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Clauses of memorandum [Section 26 to 29]

Name clause
Public Company "Limited”
Private Company "(Private) Limited"
Single Member Company “(SMC-Private) Limited”
Guarantee Limited Company (Guarantee) Limited"
Unlimited Company “Unlimited”

Special resolution is required for the alteration of name clause.

Registered Office Clause
This clause shall state the Province or the part of Pakistan not forming part of a Province, as the
case may be, in which the registered office of the company is to be situated
Example: If the company proposes to have a registered office in Lahore, they will write in their
memorandum that ‘the registered office of the company shall be situated in province of Punjab’,
However if the company will have a registered office in Islamabad, it would write that ‘the
registered office of the company shall be situated in Islamabad’ reason being that Islamabad is
capital territory and it is a part of Pakistan that does not for part of any province
Principal line of business clause
“Principal line of business” means the business in which substantial assets are held or likely to be
held or substantial revenue is earned or likely to be earned by a company, whichever is higher.
A company may carry on or undertake any lawful business or activity and do any act or enter
into any transaction being incidental and ancillary thereto which is necessary in attaining its
business activities. However, the principal line of business of the company shall be mentioned in
the memorandum of association of the company which shall always commensurate with name of
the company.

Example: A proposed company’s principal line of business is manufacture and sale of textile
products. One of the subscribers to memorandum has suggested name “TSF Consultancy
Limited”. The name is not appropriate since it does not commensurate with the principal line of
business clause.
A company shall not engage in a business which is:
a) prohibited by any law for the time being in force in Pakistan; or
b) restricted by any law, rules or regulations, unless necessary license, registration,
permission or approval has been obtained or compliance with any other condition has
been made.
Liability clause
In case of a company limited by shares and limited by guarantee, the liability clause states that
‘the liability of the members is limited’.
In case of an unlimited company, the liability clause states that ‘the liability of the members is
In case of a company limited by guarantee, an additional sentence is added to clarify the extent
of liabilities of the members of that company in the event of its being wound up.
Authorised capital clause (only for companies having share capital)
This clause contains the amount of share capital with which the company proposes to be
registered, and the division thereof into shares of a fixed amount. This is the maximum number
of shares that can be subscribed.
Example: The authorised capital clause may be: “The authorised capital of the company shall be
Rs. 10 million divided into 1 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each.”
In the same clause, every subscriber of the memorandum is required to agree at least one share in
the share capital of the company.
Each subscriber is required to write opposite to his name the number of shares he has agreed to
take in the share capital of the company.
Undertaking / Subscription clause
The company shall add an undertaking, as may be specified by the SECP, in their memorandum.
All of the above clauses are undertaken to be abide by, by the subscribers of the memorandum,
as they are the first members of the company, they write as follows:
“We, the several persons whose names and addresses are subscribed, are desirous of being
formed into a company, in pursuance of the memorandum of association, and we respectively
agree to take the number of shares in the capital of the company set opposite our respective

Memorandum to be printed, signed and dated [Section 31]

The memorandum shall be:
a) printed in the manner generally acceptable;
b) divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively;
c) signed by each subscriber, who shall add his present name in full, his occupation and
father‘s name or, in the case of a married woman or widow, her husband‘s or deceased
husband‘s name in full, his nationality and his usual residential address and such other
particulars as may be specified, in the presence of a witness who shall attest the signature
and shall likewise add his particulars; and
d) dated.

Contents of articles – Table A
The following is list of contents of Table A:
 Business
 Shares
 Transfer and Transmission of Shares
 Form for Transfer of Shares
 Bank Account Details of Transferee for Payment of Cash Dividend
 Transmission of Shares
 Alteration of Capital
 General Meetings
 Notice and Proceedings of General Meetings
 Votes of Members
 Instrument of Proxy
 Directors
 Powers and Duties of Directors
 Minute Books
 The Seal
 Disqualification of Directors
 Proceedings of Directors
 Filling of Vacancies
 Dividends and Reserve
 Accounts
 Notices
 Winding Up
 Indemnity
Articles to be printed, signed and dated [Section 37]
The articles shall be:
a) printed in the manner generally acceptable;
b) divided into paragraphs numbered consecutively;
c) signed by each subscriber, who shall add his present name in full, his occupation and
father‘s name or, in the case of a married woman or widow, her husband‘s or deceased
husband‘s name in full, his nationality and his usual residential address and such other
particulars as may be specified, in the presence of a witness who shall attest the signature
and shall likewise add his particulars; and
d) dated.

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