delivery of the fetus.6 Women without
tricular cardiac dysfunction or hypertrophy severe features who are remote from term ges-
persists for a few years after delivery.38 Over- tation are often treated expectantly; antepar-
all, women with preeclampsia have a higher tum management focuses on close observation
risk of chronic hypertension, renal disease, for progression in organ system involvement.
and cardiovascular disease later in life.4 Absence of severe features supports delivery
of the fetus at 37 weeks of gestation.6,15,48
Progression in Severity However, the potentially catastrophic mater-
Hypertension is the central feature of pre- nal and fetal outcomes often necessitate pre-
eclampsia.6 Disturbances in hematologic, renal, term birth.49 In anticipation of preterm birth,
and hepatic systems are most frequently women with severe features should receive a
encountered.15 Preeclampsia is typically diag- 48-hour antenatal course of corticosteroids
nosed by new-onset hypertension (systolic (betamethasone or dexamethasone) to pro-
blood pressure of ≥ 140 mm Hg or diastolic mote fetal lung maturation and reduce other
blood pressure of ≥ 110 mm Hg) with pro- complications of prematurity, such as intra-
teinuria (≥ 300 mg protein in 24-hour urine ventricular hemorrhage or necrotizing entero-
specimen or protein-to-creatinine ratio of ≥ colitis. However, some complications warrant
0.3 mg/dL). Some women present with signs delivery after initiation and before completion
and symptoms consistent with multisystem of a full course of corticosteroids.
involvement that usually indicate disease sever- Eclampsia, pulmonary edema, disseminated
ity in the absence of proteinuria. Therefore, intravascular coagulation (DIC), severe hyper-
in the absence of proteinuria, preeclampsia is tension refractory to antihypertensive therapy,
diagnosed when one of the following severe abnormal fetal surveillance findings, and pla-
features accompanies new-onset hypertension: cental abruption are indications for delivery
thrombocytopenia (platelets < 100 000 per immediately after initial maternal stabilization,
microliter), impaired liver function (increased regardless of gestational age. Intrauterine fetal
serum transaminases twice their normal value), demise and nonviable fetus also are indications
new development of renal insufficiency (serum for delivery at an earlier gestational age because

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Table 2: : Indications for Preterm Delivery

Immediate deliverya following stabilization Delivery after 48 hours of antenatal corticosteroids

• Eclampsia • Persistent symptoms of severe disease
• Pulmonary edema • HELLP syndrome
• DIC • Significant renal dysfunction, excluding proteinuria
• Severe hypertension refractory to treatment • Intrauterine fetal growth restriction less than the fifth
• Abnormal fetal surveillance (inability to rule percentile
out fetal acidemia at the time of observation) • Reversal of umbilical artery end-diastolic flow
• Placental abruption • Any woman at 34 weeksʼ gestation who is stable with
• Nonviable fetus one of the following:
• Intrauterine fetal demise • Labor
• Rupture of membranes
• Fetal oligohydramnios or persistent biophysical profile
score of 6/10 or lessb
Abbreviations: DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation; HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets.
Immediate delivery incorporates supporting labor and vaginal birth. The mode of delivery is individualized for the specific circumstances.
Oligohydramnios or persistent biophysical profile score of 6/10 or less may indicate impaired uteroplacental perfusion. Abnormal fetal heart
rate parameters that could reflect fetal acidemia require delivery at any gestational age.

the risks to the woman of continuing the preg- A systematic review of 32 studies that
nancy outweigh any fetal benefit.6 Indications explored prediction of adverse outcomes of
for preterm delivery in the setting of preeclamp- preeclampsia revealed inconsistent results,
sia are summarized in Table 2.6 likely due to heterogeneity in study popula-
The decision to manage expectantly versus tions.52 Individual laboratory or clinical tests
deliver the fetus is challenged by the consid- were not clinically useful in prognosticating
erable variation in onset, clinical presentation, adverse outcome in this systematic review,
and severity of the disease, and data are scarce except for oxygen saturation less than 93%.
regarding identification of risk factors that Rather, combined abnormal assessment find-
predict progression from mild to severe presen- ings of headache, visual disturbances, elevated
tation.7 The need for evidence-based criteria aspartate aminotransferase, chest pain, or
that evaluate maternal risk for severe morbid- dyspnea and early gestational age were more
ity or mortality has led to development of mod- likely to identify risk for adverse outcome.
els to predict risk for adverse outcome. One Although delivery of the infant remains the
such model is the Preeclampsia Integrated only definitive treatment for preeclampsia,
Estimate of Risk (fullPIERS), which was devel- resolution is not immediate, and women
oped and validated to identify risk for life- may require critical care during the intrapar-
threatening complications of preeclampsia.50 tum and postpartum periods. A list of acute
The fullPIERS investigators concluded that complications of preeclampsia is provided
a combination of gestational age, chest pain in Table 3.7,53 Eclampsia, intracranial hemor-
or dyspnea, arterial hemoglobin oxygen satu- rhage, and pulmonary edema are the most
ration, platelet count, serum creatinine level, common complications of preeclampsia
and aspartate transaminase level predicted that predispose women to mortality and
adverse outcome within 48 hours of determi- severe morbidity.44,54-56
nation of eligibility of study participants. The
miniPIERS includes systolic blood pressure Acute Complications of
along with the parameters in fullPIERS and Preeclampsia
has demonstrated ability to identify maternal Eclampsia
risk for adverse outcome within 48 hours of Eclampsia is the most common neurologic
admission in low-resourced areas. The purpose complication of preeclampsia and is defined
of both these risk-prediction models is to iden- as convulsions or unexplained coma in a
tify women who would benefit most from woman with preeclampsia.15,28 Eclampsia
interventions, such as magnesium sulfate or complicates about 1 in 1000 deliveries in
antihypertensives, and/or transition to a higher the United States and can present before,
level of care.51 during, or after delivery.57,58 It manifests

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Table 3: Acute Complications of Table 4: Administration Guidelines for

Preeclampsia Magnesium Sulfate

• Maternal mortality Indications • Prophylaxis: severe features of

• Neurologic preeclampsia
• Eclampsia • Treatment: eclampsia
• Stroke
• Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome Loading dose • 4 to 6 g IV over 15 to 30 minutes
• Transient ischemic attack • Assessment
• Cardiopulmonary • Heart rate, respirations, BP, SaO2,
• Heart failure every 15 minutes for 2 hours
• Pulmonary edema • DTRs 1 hour after initiation of
• Hypertensive crisis loading dose
• Acute myocardial infarction or ischemia • Intake and output every 1 to 2 hours
• Need for inotropic support Maintenance • 2 g IV per hour
• Hepatic infusion • 1 g IV per hour may be indicated
• Subcapsular hematoma for abnormal renal function or oliguria
• Hepatic rupture • Assessment
• Hematologic • Heart rate, respirations, BP, SaO2,
• Postpartum hemorrhage every 1 to 2 hours
• Placental abruption • DTRs every 1 to 2 hours
• Disseminated intravascular coagulation • Intake and output every 1 to 2 hours
• Thrombocytopenia
• Ophthalmologic Additional • 2 g IV over 5 minutes
• Cortical blindness bolus dose
• Retinal detachment Suspected • Suspected: absent DTRs, decreased
• Uteroplacental toxicity level of consciousness, respiratory
• Intrauterine fetal growth restriction depression
• Abnormal Doppler studies • Confirmed: serum magnesium
• Intrauterine fetal death level > 7 mEq/L or > 8.4 mg/dL
• Renal • Discontinue infusion and obtain
• Acute kidney injury serum magnesium level
• Renal insufficiency • Calcium gluconate 1 g IV over
3 minutes

suddenly and often without premonitory symp- Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; DTRs, deep tendon reflexes; IV,
toms, which makes it difficult to predict. This intravenous; SaO2, oxygen saturation.

warrants seizure prophylaxis with magnesium

sulfate in women with severe features of pre- An intravenous (IV) loading dose of magne-
eclampsia.6,15,44,59,60 The etiology of eclampsia sium is required to increase serum levels,
is undetermined, but proposed mechanisms followed by a maintenance IV infusion to
include a cerebrovascular response to hyper- maintain a therapeutic serum magnesium
tension that leads to vasospasm, ischemia, level. The initial loading dose is typically
and intracellular edema; hyperperfusion administered as a 4- to 6-gram bolus IV
from loss of cerebral autoregulation with infusion over 15 to 30 minutes followed by
subsequent extracellular or vasogenic edema; a maintenance IV infusion of 1 to 2 gram
and cerebral edema from endothelial dam- per hour.22 The maintenance infusion should
age.15,44 Eclampsia is a severe feature that be continued during the intrapartum period
requires delivery of the infant following and for 24 hours after delivery.6 When initi-
maternal stabilization.6,44 ated in the postpartum period, magnesium
Although eclamptic seizure typically lasts sulfate typically is continued for 24 hours
only 1 to 2 minutes, up to 10% of women after initiation of the loading dose.44
experience recurrent seizures.22,61 Therefore, A serum magnesium level of 3 to 7 mEq/L
magnesium sulfate is indicated to prevent or 4.8 to 8.4 mg/dL is presumed to be thera-
repeated seizure activity before or during peutic. Recurrent seizure during the mainte-
exploration for other causes of seizure (eg, nance infusion of magnesium sulfate indicates
intracranial bleeding, severe hypoglycemia a subtherapeutic serum magnesium level and
or electrolyte imbalance, drug withdrawal).15,22 is typically treated with an additional 2-gram

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IV bolus. Administration guidelines are sum- or decreased uteroplacental perfusion.65 There-

marized in Table 4.6,22,45 Seizure activity that fore, acute antihypertensive treatment targets
is refractory to magnesium sulfate may require a threshold of 140 to 159 mm Hg systolic or
the administration of other anticonvulsant 90 to 100 mm Hg diastolic.3,6,63
medications, such as diazepam, midazolam, Acute antihypertensive treatment for severe,
or lorazepam.62 Use of additional anticonvul- acute hypertension in preeclampsia typically
sants increases the risk of apnea upon resolu- involves escalation of doses of IV hydralazine,
tion of the seizure and warrants preparation IV labetalol, or oral nifedipine until the target
for endotracheal intubation as soon as possi- blood pressure threshold is achieved. Admin-
ble after onset of seizure.15 istration of antihypertensive agents for acute,
Magnesium toxicity can produce central severe hypertension is summarized in Table
nervous depression, respiratory depression, 5.63 Although often the first-line treatment
and cardiopulmonary arrest that are associ- for hypertension in the general population,
ated with serum magnesium levels of greater angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors are
than 7 mEq/L, 10 mEq/L, and 25 mEq/L, not recommended during pregnancy because
respectively. Loss of deep tendon reflexes of the increased risk of fetal renal dysgenesis,
precedes respiratory depression and other oligohydramnios, and intrauterine growth
adverse system effects and warrants assess- restriction.28 Nicardipine, nitroglycerin, and
ment of deep tendon reflexes and respiratory sodium nitroprusside are reserved for severe
rate at least every 1 to 2 hours.22 Magnesium hypertension that is refractory to obstetric
is excreted by the kidneys, and impaired renal first-line antihypertensive agents. Decreased
function predisposes the woman to magne- preload and adverse fetal effects of decreased
sium toxicity. Therefore, urine output requires maternal cardiac output with the administra-
hourly measurement or with each void if an tion of nitroglycerin in the antepartum or
indwelling urinary retention catheter is not intrapartum period warrant fetal heart rate
inserted. Oliguria and/or elevated serum cre- evaluation. Sodium nitroprusside is typically
atinine may warrant a maintenance infusion reserved for postpartum administration or
of 1 g per hour to prevent magnesium toxic- for a limited duration prior to delivery because
ity. Immediate access to the antidote, calcium of concerns about fetal cyanide and thiocya-
gluconate, is an additional precaution against nate toxicity.37
magnesium toxicity. When magnesium toxic-
ity is suspected or confirmed, 1 gram of cal- Pulmonary Edema
cium gluconate should be administered IV Pulmonary edema is the most common car-
over 3 minutes.45 diopulmonary complication of preeclampsia.
It occurs in about 3% of women with pre-
Intracranial Hemorrhage eclampsia and is a severe feature of the dis-
About 90% of strokes in preeclampsia are ease.38,66 A multicenter case-control study of
hemorrhagic, resulting from pressure-induced women with preeclampsia during hospital-
capillary rupture of the cerebral vasculature.44 ization for delivery in 2 Toronto hospitals
Cerebral hemorrhage from uncontrolled, severe evaluated risk factors for pulmonary edema.67
hypertension is the leading cause of death in Women with laboratory markers consistent
women with preeclampsia, prompting nation- with severe features of preeclampsia, specifi-
ally recognized guidelines for antihypertensive cally thrombocytopenia and elevated serum
therapy for hypertensive emergencies.44,54,55,63,64 uric acid concentration, were at higher risk
Severe, acute hypertension is defined as either for developing pulmonary edema.
systolic blood pressure of ≥ 160 mm Hg or Administration of magnesium sulfate
diastolic blood pressure of ≥ 110 mm Hg, was associated with more than a 10-fold
sustained for 15 minutes.55,56,63,64 Immediate increase in the risk for developing pulmo-
treatment, within 30 to 60 minutes of onset nary edema. Magnesium sulfate is indicated
of severe hypertension, is directed at reduc- for seizure prophylaxis for those who man-
ing the risk of intracranial hemorrhage and ifest with severe features of preeclampsia;
other end-organ complications, primarily pla- thus, the investigators concluded that mag-
cental abruption and pulmonary edema.63,64 nesium sulfate was a marker of preeclamp-
An abrupt decline in blood pressure may pre- sia severity rather than a direct contributor
cipitate decreased maternal cerebral perfusion to pulmonary edema because of the low

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Table 5: Administration of First-Line Antihypertensives for Acute, Severe Hypertension

Establish and confirm acute, severe hypertension
• Assess BP every 5 minutes for 15 minutes
• Sustained systolic BP 160 mm Hg OR diastolic 110 mm Hg for 15 minutes
• Initiate fetal monitoring if undelivered
• Initiate first-line antihypertensive in accordance with providerʼs order immediately (within 30 to 60 minutes)
or immediately notify provider if an order needs to be obtained
First-line antihypertensive
• Administer antihypertensive in escalating doses as noted below until BP is no longer in severe range:
Target threshold: systolic BP 140-159 mm Hg and diastolic BP 90-100 mm Hg
• Assess BP 10 minutes after each dose of labetalol
• Assess BP 20 minutes after each dose of hydralazine or nifidepine

IV Hydralazine IV Labetalol Oral Nifedipine

1. Initial dose: 5-10 mg 1. Initial dose: 20 mg 1. Initial dose: 10 mg
2. Subsequent dose: 10 mg 2. Subsequent dose: 40 mg 2. Subsequent dose: 20 mg
3. Labetalol 20 mg 3. Subsequent dose: 80 mg 3. Subsequent dose: 20 mg
4. Labetalol 40 mg 4. Hydralazine 10 mg 4. Labetalol 40 mg
Interventions when medication is effective in treating blood pressure
• Assess BP every 10 minutes x 1 hour, every 15 minutes x 1 hour, every 30 minutes x 1 hour, every 4 hours
• Confirm orders for subsequent severe elevation (ie, start with initial dose versus dose previously effective
in lowering blood pressure)
• Notify provider of dose required to lower blood pressure and obtain additional orders
Intervention for severe hypertension that is refractory to treatment:
• Obtain emergency consultation: MFM, internal medicine, anesthesia, or critical care

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; IV, intravenous; MFM, maternal-fetal medicine.

volume of magnesium sulfate infusions in presentation and treatment of cardiogenic

this study population. pulmonary edema in women with preeclamp-
Preventive measures include judicious sia are similar to those in the general popula-
administration of IV fluid at a rate of 75 to tion, and most women respond to intravenous
125 mL per hour during labor and the first furosemide and fluid restriction. Antepartum
12 to 24 hours after delivery.42 However, treatment of pulmonary edema often requires
varying hemodynamic profiles of preeclamp- evaluation of the fetal heart rate because of
sia present challenges in fluid management. the risk of decreased uteroplacental perfusion
Intravascular volume depletion and decreased if intravascular volume status becomes com-
colloid oncotic pressure from increased capil- promised.38 Pulmonary edema that is unre-
lary permeability predispose women to non- sponsive to initial treatment with diuresis
cardiogenic pulmonary edema.38,67 Decreased and inspired oxygen warrants further diag-
circulating blood volume may negatively nostic evaluation to determine the etiology,
affect cardiac output, producing hypotension which will guide further management.42
or impairing fetal oxygenation because of
decreased uteroplacental perfusion. Intravas- Hemorrhagic Complications
cular volume expansion for epidural-mediated Preeclampsia is associated with an increased
hypotension or oliguria or intrauterine fetal risk of hemorrhagic complications, including
supportive measures may be required before DIC.52 Hypertension is a well-established risk
or during delivery.42 Alternatively, increased factor for placental abruption, increasing the
cardiac afterload and left ventricular dysfunc- risk 5-fold compared with pregnancies with-
tion predispose women to cardiogenic pulmo- out hypertension.68 Shallow trophoblastic
nary edema.38,67 These women may require IV invasion of uterine spiral arteries and subse-
fluid restriction or inotropic support. Mobili- quent poor placental implantation predispose
zation of interstitial fluids after delivery further women with preeclampsia to premature sepa-
contributes to the risk of pulmonary edema ration of the placenta (placental abruption),
in the postpartum period.42 Clinical likely as a result of decidual necrosis from

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placental ischemia.24 Disseminated intravascu- hemorrhagic complication, such as placen-

lar coagulation occurs in 10% of placental tal abruption or postpartum hemorrhage.72
abruptions.69 Endothelial disruption that Decreased renal perfusion arises from intra-
accompanies placental abruption promotes vascular volume depletion, increased after-
the release of tissue factor, which is abundant load, or renal artery vasoconstriction.
in placental tissue, into the maternal circula- Oliguria is typically the first sign of renal
tion, thereby activating widespread imbalance compromise. Management should be deter-
between procoagulants and anticoagulants mined by the etiology.
that can lead to DIC.69,70 Placental abruption In a report by Clark and colleagues,31 pul-
and DIC that are severe enough to cause monary artery catheterization in 9 preeclamp-
intrauterine fetal death are associated with tic women with oliguria that failed to respond
more extensive depletion of coagulation fac- to an initial IV fluid challenge revealed 3
tors, which increases the risk of profound hemodynamic subsets. Most of the women
hemorrhage. Abnormal fetal heart rate typi- were determined to be oliguric from intravascu-
cally prompts emergency delivery.71 Signifi- lar volume depletion, as evidenced by decreased
cant blood loss may not be evident before pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP),
delivery if blood pools behind the site of pla- elevated cardiac output, and moderately ele-
cental detachment, and the amount of blood vated SVR. In this subset, oliguria resolved
loss may not be fully appreciated after deliv- with intravascular volume expansion. A few
ery. Therefore, postpartum onset of hypoten- women in the second subset had normal or
sion or blood pressure that appears to have elevated PCWP and cardiac output with nor-
normalized from an elevated baseline may mal SVR and were determined to have selec-
reflect hemodynamic instability that accompa- tive renal artery vasoconstriction. Oliguria
nies hemorrhage. Hemodynamic stabilization resolved in this subset with vasodilator therapy
should include evaluation of complete blood and preload reduction. One woman had mark-
count and coagulation profile with anticipa- edly elevated PCWP and SVR with depressed
tion that blood and blood component therapy cardiac output. She required fluid restriction
may be necessary to promote hemodynamic and aggressive afterload reduction. Oliguria
stability and correct coagulopathy.45 may be a consequence of anemia from blood
Hepatic rupture is a life-threatening com- loss. Evaluation of complete blood count and
plication of preeclampsia. Decreased perfusion coagulation profile is warranted when oliguria
to the liver may lead to hepatic infarction fails to respond to an initial IV fluid challenge.
with potential progression to subcapsular Red blood cell transfusion may be necessary.
hematoma from portal capillary rupture Renal replacement therapy is rarely required
beneath the Glisson capsule and subsequent but may be used to correct fluid volume over-
hepatic rupture, or hemorrhage into the load unresponsive to diuretics, azotemia, and
peritoneal cavity. The most common clinical electrolyte and acid-base abnormalities.72
manifestation of hepatic rupture is profound
hypovolemic shock that is often preceded by Summary
shoulder pain or severe epigastric or RUQ Variation in the clinical presentation of
pain. Aggressive hemodynamic support, includ- preeclampsia and progression in severity
ing blood and blood component therapy, and presents challenges in accurately identifying
surgical intervention are warranted. The clini- risk factors for adverse outcome. Manage-
cal manifestation of persistent, severe epigastric ment is determined by early identification
or RUQ pain that is accompanied by eleva- of preeclampsia, particularly onset of severe
tion in serum transaminases in the woman features, and gestational age. The potentially
with preeclampsia may indicate decreased devastating maternal and fetal outcomes
hepatic perfusion and may present an indica- often necessitate preterm delivery. Delivery
tion for delivery owing to concerns about remains the only definitive treatment. The
subcapsular hematoma or hepatic rupture.15 progressive and dynamic nature of the disease
process requires vigilant assessment for onset
Acute Kidney Injury of severe features and stabilizing treatment
Acute kidney injury is a rare complication during the antepartum, intrapartum, and
of preeclampsia and is typically associated postpartum periods. Complications from
with an underlying medical condition or preeclampsia remain a significant contributor

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Preeclampsia: Acute Complications and Management Priorities
Patricia M. Witcher
AACN Adv Crit Care 2018;29 316-326 10.4037/aacnacc2018710
©2018 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses
Published online http://acc.aacnjournals.org/

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